public static void NetrixiSpellCast()
        // Netrixi casts her first spell
        if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition1[0] && NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition1[1])
            print("Netrixi casts her first spell");

            // Make Netrixi attack in game
            if (firstAttack != 0)
                hasRunSimulation = false;

                if (secondAttack == 0)
                    if (firstAttack != 1)
                        secondAttack = 1;
                        print("Can't choose the same move twice");
                firstAttack = 1;


        // Netrixi casts her second spell
        if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition2[0] && NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition2[1])
            print("Netrixi casts her second spell");

            // Make Netrixi attack in game
            if (firstAttack != 0)
                hasRunSimulation = false;

                if (secondAttack == 0)
                    if (firstAttack != 2)
                        target2Location = NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiRotation;
                        secondAttack    = 2;
                        print("Can't choose the same move twice");
                target1Location = NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiRotation;
                firstAttack     = 2;


        // Netrixi casts her third spell
        if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition3[0] && NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition3[1] && NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition3[2] && NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition3[3])
            print("Netrixi casts her third spell");

            // Make Netrixi attack in game
            if (firstAttack != 0)
                hasRunSimulation = false;

                if (secondAttack == 0)
                    if (firstAttack != 3)
                        secondAttack = 3;
                        print("Can't choose the same move twice");
                firstAttack = 3;


        // Netrixi moves
        if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition4[0])
            // If Netrixi moves to the left
            if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition4[1])
                print("Netrixi moves to the left");

                // Make Netrixi move in game
                if (firstAttack != 0)
                    hasRunSimulation = false;

                    if (secondAttack == 0)
                        secondAttack = 10;
                    firstAttack = 10;


            // If Netrixi moves to the right
            if (NetrixiCombatScript.netrixiCondition4[2])
                print("Netrixi moves to the right");

                // Make Netrixi move in game
                if (firstAttack != 0)
                    hasRunSimulation = false;

                    if (secondAttack == 0)
                        secondAttack = 11;
                    firstAttack = 11;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

        firstAttack  = 0;
        secondAttack = 0;

        netrixiAttacks = false;
        folkvarAttacks = false;
        ivAttacks      = false;


        isNetrixi = true;
        isFolkvar = true;
        isIv      = true;

        roundNumber = 1;

        // Determine which characters are in the scene
        netrixiAlive = true;
        if (GameManagerScript.folkvarInParty)
            folkvarAlive = true;
            folkvarAlive = false;
        if (GameManagerScript.ivInParty)
            ivAlive = true;
            ivAlive = false;

        // Determine which enemies are in the scene
        enemy1Alive = true;
        if (EnemyManagerScript.enemy2 == "null")
            enemy2Alive     = false;
            canEnemy2Attack = false;
            enemy2Alive = true;

        if (EnemyManagerScript.enemy3 == "null")
            enemy3Alive     = false;
            canEnemy3Attack = false;
            enemy3Alive = true;

        playerAttacking1 = false;
        playerAttacking2 = false;
        enemyAttacking1  = false;
        enemyAttacking2  = false;

        // Reset any transformed enemies
        if (!canEnemy1Attack)
            NetrixiAttackScript.enemy1Transformed = false;
        if (!canEnemy2Attack)
            NetrixiAttackScript.enemy2Transformed = false;
        if (!canEnemy3Attack)
            NetrixiAttackScript.enemy3Transformed = false;

        canEnemy1Attack = true;
        canEnemy2Attack = true;
        canEnemy3Attack = true;

        // If only Netrixi is present in the scene
        //if (netrixiAlive && !folkvarAlive && !ivAlive) netrixiAttacks = true;

        win  = false;
        lose = false;

        hasWon  = false;
        hasLost = false;

        enemy1StartingHP = enemy1HP;
        enemy2StartingHP = enemy2HP;
        enemy3StartingHP = enemy3HP;
    public IEnumerator RunSimulation(int playerFirstAttack, int playerSecondAttack, string enemyFirstAttack, string enemySecondAttack, GameObject runner)
        CombatManagerScript.netrixiAttacks = false;
        CombatManagerScript.folkvarAttacks = false;
        CombatManagerScript.ivAttacks      = false;

