public Guid PublishUri(Uri uri) { var key = Guid.NewGuid(); this.published.Add(key, NdefRecord.CreateUri(uri.AbsoluteUri)); return(key); }
public NdefRecord CreateMimeRecord(String mimeType, byte[] payload) { byte[] mimeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mimeType); NdefRecord mimeRecord = new NdefRecord( NdefRecord.TnfMimeMedia, mimeBytes, new byte[0], payload); return(mimeRecord); }
private NdefRecord CreateTextRecord(string payload) { byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload); NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown, NdefRecord.RtdText.ToArray(), new byte[0], textBytes); return(record); }
private void btnReadAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!connActive) { return; } string tmpStr = string.Empty; int startBlock = 4, endBlock = 0, dataLength = 0, dataAllLength; int dataPageIndex = 0; byte[] recvData = new byte[6]; recvData = ReadDataFromCard(startBlock, 4); dataLength = recvData[1]; dataAllLength = dataLength + 3; if (dataLength > 0) { byte[] effectiveData = new byte[dataLength]; effectiveData[0] = recvData[2]; effectiveData[1] = recvData[3]; endBlock = dataAllLength % 4 == 0 ? dataAllLength / 4 + startBlock : dataAllLength / 4 + startBlock + 1; for (int iBlock = startBlock + 1; iBlock < endBlock; iBlock++) { recvData = ReadDataFromCard(iBlock, 4); for (int iBit = 0; iBit < 4; iBit++) { if ((dataPageIndex * 4 + iBit + 2) < effectiveData.Length) { effectiveData[dataPageIndex * 4 + iBit + 2] = recvData[iBit]; } } dataPageIndex++; } try { NdefMessage message = NdefMessage.FromByteArray(effectiveData); NdefRecord record = message[0]; if (record.CheckSpecializedType(false) == typeof(NdefTextRecord)) { //Convert and extract Smart Poster info var textRecord = new NdefTextRecord(record); WriteLog(3, 0, textRecord.Text); } } catch { } } }
private NdefRecord GenerateMimeRecord(Dictionary <string, string> values) { NdefRecord rec = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TypeNameFormatType.Mime, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(FLAGCARRIER_MIME_TYPE)) { Payload = GenerateCompressedPayload(values) }; return(rec); }
private string ParseUriRecord(NdefRecord ndefRecord) { byte[] payload = ndefRecord.GetPayload(); // Get the Language Code int languageCodeLength = payload[0] & 0063; return(new String(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(payload), languageCodeLength + 1, payload.Length - languageCodeLength - 1)); }
private void OnWriteTag(Intent intent, string content) { if (null != content) { var tag = intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) as Tag; if (tag != null) { Ndef ndef = Ndef.Get(tag); if (ndef != null && ndef.IsWritable) { var payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); var mimeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("text/plain"); var record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown, mimeBytes, new byte[0], payload); var ndefMessage = new NdefMessage(new[] { record }); ndef.Connect(); ndef.WriteNdefMessage(ndefMessage); ndef.Close(); } else { NdefFormatable ndefFormatable = NdefFormatable.Get(tag); if (ndefFormatable != null) { try { var payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); var mimeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("text/plain"); var record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown, mimeBytes, new byte[0], payload); var ndefMessage = new NdefMessage(new[] { record }); ndefFormatable.Connect(); ndefFormatable.Format(ndefMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { try { ndefFormatable.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Dynamically construct some more NDEF records var spRecord = new NdefSpRecord { Uri = "", NfcAction = NdefSpActRecord.NfcActionType.DoAction }; spRecord.AddTitle(new NdefTextRecord { LanguageCode = "en", Text = "NFC Library" }); spRecord.AddTitle(new NdefTextRecord { LanguageCode = "de", Text = "NFC Bibliothek" }); NfcRecords.Add("SmartPoster", spRecord); // Ensure the path exists var tagsDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, FileDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(tagsDirectory); // Write tag contents to files foreach (var curNdefRecord in NfcRecords) { WriteTagFile(tagsDirectory, curNdefRecord.Key, curNdefRecord.Value); } // Multi-record file var record1 = new NdefUriRecord { Uri = "" }; var record2 = new NdefAndroidAppRecord { PackageName = "" }; var twoRecordsMsg = new NdefMessage { record1, record2 }; WriteTagFile(tagsDirectory, "TwoRecords", twoRecordsMsg); var record3 = new NdefRecord { TypeNameFormat = NdefRecord.TypeNameFormatType.ExternalRtd, Type = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("") }; var threeRecordsMsg = new NdefMessage { record1, record3, record2 }; WriteTagFile(tagsDirectory, "ThreeRecords", threeRecordsMsg); // Success message on output Console.WriteLine("Generated {0} tag files in {1}.", NfcRecords.Count, tagsDirectory); Debug.WriteLine("Generated {0} tag files in {1}.", NfcRecords.Count, tagsDirectory); }
