//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Hostname { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Domain { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Username { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Password { get; set; }
        #endregion Parameters

//        internal string rDPProtocolFile = @"screen mode id:i:1
//use multimon:i:0
//session bpp:i:32
//connection type:i:7
//disable wallpaper:i:0
//allow font smoothing:i:0
//allow desktop composition:i:0
//disable full window drag:i:1
//disable menu anims:i:1
//disable themes:i:0
//disable cursor setting:i:0
//autoreconnection enabled:i:1
//authentication level:i:0
//prompt for credentials:i:0
//negotiate security layer:i:1
//alternate shell:s:
//shell working directory:s:
//use redirection server name:i:0

        protected override void BeginProcessing()
            NewRemoteDesktopProtocolFileCommand command =
                new NewRemoteDesktopProtocolFileCommand(this);


//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "full address:s:" +
//                this.Hostname +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "username:s:" +
//                this.Username +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "domain:s:" +
//                this.Domain +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "password 51:b:" +
//                //this.EncryptPassword(this.Password) +
//                //RijndaelSettings.Encrypt(this.Password) +
//                DataProtectionForRDPWrapper.Encrypt(this.Password) +
//                "\r\n";
//            try {
//                System.IO.StreamWriter writer =
//                    new System.IO.StreamWriter(this.Path);
//                writer.Write(this.rDPProtocolFile);
//                writer.Flush();
//                writer.Close();
//                this.WriteObject(this, this.Path);
//            }
//            catch (Exception eWriter) {
//                this.WriteError(
//                    this,
//                    "Failed to create an RDP file '" +
//                    this.rDPProtocolFile +
//                    "'." +
//                    eWriter.Message,
//                    "FailedToCreateFile",
//                    ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation,
//                    true);
//            }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Hostname { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Domain { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Username { get; set; }
//        [UiaParameterNotUsed][Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
//        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
//        public string Password { get; set; }
        #endregion Parameters
//        internal string rDPProtocolFile = @"screen mode id:i:1
//use multimon:i:0
//session bpp:i:32
//connection type:i:7
//disable wallpaper:i:0
//allow font smoothing:i:0
//allow desktop composition:i:0
//disable full window drag:i:1
//disable menu anims:i:1
//disable themes:i:0
//disable cursor setting:i:0
//autoreconnection enabled:i:1
//authentication level:i:0
//prompt for credentials:i:0
//negotiate security layer:i:1
//alternate shell:s:
//shell working directory:s:
//use redirection server name:i:0
        protected override void BeginProcessing()
            NewRemoteDesktopProtocolFileCommand command =
                new NewRemoteDesktopProtocolFileCommand(this);
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "full address:s:" +
//                this.Hostname +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "username:s:" +
//                this.Username +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "domain:s:" +
//                this.Domain +
//                "\r\n";
//            this.rDPProtocolFile +=
//                "password 51:b:" +
//                //this.EncryptPassword(this.Password) +
//                //RijndaelSettings.Encrypt(this.Password) +
//                DataProtectionForRDPWrapper.Encrypt(this.Password) +
//                "\r\n";
//            try {
//                System.IO.StreamWriter writer =
//                    new System.IO.StreamWriter(this.Path);
//                writer.Write(this.rDPProtocolFile);
//                writer.Flush();
//                writer.Close();
//                this.WriteObject(this, this.Path);
//            }
//            catch (Exception eWriter) {
//                this.WriteError(
//                    this,
//                    "Failed to create an RDP file '" +
//                    this.rDPProtocolFile +
//                    "'." +
//                    eWriter.Message,
//                    "FailedToCreateFile",
//                    ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation,
//                    true);
//            }