protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = RequestData.Get <string>("op"); id = RequestData.Get <string>("id"); typeid = RequestData.Get <string>("TypeId"); JsonString = RequestData.Get <string>("JsonString"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { ent = News.Find(id); } switch (RequestActionString) { case "update": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonString)) { News tempEnt = JsonHelper.GetObject <News>(JsonString); EasyDictionary dic = JsonHelper.GetObject <EasyDictionary>(JsonString); DataHelper.MergeData <News>(ent, tempEnt, dic.Keys); ent.SaveAndFlush(); } else { ent = this.GetMergedData <News>(); ent.HomePagePopup = RequestData.Get <string>("HomePagePopup"); ent.SaveAndFlush(); if (RequestData["param"] + "" == "tj") { PageState.Add("rtnId", ent.Id); } } InsertCompetence(ent.Id, ent.ReceiveDeptId, ent.ReceiveDeptName); break; case "create": ent = this.GetPostedData <News>(); ent.HomePagePopup = RequestData.Get <string>("HomePagePopup"); ent.AuthorId = UserInfo.UserID; ent.AuthorName = UserInfo.Name; ent.SaveTime = DateTime.Now; ent.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; ent.State = "0"; ent.CreateAndFlush(); if (RequestData["param"] + "" == "tj") { //ent.State = "1"; //提交流程 PageState.Add("rtnId", ent.Id); } InsertCompetence(ent.Id, ent.ReceiveDeptId, ent.ReceiveDeptName); break; case "submit": StartFlow(id); break; case "autoexecute": Task[] tasks = Task.FindAllByProperties(Task.Prop_WorkflowInstanceID, this.RequestData.Get <string>("FlowId")); if (tasks.Length == 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); tasks = Task.FindAllByProperties(Task.Prop_WorkflowInstanceID, this.RequestData.Get <string>("FlowId")); } if (tasks.Length > 0) { PageState.Add("TaskId", tasks[0].ID); string AuditUserId = RequestData.Get <string>("AuditUserId"); string AuditUserName = RequestData.Get <string>("AuditUserName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AuditUserId)) { Aim.WorkFlow.WorkFlow.AutoExecute(tasks[0], new string[] { AuditUserId, AuditUserName }); } else { PageState.Add("error", "自动提交申请人失败,请手动提交"); } } else { PageState.Add("error", "自动提交申请人失败,请手动提交"); } break; case "submitfinish": string ApproveResult = RequestData.Get <string>("ApproveResult"); ent = News.Find(id); ent.WFState = "End"; ent.WFResult = ApproveResult; ent.PostUserId = UserInfo.UserID; ent.PostUserName = UserInfo.Name; if (ApproveResult == "同意") { ent.State = "2"; } ent.PostTime = DateTime.Now; ent.Update(); break; default: DoSelect(); break; } if (op != "c" && op != "cs") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { ent = News.Find(id); typeid = ent.TypeId; if (RequestData.Get <string>("InFlow") == "T") { sql = @"select * from Task where PatIndex('%" + ent.Id + "%',EFormName)>0 and Status='4' order by FinishTime asc"; IList <EasyDictionary> taskDics = DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql); PageState.Add("Opinion", taskDics); string taskId = RequestData.Get <string>("TaskId");//取审批暂存时所填写的意见 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskId)) { Task tEnt = Task.Find(taskId); if (tEnt.Status != 4 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tEnt.Description)) { PageState.Add("UnSubmitOpinion", tEnt.Description); } } } } SetFormData(ent); } else { sql = "select DeptId,ChildDeptName,ParentId,ParentDeptName,len(Path) LenPath from dbo.View_SysUserGroup where UserId='" + UserInfo.UserID + "' and Type=2"; DataTable dtt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); if (dtt.Rows.Count > 0) { var DeptInfo = new { groupId = dtt.Rows[0]["DeptId"] + "", groupName = dtt.Rows[0]["ChildDeptName"] + "", deptId = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentId"] + "", deptName = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentDeptName"] + "" }; PageState.Add("DeptInfo", DeptInfo); } } sql = "select Id,TypeName from NewsType where TypeName!='图片新闻'and TypeName!='视频新闻'"; PageState.Add("NewsTypeEnum", DataHelper.QueryDict(sql, "Id", "TypeName")); }