private void NewFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //this.Controls.Clear(); NewFileCommand newFile = new NewFileCommand(this.editor); newFile.Execute(); }
public ImageController(IImageServiceModal modal) { imageModal = modal; // Storing the Modal Of The System commands = new Dictionary <int, ICommand>() { }; commands[0] = new NewFileCommand(modal); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EditorControl"/> class. /// </summary> public EditorControl() { SaveAsCommand = new SaveAsCommand(this); SaveCommand = new SaveCommand(this); OpenFileCommand = new OpenFileCommand(this); NewFileCommand = new NewFileCommand(this); InsertImageCommand = new InsertImageCommand(this); }
/// <summary> /// ImageController constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="modal"> the service modal</param> public ImageController(IImageServiceModal modal) { m_modal = modal; // Storing the Modal Of The System NewFileCommand nfc = new NewFileCommand(m_modal); commands = new Dictionary <int, ICommand>() { { 1, nfc } }; }
/// <summary> /// ImageController constructor from IImageServiceModal (that actually handles the image). /// </summary> /// <param name="modal"> IImageServiceModal the handles pictures </param> public ImageController(IImageServiceModal modal, ILoggingService loggingService) { imageModal = modal; // Storing the Modal Of The System commands = new Dictionary <int, ICommand>() { }; commands[0] = new NewFileCommand(modal); commands[1] = new GetConfigCommand(); commands[2] = new LogCommand(loggingService); }
/// <summary> /// Create a commands dictionary. /// </summary> private void CreateDictionary() { ICommand commandValue = new NewFileCommand(_modal); int commandKey = (int)CommandEnum.NewFileCommand; // Match values and keys: _commandsDict = new Dictionary <int, ICommand>() { { commandKey, commandValue } }; }
public IDE(string args) { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; Defaults(); if (args.Contains("--test")) { NewFileCommand.Execute(null); } }
private void ToolbarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { switch ((sender as FrameworkElement).Tag.ToString().Replace("toolbar.", "")) { case "new": NewFileCommand.Execute(null); break; case "open": OpenFileCommand.Execute(null); break; case "save": SaveFileCommand.Execute(null); break; case "cut": CutCommand.Execute(null); break; case "copy": CopyCommand.Execute(null); break; case "paste": PasteCommand.Execute(null); break; case "build": BuildRunCommand.Execute(false); break; case "buildrun": BuildRunCommand.Execute(true); break; case "close": CloseTabCommand.Execute(null); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Contructs a new image controller object. /// </summary> /// <param name="modal">The image service modal the controller will controll.</param> public ImageController(IImageServiceModal modal) { MyModal = modal; // Storing the Modal Of The System CommandDictionary = new Dictionary <int, ICommand>(); NewFileCommand file = new NewFileCommand(MyModal); LogCommand logger = new LogCommand(); CloseCommand close = new CloseCommand(); GetConfigCommand conf = new GetConfigCommand(); GetStatsCommand stats = new GetStatsCommand(); //link new file command with stats command file.InformNewFile += stats.PhotoAdded; close.InformClose += conf.HandlerRemoved; //close.inform_close += logger.OnLogChange; //TODO: check this file.InformNewFile += logger.OnLogChange; CommandDictionary.Add((int)CommandEnum.NewFileCommand, file); CommandDictionary.Add((int)CommandEnum.LogCommand, logger); CommandDictionary.Add((int)CommandEnum.CloseCommand, close); CommandDictionary.Add((int)CommandEnum.GetConfigCommand, conf); }
private void WCDoAction(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var action = (sender as TextBlock).Tag as string; if (action == null) { return; } switch (action) { default: if (action.StartsWith("recent ")) { action = action.Replace("recent ", ""); OpenCodeFile(action); ChangeViewMode(showEnvironment: true); //actualización de archivos recientes. var recentFiles = VoltaSettings.RecentFiles; recentFiles.Remove(action); recentFiles.Insert(0, action); VoltaSettings.RecentFiles = recentFiles; } break; case "openFile": OpenFileCommand.Execute(null); break; case "newFile": NewFileCommand.Execute(null); break; case "about": SLDlgShow(nameof(DlgAbout)); break; } }
public MainWindowViewModel() { OpenedTabs = new ObservableCollection <ScriptTab>(); NewFileCommand = new NewFileCommand(OpenNewFileTab); OpenFileCommand = new OpenFileCommand(OpenFile); }
private void RemoveFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewFileCommand newFile = new NewFileCommand(this.editor); newFile.Execute(); }
private void BtnNewFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) => NewFileCommand.Execute(null);