        private void BatchFolderButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            foreach (var foldername in OldNameFolders)
                // each filename
                string newFoldername = foldername.Value;
                foldername.BatchState    = "Success";
                foldername.FailedActions = "Failed Actions List:\n";
                bool isSuccess = true;

                foreach (var action in _actions)
                        newFoldername = action.ActionProcess(newFoldername, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        isSuccess = false;
                        foldername.FailedActions += action.Description + "\n";
                foldername.NewFoldername = newFoldername;
                if (!isSuccess)
                    foldername.BatchState = "Fail";
        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
                string path    = FolderPath.Get(context);
                string newname = NewFolderName.Get(context);
                //string oldname = FolderName.Get(context);
                //int len = oldname.Length;

                // string filepath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

                if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    // string newpath = path.Remove(path.Length - len, len);
                    string dirpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                    string newpath = dirpath + "\\" + newname;

                    if (isOverride == true)
                        if (Directory.Exists(newpath) && !(path.Equals(newpath)))
                            Directory.Delete(newpath, true);

                    Directory.Move(path, newpath);
                    Log.Logger.LogData("Folder does not exist in path - " + path + " in activity Folder_Rename", LogLevel.Error);
                    if (!ContinueOnError)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Folder_Rename", LogLevel.Error);
                if (!ContinueOnError)
        private void TraverseDirectoryTree(string root)
            StreamWriter MetadataTable = null;
            StreamWriter CountsTable = null;
            int          errorCount = 0, copyCount = 0, deleteCount = 0, extractCount = 0, tableCount = 0;

            lostTagCount = 0;
            Stack <string> dirs  = new Stack <string>(100);
            List <string>  files = new List <string>();

            if (!Directory.Exists(root))
                throw new ArgumentException("Specified root directory doesn't exist: " + root);
            while (dirs.Count > 0)
                string currentDir = dirs.Pop();

                string[] subDirs;
                try { subDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(currentDir); }
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { continue; }
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { continue; }
                foreach (string str in subDirs)
                }                                                                               // Push subdirectories on stack for traversal.

                string[] DICOMFiles = null;
                try { DICOMFiles = Directory.GetFiles(currentDir, "*.dcm"); }
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { continue; }
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { continue; }
                foreach (string file in DICOMFiles)
            }             // while dirs.Count > 0

            //Processing; could technically be split off into a separate fuuuuunctionnnnnn
            //but i don't give a shit
            bool DoSimpleParse = !(checkBoxCreateMetadataTable.Checked || checkBoxExtractMetadata.Checked);

            List <StudyObject> StudyFiles = new List <StudyObject>();

            int maxFiles = files.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxFiles; i++)
                float progress = ((float)(i + 1) / maxFiles);
                labelProgressBar.Text       = string.Format("Processing file {0} of {1} ({2:p0})", i + 1, maxFiles, progress);
                progressBarDICOMFiles.Value = (int)Math.Floor(progress * 100);
                Application.DoEvents();                 //keeps GUI alive by returning control to OS thread

                string     DICOMFile = files[i];
                string     NewFolderName, NewFileName, StudyTime, PatientName, StudyDate, PatientID;
                int        nFrames;
                DICOM.File dcf = null;
                {                 //Take and open file, extract metadata
                    dcf         = new DICOM.File(DICOMFile, DoSimpleParse);
                    PatientName = TagValueOrDefault(0x00100010, dcf.Tags);
                    PatientID   = TagValueOrDefault(0x00100020, dcf.Tags);
                    StudyDate   = TagValueOrDefault(0x00080023, dcf.Tags);
                    StudyTime   = TagValueOrDefault(0x00080033, dcf.Tags);
                    if (!DoSimpleParse)
                        nFrames = int.Parse(TagValueOrDefault(0x00280008, dcf.Tags, "1"));
                        nFrames = ((new FileInfo(DICOMFile).Length / 1024) > 811) ? 125 : 1;
                    }                                                                                                 //single-image files are always 811KB big, so 811 * 1024 bytes; 125 frames is max and an assumption...

