protected NetCdfVariable(NetCDFDataSet dataSet, int varid, string name, string[] dims, bool assignID) : base(dataSet, name, dims, assignID) { this.initializing = true; this.varid = varid; int res; // SByte can map to NC_BYTE or NC_CHAR if (typeof(DataType) == typeof(byte)) { res = NetCDF.nc_inq_vartype(dataSet.NcId, varid, out var nativeType); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); isNcChar = NcType.NC_CHAR == nativeType; } UpdateDimIds(); // Reading attributes int nattrs; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_varnatts(dataSet.NcId, varid, out nattrs); AttributeTypeMap atm = new AttributeTypeMap(dataSet.NcId, varid); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); for (int i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) { // Name string aname; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_attname(dataSet.NcId, varid, i, out aname); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); // Skip out internal attribute if (aname == AttributeTypeMap.AttributeName || aname == AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarSpecialType) { continue; } if (aname == AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape) { isPresentedAttrActualShape = true; continue; } // Type object value = dataSet.ReadNetCdfAttribute(varid, aname, atm); if (aname == Metadata.KeyForMissingValue && typeof(DateTime) == typeof(DataType)) { if (value is string) { value = DateTime.Parse((string)value); } } Metadata[aname] = value; } Initialize(); initializing = false; }
///<summary> /// Getting dimensions' ids from the NetCDF file. /// </summary> private void UpdateDimIds() { if (varid == NcConst.NC_GLOBAL) { this.dimids = new int[0]; return; } int[] dimids = new int[Rank]; int res = NetCDF.nc_inq_vardimid(NcId, varid, dimids); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); this.dimids = dimids; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override int[] ReadShape() { if (initializing) { return(null); } int res; IntPtr len; int[] shape = new int[dimids.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dimids.Length; i++) { res = NetCDF.nc_inq_dimlen(NcId, dimids[i], out len); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); shape[i] = (int)len; } if (isPresentedAttrActualShape) { // Actual shape of the variable is in the special attribute // for the NetCDF doesn't support variables like A[0,10] NetCDFDataSet nc = ((NetCDFDataSet)DataSet); NcType type; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_atttype(nc.NcId, varid, AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape, out type); if (res == (int)ResultCode.NC_NOERR) { if (type != NcType.NC_INT) { throw new NetCDFException("Reserved attribute " + AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape + " has wrong type"); } AttributeTypeMap atm = new AttributeTypeMap(nc.NcId, varid); atm[AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape] = typeof(int[]); shape = (int[])nc.ReadNetCdfAttribute(varid, AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape, atm); if (shape.Length != Rank) { throw new NetCDFException("Value of reserved attribute " + AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarActualShape + " has wrong length"); } } else if (res != (int)ResultCode.NC_ENOTATT) { NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } } return(shape); }
protected override Array ReadData(int[] origin, int[] stride, int[] shape) { // TODO: there is a problem using nc_get_vars_string!!! // nc_get_vars_string still doesn't work in NetCDF4.1.3 "Mapped access for atomic types only." // remove this trick: if (TypeOfData == typeof(string)) { return(base.ReadData(origin, stride, shape)); } if (origin == null) { origin = new int[Rank]; } if (shape == null) { shape = ReadShape(); for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++) { shape[i] -= origin[i]; } } if (stride == null) { origin = new int[Rank]; for (int i = 0; i < Rank; i++) { stride[i] = 1; } } if (Rank == 0) { shape = new int[] { 1 } } ; // the place for data // Total number of elements in the array int n = 1; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++) { n *= shape[i]; } int res; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(TypeOfData)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(bool), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } byte[] blData = new byte[n]; res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), blData); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArrayBool(blData, shape)); case TypeCode.DateTime: double[] dtData = new double[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), dtData); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArrayDateTime(dtData, shape)); case TypeCode.Double: double[] data = new double[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(double), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), data); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(data, shape)); case TypeCode.Single: float[] fdata = new float[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(float), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_float(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), fdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(fdata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int64: long[] ldata = new long[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(long), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_longlong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), ldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(ldata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt64: ulong[] uldata = new ulong[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(ulong), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_ulonglong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), uldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(uldata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int32: int[] idata = new int[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_int(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), idata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(idata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt32: uint[] uidata = new