public NdefIcalendarRecord(NdefRecord other) : base(other) { if (!IsRecordType(this)) { throw new NdefException(NdefExceptionMessagesUwp.ExInvalidCopy); } ConvertIcalendarToAppointment(_payload); }
private void MessageReceived(ProximityDevice sender, ProximityMessage message) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { var buf = DataReader.FromBuffer(message.Data); List <NdefRecord> recordList = new List <NdefRecord>(); NdefRecordUtility.ReadNdefRecord(buf, recordList); NdefRecord firstRecord = recordList[0]; byte[] payload = firstRecord.Payload; GetBadgeData(payload); }); }
internal bool IsPoster(NdefRecord record) { try { Parse(record); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ndefRecord"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string ParseNdefRecord(NdefRecord ndefRecord) { byte[] payload = ndefRecord.GetPayload(); // Get the Language Code int languageCodeLength = payload[0] & 0063; char[] payloadChars = UTF8Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(payload); var payloadValue = new String(payloadChars, languageCodeLength + 1, payload.Length - languageCodeLength - 1); return(payloadValue); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when an NFC tag is discovered by the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="intent"></param> protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent) { if (_inReadMode) { _inReadMode = false; var tag = intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) as Tag; var rawMsgs = intent.GetParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraNdefMessages); if (tag == null) { return; } if (NfcAdapter.ExtraTag.Contains("nfc")) { HandleNFC(intent, true); } //added the below lines, can delete if they don't work. //NdefRecord payload = ((NdefMessage)rawMsgs[0]).GetRecords()[0]; //byte[] currentPayloadBytes = payload.GetPayload(); //String currentPayloadString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(currentPayloadBytes, 0, currentPayloadBytes.Length); var tagId = tag.GetId(); _tagUid = ByteArrayToString(tagId); Log.Info(this.Application.PackageName, "Card UID is " + _tagUid); //DisplayMessage("Card UID is " + _tagUid + newLine + "Payload is " + "'" + currentPayloadString + "'"); } else if (_inWriteMode) { _inWriteMode = false; var tag = intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) as Tag; if (tag == null) { return; } // These next few lines will create a payload (consisting of a string) // and a mimetype. NFC record are arrays of bytes. var payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_writeTextView.Text); var nfcRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown, new byte[0], new byte[0], payload); var ndefMessage = new NdefMessage(new[] { nfcRecord }); if (!TryAndWriteToTag(tag, ndefMessage)) { // Maybe the write couldn't happen because the tag wasn't formatted? TryAndFormatTagWithMessage(tag, ndefMessage); } } }
private void Write(object sender, EventArgs e) { lock (this) { var label = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.DataLabel); try { if (nfcTag == null) { label.Text = "nfc tag is null"; return; } var data = DateTime.Now.ToString(); /* * var ndefRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfMimeMedia, * null, * new byte[] { }, * Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); */ var ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateExternal( "Smartisan.Nfc.Smartisan.Nfc", // your domain name "myapp", // your type name Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); // payload var ndef = Ndef.Get(nfcTag); ndef.Connect(); ndef.WriteNdefMessage(new NdefMessage(ndefRecord)); ndef.Close(); label.Text = $"Data:{newLine}{data}"; } catch (Exception ex) { label.Text += $"{newLine} Exception: {newLine} {ex.Message} {newLine} {ex.StackTrace}"; } finally { if (nfcTag != null) { if (Ndef.Get(nfcTag).IsConnected) { Ndef.Get(nfcTag).Close(); } } } } }
public override byte[] GetKey(KeyProviderQueryContext ctx) { byte[] key = null; try { KeePassRFIDConfig rfidConfig = KeePassRFIDConfig.GetFromCurrentSession(); ChipAction(new Action <Chip>(delegate(Chip chip) { if (rfidConfig.KeyType == KeyType.NFC) { // Only tag type 4 supported for now. NFCTagCardService nfcsvc = chip.getService(CardServiceType.CST_NFC_TAG) as NFCTagCardService; if (nfcsvc == null) { throw new KeePassRFIDException(Properties.Resources.UnsupportedNFCTag); } NdefMessage msg = nfcsvc.readNDEF(); if (msg.getRecordCount() > 0) { NdefRecordCollection records = msg.getRecords(); if (records.Count > 0) { // Always use first record only NdefRecord record = records[0]; // Don't care about payload type, use whole payload as the key UCharCollection payload = record.getPayload(); if (payload.Count > 0) { key = payload.ToArray(); } } } } else { UCharCollection csn = chip.getChipIdentifier(); if (csn.Count > 0) { key = csn.ToArray(); } } }), rfidConfig); } catch (KeePassRFIDException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Properties.Resources.PluginError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return(key); }