                    switch (comboBoxCopyMode.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:                             //Both

                    case 1:                             //Images only
                        if (nFrames > 1)

                    case 2:                             //Videos only
                        if (nFrames < 2)

                    NewFolderName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", StudyDate, PatientID, PatientName);
                    foreach (char c in InvalidPathChars)
                        NewFolderName = NewFolderName.Replace(c.ToString(), "");
                    }                                                                                                                     //sanitize path input
                    foreach (char c in new char[] { '/', '\\', '?' })
                        NewFolderName = NewFolderName.Replace(c.ToString(), "-");
                    }                                                                                                                                   //these aren't in InvalidPathChars since they're allowed in (full) paths
                    if (comboBoxExportMode.SelectedIndex == 1)
                        NewFolderName = PatientID.ToLowerInvariant() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + NewFolderName;
                    if (comboBoxExportMode.SelectedIndex == 2)
                        NewFolderName = "";
                    }            //no subfolders
                }                // try
                catch (FileNotFoundException) { errorCount++; continue; }

                if (checkBoxExportPerStudyCounts.Checked || checkBoxCreateMetadataTable.Checked)
                    StudyObject obj         = new StudyObject();
                    string[]    FolderSplit = DICOMFile.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                    obj.Folder      = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), FolderSplit.Take(FolderSplit.Length - 1));
                    obj.File        = FolderSplit.Skip(FolderSplit.Length - 1).ToArray()[0];
                    obj.PatientID   = PatientID;
                    obj.PatientName = PatientName;
                    obj.StudyDate   = StudyDate;
                    obj.StudyTime   = StudyTime;
                    obj.nFrames     = (short)nFrames;
                    obj.NewFolder   = NewFolderName;

                DirectoryInfo OutputFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text, NewFolderName));
                if (checkBoxCopyAndRename.Checked || checkBoxExtractMetadata.Checked)
                    //prepare receiving folder
                    if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolder.FullName))
                        try { Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputFolder.FullName); }
                        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                            MessageBox.Show("Cannot gain access to " + textBoxOutputDirectory.Text + ". Please select another directory or run as administrator.");
                    }                    //if FolderName doesn't exist

                if (checkBoxCopyAndRename.Checked)
                    //Ensure numbering is consistent and continuous
                    int nPictures = 1, nVideos = 1;
                    //HACK to ensure Image/Video numbers are study-specific even if no subfolders are being used - previous code searched *.dcm responding to ALL files from ALL studies
                    string searchStr = string.Format("{0}_*_{1}_*.dcm", StudyDate, PatientID, PatientName);
                    foreach (char c in new char[] { '/', '\\', '?' })
                        searchStr = searchStr.Replace(c.ToString(), "-");
                    }                                                                                                                           //these are invalid as f**k for files
                    foreach (char c in InvalidFileChars)
                        searchStr.Replace(c.ToString(), "");
                    FileInfo[] ExistingFiles = OutputFolder.GetFiles(searchStr);

                    nPictures  += ExistingFiles.Where(n => n.Name.Contains("Image")).Count();
                    nVideos    += ExistingFiles.Where(n => n.Name.Contains("Video")).Count();
                    NewFileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.dcm", StudyDate, StudyTime, PatientID, PatientName, (nFrames > 1 ? ("Video" + nVideos) : ("Image" + nPictures)));
                    foreach (char c in new char[] { '/', '\\', '?' })
                        NewFileName = NewFileName.Replace(c.ToString(), "-");
                    }                                                                                                                               //these are invalid as f**k for files
                    foreach (char c in InvalidFileChars)
                        NewFileName.Replace(c.ToString(), "");

