public virtual void Test4() { string baseName = GetBaseName(); int n = isLocal ? 1000 : 10; NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open(baseName); long size = odb.Count(new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Function))); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Function login = new Function("login - " + (i + 1)); odb.Store(login); AssertEquals(size + i + 1, odb.Count(new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Function)))); Console.WriteLine(i); } // IStorageEngine engine = Dummy.getEngine(odb); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> l = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true); int j = 0; while (l.HasNext()) { Console.WriteLine(" i=" + j); Function f = (Function)l.Next(); odb.Delete(f); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> l2 = odb.GetObjects <Function>(); AssertEquals(size + n - (j + 1), l2.Count); j++; } odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(baseName); }
public virtual void Test20() { string baseName = GetBaseName(); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = null; odb = Open(baseName); Function f0 = new Function( "1function0"); odb.Store(f0); odb.Close(); odb = Open(baseName); Function f1 = new Function( "function1"); odb.Store(f1); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> objects = odb.GetObjects <Function>(new CriteriaQuery(Where.Like("name", "func%"))); AssertEquals(1, objects.Count); Function f2 = (Function)objects .GetFirst(); NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.GetObjectId(f2); odb.DeleteObjectWithId(oid); AssertEquals(1, odb.GetObjects <Function>().Count ); odb.Close(); odb = Open(baseName); objects = odb.GetObjects <Function>(); AssertEquals(1, objects.Count); }
public virtual void Test5() { DeleteBase("t5.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("t5.neodatis"); long nbFunctions = odb.Count(new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Function))); long nbProfiles = odb.Count(new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Profile))); long nbUsers = odb.Count(new CriteriaQuery(typeof(User))); Function login = new Function ("login"); Function logout = new Function ("logout"); System.Collections.Generic.List <Function> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Function>(); list.Add(login); list.Add(logout); Profile profile = new Profile("operator", list); User olivier = new User("olivier smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile); User aisa = new User("Aísa Galvão Smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile); odb.Store(olivier); odb.Store(profile); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); odb = Open("t5.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <User> users = odb.GetObjects <User>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Profile> profiles = odb.GetObjects <Profile>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> functions = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true); odb.Close(); AssertEquals(nbUsers + 1, users.Count); AssertEquals(nbProfiles + 1, profiles.Count); AssertEquals(nbFunctions + 2, functions.Count); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); DeleteBase("t-school.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("t-school.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Student> students = odb.GetObjects <Student>(true); int numStudents = students.Count; Course computerScience = new Course ("Computer Science"); Teacher teacher = new Teacher ("Jeremias", "Java"); Discipline dw1 = new Discipline ("Des. Web 1", 3); Discipline @is = new Discipline ("Intranet/Segurança", 4); Student std1 = new Student (20, computerScience, new System.DateTime(), "1cs", "Brenna"); History h1 = new History( new System.DateTime(), dw1, 0, teacher); History h2 = new History( new System.DateTime(), @is, 0, teacher); std1.AddHistory(h1); std1.AddHistory(h2); odb.Store(std1); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); odb = Open("t-school.neodatis"); students = odb.GetObjects <Student>(true); odb.Close(); AssertEquals(numStudents + 1, students.Count); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estG1() { test.DeleteBase("acid1"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); int size = 1000; NeoDatis.Odb.OID[] oids = new NeoDatis.Odb.OID[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { oids[i] = odb.Store(GetInstance("f" + i)); if (simpleObject) { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)odb. GetObjectFromId(oids[i]); f.SetName("function " + i); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); } else { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User)odb.GetObjectFromId (oids[i]); f.SetName("function " + i); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); odb.Store(f); } } odb.Commit(); }