private bool IsOurRecord(NdefRecord rec) { if (rec.TypeNameFormat != NdefRecord.TypeNameFormatType.Mime) { return(false); } if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rec.Type) != FLAGCARRIER_MIME_TYPE) { return(false); } return(true); }
private UriRecord ParseAbsolute(NdefRecord record) { /* * byte[] payload = record.getPayload(); * Uri uri = Uri.parse(new String(payload, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); * return new UriRecord(uri); */ var payload = record.GetPayload(); Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); string text = enc.GetString(payload); return(new UriRecord(text)); }
/// <summary> /// Transforms a <see cref="NFCNdefRecord"/> into an Android <see cref="NdefRecord"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="record">Object <see cref="NFCNdefRecord"/></param> /// <returns>Android <see cref="NdefRecord"/></returns> NdefRecord GetAndroidNdefRecord(NFCNdefRecord record) { if (record == null) { return(null); } NdefRecord ndefRecord = null; switch (record.TypeFormat) { case NFCNdefTypeFormat.WellKnown: var languageCode = record.LanguageCode; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(languageCode)) { languageCode = Configuration.DefaultLanguageCode; } if (languageCode.Length > 5) { languageCode = languageCode.Substring(0, 5); //max support 5 chars like en-US or de-AT } ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateTextRecord(languageCode, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload)); //no need to force it to 2 letters only //ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateTextRecord(languageCode.Substring(0, 2), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload)); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateMime(record.MimeType, record.Payload); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Uri: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateUri(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload)); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.External: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateExternal(record.ExternalDomain, record.ExternalType, record.Payload); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Empty: ndefRecord = GetEmptyNdefRecord(); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Unknown: case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Unchanged: case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Reserved: default: break; } return(ndefRecord); }
public NdefRecord CreateMimeRecord(String mimeType, byte[] payload) { try { byte[] mimeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mimeType); NdefRecord mimeRecord = new NdefRecord( NdefRecord.TnfMimeMedia, mimeBytes, new byte[0], payload); return(mimeRecord); } catch (Exception exc) { Helpers.LoggerHelper.LogException(exc); return(null); } }
public static NfcTagRecord ToNfcTagRecord(NdefRecord ndefRecord) { if (ndefRecord is NfcUriRecord) { var nfcUriRecord = ndefRecord as NfcUriRecord; if (nfcUriRecord.UriPrefix == NfcUriRecord.Prefix.http || nfcUriRecord.UriPrefix == NfcUriRecord.Prefix.https || nfcUriRecord.UriPrefix == NfcUriRecord.Prefix.httpswww || nfcUriRecord.UriPrefix == NfcUriRecord.Prefix.httpwww) { return NfcTagRecord.FromUrl(nfcUriRecord.ToString()); } } return null; }
public UriRecord Parse(NdefRecord record) { var tnf = record.Tnf; if (tnf == NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown) { return(ParseWellKnown(record)); } else if (tnf == NdefRecord.TnfAbsoluteUri) { return(ParseAbsolute(record)); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown tnf"); } }
public static String ProcessNFCRecord(NdefRecord record) { //Define the tag content we want to return. String tagContent = null; //Make sure we have a record. if (record != null) { //Check if the record is a URL. if (record.CheckSpecializedType(true) == typeof(NdefUriRecord)) { //The content is a URL. tagContent = new NdefUriRecord(record).Uri; } else if (record.CheckSpecializedType(true) == typeof(NdefMailtoRecord)) { //The content is a mailto record. tagContent = new NdefMailtoRecord(record).Uri; } else if (record.CheckSpecializedType(true) == typeof(NdefTelRecord)) { //The content is a tel record. tagContent = new NdefTelRecord(record).Uri; } else if (record.CheckSpecializedType(true) == typeof(NdefSmsRecord)) { //The content is a sms record. tagContent = new NdefSmsRecord(record).Uri; } else if (record.CheckSpecializedType(true) == typeof(NdefTextRecord)) { //The content is a text record. tagContent = new NdefTextRecord(record).Text; } else { //Try and force a pure text conversion. tagContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload); } } //Return the tag content. return(tagContent); }
