public void nextTurn() { if (!isServer) { print("Rerouting next turn call through local player Command"); localPlayer.CmdNextTurn(); return; } turnsPlayed += 1; print("Next turn"); }
public void nextTurn() { if (!isServer) { PrintLogger.printLog("GameManager (client): Ended turn as player " + localPlayer.ID); localPlayer.CmdNextTurn(); return; } // currentTurnIsPositive alternates every turn and again if even playerCount and round : P,N,|N,P currentTurnIsPositive = activePlayerCount % 2 == 0 && currentRound % 2 == 0 ? (turnsPlayed + 1) % 2 == 1 : turnsPlayed % 2 == 1; turnsPlayed += 1; currentPlayer = (turnsPlayed + 1) % activePlayerCount; // Go through the players round-robin style: PrintLogger.printLog("GameManager (server): Next turn"); }