//calls a function on a script by name 
 public void NetFunction(string objectName, string componentName, string functionName, string argument)
     //tell the server to tell the other clients to do the same
     NetFunctionData data = new NetFunctionData();
     data.objectName = objectName;
     data.componentName = componentName;
     data.functionName = functionName;
     data.argument = argument;
     socket.Emit("netFunction", JsonUtility.ToJson(data));
    //from the server: a function is being called
    public void OnNetFunction(SocketIOEvent e)
        NetFunctionData data = JsonUtility.FromJson<NetFunctionData>(e.data.ToString());
        Component comp = GetObjectComponent(data.objectName, data.componentName);
        if (comp != null)
            //Uses a rather obscure system called Reflection to find a function
            MethodInfo method = comp.GetType().GetMethod(data.functionName);

            if (method != null)
                method.Invoke(comp, new object[] {data.argument});
                print("Warning: there is no PUBLIC function named " + data.functionName + " on object " + data.objectName + " and component " + data.componentName);