public async Task Query()
            // Verify that the query commands work.

            var endpoint   = bucket.Configuration.GetEndPoint();
            var bucketName = bucket.Configuration.BucketName;

            // Insert a couple documents into the database.

            var jack = new Person()
                Id   = 0,
                Name = "Jack",
                Age  = 10,
                Data = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }

            var jill = new Person()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "Jill",
                Age  = 11,
                Data = new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

            await bucket.InsertSafeAsync(jack, persistTo : PersistTo.One);

            await bucket.InsertSafeAsync(jill, persistTo : PersistTo.One);

            await bucket.WaitForIndexerAsync();

            bucket.Query <dynamic>($"select count(*) from `{bucket.Name}`;");

            using (var runner = new ProgramRunner())
                // Query using the [http://...] target format and passing the query on the command line.

                var result = runner.Execute(Program.Main,
                                            $"select * from `{bucket.Name}`;");

                Assert.Equal(0, result.ExitCode);
                Assert.Contains("Jack", result.OutputText);
                Assert.Contains("Jill", result.OutputText);

                // Query again, but using the using the [couchbase://...] target format.

                result = runner.Execute(Program.Main,
                                        $"select * from `{bucket.Name}`;");

                Assert.Equal(0, result.ExitCode);
                Assert.Contains("Jack", result.OutputText);
                Assert.Contains("Jill", result.OutputText);

                // Pass the query as a file.

                using (var tempFile = new TempFile())
                    File.WriteAllText(tempFile.Path, $"select * from `{bucket.Name}`;");

                    result = runner.Execute(Program.Main,

                    Assert.Equal(0, result.ExitCode);
                    Assert.Contains("Jack", result.OutputText);
                    Assert.Contains("Jill", result.OutputText);

                // Pass the query as STDIN.

                result = runner.ExecuteWithInput(Program.Main, $"select * from `{bucket.Name}`;",

                Assert.Equal(0, result.ExitCode);
                Assert.Contains("Jack", result.OutputText);
                Assert.Contains("Jill", result.OutputText);
        public async Task WriteReadList()
            // Ensure that the database starts out empty.

            Assert.Empty(from doc in context.Query <object>() select doc);

            // Verify that the generated CreateKey() methods return the
            // correct values.

            Assert.Equal($"{Person.PersistedType}::0", Person.CreateKey("0"));
            Assert.Equal($"{City.PersistedType}::Woodinville", City.CreateKey("Woodinville"));

            // Verify that we can write generated entity models.

            var jack = new Person()
                Id     = 0,
                Name   = "Jack",
                Age    = 10,
                Gender = Gender.Male,
                Data   = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }

            var jill = new Person()
                Id     = 1,
                Name   = "Jill",
                Age    = 11,
                Gender = Gender.Female,
                Data   = new byte[] { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

            Assert.Equal("Test.Neon.Models.Definitions.Person::0", jack.GetKey());
            Assert.Equal("Test.Neon.Models.Definitions.Person::1", jill.GetKey());

            await bucket.UpsertSafeAsync(jack, persistTo : PersistTo.One);

            await bucket.UpsertSafeAsync(jill, persistTo : PersistTo.One);

            // Verify that we can read them.

            var jackRead = await bucket.GetSafeAsync <Person>(Person.CreateKey(0));

            var jillRead = await bucket.GetSafeAsync <Person>(Person.CreateKey(1));

            Assert.Equal("Test.Neon.Models.Definitions.Person::0", jackRead.GetKey());
            Assert.Equal("Test.Neon.Models.Definitions.Person::1", jillRead.GetKey());
            Assert.True(jack == jackRead);
            Assert.True(jill == jillRead);

            // Persist a [City] entity (which has a different entity type) and then
            // perform a N1QL query to list the Person entities and verify that we
            // get only Jack and Jill back.  This verifies the the [TypeFilter]
            // attribute is generated and working correctly.

            var city = new City()
                Name       = "Woodinville",
                Population = 12345

            var result = await bucket.UpsertAsync(city);

            await bucket.WaitForIndexerAsync();

            // Query for the people and verify

            var peopleQuery = (from doc in context.Query <Person>() select doc);
            var people      = peopleQuery.ToList();

            Assert.Equal(2, people.Count);
            Assert.Contains(people, p => p.Name == "Jack");
            Assert.Contains(people, p => p.Name == "Jill");

            // Query for the city and verify.

            var cityQuery = from doc in context.Query <City>() select doc;
            var cities    = cityQuery.ToList();

            Assert.Contains(cities, p => p.Name == "Woodinville");

            // Query for documents that don't exist and verify.

            var rawResults = await bucket.QueryAsync <object>($"select * from `{bucket.Name}` where __T=\"Test.Neon.Models.Definitions.Country\";");

            var countryQuery = from doc in context.Query <Country>() select doc;

            Assert.Empty(countryQuery.ToList());  // $todo(jeff.lill):

            // Verify that plain old object serialization still works.

            var poo = new PlainOldObject()
                Foo = "bar"

            await bucket.UpsertSafeAsync("poo", poo, persistTo : PersistTo.One);

            poo = await bucket.GetSafeAsync <PlainOldObject>("poo");

            Assert.Equal("bar", poo.Foo);

            // Extra credit #1: Verify that [DeepClone()] works.

            var clone = jack.DeepClone();

            Assert.Equal(jack.Name, clone.Name);
            Assert.Equal(jack.Age, clone.Age);
            Assert.Equal(jack.Gender, clone.Gender);
            Assert.NotSame(jack.Data, clone.Data);

            // Extra credit #2: Verify that [SameTypeAs()] works.
