////modified: ashim:25'July2018 Updated as per HAMS requirement YYMM000001 and incremental
        //public static string GetPatientCode(int patientNo, string connString)

        //    try
        //    {
        //        CoreDbContext coreDbContext = new CoreDbContext(connString);
        //        ParameterModel parameter = coreDbContext.Parameters
        //            .Where(a => a.ParameterName == "HospitalCode")
        //            .FirstOrDefault<ParameterModel>();
        //        if (parameter != null)
        //        {
        //            JObject paramValue = JObject.Parse(parameter.ParameterValue);
        //            return (string)paramValue["HospitalCode"] + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy") + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM") + String.Format("{0:D6}", patientNo);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            throw new Exception("Invalid Paramenter Hospital Code");
        //        }

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        //    }

        public static PatientModel GetPatientModelFromPatientVM(GovInsurancePatientVM govPatientVM, string connString, PatientDbContext patDbContext)
            //PatientModel retPat = new PatientModel();

            //GovInsurancePatientVM abc = new GovInsurancePatientVM()
            //    PatientId = 0,
            //    PatientNo = 0,
            //    PatientCode = null,
            //    FirstName = govPatientVM.FirstName,
            //    MiddleName = govPatientVM.MiddleName,
            //    LastName = govPatientVM.LastName,
            //    Age = govPatientVM.Age,
            //    Gender = govPatientVM.Gender,
            //    DateOfBirth = govPatientVM.DateOfBirth,
            //    Address = govPatientVM.Address,
            //    CountryId = govPatientVM.CountryId,
            //    CountrySubDivisionId = govPatientVM.CountrySubDivisionId,
            //    CountrySubDivisionName = govPatientVM.CountrySubDivisionName,
            //    MembershipTypeId = 0,
            //    PhoneNumber = govPatientVM.PhoneNumber

            PatientModel retPat = new PatientModel()
                PatientId        = 0,
                PatientNo        = 0,
                PatientCode      = null,
                FirstName        = govPatientVM.FirstName,
                MiddleName       = govPatientVM.MiddleName,
                LastName         = govPatientVM.LastName,
                PatientNameLocal = govPatientVM.PatientNameLocal,
                Age                    = govPatientVM.Age,
                Gender                 = govPatientVM.Gender,
                DateOfBirth            = govPatientVM.DateOfBirth,
                Address                = govPatientVM.Address,
                CountryId              = govPatientVM.CountryId,
                CountrySubDivisionId   = govPatientVM.CountrySubDivisionId,
                CountrySubDivisionName = govPatientVM.CountrySubDivisionName,
                MembershipTypeId       = 0,
                PhoneNumber            = govPatientVM.PhoneNumber,
                IsActive               = govPatientVM.IsActive

            NewPatientUniqueNumbersVM newPatientNumber = DanpheEMR.Controllers.PatientBL.GetPatNumberNCodeForNewPatient(connString);

            retPat.PatientNo   = newPatientNumber.PatientNo;
            retPat.PatientCode = newPatientNumber.PatientCode;

            if (retPat.MembershipTypeId == null || retPat.MembershipTypeId == 0)
                var membership = patDbContext.MembershipTypes.Where(i => i.MembershipTypeName == "General").FirstOrDefault();
                retPat.MembershipTypeId = membership.MembershipTypeId;

        //sud:10Apr'19--To centralize patient creation logic across the application.
        // we needed to generate PatientNumber and PatientCode based on parameters so..
        public static NewPatientUniqueNumbersVM GetPatNumberNCodeForNewPatient(string connString)
            NewPatientUniqueNumbersVM retValue = new NewPatientUniqueNumbersVM();
            int    newPatNo   = 0;
            string newPatCode = "";

            PatientDbContext patientDbContext = new PatientDbContext(connString);
            var maxPatNo = patientDbContext.Patients.DefaultIfEmpty().Max(p => p == null ? 0 : p.PatientNo);

            newPatNo = maxPatNo.Value + 1;

            string patCodeFormat = "YYMM-PatNum"; //this is default value.
            string hospitalCode  = "";            //default empty

            CoreDbContext coreDbContext = new CoreDbContext(connString);

            List <ParameterModel> allParams = coreDbContext.Parameters.ToList();

            ParameterModel patCodeFormatParam = allParams
                                                .Where(a => a.ParameterGroupName == "Patient" && a.ParameterName == "PatientCodeFormat")
                                                .FirstOrDefault <ParameterModel>();

            if (patCodeFormatParam != null)
                patCodeFormat = patCodeFormatParam.ParameterValue;

            ParameterModel hospCodeParam = allParams
                                           .Where(a => a.ParameterName == "HospitalCode")
                                           .FirstOrDefault <ParameterModel>();

            if (hospCodeParam != null)
                hospitalCode = hospCodeParam.ParameterValue;

            if (patCodeFormat == "YYMM-PatNum")
                newPatCode = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy") + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM") + String.Format("{0:D6}", newPatNo);
            else if (patCodeFormat == "HospCode-PatNum")
                newPatCode = hospitalCode + newPatNo;
            else if (patCodeFormat == "PatNum")
                newPatCode = newPatNo.ToString();

            retValue.PatientNo   = newPatNo;
            retValue.PatientCode = newPatCode;
