    //Use this to add an edge to the graph. The method will ensure that the
    //edge passed as a parameter is valid before adding it to the graph. If the
    //graph is a digraph then a similar edge connecting the nodes in the opposite
    //direction will be automatically added.
    public void AddEdge(NavGraphEdge edge)
        //first make sure the from and to nodes exist within the graph
          		DebugUtils.Assert ( ( edge.From() < nextNodeIndex_ ) &&
                            ( edge.To() < nextNodeIndex_ ),
          					"<NavGraph::AddEdge>: invalid node index, from: " + edge.From() + ", to: " + edge.To() );

          		//make sure both nodes are active before adding the edge
          		if ( (nodes_[edge.To()].Index() != NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index) &&
           		 (nodes_[edge.From()].Index() != NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index)) {
            //add the edge, first making sure it is unique
            if ( isUniqueEdge(edge.From(), edge.To()) ) {

            //if the graph is undirected we must add another connection in the opposite
            if (!isDigraph_) {
          			//check to make sure the edge is unique before adding
          			if ( isUniqueEdge(edge.To(), edge.From()) ) {
                    NavGraphEdge newEdge = edge;

    //Use this to add an edge to the graph. The method will ensure that the
    //edge passed as a parameter is valid before adding it to the graph. If the
    //graph is a digraph then a similar edge connecting the nodes in the opposite
    //direction will be automatically added.
    public void AddEdge(NavGraphEdge edge)
        //first make sure the from and to nodes exist within the graph
        DebugUtils.Assert((edge.From() < nextNodeIndex_) &&
                          (edge.To() < nextNodeIndex_),
                          "<NavGraph::AddEdge>: invalid node index, from: " + edge.From() + ", to: " + edge.To());

        //make sure both nodes are active before adding the edge
        if ((nodes_[edge.To()].Index() != NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index) &&
            (nodes_[edge.From()].Index() != NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index))
            //add the edge, first making sure it is unique
            if (isUniqueEdge(edge.From(), edge.To()))

            //if the graph is undirected we must add another connection in the opposite

             * if (!isDigraph_) {
             * //check to make sure the edge is unique before adding
             * if ( isUniqueEdge(edge.To(), edge.From()) ) {
             *      NavGraphEdge newEdge = edge;
             *      newEdge.SetTo(edge.From());
             *      newEdge.SetFrom(edge.To());
             *      edges_[edge.To()].Add(newEdge);
             *      }
             * }
    //removes the edge connecting from and to from the graph (if present). If
    //a digraph then the edge connecting the nodes in the opposite direction
    //will also be removed.
    public void RemoveEdge(int fromNodeIdx, int toNodeIdx)
        DebugUtils.Assert((fromNodeIdx < nodes_.Count) &&
                          (toNodeIdx < nodes_.Count),
                          "<NavGraph::RemoveEdge>:invalid node index");

        NavGraphEdge currEdge = null;

         * if (!isDigraph_) {
         *      for ( int i=0; i<edges_[toNodeIdx].Count; ++i ) {
         *              currEdge = edges_[toNodeIdx][i];
         *      if ( currEdge.To() == fromNodeIdx ) {
         *              edges_[toNodeIdx].RemoveAt(i);
         *                      break;
         *              }
         *      }
         * }

        for (int i = 0; i < edges_[fromNodeIdx].Count; ++i)
            currEdge = edges_[fromNodeIdx][i];
            if (currEdge.To() == toNodeIdx)
 public NavGraph(int cell_count, NavGrid nav_grid)
     grid = new HandleVector <NavGraphEdge> .Handle[nav_grid.maxLinksPerCell * cell_count];
     for (int i = 0; i < grid.Length; i++)
         grid[i] = HandleVector <NavGraphEdge> .InvalidHandle;
     edges = new HandleVector <NavGraphEdge>(cell_count);
     for (int j = 0; j < cell_count; j++)
         int          num  = j * nav_grid.maxLinksPerCell;
         NavGrid.Link link = nav_grid.Links[num];
         while (link.link != NavGrid.InvalidHandle)
             NavGraphEdge item = new NavGraphEdge
                 startNavType = link.startNavType,
                 endNavType   = link.endNavType,
                 endCell      = link.link,
                 startCell    = j
             HandleVector <NavGraphEdge> .Handle handle = edges.Add(item);
             grid[num] = handle;
             link = nav_grid.Links[num];
         grid[num] = HandleVector <NavGraphEdge> .InvalidHandle;
    //returns true if an edge is not already present in the graph. Used
    //when adding edges to make sure no duplicates are created.
    protected bool isUniqueEdge(int fromIdx, int toIdx)
        NavGraphEdge currEdge = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < edges_[fromIdx].Count; ++i)
            currEdge = edges_[fromIdx][i];
            if (currEdge.To() == toIdx)

