public override async void Update(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
                var dataAccess = (IDataAccess)eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IDataAccess));

                var gridContext = (NccGridContext)eventArgs.NccControlContext;
                if (gridContext == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not obtain NccGridContext to process Update. Wrong control type?");

                var model = new List <Products>();

                var ok = await eventArgs.Controller.TryUpdateModelAsync(model, gridContext.Id);

                if (!ok)
                    throw new Exception("Error binding model to object or list");

                ok = NccEventService.NccBindDataKeys(model, gridContext.DataKeysValues);
                if (!ok)
                    throw new Exception("DataKeys list is bigger than submited list. No match possible!!");

                foreach (var product in model)

                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "All grid products updated successfully!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "success";
            catch (Exception e)
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "An error occured updating products info!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "danger";
 public virtual void PreRender(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
 public virtual void PostBack(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
 /// <summary>
 /// Properties available:
 /// -
 /// - ViewContext
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
 public virtual void Load(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
     eventArgs.NccControlContext.NccSetPropertyValue("Visible", true);
 public virtual void DataBound(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
        public virtual async void Update(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
            var detailsContext = (NccDetailsContext)eventArgs.NccControlContext;

            if (detailsContext == null)

            var type = Type.GetType(detailsContext.DatabaseModelType);

            if (type == null)
                throw new Exception("The DatabaseModelType was incorrectly set. Please correct it on the Grid context.");

            dynamic model = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("The DatabaseModelType specified could not be instantiated. Is it public?");

            var ok = await eventArgs.Controller.TryUpdateModelAsync(model, detailsContext.Id);

            if (!ok)
                throw new Exception("Error binding model to object or list");

            ok = NccEventService.NccBindDataKeys(model, detailsContext.DataKeysValues, 0);

            if (!ok)
                throw new Exception("DataKeys list is bigger than submited list. No match possible!!");

            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("It was not possible to bind the forms value to model.");

            var options     = NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstanceWithDi(eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext, NccConstants.OptionsAssemblyName);
            var nccSettings = options != null ? ((IOptions <NccSettings>)options).Value : new NccSettings();

            var dbService = nccSettings.UseDependencyInjection ? NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstanceWithDi(eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext, detailsContext.DataAccessClass) : NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstance(detailsContext.DataAccessClass, detailsContext.DataAccessParameters);

            if (dbService == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not get an instance of DataAccessClass. Wrong assembly full name?");

            var updateParameters = detailsContext.UpdateParameters?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).NccToExpando() ?? new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary <string, object>;

            updateParameters["model"] = model;

                var result = dbService.NccInvokeMethod(detailsContext.UpdateMethod, (ExpandoObject)updateParameters);

                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "Updated successfully!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "success";
            catch (Exception)
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "An error occured!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "danger";
 public virtual void ItemDataBound(NccEventArgs eventArgs, object itemData)
 public virtual void DeleteRow(NccEventArgs eventArgs, int rowPos)
 public virtual void RowCreated(NccEventArgs eventArgs, GridRow row)
 public virtual void RowDataBound(NccEventArgs eventArgs, object rowData)
 public virtual void Update(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
 public virtual void OptionBound(NccEventArgs eventArgs, object elemData, TagBuilder tag)