public override void dayUpdate(int dayOfMonth) { isSleepingOnFarmerBed.Value = false; UpdateSleepingOnBed(); base.DefaultPosition = new Vector2(54f, 8f) * 64f; Sprite.loop = false; base.Breather = false; if (Game1.isRaining) { CurrentBehavior = 2; warpToFarmHouse(Game1.player); } else if (base.currentLocation is FarmHouse) { setAtFarmPosition(); } if (base.currentLocation is Farm && Game1.IsMasterGame) { if ((base.currentLocation as Farm).petBowlWatered.Value) { friendshipTowardFarmer.Set(Math.Min(1000, friendshipTowardFarmer.Value + 6)); } (base.currentLocation as Farm).petBowlWatered.Set(newValue: false); } Halt(); CurrentBehavior = 1; grantedFriendshipForPet.Set(newValue: false); _OnNewBehavior(); Sprite.UpdateSourceRect(); }
public int recolorSkin(int which, bool force = false) { if (force) { skin.Value = -1; } skin.Set(which); return(which); }
public void load(int which) { Dictionary <int, string> dictionary = Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\hats"); if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(which)) { which = 0; } string[] split = dictionary[which].Split('/'); Name = split[0]; if (split[2] == "hide") { hairDrawType.Set(2); } else if (Convert.ToBoolean(split[2])) { hairDrawType.Set(0); } else { hairDrawType.Set(1); } if (skipHairDraw) { skipHairDraw = false; hairDrawType.Set(0); } if (split.Length > 4) { string[] specialTags = split[4].Split(' '); foreach (string a in specialTags) { if (a == "Prismatic") { isPrismatic.Value = true; } } } ignoreHairstyleOffset.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(split[3]); base.Category = -95; }
/// <summary> /// A method called via Harmony after the constructor for <see cref="Farmer" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="___currentToolIndex">The private field currentToolIndex of the <see cref="Farmer" /> instance.</param> private static void AfterConstructor(NetInt ___currentToolIndex) { ___currentToolIndex.Set(-1); }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { invincibleCountdown = 1000; chargingMonster = false; if (!(currentLocation is SlimeHutch)) { foreach (NPC npc in currentLocation.characters) { if (npc is Familiar) { continue; } if (npc is Monster && FamiliarsUtils.withinMonsterThreshold(this, (Monster)npc, 2)) { chargingMonster = true; if (currentTarget == null || Vector2.Distance(npc.position, position) < Vector2.Distance(currentTarget.position, position)) { currentTarget = (Monster)npc; } } } } if (attackState.Value == 1) { IsWalkingTowardPlayer = false; Halt(); } else if (withinPlayerThreshold() && followingOwner) { if (withinPlayerThreshold(1)) { Halt(); } else { IsWalkingTowardPlayer = true; } } else { IsWalkingTowardPlayer = false; nextChangeDirectionTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; nextWanderTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextChangeDirectionTime < 0) { nextChangeDirectionTime = Game1.random.Next(500, 1000); facingDirection.Value = (facingDirection.Value + (Game1.random.Next(0, 3) - 1) + 4) % 4; } if (nextWanderTime < 0) { if (wanderState) { nextWanderTime = Game1.random.Next(1000, 2000); } else { nextWanderTime = Game1.random.Next(1000, 3000); } wanderState = !wanderState; } if (wanderState) { moveLeft = (moveUp = (moveRight = (moveDown = false))); tryToMoveInDirection(facingDirection.Value, false, DamageToFarmer, isGlider); } } timeUntilNextAttack -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (attackState.Value == 0 && chargingMonster) { firing.Set(false); if (timeUntilNextAttack < 0) { timeUntilNextAttack = 0; attackState.Set(1); nextFireTime = 500; totalFireTime = 3000; if (ModEntry.Config.DinoSoundEffects) { currentLocation.playSound("croak", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); } return; } } else if (totalFireTime > 0) { if (!firing) { if (currentTarget != null) { faceGeneralDirection(currentTarget.Position, 0, false); } } totalFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime > 0) { nextFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime <= 0) { if (!firing.Value) { firing.Set(true); currentLocation.playSound("furnace", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); } float fire_angle = 0f; Vector2 shot_origin = new Vector2((float)GetBoundingBox().Center.X - 32f * scale, (float)GetBoundingBox().Center.Y - 32f * scale); switch (facingDirection.Value) { case 0: yVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.Y -= 74f * scale; fire_angle = 90f; break; case 1: xVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.X += 74f * scale; fire_angle = 0f; break; case 2: yVelocity = 1f; fire_angle = 270f; shot_origin.Y += 74 * scale; break; case 3: xVelocity = 1f; shot_origin.X -= 74f * scale; fire_angle = 180f; break; } fire_angle += (float)Math.Sin((double)((float)totalFireTime / 1000f * 180f) * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0) * 25f; Vector2 shot_velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0), -(float)Math.Sin((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0)); shot_velocity *= 10f; BasicProjectile projectile = new BasicProjectile(GetDamage(), 10, 0, 1, 0.196349546f, shot_velocity.X, shot_velocity.Y, shot_origin, "", "", false, true, currentLocation, this, false, null); projectile.ignoreTravelGracePeriod.Value = true; projectile.maxTravelDistance.Value = GetFireDistance(); currentLocation.projectiles.Add(projectile); nextFireTime = 50; } } if (totalFireTime <= 0) { AddExp(1); totalFireTime = 0; nextFireTime = 0; attackState.Set(0); timeUntilNextAttack = Game1.random.Next(1000, 2000); } } }
public void changePants(int whichPants) { pants.Set(whichPants); }
public void changeShirt(int whichShirt) { shirt.Set(whichShirt); }
public void recolorShoes(int which) { shoes.Set(which); }
public virtual void setUpgradeLevel(int upgrade_level) { upgradeLevel.Set(upgrade_level); updateMap(); updateLayout(); }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { base.behaviorAtGameTick(time); if (Health <= 0) { return; } // fire! timeUntilNextAttack -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; List <Farmer> farmers = new List <Farmer>(); FarmerCollection.Enumerator enumerator =; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (enumerator.Current.currentLocation == currentLocation && enumerator.Current.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(GetBoundingBox())) { enumerator.Current.takeDamage((int)Math.Round(20 * difficulty), true, null); totalFireTime = 0; nextFireTime = 10; attackState.Set(0); timeUntilNextAttack = Game1.random.Next(1000, 2000); } } if (attackState.Value == 0 && withinPlayerThreshold(20)) { firing.Set(false); if (timeUntilNextAttack < 0) { timeUntilNextAttack = 0; attackState.Set(1); nextFireTime = 50; totalFireTime = 3000; return; } } else if (totalFireTime > 0) { Farmer player = Player; if (!firing.Value) { if (player != null) { faceGeneralDirection(player.Position, 0, false); } } totalFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime > 0) { nextFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime <= 0) { if (!firing.Value) { firing.Set(true); } float fire_angle = 0f; Vector2 shot_origin = new Vector2((float)GetBoundingBox().Center.X, (float)GetBoundingBox().Center.Y); faceGeneralDirection(player.Position, 0, false); switch (facingDirection.Value) { case 0: fire_angle = 90f; break; case 1: fire_angle = 0f; break; case 2: fire_angle = 270f; break; case 3: fire_angle = 180f; break; } fire_angle += (float)Math.Sin((double)((float)totalFireTime / 1000f * 180f) * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0) * 25f; Vector2 shot_velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0), -(float)Math.Sin((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0)); shot_velocity *= 5f; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bool one = i < 4; bool two = i % 4 < 2; bool three = i % 2 == 0; Vector2 v = new Vector2((three ? shot_velocity.X : shot_velocity.Y) * (one ? -1 : 1), (three ? shot_velocity.Y : shot_velocity.X) * (two ? -1 : 1)); //v = ModEntry.RotateVector(v, j); BasicProjectile projectile = new BossProjectile((int)(5 * difficulty), 766, 0, 1, 0.196349546f, v.X, v.Y, shot_origin, "", "", false, false, currentLocation, this, true, null, 13, true); projectile.IgnoreLocationCollision = true; projectile.ignoreTravelGracePeriod.Value = true; projectile.maxTravelDistance.Value = 512; currentLocation.projectiles.Add(projectile); if (!ModEntry.IsLessThanHalfHealth(this)) { i++; } } if (ModEntry.IsLessThanHalfHealth(this)) { j += 1; } j %= 360; nextFireTime = 20; } } if (totalFireTime <= 0) { totalFireTime = 0; nextFireTime = 20; attackState.Set(0); timeUntilNextAttack = 0; } } }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { if (attackState.Value == 1) { base.IsWalkingTowardPlayer = false; Halt(); } else if (withinPlayerThreshold()) { base.IsWalkingTowardPlayer = true; } else { base.IsWalkingTowardPlayer = false; nextChangeDirectionTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; nextWanderTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextChangeDirectionTime < 0) { nextChangeDirectionTime = Game1.random.Next(500, 1000); _ = FacingDirection; facingDirection.Value = (facingDirection.Value + (Game1.random.Next(0, 3) - 1) + 4) % 4; } if (nextWanderTime < 0) { if (wanderState) { nextWanderTime = Game1.random.Next(1000, 2000); } else { nextWanderTime = Game1.random.Next(1000, 3000); } wanderState = !wanderState; } if (wanderState) { moveLeft = (moveUp = (moveRight = (moveDown = false))); tryToMoveInDirection(facingDirection.Value, isFarmer: false, base.DamageToFarmer, isGlider); } } timeUntilNextAttack -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (attackState.Value == 0 && withinPlayerThreshold(2)) { firing.Set(newValue: false); if (timeUntilNextAttack < 0) { timeUntilNextAttack = 0; attackState.Set(1); nextFireTime = 500; totalFireTime = 3000; base.currentLocation.playSound("croak"); } } else { if (totalFireTime <= 0) { return; } if (!firing) { Farmer player = base.Player; if (player != null) { faceGeneralDirection(player.Position); } } totalFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime > 0) { nextFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime <= 0) { if (!firing.Value) { firing.Set(newValue: true); base.currentLocation.playSound("furnace"); } float fire_angle = 0f; Vector2 shot_origin = new Vector2((float)GetBoundingBox().Center.X - 32f, (float)GetBoundingBox().Center.Y - 32f); switch (facingDirection.Value) { case 0: yVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.Y -= 64f; fire_angle = 90f; break; case 1: xVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.X += 64f; fire_angle = 0f; break; case 3: xVelocity = 1f; shot_origin.X -= 64f; fire_angle = 180f; break; case 2: yVelocity = 1f; fire_angle = 270f; break; } fire_angle += (float)Math.Sin((double)((float)totalFireTime / 1000f * 180f) * Math.PI / 180.0) * 25f; Vector2 shot_velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos((double)fire_angle * Math.PI / 180.0), 0f - (float)Math.Sin((double)fire_angle * Math.PI / 180.0)); shot_velocity *= 10f; BasicProjectile projectile = new BasicProjectile(25, 10, 0, 1, (float)Math.PI / 16f, shot_velocity.X, shot_velocity.Y, shot_origin, "", "", explode: false, damagesMonsters: false, base.currentLocation, this); projectile.ignoreTravelGracePeriod.Value = true; projectile.maxTravelDistance.Value = 256; base.currentLocation.projectiles.Add(projectile); nextFireTime = 50; } } if (totalFireTime <= 0) { totalFireTime = 0; nextFireTime = 0; attackState.Set(0); timeUntilNextAttack = Game1.random.Next(1000, 2000); } } }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { base.behaviorAtGameTick(time); if (Health <= 0) { return; } // fire! timeUntilNextAttack -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (attackState.Value == 