/// <summary>
        /// This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors
        /// to the Tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors
        /// to the Tree.  After calling this, each of the non-leaf nodes will
        /// have the node vector and the predictions of their classes
        /// assigned to that subtree's node.  The annotations filled in are
        /// the RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector, Predictions, and
        /// PredictedClass.  In general, PredictedClass will be the most
        /// useful annotation except when training.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual void ForwardPropagateTree(Tree tree)
            SimpleMatrix nodeVector;
            // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null;
            SimpleMatrix classification;

            // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null;
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
                // We do nothing for the leaves.  The preterminals will
                // calculate the classification for this word/tag.  In fact, the
                // recursion should not have gotten here (unless there are
                // degenerate trees of just one leaf)
                log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: We reached leaves in forwardPropagate: " + tree);
                throw new AssertionError("We should not have reached leaves in forwardPropagate");
                if (tree.IsPreTerminal())
                    classification = model.GetUnaryClassification(tree.Label().Value());
                    string       word       = tree.Children()[0].Label().Value();
                    SimpleMatrix wordVector = model.GetWordVector(word);
                    nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(wordVector);
                    if (tree.Children().Length == 1)
                        log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Non-preterminal nodes of size 1: " + tree);
                        throw new AssertionError("Non-preterminal nodes of size 1 should have already been collapsed");
                        if (tree.Children().Length == 2)
                            string       leftCategory  = tree.Children()[0].Label().Value();
                            string       rightCategory = tree.Children()[1].Label().Value();
                            SimpleMatrix W             = model.GetBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                            classification = model.GetBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                            SimpleMatrix leftVector     = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[0]);
                            SimpleMatrix rightVector    = RNNCoreAnnotations.GetNodeVector(tree.Children()[1]);
                            SimpleMatrix childrenVector = NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(leftVector, rightVector);
                            if (model.op.useTensors)
                                SimpleTensor tensor    = model.GetBinaryTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory);
                                SimpleMatrix tensorIn  = NeuralUtils.Concatenate(leftVector, rightVector);
                                SimpleMatrix tensorOut = tensor.BilinearProducts(tensorIn);
                                nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(W.Mult(childrenVector).Plus(tensorOut));
                                nodeVector = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(W.Mult(childrenVector));
                            log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Tree not correctly binarized: " + tree);
                            throw new AssertionError("Tree not correctly binarized");
            SimpleMatrix predictions = NeuralUtils.Softmax(classification.Mult(NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(nodeVector)));
            int          index       = GetPredictedClass(predictions);

            if (!(tree.Label() is CoreLabel))
                log.Info("SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: No CoreLabels in nodes: " + tree);
                throw new AssertionError("Expected CoreLabels in the nodes");
            CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel)tree.Label();

            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.Predictions), predictions);
            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.PredictedClass), index);
            label.Set(typeof(RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector), nodeVector);
        private void ForwardPropagateTree(Tree tree, IList <string> words, IdentityHashMap <Tree, SimpleMatrix> nodeVectors, IdentityHashMap <Tree, double> scores)
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
            if (tree.IsPreTerminal())
                Tree         wordNode   = tree.Children()[0];
                string       word       = wordNode.Label().Value();
                SimpleMatrix wordVector = dvModel.GetWordVector(word);
                wordVector        = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(wordVector);
                nodeVectors[tree] = wordVector;
            foreach (Tree child in tree.Children())
                ForwardPropagateTree(child, words, nodeVectors, scores);
            // at this point, nodeVectors contains the vectors for all of
            // the children of tree
            SimpleMatrix childVec;

            if (tree.Children().Length == 2)
                childVec = NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(nodeVectors[tree.Children()[0]], nodeVectors[tree.Children()[1]]);
                childVec = NeuralUtils.ConcatenateWithBias(nodeVectors[tree.Children()[0]]);
            if (op.trainOptions.useContextWords)
                childVec = ConcatenateContextWords(childVec, tree.GetSpan(), words);
            SimpleMatrix W = dvModel.GetWForNode(tree);

            if (W == null)
                string error = "Could not find W for tree " + tree;
                if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                throw new NoSuchParseException(error);
            SimpleMatrix currentVector = W.Mult(childVec);

            currentVector     = NeuralUtils.ElementwiseApplyTanh(currentVector);
            nodeVectors[tree] = currentVector;
            SimpleMatrix scoreW = dvModel.GetScoreWForNode(tree);

            if (scoreW == null)
                string error = "Could not find scoreW for tree " + tree;
                if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                throw new NoSuchParseException(error);
            double score = scoreW.Dot(currentVector);

            //score = NeuralUtils.sigmoid(score);
            scores[tree] = score;