    //iterates through all the edges in the graph and removes any that point
    //to an invalidated node
    protected void CullInvalidEdges()
        List <NavGraphEdge> currEdgeList = null;
        NavGraphEdge        currEdge     = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < edges_.Count; ++i)
            currEdgeList = edges_[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < currEdgeList.Count; ++j)
                currEdge = currEdgeList[j];
                if (nodes_[currEdge.To()].Index() == NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index ||
                    nodes_[currEdge.From()].Index() == NavGraphNode.invalid_node_index)
    //sets the cost of an edge
    public void SetEdgeCost(int fromNodeIdx, int toNodeIdx, float cost)
        //make sure the nodes given are valid
        DebugUtils.Assert((fromNodeIdx < nodes_.Count) && (toNodeIdx < nodes_.Count),
                          "<NavGraph::SetEdgeCost>: invalid index, fromNodeIdx: " + fromNodeIdx + ", toNodeIdx: " + toNodeIdx);

        NavGraphEdge currEdge = null;

        //visit each neighbour and erase any edges leading to this node
        for (int i = 0; i < edges_[fromNodeIdx].Count; ++i)
            currEdge = edges_[fromNodeIdx][i];

            if (currEdge.To() == toNodeIdx)
 public PathEdge( Vector2 source, Vector2 destination, NavGraphEdge.EdgeType edgeType=NavGraphEdge.EdgeType.normal )
     source_ = source;
     destination_ = destination;
     edgeType_ = edgeType;
    protected void Search()
        //create an indexed priority queue that sorts smallest to largest
        //(front to back).Note that the maximum number of elements the iPQ
        //may contain is N. This is because no node can be represented on the
        //queue more than once.
        IndexedPriorityQLow pq = new IndexedPriorityQLow(costToThisNode_, navGraph_.NumNodes());

        //put the source node on the queue

        //while the queue is not empty
        while (!pq.Empty())
            //get lowest cost node from the queue. Don't forget, the return value
            //is a *node index*, not the node itself. This node is the node not already
            //on the SPT that is the closest to the source node
            int nextClosestNode = pq.Pop();

            //move this edge from the frontier to the shortest path tree
            shortestPathTree_[nextClosestNode] = searchFrontier_[nextClosestNode];

            //if the target has been found exit
            if (nextClosestNode == targetNodeID_)

            //now to relax the edges.
            List <NavGraphEdge> edges    = navGraph_.GetEdgeListList()[nextClosestNode];
            NavGraphEdge        currEdge = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; ++i)
                currEdge = edges[i];

                //the total cost to the node this edge points to is the cost to the
                //current node plus the cost of the edge connecting them.
                float newCost = costToThisNode_[nextClosestNode] + currEdge.Cost();

                //if this edge has never been on the frontier make a note of the cost
                //to get to the node it points to, then add the edge to the frontier
                //and the destination node to the PQ.
                if (searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] == null)
                    costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()] = newCost;
                    searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] = currEdge;

                //else test to see if the cost to reach the destination node via the
                //current node is cheaper than the cheapest cost found so far. If
                //this path is cheaper, we assign the new cost to the destination
                //node, update its entry in the PQ to reflect the change and add the
                //edge to the frontier
                else if ((newCost < costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()]) &&
                         (shortestPathTree_[currEdge.To()] == null))
                    costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()] = newCost;

                    //because the cost is less than it was previously, the PQ must be
                    //re-sorted to account for this.

                    searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] = currEdge;
        public void Render(Graphics objGraphics)
            //render all the cells
            for (int nd = 0; nd < m_Graph.NumNodes(); ++nd)
                int left   = (int)(m_Graph.GetNode(nd).Pos.X - m_dCellWidth / 2.0);
                int top    = (int)(m_Graph.GetNode(nd).Pos.Y - m_dCellHeight / 2.0);
                int right  = (int)(1 + m_Graph.GetNode(nd).Pos.X + m_dCellWidth / 2.0);
                int bottom = (int)(1 + m_Graph.GetNode(nd).Pos.Y + m_dCellHeight / 2.0);

                Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);

                SolidBrush fillBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);

                switch (m_TerrainType[nd])
                case (int)brush_type.normal:
                    fillBrush.Color = Color.White;

                case (int)brush_type.obstacle:
                    fillBrush.Color = Color.Black;

                case (int)brush_type.water:
                    fillBrush.Color = Color.DodgerBlue;

                case (int)brush_type.mud:
                    fillBrush.Color = Color.Brown;

                    fillBrush.Color = Color.White;
                }//end switch

                objGraphics.FillRectangle(fillBrush, rect);

                if (m_bShowTiles)
                    objGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, rect.Location, new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top));
                    objGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, rect.Location, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom));

                if (nd == m_iTargetCell)
                    rect.Inflate(-4, -4);
                    objGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, rect);
                    objGraphics.DrawString("T", m_font, Brushes.Black, rect.Right - (int)(rect.Width * 0.75), rect.Y);
                else if (nd == m_iSourceCell)
                    rect.Inflate(-4, -4);
                    objGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGreen, rect);
                    objGraphics.DrawString("S", m_font, Brushes.Black, rect.Right - (int)(rect.Width * 0.75), rect.Y);