/// <summary> /// Transforms a <see cref="NFCNdefRecord"/> into an Android <see cref="NdefRecord"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="record">Object <see cref="NFCNdefRecord"/></param> /// <returns>Android <see cref="NdefRecord"/></returns> NdefRecord GetAndroidNdefRecord(NFCNdefRecord record) { if (record == null) { return(null); } NdefRecord ndefRecord = null; switch (record.TypeFormat) { case NFCNdefTypeFormat.WellKnown: var languageCode = record.LanguageCode; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(languageCode)) { languageCode = Configuration.DefaultLanguageCode; } ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateTextRecord(languageCode.Substring(0, 2), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload)); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateMime(record.MimeType, record.Payload); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Uri: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateUri(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Payload)); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.External: ndefRecord = NdefRecord.CreateExternal(record.ExternalDomain, record.ExternalType, record.Payload); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Empty: ndefRecord = GetEmptyNdefRecord(); break; case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Unknown: case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Unchanged: case NFCNdefTypeFormat.Reserved: default: break; } return(ndefRecord); }
/* * Method name: CreateCardContent * Purpose: To be able to create the content for the card in the correct form of ShareMyDay:CardType:CardMessage */ public static NdefMessage CreateCardContent() { switch (_typeSelected) { case "Leisure Activity": _typeSelected = "1"; break; case "Class Activity": _typeSelected = "2"; break; case "Class": _typeSelected = "3"; break; case "Item": _typeSelected = "4"; break; case "Teacher": _typeSelected = "5"; break; case "Friend": _typeSelected = "6"; break; case "Visitor": _typeSelected = "7"; break; case "Admin": _typeSelected = "8"; break; } var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_typeSelected + ":" + _inputMessage); var mimeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ShareMyDayTest"); var ndefRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfMimeMedia, mimeBytes, new byte[0], messageBytes); var ndefMessage = new NdefMessage(new[] { ndefRecord }); return(ndefMessage); }
protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent) //When a new NFC tag is discovered { try { var tag = intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) as Tag; IParcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.GetParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraNdefMessages); if (rawMsgs != null) { NdefMessage message = (NdefMessage)rawMsgs[0]; NdefRecord[] records = message.GetRecords(); if (records != null) { if (MainPage.currentPage == "Read From Node") //If current page is read page { ReadNFC.DisplayValues(records[0].GetPayload()); //Encrypt nonce and create reply } else //If current page is write page { Ndef ndef = Ndef.Get(tag); ndef.Connect(); byte[] bytes = WriteNFC.CreateRequest(); NdefRecord newRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfUnknown, new byte[0], new byte[0], bytes); NdefMessage newMessage = new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[] { newRecord }); ndef.WriteNdefMessage(newMessage); ndef.Close(); Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "Write Succesful", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } } else { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "The Tag did not contain a message.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } catch { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "Something went wrong, please try again.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
private void PublishRecord(NdefRecord record, bool writeToTag) { if (_device == null) { return; } // Make sure we're not already publishing another message StopPublishingMessage(false); // Wrap the NDEF record into an NDEF message var message = new NdefMessage { record }; // Convert the NDEF message to a byte array var msgArray = message.ToByteArray(); // Publish the NDEF message to a tag or to another device, depending on the writeToTag parameter // Save the publication ID so that we can cancel publication later _publishingMessageId = _device.PublishBinaryMessage((writeToTag ? "NDEF:WriteTag" : "NDEF"), msgArray.AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler); }