public virtual void TestCompositeCollection4() { DeleteBase("t5.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("t5.neodatis"); int nbUsers = odb.GetObjects <User>(true).Count; int nbProfiles = odb.GetObjects <Profile>(true).Count; int nbFunctions = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true).Count; Function login = new Function("login"); Function logout = new Function("logout"); System.Collections.Generic.IList <Function> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Function>(); list.Add(login); list.Add(logout); Profile profile1 = new Profile ("operator 1", list); User user = new User("olivier smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile1); User userB = new User("Aísa Galvão Smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile1); odb.Store(user); odb.Store(userB); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <User> users = odb.GetObjects <User>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Profile> profiles = odb.GetObjects <Profile>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> functions = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true); odb.Close(); // assertEquals(nbUsers+2,users.size()); User user2 = (User)users.GetFirst (); AssertEquals(user.ToString(), user2.ToString()); AssertEquals(nbProfiles + 1, profiles.Count); AssertEquals(nbFunctions + 2, functions.Count); }
public virtual void TestBufferSize() { int size = NeoDatis.Odb.OdbConfiguration.GetDefaultBufferSizeForData(); NeoDatis.Odb.OdbConfiguration.SetDefaultBufferSizeForData(5); DeleteBase("ti1.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("ti1.neodatis"); System.Text.StringBuilder b = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { b.Append("login - login "); } Function login = new Function (b.ToString()); Profile profile1 = new Profile ("operator 1", login); User user = new User("olivier smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile1); odb.Store(user); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <User> users = odb.GetObjects <User>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Profile> profiles = odb.GetObjects <Profile>(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> functions = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true); odb.Close(); // assertEquals(nbUsers+2,users.size()); User user2 = (User)users.GetFirst (); AssertEquals(user.ToString(), user2.ToString()); AssertEquals(b.ToString(), user2.GetProfile().GetFunctions().GetEnumerator().Current .ToString()); DeleteBase("ti1.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.OdbConfiguration.SetDefaultBufferSizeForData(size); }
/// <summary> /// Stores on object and close database then Stores another object, commits /// without closing. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Stores on object and close database then Stores another object, commits /// without closing. Loads the object, gets its oid and delete by oid. In the /// case the commit has no write actions. And there was a bug : when there is /// no write actions, the commit process is much more simple! but in this the /// cache was not calling the transaction.clear and this was a reason for /// some connected/unconnected zone problem! (step14 of the turotial.) /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">System.Exception</exception> public virtual void Test20() { string baseName = GetBaseName(); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = null; odb = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f0 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function( "1function0"); odb.Store(f0); odb.Close(); odb = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f1 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function( "function1"); odb.Store(f1); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects objects = odb.GetObjects(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function), NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Query.Criteria.Where .Like("name", "func%"))); AssertEquals(1, objects.Count); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f2 = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)objects .GetFirst(); NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.GetObjectId(f2); odb.DeleteObjectWithId(oid); AssertEquals(1, odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)).Count ); odb.Close(); odb = Open(baseName); objects = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)); AssertEquals(1, objects.Count); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestObjectVersionWithoutClose2() { DeleteBase("ext2"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("ext2"); int size = 1000; long updateDate = 0; long creationDate = 0; // LogUtil.allOn(true); NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.Store(new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function("f")); odb.Close(); odb = Open("ext2"); Java.Lang.Thread.Sleep(100); // LogUtil.allOn(true); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // odb = open("ext"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)odb. GetObjectFromId(oid); f.SetName("f" + i); odb.Store(f); odb.Commit(); } odb.Close(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestObjectVersionWithoutClose() { DeleteBase("extd"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("extd"); int size = 1000; long updateDate = 0; long creationDate = 0; NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.Store(new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function("f")); odb.Close(); odb = Open("extd"); Java.Lang.Thread.Sleep(100); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // odb = open("ext"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)odb. GetObjectFromId(oid); int version = odb.Ext().GetObjectVersion(oid); // System.out.println("i="+i + " - v="+ version+ " - oid="+oid); AssertEquals(i + 1, version); f.SetName("f" + i); // update the object, should increase the version number odb.Store(f); odb.Commit(); } odb.Close(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestInsert() { DeleteBase("tinterfaces.