        // FIRST ATTACK
        yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(moveDelay));

        // Check to see if any Main Characters move for their first attack
        CheckForPlayerMovement(playerFirstAttack, 1);
        // If any Main Characters did move for their first attack
        if (didPlayerMove1)
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(moveDelay));

        // Check to see if any Enemy Characters move for their first attack
        CheckForEnemyMovement(enemyFirstAttack, 1);
        // If any Enemy Characters did move for their first attack
        if (didEnemyMove1)
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(moveDelay));

        // Check to see what the player's first attack is
        if (!didPlayerMove1)
            AttackScript.PlayerAttack(playerFirstAttack, 1);
            CombatManagerScript.playerAttacking1 = true;

            AttackScript.enemyAttack = !AttackScript.enemyAttack;

            // Wait for attack animation to play
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(attack1Delay));

        // Check to see what the enemy's first attack is
        if (!didEnemyMove1)
            AttackScript.EnemyAttack(enemyFirstAttack, 1, enemyAttacker1);
            CombatManagerScript.enemyAttacking1 = true;

            AttackScript.playerAttack = !AttackScript.playerAttack;

            // Wait for attack animation to play
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(attack1Delay));

        // SECOND ATTACK

        // Check to see if any Main Characters move for their second attack
        CheckForPlayerMovement(playerSecondAttack, 2);
        // If any Main Characters did move for their second attack
        if (didPlayerMove2)
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(moveDelay));

        // Check to see if any Enemy Characters move for their second attack
        CheckForEnemyMovement(enemySecondAttack, 2);
        // If any Enemy Characters did move for their second attack
        if (didEnemyMove2)
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(moveDelay));

        // Check to see what the player's second attack is
        if (!didPlayerMove2)
            AttackScript.PlayerAttack(playerSecondAttack, 2);
            CombatManagerScript.playerAttacking2 = true;

            AttackScript.enemyAttack = !AttackScript.enemyAttack;

            // Wait for attack animation to play
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(attack2Delay));

        // Check to see what the enemy's second attack is
        if (!didEnemyMove2)
            AttackScript.EnemyAttack(enemySecondAttack, 2, enemyAttacker2);
            CombatManagerScript.enemyAttacking2 = true;

            AttackScript.playerAttack = !AttackScript.playerAttack;

            // Wait for attack animation to play
            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(attack2Delay));

        // Reset variables once simulation is finished
        CombatManagerScript.firstAttack  = 0;
        CombatManagerScript.secondAttack = 0;


        CombatManagerScript.roundNumber += 1;

        CombatManagerScript.playerAttacking1 = false;
        CombatManagerScript.playerAttacking2 = false;
        CombatManagerScript.enemyAttacking1  = false;
        CombatManagerScript.enemyAttacking2  = false;

        CombatManagerScript.target1Location = 0;
        CombatManagerScript.target2Location = 0;


        didPlayerMove1 = false;
        didPlayerMove2 = false;
        didEnemyMove1  = false;
        didEnemyMove2  = false;

        // If only one character is alive
        //if (CombatManagerScript.netrixiAlive && !CombatManagerScript.folkvarAlive && !CombatManagerScript.ivAlive) CombatManagerScript.netrixiAttacks = true;
        //if (!CombatManagerScript.netrixiAlive && CombatManagerScript.folkvarAlive && !CombatManagerScript.ivAlive) CombatManagerScript.folkvarAttacks = true;
        //if (!CombatManagerScript.netrixiAlive && !CombatManagerScript.folkvarAlive && CombatManagerScript.ivAlive) CombatManagerScript.ivAttacks = true;
