        SkiRun activeSkiRun = new SkiRun("Skiers");  //Makes an instance of the SkiRun class so we can call methods we need for creating competitors for example.

        #region Clearing Text
        private void ClearText()                       //Clears the text and unchecks the radio buttons for the next competitor.
            NewNameTextBox.Clear();                    //Clears the new name text box for the next competitor.
            NewCompetitorAddressTextBox.Clear();       //Clears the new address text box for the next competitor.
            SponsorTextBox.Clear();                    //Cleas the sponsor text box for the next competitor.
            BloodTypeTextBox.Text = "";                //Clears the chosen blood type for the next competitor.
            NextOfKinTypeTextBox.Clear();              //Clears the next of kin text box for the next competitor.
            AgeTextBox.Clear();                        //Clears the age text box is the user decided to input their age.
            AmateurRadioButton.IsChecked      = false; //Unchecks the amateur radio button at the start of making a new competitor.
            ProfessionalRadioButton.IsChecked = false; //Unchecks the professional radio button at the start of making a new competitor.
            CelebrityRadioButton.IsChecked    = false; //Unchecks the celebrity radio button at the start of making a new competitor.
 public RenameDialog(String initialValue)
     NewNameTextBox.Text = initialValue;