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("tinterfaces.neodatis"); ObjectWithInterfaces owi = new ObjectWithInterfaces("Ol√° chico"); odb.Store(owi); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestInsertWithCommitsSimpleObject() { DeleteBase("commits"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = null; int size = isLocal ? 10000 : 3000; int commitInterval = 1; try { odb = Open("commits"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { odb.Store(new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function("function " + i)); if (i % commitInterval == 0) { odb.Commit(); } } } finally { // println("commiting "+i); odb.Close(); } odb = Open("commits"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects objects = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function )); int nbObjects = objects.Count; System.Collections.IDictionary map = new NeoDatis.Tool.Wrappers.Map.OdbHashMap(); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function function = null; int j = 0; while (objects.HasNext()) { function = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)objects.Next(); int ii = (int)map[function]; if (ii != null) { Println(j + ":" + function.GetName() + " already exist at " + ii); } else { map.Add(function, j); } j++; } odb.Close(); DeleteBase("commits"); Println("Nb objects=" + nbObjects); AssertEquals(size, nbObjects); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estJ1() { test.DeleteBase("acid1"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); odb.Store(GetInstance("f1")); odb.Store(GetInstance("f2")); odb.Store(GetInstance("f3")); odb.Commit(); object o = GetInstance("f4"); odb.Store(o); odb.Delete(o); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estK1() { test.DeleteBase("acid1"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); odb.Store(GetInstance("f1")); odb.Store(GetInstance("f2")); NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.Store(GetInstance("f3")); odb.Commit(); object o = odb.GetObjectFromId(oid); odb.Delete(o); odb.Rollback(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estN1() { test.DeleteBase("acid1"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { odb.Store(GetInstance("f" + i)); } odb.Close(); odb = test.Open("acid1"); odb.Store(GetInstance("f1000")); odb.Commit(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void Test4() { string baseName = GetBaseName(); int n = isLocal ? 1000 : 10; NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open(baseName); long size = odb.Count(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery(typeof( NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function))); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function login = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("login - " + (i + 1)); odb.Store(login); AssertEquals(size + i + 1, odb.Count(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)))); } // IStorageEngine engine = Dummy.getEngine(odb); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects l = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ), true); int j = 0; while (l.HasNext()) { // println("i="+i); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)l.Next (); odb.Delete(f); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects l2 = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function )); AssertEquals(size + n - (j + 1), l2.Count); j++; } odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(baseName); }
/// <summary>Insert different objects on database</summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">System.Exception</exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">System.IO.IOException</exception> public virtual void TestInsert() { DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); odb = Open(NewbieOdb); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Driver marcelo = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Driver ("marcelo"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car car = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car("car1", 4, "ranger", marcelo); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car car1 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car("car2" , 2, "porche"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car car2 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car("car3" , 2, "fusca"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car car3 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car("car4" , 4, "opala"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car car4 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car("car5" , 4, "vectra", marcelo); try { // open is called on NewbieTest // insert 5 car's odb.Store(car); odb.Store(car1); odb.Store(car2); odb.Store(car3); odb.Store(car4); // find for all car objects NeoDatis.Odb.Objects cars = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car )); AssertEquals("The objects weren't added correctly", 5, cars.Count); // find for a specific car object NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery query = new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car), NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Query.Criteria.Where .Equal("name", "car1")); cars = odb.GetObjects(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 1, cars.Count); // find for a specific composition query = new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Newbie.VO.Car ), NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Query.Criteria.Where.Equal("", "marcelo")); cars = odb.GetObjects(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 2, cars.Count); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); } catch (System.Exception e) { Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e); } }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estN3() { NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); if (simpleObject) { NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> objects = odb.GetObjects <Function>(new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("name", "new name"))); odb.Delete(objects.GetFirst()); } else { NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <User> objects = odb.GetObjects <User>(new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("name", "new name"))); odb.Delete(objects.GetFirst()); } odb.Commit(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestInsertWithCommitsComplexObject() { DeleteBase("commits"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = null; int size = isLocal ? 5300 : 500; int commitInterval = 400; try { odb = Open("commits"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { odb.Store(GetInstance(i)); if (i % commitInterval == 0) { odb.Commit(); } // println("commiting "+i); if (i % 100 == 0 && !isLocal) { Println(i); } } } finally { odb.Close(); } odb = Open("commits"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects users = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User )); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects profiles = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile )); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects functions = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function )); int nbUsers = users.Count; int nbProfiles = profiles.Count; int nbFunctions = functions.Count; odb.Close(); DeleteBase("commits"); Println("Nb users=" + nbUsers); Println("Nb profiles=" + nbProfiles); Println("Nb functions=" + nbFunctions); AssertEquals(size, nbUsers); AssertEquals(size, nbProfiles); AssertEquals(size * 2, nbFunctions); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void TestCompositeCollection2DifferentObjects() { DeleteBase("ti1.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("ti1.neodatis"); int nbUsers = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User), true).Count; int nbProfiles = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile), true) .Count; int nbFunctions = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function), true ).Count; NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function login = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("login"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function logout = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("logout"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function disconnect = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("disconnect"); System.Collections.IList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); list.Add(login); list.Add(logout); System.Collections.IList list2 = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); list.Add(login); list.Add(logout); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile profile1 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile ("operator 1", list); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile profile2 = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile ("operator 2", list2); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User user = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User("olivier smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile1); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User userB = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User("A√°sa Galv√£o Smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile2); odb.Store(user); odb.Store(userB); odb.Commit(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects functions = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ), true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects profiles = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile ), true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects users = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User ), true); odb.Close(); // assertEquals(nbUsers+2,users.size()); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User user2 = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User)users.GetFirst (); AssertEquals(user.ToString(), user2.ToString()); AssertEquals(nbProfiles + 2, profiles.Count); AssertEquals(nbFunctions + 2, functions.Count); DeleteBase("ti1.neodatis"); }