                    //Copy File, Test File, if there's a request, Delete File
                    string NewFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder.FullName, NewFileName);
                    if (File.Exists(NewFilePath))
                    {                     //Need to change name not to overwrite; safety first
                        int fileCount = OutputFolder.GetFiles(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(NewFileName) + "*").Length + 1;
                        NewFileName = string.Format("{0}({1}){2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(NewFileName), fileCount, Path.GetExtension(NewFileName));
                        NewFilePath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder.FullName, NewFileName);
                    }                     //File.Exists(NewFilePath)

                        File.Copy(DICOMFile, NewFilePath);
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { MessageBox.Show("Access denied for export directory. Please select another directory or restart as administrator."); return; }
                    catch (IOException ioe) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected IO Exception: " + ioe.Message); }

                    if (checkBoxCheckAndDeleteAfterCopy.Checked)
                        if (TestFileEquality(new FileInfo(DICOMFile), new FileInfo(NewFilePath)))
                    }            //checkBoxCheckAndDeleteAfterCopy.Checked
                }                //if checkboxCopyAndRename.Checked

                if (checkBoxExtractMetadata.Checked)
                    using (StreamWriter metadataFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder.FullName, "metadata.txt"), true))
                        metadataFile.WriteLine("Metadata extracted from " + DICOMFile + "\nTag\tValue");
                        foreach (DICOM.Tag tag in dcf.Tags)
                            metadataFile.WriteLine(tag.Name + "\t" + tag.Value);
                        }                                                                                                                    //TODO something fucky here.
                }        //if checkboxExtractMetadata.Checked
            }            //foreach DICOMFile

            if (checkBoxCreateMetadataTable.Checked)
                MetadataTable = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm") + "_DICOMFilesMetadata-Table.txt"), false);
                MetadataTable.WriteLine("Filename\tPatient ID\tPatient Name\tStudy Date\tStudy Time\tData Type\tFrames");
                foreach (var obj in StudyFiles)
                    MetadataTable.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}", Path.Combine(obj.Folder, obj.File), obj.PatientID, obj.PatientName, obj.StudyDate, obj.StudyTime, (obj.nFrames > 1 ? "Movie" : "Image"), obj.nFrames));

            if (checkBoxExportPerStudyCounts.Checked)
                HashSet <string> DataFolders = new HashSet <string>(StudyFiles.Select(x => x.Folder));

                CountsTable = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm") + "_DICOMFiles-DataPerStudyTable.txt"), false);
                CountsTable.WriteLine("Full Path\tStudy\tImages\tVideos");
                foreach (var DataFolder in DataFolders)
                    HashSet <string> Studies = new HashSet <string>(StudyFiles.Where(x => x.Folder == DataFolder).Select(x => x.NewFolder));
                    foreach (var Study in Studies)
                        IEnumerable <StudyObject> Members = StudyFiles.Where(x => (x.NewFolder == Study && x.Folder == DataFolder));
                        CountsTable.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", DataFolder, Study, Members.Count(y => y.nFrames <= 1), Members.Count(y => y.nFrames > 1)));

            //Generating success message to user
            string Report        = "Operation(s) completed successfully\n";
            string LostTagReport = lostTagCount > 0 ? lostTagCount + " values could not found and defaulted to 'undefined'.\n" : "";

            if (checkBoxCopyAndRename.Checked)
                Report += copyCount + " files copied and renamed. " + LostTagReport;
            if (checkBoxCheckAndDeleteAfterCopy.Checked)
                Report += deleteCount + " files deleted.\n";
            if (checkBoxExtractMetadata.Checked)
                Report += "Metadata extracted for " + extractCount + " files. " + LostTagReport;
            if (checkBoxCreateMetadataTable.Checked)
                Report += tableCount + " files processed for metadata table. " + LostTagReport;
            progressBarDICOMFiles.Value = 100;
            MessageBox.Show(Report, "DICOM processing complete.");
        }         // TraverseDirectoryTree