uint[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(uint), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_uint(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), uidata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(uidata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int16: short[] sdata = new short[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(short), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_short(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), sdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(sdata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt16: ushort[] usdata = new ushort[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(ushort), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_ushort(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), usdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(usdata, shape)); case TypeCode.Byte: byte[] bdata = new byte[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(byte), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } if (isNcChar) { res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_text(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), bdata); } else { res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), bdata); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(bdata, shape)); case TypeCode.SByte: SByte[] cdata = new SByte[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(SByte), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_schar(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), cdata); //if (res == -56) // res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_text(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), cdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(cdata, shape)); case TypeCode.String: if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(string), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } string[] strings = new string[n]; res = NetCDF.nc_get_vars_string(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ConvertToIntPtr(stride), strings); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArrayString(strings, shape)); default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported type of data."); } }
internal static NetCdfVariable <DataType> Read(NetCDFDataSet dataSet, int varid) { string name; NcType ncType; int[] dimIds; int natts, res, ndims; // Number of dimensions res = NetCDF.nc_inq_varndims(dataSet.NcId, varid, out ndims); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); dimIds = new int[ndims]; // About variable res = NetCDF.nc_inq_var(dataSet.NcId, varid, out name, out ncType, out ndims, dimIds, out natts); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); // Dimensions names string[] dims = new string[ndims]; for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { string dimName; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_dimname(dataSet.NcId, dimIds[i], out dimName); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); dims[i] = dimName.ToString(); } #if DEBUG StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { msg.Append(dims[i]); if (i < dims.Length - 1) { msg.Append(','); } } Debug.WriteLineIf(NetCDFDataSet.TraceNetCDFDataSet.TraceInfo, String.Format("Variable {0}: {1} dimensions ({2}), {3} attributes.", name, ndims, msg.ToString(), natts)); #endif var var = new NetCdfVariable <DataType>(dataSet, varid, name.ToString(), dims); if (var.Rank > 0 && var.changes != null) { // Providing correct "proposed" shape taken from the input file int[] shape = var.ReadShape(); if (shape == null) { shape = new int[dims.Length]; } Rectangle ar = new Rectangle(new int[dims.Length], shape); DataChanges oldch = var.changes; DataChanges newch = new DataChanges(oldch.ChangeSet, oldch.InitialSchema, oldch.MetadataChanges, oldch.CoordinateSystems, shape, ar, oldch.Data); var.changes = newch; } return(var); }
internal static NetCdfVariable <DataType> Create(NetCDFDataSet dataSet, string name, string[] dims) { if (dims == null) // scalar variable { dims = new string[0]; } int res; /* Getting exsting dims and creating new */ int[] dimids = new int[dims.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { int id; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_dimid(dataSet.NcId, dims[i], out id); if (res == (int)ResultCode.NC_NOERR) { dimids[i] = id; } else if (res == (int)ResultCode.NC_EBADDIM) { // Creating new dimension res = NetCDF.nc_def_dim(dataSet.NcId, dims[i], new IntPtr(NcConst.NC_UNLIMITED), out id); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); dimids[i] = id; } else { NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } } /* Creating variable */ int varid; string nc_name = GetNetCDFName(name); if (nc_name != name) { Debug.WriteLineIf(NetCDFDataSet.TraceNetCDFDataSet.TraceVerbose, "NetCDF: name has illegal chars; internal variable name is " + nc_name); } res = NetCDF.nc_def_var(dataSet.NcId, nc_name, NetCDF.GetNcType(typeof(DataType)), dimids, out varid); for (int count = 1; res == (int)ResultCode.NC_ENAMEINUSE;) { // Keep trying to create variable with different names res = NetCDF.nc_def_var(dataSet.NcId, String.Format("{0}_{1}", nc_name, count++), NetCDF.GetNcType(typeof(DataType)), dimids, out varid); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); // Non scalar variables can be compressed. // It is regulated by the uri parameter "deflate". if (dims.Length > 0) { if (dataSet.Deflate == DeflateLevel.Off) { res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_deflate(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, 0, 0); } else { res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_deflate(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, 1, (int)dataSet.Deflate); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } if (dims.Length > 0) // non-scalar variable { IntPtr[] chunksizes = null; if (dataSet.ChunkSizes != null && dataSet.ChunkSizes.Length == dims.Length) { if (dataSet.ChunkSizes.All(sz => sz >= 1)) { chunksizes = dataSet.ChunkSizes.Select(sz => new IntPtr(sz)).ToArray(); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Chunk size cannot be less than 1"); } } if (chunksizes == null) // then use default chunk sizes { chunksizes = new IntPtr[dims.Length]; int chunk = ChunkSizeSelector.GetChunkSize(typeof(DataType), dims.Length); #if DEBUG if (NetCDFDataSet.TraceNetCDFDataSet.TraceInfo) { StringBuilder sbChunk = new StringBuilder(); sbChunk.Append("NetCDF: Chunk sizes for rank ").Append(dims.Length).Append(": "); for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { sbChunk.Append(chunk).Append(","); } Debug.WriteLineIf(NetCDFDataSet.TraceNetCDFDataSet.TraceInfo, sbChunk.ToString()); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { chunksizes[i] = new IntPtr(chunk); } } res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_chunking(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, chunksizes); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } if (typeof(DataType) == typeof(DateTime)) { NetCDFDataSet.NcPutAttText(dataSet.NcId, varid, "Units", NetCDFDataSet.dateTimeUnits); } else if (typeof(DataType) == typeof(bool)) { NetCDFDataSet.NcPutAttText(dataSet.NcId, varid, AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarSpecialType, typeof(bool).ToString()); } return(new NetCdfVariable <DataType>(dataSet, varid, name, dims)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="origin"></param> /// <param name="a"></param> protected override void WriteData(int[] origin, Array a) { if (origin == null) { origin = new int[Rank]; } int[] shape = new int[origin.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++) { shape[i] = a.GetLength(i); } int res; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(TypeOfData)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: byte[] bldata = FromMultidimArrayBool(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), bldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.DateTime: double[] dtData = FromMultidimArrayDateTime(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), dtData); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Double: double[] data = FromMultidimArray <double>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), data); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Single: float[] fdata = FromMultidimArray <float>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_float(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), fdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Int64: long[] ldata = FromMultidimArray <long>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_longlong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.UInt64: ulong[] uldata = FromMultidimArray <ulong>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_ulonglong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), uldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Int32: int[] idata = FromMultidimArray <int>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_int(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), idata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.UInt32: uint[] uidata = FromMultidimArray <uint>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_uint(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), uidata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Int16: short[] sdata = FromMultidimArray <short>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_short(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), sdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.UInt16: ushort[] usdata = FromMultidimArray <ushort>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_ushort(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), usdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.Byte: byte[] bdata = FromMultidimArray <byte>(a); if (isNcChar) { res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_text(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), bdata); } else { res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), bdata); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.SByte: sbyte[] sbdata = FromMultidimArray <sbyte>(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_schar(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), sbdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; case TypeCode.String: string[] strdata = FromMultidimArrayString(a); res = NetCDF.nc_put_vara_string(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), strdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported type of data."); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="origin"></param> /// <param name="shape"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override Array ReadData(int[] origin, int[] shape) { if (origin == null) { origin = new int[Rank]; } if (shape == null) { shape = ReadShape(); for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++) { shape[i] -= origin[i]; } } if (Rank == 0) { shape = new int[] { 1 } } ; // the place for data // Total number of elements in the array int n = 1; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++) { n *= shape[i]; } int res; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(TypeOfData)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(bool), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } byte[] blData = new byte[n]; res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), blData); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArrayBool(blData, shape)); case TypeCode.DateTime: double[] dtData = new double[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), dtData); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArrayDateTime(dtData, shape)); case TypeCode.Double: double[] data = new double[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(double), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_double(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), data); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(data, shape)); case TypeCode.Single: float[] fdata = new float[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(float), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_float(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), fdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(fdata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int64: long[] ldata = new long[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(long), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_longlong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), ldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(ldata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt64: ulong[] uldata = new ulong[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(ulong), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_ulonglong(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), uldata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(uldata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int32: int[] idata = new int[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_int(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), idata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(idata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt32: uint[] uidata = new uint[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(uint), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_uint(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), uidata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(uidata, shape)); case TypeCode.Int16: short[] sdata = new short[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(short), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_short(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), sdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(sdata, shape)); case TypeCode.UInt16: ushort[] usdata = new ushort[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(ushort), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_ushort(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), usdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(usdata, shape)); case TypeCode.Byte: byte[] bdata = new byte[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(byte), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_ubyte(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), bdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(bdata, shape)); case TypeCode.SByte: SByte[] cdata = new SByte[n]; if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(SByte), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_schar(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), cdata); if (res == -56) { res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_text(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), cdata); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(cdata, shape)); case TypeCode.String: if (n == 0) { return(Array.CreateInstance(typeof(string), Rank == 0 ? new int[1] : new int[Rank])); } IntPtr[] strdata = new IntPtr[n]; res = NetCDF.nc_get_vara_string(NcId, varid, ConvertToIntPtr(origin), ConvertToIntPtr(shape), strdata); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); string[] strings = new string[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { strings[i] = UTF8Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(strdata[i]); //Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(strdata[i]); res = NetCDF.nc_free_string(new IntPtr(1), new IntPtr[] { strdata[i] }); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } // TODO: the memory must be freed? //res = NetCDF.nc_free_string(1, strdata); //NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); return(ToMultidimArray(strings, shape)); default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported type of data."); } }
internal static NetCdfVariable <DataType> Create(NetCDFDataSet dataSet, string name, string[] dims) { if (dims == null) // scalar variable { dims = new string[0]; } int res; /* Getting exsting dims and creating new */ int[] dimids = new int[dims.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { int id; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_dimid(dataSet.NcId, dims[i], out id); if (res == (int)NetCDF.ResultCode.NC_NOERR) { dimids[i] = id; } else if (res == (int)NetCDF.ResultCode.NC_EBADDIM) { // Creating new dimension res = NetCDF.nc_def_dim(dataSet.NcId, dims[i], new IntPtr(NetCDF.NC_UNLIMITED), out id); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); dimids[i] = id; } else { NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } } /* Creating variable */ int varid; string nc_name = GetNetCDFName(name); if (nc_name != name) { Debug.WriteLineIf(NetCDFDataSet.TraceNetCDFDataSet.TraceVerbose, "NetCDF: name has illegal chars; internal variable name is " + nc_name); } res = NetCDF.nc_def_var(dataSet.NcId, nc_name, NetCDF.GetNcType(typeof(DataType)), dimids.Length, dimids, out varid); for (int count = 1; res == (int)NetCDF.ResultCode.NC_ENAMEINUSE;) { // Keep trying to create variable with different names res = NetCDF.nc_def_var(dataSet.NcId, String.Format("{0}_{1}", nc_name, count++), NetCDF.GetNcType(typeof(DataType)), dimids.Length, dimids, out varid); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); // Non scalar variables can be compressed. // It is regulated by the uri parameter "deflate". if (dims.Length > 0) { if (dataSet.Deflate == DeflateLevel.Off) { res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_deflate(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, 0, 0); } else { res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_deflate(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, 1, (int)dataSet.Deflate); } NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } if (dims.Length > 0) { IntPtr[] chunksizes = new IntPtr[dims.Length]; //int chunk = Math.Min(1000, 100000 / Pow10(dims.Length - 1)); int chunk; switch (dims.Length) { case 1: chunk = 1000000; break; case 2: chunk = 1000; break; case 3: chunk = 100; break; default: chunk = 10; break; } if (dims.Length >= 6) { chunk = 5; } else if (dims.Length >= 9) // found experimentally { chunk = 1; } //StringBuilder sbChunk = new StringBuilder(); //sbChunk.Append("Chunk sizes for rank ").Append(dims.Length).Append(": "); for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; i++) { //sbChunk.Append(chunk).Append(","); chunksizes[i] = new IntPtr(chunk); // TODO: need for an algorithm of chunk size selection } //Debug.WriteLine(sbChunk.ToString()); res = NetCDF.nc_def_var_chunking(dataSet.NcId, varid, 0, chunksizes); NetCDFDataSet.HandleResult(res); } if (typeof(DataType) == typeof(DateTime)) { NetCDFDataSet.NcPutAttText(dataSet.NcId, varid, "Units", NetCDFDataSet.dateTimeUnits); } else if (typeof(DataType) == typeof(bool)) { NetCDFDataSet.NcPutAttText(dataSet.NcId, varid, AttributeTypeMap.AttributeVarSpecialType, typeof(bool).ToString()); } return(new NetCdfVariable <DataType>(dataSet, varid, name, dims)); }