public virtual void TestInsert() { DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); odb = Open(NewbieOdb); Driver marcelo = new Driver ("marcelo"); Car car = new Car("car1", 4, "ranger", marcelo); Car car1 = new Car("car2" , 2, "porche"); Car car2 = new Car("car3" , 2, "fusca"); Car car3 = new Car("car4" , 4, "opala"); Car car4 = new Car("car5" , 4, "vectra", marcelo); try { // open is called on NewbieTest // insert 5 car's odb.Store(car); odb.Store(car1); odb.Store(car2); odb.Store(car3); odb.Store(car4); // find for all car objects NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Car> cars = odb.GetObjects <Car>(); AssertEquals("The objects weren't added correctly", 5, cars.Count); // find for a specific car object CriteriaQuery query = new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Car), Where.Equal("name", "car1")); cars = odb.GetObjects <Car>(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 1, cars.Count); // find for a specific composition query = new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Car), Where.Equal("", "marcelo")); cars = odb.GetObjects <Car>(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 2, cars.Count); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public virtual void TestInsert() { DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); odb = Open(NewbieOdb); Driver marcelo = new Driver ("marcelo"); Car car = new Car("car1", 4, "ranger", marcelo); Car car1 = new Car("car2" , 2, "porche"); Car car2 = new Car("car3" , 2, "fusca"); Car car3 = new Car("car4" , 4, "opala"); Car car4 = new Car("car5" , 4, "vectra", marcelo); try { // open is called on NewbieTest // insert 5 car's odb.Store(car); odb.Store(car1); odb.Store(car2); odb.Store(car3); odb.Store(car4); // find for all car objects NeoDatis.Odb.Objects<Car> cars = odb.GetObjects<Car>(); AssertEquals("The objects weren't added correctly", 5, cars.Count); // find for a specific car object CriteriaQuery query = new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Car), Where.Equal("name", "car1")); cars = odb.GetObjects<Car>(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 1, cars.Count); // find for a specific composition query = new CriteriaQuery(typeof(Car), Where.Equal("", "marcelo")); cars = odb.GetObjects<Car>(query); AssertEquals("The objects couldn't be found correctly", 2, cars.Count); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
/// <summary>Create, store and try retrieve the object without default constructor</summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">System.Exception</exception> public virtual void TestUseInstanceHelper() { NeoDatis.Odb.OdbConfiguration.SetEnableEmptyConstructorCreation(false); try { NeoDatis.Odb.ClassRepresentation carRepresentation = odb.GetClassRepresentation(typeof( NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Instantiationhelper.Car)); // create a db and store a object that has not default constructor NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Instantiationhelper.Car car = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Instantiationhelper.Car ("Ranger", 2006); odb.Store(car); odb.Commit(); CloseAndReopenDb(); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects cars; try { CheckCarRetrieval(); Fail("Expected exception"); } catch (NeoDatis.Odb.ODBRuntimeException) { } // expected CloseAndReopenDb(); carRepresentation.AddInstantiationHelper(new _InstantiationHelper_76()); CheckCarRetrieval(); CloseAndReopenDb(); carRepresentation.RemoveInstantiationHelper(); carRepresentation.AddParameterHelper(new _ParameterHelper_84()); try { CheckCarRetrieval(); Fail("Expected Exception"); } catch (NeoDatis.Odb.ODBRuntimeException) { } // expected odb.Close(); } finally { NeoDatis.Odb.OdbConfiguration.SetEnableEmptyConstructorCreation(true); } }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estN2() { NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); if (simpleObject) { NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> objects = odb.GetObjects <Function>(new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("name", "f1000"))); Function f = objects.GetFirst(); f.SetName("new name"); odb.Store(f); } else { NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <User> objects = odb.GetObjects <User>(new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("name", "f1000"))); User f = objects.GetFirst(); f.SetName("new name"); odb.Store(f); } odb.Commit(); }
public virtual void Test7() { DeleteBase("t1u.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("t1u.neodatis"); Function login = new Function("login"); Function logout = new Function("logout"); odb.Store(login); odb.Store(logout); odb.Commit(); Function input = new Function("input"); odb.Store(input); odb.Close(); odb = Open("t1u.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> l = odb.GetObjects <Function>(true); AssertEquals(3, l.Count); // println(l); odb.Close(); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void Test5() { DeleteBase("t5.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("t5.neodatis"); long nbFunctions = odb.Count(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function))); long nbProfiles = odb.Count(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile))); long nbUsers = odb.Count(new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery( typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User))); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function login = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("login"); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function logout = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ("logout"); System.Collections.IList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); list.Add(login); list.Add(logout); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile profile = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile ("operator", list); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User olivier = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User("olivier smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User aisa = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User("Aísa Galvão Smadja" , "*****@*****.