        internal static void Main()
            // Logging
            LogHelper.LoggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
            var logConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()

            NefsLog.LoggerFactory = LogHelper.LoggerFactory;

            // Setup workspace and services
            var fileSystem      = new FileSystem();
            var uiService       = new UiService(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher, fileSystem);
            var settingsService = new SettingsService(fileSystem, uiService);
            var progressService = new ProgressService(uiService);
            var nefsCompressor  = new NefsCompressor(fileSystem);
            var nefsReader      = new NefsReader(fileSystem);
            var nefsWriter      = new NefsWriter(TempDirectory, fileSystem, nefsCompressor);
            var workspace       = new NefsEditWorkspace(

            // Run application
            Application.Run(new EditorForm(workspace, uiService, settingsService));
        public async Task DecompressFileAsync_NotEncrypted_DataDecompressed()
            const string Data = @"Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.
Hello. This is the input data. It is not encrypted.";

            var sourceFilePath     = @"C:\source.txt";
            var compressedFilePath = @"C:\compressed.dat";
            var destFilePath       = @"C:\dest.txt";
            var chunkSize          = 0x10000U;

            this.fileSystem.AddFile(sourceFilePath, new MockFileData(Data));

            // Compress the source data
            var c    = new NefsCompressor(this.fileSystem);
            var size = await c.CompressFileAsync(sourceFilePath, compressedFilePath, chunkSize, new NefsProgress());

            // Decompress the data
            await c.DecompressFileAsync(compressedFilePath, 0, size.ChunkSizes, destFilePath, 0, new NefsProgress());

            // Verify
            var decompressedText = this.fileSystem.File.ReadAllText(destFilePath);

            Assert.Equal(Data, decompressedText);
        public async Task CompressAsync_VariousData_DataCompressed(CompressAsyncTestData test)
            var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InputDataString);

            using (var inputStream = new MemoryStream(input))
                using (var outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                    var c    = new NefsCompressor(this.fileSystem);
                    var size = await c.CompressAsync(inputStream, test.Offset, test.Length, outputStream, 0, test.ChunkSize, new NefsProgress());

                    // Read data from output stream
                    var resultData = new byte[outputStream.Length];
                    outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    await outputStream.ReadAsync(resultData, 0, (int)outputStream.Length);

                    // Verify
                    Assert.Equal(test.Length, size.ExtractedSize);
                    Assert.Equal(test.ExpectedChunks.Count, size.ChunkSizes.Count);
                    Assert.Equal(test.ExpectedData.Length, resultData.Length);