/// <summary> /// Below a code snippet for writing to a discovered tag. This method can be called when a new intent (tag discovered) has been fired. /// I'm using the Ndef class to the actual writing of the data to the tag. /// The first step is to create the different parts payload, record, and the Ndef message which will be written on the tag. /// Don't forget to call the Connect method before writing to the tag, otherwise, an exception will be thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="intent">Current intent</param> /// <param name="content">Your Message</param> public void WriteToTag(Intent intent, string content) { if (!(intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) is Tag tag)) { return; } Ndef ndef = Ndef.Get(tag); if (ndef == null || !ndef.IsWritable) { return; } var payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); var mimeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("text/plain"); var record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown, mimeBytes, new byte[0], payload); var ndefMessage = new NdefMessage(new[] { record }); ndef.Connect(); ndef.WriteNdefMessage(ndefMessage); ndef.Close(); }
//NFC EVENTS public NdefMessage CreateNdefMessage(NfcEvent evt) { if (myName == null) { Identity.LoadUsername(GetExternalFilesDir(null).ToString()); myName = Identity.Username; } string datagram = myName + ","; foreach (string e in keys) { datagram += e + "#"; } NdefRecord mimeRec = new NdefRecord( NdefRecord.TnfMimeMedia, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Mime), new byte[0], Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(datagram)); NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[] { mimeRec }); return(msg); }
public NFCMessage NdefFormatable_FormatTag(Tag tag) { if (!tag.GetTechList().Contains(Tech_NdefFormatable)) { return(NFCMessage.NFC_UN_FORMATABLE_TAG); } NdefFormatable ndefFormatable = NdefFormatable.Get(tag); if (ndefFormatable == null) { return(NFCMessage.NFC_CANT_FORMAT); } ndefFormatable.Connect(); NdefRecord record = NdefRecord.CreateMime("text/plain", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("New")); NdefMessage message = new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[] { record }); ndefFormatable.Format(message); ndefFormatable.Close(); OnFormatting_NdefTag?.Invoke(); return(NFCMessage.NFC_TAG_FORMATED); }
private void ReadNfcTag(Intent intent) { // Find first NDEF message var parcellableNdefMessages = intent.GetParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraNdefMessages); NdefMessage ndefMessage = null; if (parcellableNdefMessages != null && parcellableNdefMessages.Length > 0) { ndefMessage = parcellableNdefMessages[0] as NdefMessage; LogMessage("NDEF formatted NFC Tag discovered."); } else { LogMessage("Error: Tag is not NDEF formatted. This is unexpected."); return; } // Find first record in NDEF message NdefRecord ndefRecord = null; var ndefRecords = ndefMessage.GetRecords(); if (ndefRecords != null && ndefRecords.Length > 0) { LogMessage("Using first NDEF record."); ndefRecord = ndefRecords[0]; } else { LogMessage("Error: No records found in NDEF Message."); return; } // Log Uri to output LogMessage(String.Format("TAG Uri: {0}\n", ndefRecord.ToUri())); //var openUriIntent = new Intent(Android.Content.Intent.ActionView, ndefRecord.ToUri()); //StartActivity(openUriIntent); }
/** * * Método faz a gravação de uma nova mensagem no cartão. * * Essa nova mensagem será códificada usando o padrão UTF-8. * * @param ndef = Contém as informações do cartão que esta sendo lido. * @param mensagem = Mensagem que será gravada no cartão * * @throws IOException * @throws FormatException * * @return boolean => True = Mensagem Gravada / False = Erro ao gravar mensagem * * */ public bool GavarMensagemCartao(Ndef ndef, string mensagem) { bool retorno = false; try { if (ndef != null) { ndef.Connect(); NdefRecord mimeRecord = null; Java.Lang.String str = new Java.Lang.String(mensagem); mimeRecord = NdefRecord.CreateMime ("UTF-8", str.GetBytes(Charset.ForName("UTF-8"))); ndef.WriteNdefMessage(new NdefMessage(mimeRecord)); ndef.Close(); retorno = true; } else { retorno = FormataCartao(ndef); } } catch (System.FormatException e) { throw new System.FormatException(e.Message); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(e.Message); } finally { this.GravaTempoFinal(); } return(retorno); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Smart Uri record based on the record passed /// through the argument. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Internalizes and parses the payload of the original record. /// The original record can be a Smart Poster or a URI record. /// </remarks> /// <param name="other">Record to copy into this SmartUri record.</param> public NdefSmartUriRecord(NdefRecord other) : base(other) { // Type compatibility checks done in base class }