0 && withinPlayerThreshold(5)) { firing.Set(false); if (timeUntilNextAttack < 0) { timeUntilNextAttack = 0; attackState.Set(1); nextFireTime = 50; totalFireTime = 3000; return; } } else if (totalFireTime > 0) { Farmer player = Player; if (!firing.Value) { if (player != null) { faceGeneralDirection(player.Position, 0, false); } } totalFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime > 0) { nextFireTime -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (nextFireTime <= 0) { if (!firing.Value) { firing.Set(true); currentLocation.playSound("furnace", NetAudio.SoundContext.Default); } float fire_angle = 0f; Vector2 shot_origin = new Vector2((float)GetBoundingBox().Center.X, (float)GetBoundingBox().Center.Y); faceGeneralDirection(player.Position, 0, false); switch (facingDirection.Value) { case 0: yVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.Y -= 64f; fire_angle = 90f; break; case 1: xVelocity = -1f; shot_origin.X += 64f; fire_angle = 0f; break; case 2: yVelocity = 1f; fire_angle = 270f; break; case 3: xVelocity = 1f; shot_origin.X -= 64f; fire_angle = 180f; break; } fire_angle += (float)Math.Sin((double)((float)totalFireTime / 1000f * 180f) * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0) * 25f; Vector2 shot_velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0), -(float)Math.Sin((double)fire_angle * 3.1415926535897931 / 180.0)); shot_velocity *= 10f; BasicProjectile projectile = new BasicProjectile((int)Math.Round(10 * difficulty), 10, 0, 1, 0.196349546f, shot_velocity.X, shot_velocity.Y, shot_origin, "", "", false, false, currentLocation, this, false, null); projectile.ignoreTravelGracePeriod.Value = true; projectile.maxTravelDistance.Value = 512; currentLocation.projectiles.Add(projectile); if (Health < MaxHealth / 2) { currentLocation.projectiles.Add(new BasicProjectile((int)Math.Round(10 * difficulty), 10, 3, 4, 0f, shot_velocity.X, shot_velocity.Y, shot_origin, "", "", true, false, currentLocation, this, false, null)); } nextFireTime = 50; } } if (totalFireTime <= 0) { totalFireTime = 0; nextFireTime = 0; attackState.Set(0); timeUntilNextAttack = Game1.random.Next(2000, 4000); } } }
public void LoadData(bool initialize_color = false) { if (_loadedData) { return; } int item_index = base.ParentSheetIndex; base.Category = -100; if (Game1.clothingInformation.ContainsKey(item_index)) { string[] data2 = Game1.clothingInformation[item_index].Split('/'); Name = data2[0]; price.Value = Convert.ToInt32(data2[5]); indexInTileSheetMale.Value = Convert.ToInt32(data2[3]); indexInTileSheetFemale.Value = Convert.ToInt32(data2[4]); dyeable.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(data2[7]); if (initialize_color) { string[] rgb_string = data2[6].Split(' '); clothesColor.Value = new Color(Convert.ToInt32(rgb_string[0]), Convert.ToInt32(rgb_string[1]), Convert.ToInt32(rgb_string[2])); } displayName = data2[1]; description = data2[2]; switch (data2[8].ToLower().Trim()) { case "pants": clothesType.Set(1); break; case "shirt": clothesType.Set(0); break; case "accessory": clothesType.Set(2); break; } if (data2.Length >= 10) { otherData.Set(data2[9]); } else { otherData.Set(""); } if (GetOtherData().Contains("Prismatic")) { isPrismatic.Set(newValue: true); } } else { base.ParentSheetIndex = item_index; string[] data = Game1.clothingInformation[-1].Split('/'); clothesType.Set(1); if (item_index >= 1000) { data = Game1.clothingInformation[-2].Split('/'); clothesType.Set(0); item_index -= 1000; } if (initialize_color) { clothesColor.Set(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f)); } if (clothesType.Value == 1) { dyeable.Set(newValue: true); } else { dyeable.Set(newValue: false); } displayName = data[1]; description = data[2]; indexInTileSheetMale.Set(item_index); indexInTileSheetFemale.Set(-1); } if (dyeable.Value) { description = description + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Clothes_Dyeable"); } _loadedData = true; }