public override List<NiveisDescendentes> get_NiveisDescendentes(long IDNivel, long IDTrustee, IDbConnection conn) {
            List<NiveisDescendentes> result = new List<NiveisDescendentes>();

            try {
                string query = string.Format(" FROM RelacaoHierarquica WHERE IDUpper = {0} AND isDeleted = 0 ", IDNivel);
                PermissoesRule.Current.GetEffectiveReadPermissions(query, IDTrustee, conn);

                query = string.Format(@"
                    SELECT nfilho.ID, 
                    tnr.Codigo AS Codigo_TipoNivelRelacionado, 
                    tnr.Designacao AS Designacao_TipoNivelRelacionado,
                    d.Termo Termo_Estrutural_Filho
                    FROM Nivel n
                    INNER JOIN #effective E ON e.IDNivel = n.ID
                    INNER JOIN RelacaoHierarquica rh ON rh.IDUpper = n.ID AND rh.isDeleted = 0
                    INNER JOIN Nivel nfilho ON nfilho.ID = rh.ID AND nfilho.isDeleted = 0
                    LEFT JOIN NivelDesignado ndf ON ndf.ID = nfilho.ID AND ndf.isDeleted = 0
                    INNER JOIN TipoNivelRelacionado tnr ON tnr.ID = rh.IDTipoNivelRelacionado AND tnr.isDeleted = 0

                    LEFT JOIN NivelControloAut nca ON nca.ID = nfilho.ID AND nca.isDeleted = 0
                    LEFT JOIN ControloAutDicionario cad ON cad.IDControloAut = nca.IDControloAut AND cad.IDTipoControloAutForma = 1 AND cad.isDeleted = 0
                    LEFT JOIN Dicionario d ON d.ID = cad.IDDicionario AND d.isDeleted = 0

                    WHERE n.ID = {0}  AND n.isDeleted = 0 AND E.Ler = 1 ",
                    IDNivel, IDTrustee);

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, (SqlConnection)conn);
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read()) {
                    NiveisDescendentes ndesc = new NiveisDescendentes();
                    ndesc.IDNivelPai = IDNivel;
                    ndesc.IDNivel = reader.GetInt64(0);
                    ndesc.TipoNivel = reader.GetInt64(1);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(4))
                        ndesc.Termo_Estrutural_Filho = reader.GetString(4);
                    ndesc.geracao = 0;


            catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); throw; }

            return result;
         * Fecho transitivo (para descendentes):
        public override List<NiveisDescendentes> get_All_NiveisDescendentes(long IDNivelTopo, long IDTrustee, IDbConnection conn) {
            List<NiveisDescendentes> result = new List<NiveisDescendentes>();
            try {

                string query = string.Format(@"
                    WITH Descs (ID, IDUpper, gen) AS (
	                    SELECT ID, IDUpper, 0 AS gen
	                    FROM RelacaoHierarquica 
	                    WHERE IDUpper  = {0} AND isDeleted = 0
	                    UNION ALL
	                    SELECT rh.ID, rh.IDUpper, gen + 1
	                    FROM RelacaoHierarquica rh
	                        INNER JOIN Descs d ON d.ID = rh.IDUpper
                        WHERE rh.isDeleted = 0

                    SELECT DISTINCT ID, IDUpper, gen 
                    INTO #Descs
                    FROM Descs", IDNivelTopo);
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, (SqlConnection)conn);

                PermissoesRule.Current.GetEffectiveReadPermissions(" FROM #Descs ", IDTrustee, conn);

                query = @"
                    SELECT DISTINCT d.ID, d.IDUpper, 
                        tnr.Codigo AS Codigo_TipoNivelRelacionado, 
                        tnr.Designacao AS Designacao_TipoNivelRelacionado,
                        dict.Termo Termo_Estrutural_Filho,
                    FROM #Descs d
                        INNER JOIN #effective E ON E.IDNivel = d.ID
                        INNER JOIN RelacaoHierarquica rh ON rh.ID = d.ID AND rh.isDeleted = 0
                        INNER JOIN Nivel n ON n.ID = rh.ID AND n.isDeleted = 0
                        INNER JOIN TipoNivelRelacionado tnr ON tnr.ID = rh.IDTipoNivelRelacionado AND tnr.isDeleted = 0
                        LEFT JOIN NivelControloAut nca ON nca.ID = d.ID AND nca.isDeleted = 0
                        LEFT JOIN ControloAutDicionario cad ON cad.IDControloAut = nca.IDControloAut AND cad.IDTipoControloAutForma = 1 AND cad.isDeleted = 0
                        LEFT JOIN Dicionario dict ON dict.ID = cad.IDDicionario AND dict.isDeleted = 0
                    WHERE E.Ler = 1 
                    ORDER BY d.IDUpper, d.ID";

                command.CommandText = query;
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read()) {
                    NiveisDescendentes ndesc = new NiveisDescendentes();
                    ndesc.IDNivelPai = reader.GetInt64(1);
                    ndesc.IDNivel = reader.GetInt64(0);
                    ndesc.TipoNivel = reader.GetInt64(2);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(4))
                        ndesc.Termo_Estrutural_Filho = reader.GetString(3);
                    ndesc.geracao = reader.GetInt32(6);



                command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE #Descs";
            catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); throw; }

            return result;