public void GetSearchCondition() { SearchCondition = ""; if (CheckBox_NewsID.Checked) { if (PageValidate.IsNumber(TextBox_NewsID.Text)) { SearchCondition += " and newsid=" + Convert.ToInt32(TextBox_NewsID.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "请输入正确的新闻ID"); return; } } if (CheckBox_NewsName.Checked) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox_NewsName.Text)) { SearchCondition += " and title like '%" + TextBox_NewsName.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "%'"; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "请输入新闻标题"); return; } } if (CheckBox_Category.Checked) { bool test; NewsCategoryModel model = NewsCategorySelect1.GetSelectedRegionInfo(out test); if (model != null) { SearchCondition += " and dbo.GetNewsCategoryPath(cateid)+'/' like dbo.GetNewsCategoryPath(" + model.CateID + ")+'/%'"; if (!CheckBox_Category.Checked) { CheckBox_Category.Checked = true; } string CategoryPath = new NewsCategoryModelBll().GetPath(model.CateID); //CategoryPath = CategoryPath.Contains("/") ? CategoryPath.Substring(0, CategoryPath.LastIndexOf("/")) : CategoryPath; NewsCategorySelect1.PresetRegionInfo(CategoryPath); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择分类"); return; } } }
protected void Button_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isEndCate = false; int SelectedParentCategoryID = NewsCategorySelect1.GetSelectedRegionInfo(out isEndCate).CateID; string strErr = String.Empty; if (TextBox_Title.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻标题不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_Author.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻作者不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_NewsFrom.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻来源不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_Tags.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻标签不能为空!\\n"; } if (!isEndCate) { strErr += "新闻不能添加在非末级分类下!\\n"; } if (strErr != String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(this, strErr); return; } int NewsID = CommDataHelper.GetNewSerialNum("ne"); NewsModel model = new NewsModel(); model.NewsId = NewsID; model.Title = TextBox_Title.Text; model.SubTitle = TextBox_SubTitle.Text; model.Author = TextBox_Author.Text; model.From = TextBox_NewsFrom.Text; model.CategoryID = SelectedParentCategoryID; model.Tags = TextBox_Tags.Text; model.Brief = TextBox_Brief.Text; model.Content = TextBox_Content.Text; model.InsertTime = DateTime.Now; model.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; model.ProductId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox_ProductID.Text) ? "0" : TextBox_ProductID.Text; model.NewsType = 1; model.Status = 1; model.ImageUrl = ""; model.SmallImageUrl = ""; model.VideoUrl = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload_Image.FileName)) { string ImageUrl = String.Empty; if (NewsImageRule.SaveNewsImage(NewsID, FileUpload_Image.PostedFile, out ImageUrl)) { model.ImageUrl = ImageUrl; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "图片上传失败,请检查格式及大小是否正确。"); return; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload_Video.FileName)) { string VideoUrl = String.Empty; if (NewsVideoRule.SaveNewsVideo(NewsID, FileUpload_Video.PostedFile, out VideoUrl)) { model.VideoUrl = VideoUrl; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "视频上传失败,请检查格式及大小是否正确。"); return; } } bll.Add(model); PageControler.Publish(6, true); Response.Redirect("List.aspx"); }
protected void Button_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewsModel model = bll.GetModel(NewsID); bool IsEndClass; int SelectedParentCategoryID = NewsCategorySelect1.GetSelectedRegionInfo(out IsEndClass).CateID; string strErr = String.Empty; if (TextBox_Title.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻标题不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_Author.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻作者不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_NewsFrom.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻来源不能为空!\\n"; } if (TextBox_Tags.Text == String.Empty) { strErr += "新闻标签不能为空!\\n"; } if (!IsEndClass) { strErr += "新闻不能添加在非末级分类下!\\n"; } if (strErr != String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(this, strErr); return; } model.Title = TextBox_Title.Text; model.SubTitle = TextBox_SubTitle.Text; model.Author = TextBox_Author.Text; model.From = TextBox_NewsFrom.Text; model.CategoryID = SelectedParentCategoryID; model.Tags = TextBox_Tags.Text; model.Brief = TextBox_Brief.Text; model.Content = TextBox_Content.Text; model.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; model.ProductId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox_ProductID.Text) ? "0" : TextBox_ProductID.Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload_Image.FileName)) { string ImageUrl = String.Empty; if (NewsImageRule.SaveNewsImage(NewsID, FileUpload_Image.PostedFile, out ImageUrl)) { model.ImageUrl = ImageUrl; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "图片上传失败,请检查格式及大小是否正确。"); return; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload_Video.FileName)) { string VideoUrl = String.Empty; if (NewsVideoRule.SaveNewsVideo(NewsID, FileUpload_Video.PostedFile, out VideoUrl)) { model.VideoUrl = VideoUrl; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "视频上传失败,请检查格式及大小是否正确。"); return; } } bll.Update(model); PageControler.Publish(6, true); Response.Redirect("List.aspx?page=" + CurrentPageIndex); }