/// <summary>
        /// Get all adapters in the system.
        /// For the NDIS_MEDIUM enumeration: 0 - NdisMedium802_3; 16 - NdisMediumNative802_11
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO> GetAdapters()
            uint errno;
            uint adapterCnt;
            List <NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO> adapters = new List <NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO>();

            if (this.captureEngineHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                errno = NetmonAPI.NmGetAdapterCount(this.captureEngineHandle, out adapterCnt);
                if (errno == 0)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < adapterCnt; i++)
                        NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = new NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO();
                        adapterInfo.Size = (ushort)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NM_NIC_ADAPTER_INFO));

                        errno = NetmonAPI.NmGetAdapter(this.captureEngineHandle, i, ref adapterInfo);
                        if (errno == 0)
                            //Only take Ethernet or 802.11 wireless adapters.
                            if (adapterInfo.MediaType == 0 || (uint)adapterInfo.MediaType == 16)
                            throw new Exception("NmGetAdapter() failed. Error=" + errno);