**", profile); odb.Store(olivier); odb.Store(profile); odb.Commit(); odb.Close(); odb = Open("t5.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects users = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User ), true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects profiles = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Profile ), true); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects functions = odb.GetObjects(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function ), true); odb.Close(); AssertEquals(nbUsers + 1, users.Count); AssertEquals(nbProfiles + 1, profiles.Count); AssertEquals(nbFunctions + 2, functions.Count); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void Test2() { DeleteBase("session.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open("session.neodatis"); Function f = new Function("f1" ); odb.Store(f); odb.Commit(); f.SetName("f1 -1"); odb.Store(f); odb.Close(); odb = Open("session.neodatis"); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <Function> os = odb.GetObjects <Function>(); AssertEquals(1, os.Count); Function f2 = (Function)os. GetFirst(); odb.Close(); DeleteBase("session.neodatis"); AssertEquals("f1 -1", f2.GetName()); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void Test6() { NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = null; string baseName = GetBaseName(); odb = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function("function1" ); odb.Store(f); NeoDatis.Odb.OID id = odb.GetObjectId(f); odb.Commit(); try { odb.Delete(f); odb.GetObjectFromId(id); Fail("The object has been deleted, the id should have been marked as deleted"); } catch (NeoDatis.Odb.ODBRuntimeException) { odb.Close(); DeleteBase("t-delete1.neodatis"); } }
/// <summary> /// Opens a connection C1, then create the index in another connection C2 and /// then stores the object in connection C1 /// </summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">System.Exception</exception> public virtual void TestCreateIndexInOtherConnectionNoClose() { if (isLocal || !testNewFeature) { return; } string baseName = GetBaseName(); DeleteBase(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb1 = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb2 = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.ClassRepresentation clazz = odb2.GetClassRepresentation(typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Index.IndexedObject3 )); string[] indexFields1 = new string[] { "i1" }; clazz.AddUniqueIndexOn("index1", indexFields1, true); odb2.Commit(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Index.IndexedObject3 io = new NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Index.IndexedObject3 (1 + i, 2, 3, "1" + i, "2", "3", new System.DateTime(2009, i, 1), new System.DateTime (), new System.DateTime()); odb1.Store(io); } odb1.Close(); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = Open(baseName); NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Query.IQuery q = new NeoDatis.Odb.Impl.Core.Query.Criteria.CriteriaQuery (typeof(NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Index.IndexedObject3), NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Query.Criteria.Where .Equal("i1", 1)); NeoDatis.Odb.Objects <NeoDatis.Odb.Test.Index.IndexedObject3> iis = odb.GetObjects (q); odb.Close(); odb2.Close(); AssertEquals(1, iis.Count); AssertTrue(q.GetExecutionPlan().UseIndex()); DeleteBase(baseName); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public virtual void T1estL1() { test.DeleteBase("acid1"); NeoDatis.Odb.ODB odb = test.Open("acid1"); odb.Store(GetInstance("f1")); odb.Store(GetInstance("f2")); NeoDatis.Odb.OID oid = odb.Store(GetInstance("f3")); odb.Commit(); object o = odb.GetObjectFromId(oid); if (simpleObject) { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.Function)o; f.SetName("flksjdfjs;dfsljflsjflksjfksjfklsdjfksjfkalsjfklsdjflskd"); odb.Store(f); } else { NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User f = (NeoDatis.Odb.Test.VO.Login.User)o; f.SetName("flksjdfjs;dfsljflsjflksjfksjfklsdjfksjfkalsjfklsdjflskd"); odb.Store(f); } odb.Rollback(); }
public virtual void TestUpdate() { try { DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); odb = Open(NewbieOdb); Driver marcelo = new Driver("marcelo"); Car car = new Car("car1", 4, "ranger", marcelo); odb.Store(car); CriteriaQuery query = new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("", "marcelo")); Car newCar = (Car)odb.GetObjects <Car>(query).GetFirst(); newCar.SetDriver(new Driver("dani")); odb.Store(newCar); odb.Commit(); query = new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("", "dani")); AssertEquals(1, odb.GetObjects <Car>(query).Count); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw e; } }
public virtual void TestUpdate() { try { DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); odb = Open(NewbieOdb); Driver marcelo = new Driver("marcelo"); Car car = new Car("car1", 4, "ranger", marcelo); odb.Store(car); CriteriaQuery query = new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("", "marcelo")); Car newCar = (Car)odb.GetObjects<Car>(query).GetFirst(); newCar.SetDriver(new Driver("dani")); odb.Store(newCar); odb.Commit(); query = new CriteriaQuery(Where.Equal("", "dani")); AssertEquals(1, odb.GetObjects<Car>(query).Count); odb.Close(); DeleteBase(NewbieOdb); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw e; } }