                //render dots at the corners of the cells
                objGraphics.DrawLine(m_ThickBlack, left, top, left + 1, top + 1);

            //draw the graph nodes and edges if rqd
            if (m_bShowGraph)
                if (m_Graph.NumNodes() > 0)
                    SparseGraph.NodeIterator NodeItr = new SparseGraph.NodeIterator(m_Graph);

                    while (NodeItr.MoveNext())
                        objGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.LightGray, (int)(NodeItr.Current.Pos.X - 2), (int)(NodeItr.Current.Pos.Y - 2), (int)2 * 2, (int)2 * 2);

                        SparseGraph.EdgeIterator EdgeItr = new SparseGraph.EdgeIterator(m_Graph, NodeItr.Current.Index);

                        while (EdgeItr.MoveNext())
                            objGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, (int)NodeItr.Current.Pos.X, (int)NodeItr.Current.Pos.Y, (int)m_Graph.GetNode(EdgeItr.Current.To).Pos.X, (int)m_Graph.GetNode(EdgeItr.Current.To).Pos.Y);

            //draw any tree retrieved from the algorithms
            for (int e = 0; e < m_SubTree.Count; ++e)
                if (!NavGraphEdge.IsNull(m_SubTree[e]))
                    Vector2D from = m_Graph.GetNode(m_SubTree[e].From).Pos;
                    Vector2D to   = m_Graph.GetNode(m_SubTree[e].To).Pos;

                    objGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, (int)from.X, (int)from.Y, (int)to.X, (int)to.Y);

            //draw the path (if any)
            if (m_Path.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_Path.Count; ++i)
                    if (i > 0)
                        Point start = new Point((int)m_Graph.GetNode(m_Path[i - 1]).Pos.X, (int)m_Graph.GetNode(m_Path[i - 1]).Pos.Y);
                        Point end   = new Point((int)m_Graph.GetNode(m_Path[i]).Pos.X, (int)m_Graph.GetNode(m_Path[i]).Pos.Y);

                        objGraphics.DrawLine(m_ThickBlue, start, end);
    //When called, this method pops the next node off the PQ and examines all
    //its edges. The method returns an enumerated value (target_found,
    //target_not_found, search_incomplete) indicating the status of the search
    override public SearchResult CycleOnce()
        //if the PQ is empty the target has not been found
        if (pq_.Empty())

        //get lowest cost node from the queue
        int nextClosestNode = pq_.Pop();

        //move this node from the frontier to the spanning tree
        shortestPathTree_[nextClosestNode] = searchFrontier_[nextClosestNode];

        //if the target has been found exit
        if (isSatisfied(navGraph_, targetNodeIndex_, nextClosestNode))
            //make a note of the node index that has satisfied the condition. This
            //is so we can work backwards from the index to extract the path from
            //the shortest path tree.
            targetNodeIndex_ = nextClosestNode;


        //now to test all the edges attached to this node
        List <NavGraphEdge> edges    = navGraph_.GetEdgeListList()[nextClosestNode];
        NavGraphEdge        currEdge = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; ++i)
            currEdge = edges[i];

            //the total cost to the node this edge points to is the cost to the
            //current node plus the cost of the edge connecting them.
            float newCost = costToThisNode_[nextClosestNode] + currEdge.Cost();

            //if this edge has never been on the frontier make a note of the cost
            //to get to the node it points to, then add the edge to the frontier
            //and the destination node to the PQ.
            if (searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] == null)
                costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()] = newCost;
                searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] = currEdge;

            //else test to see if the cost to reach the destination node via the
            //current node is cheaper than the cheapest cost found so far. If
            //this path is cheaper, we assign the new cost to the destination
            //node, update its entry in the PQ to reflect the change and add the
            //edge to the frontier
            else if ((newCost < costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()]) &&
                     (shortestPathTree_[currEdge.To()] == null))
                costToThisNode_[currEdge.To()] = newCost;

                //because the cost is less than it was previously, the PQ must be
                //re-sorted to account for this.
                searchFrontier_[currEdge.To()] = currEdge;

        //there are still nodes to explore
    //When called, this method pops the next node off the PQ and examines all
    //its edges. The method returns an enumerated value (target_found,
    //target_not_found, search_incomplete) indicating the status of the search

    override public SearchResult CycleOnce()
        //if the PQ is empty the target has not been found
        if (pq_.Empty())

        //get lowest cost node from the queue
        int NextClosestNode = pq_.Pop();

        //put the node on the SPT
        shortestPathTree_[NextClosestNode] = searchFrontier_[NextClosestNode];

        //if the target has been found exit
        if (NextClosestNode == targetIdx_)

        //now to test all the edges attached to this node
        List <NavGraphEdge> edgeList = graph_.GetEdgeListList()[NextClosestNode];
        NavGraphEdge        edge     = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.Count; ++i)
            edge = edgeList[i];

            //calculate the heuristic cost from this node to the target (H)
            float HCost = Calculate(graph_, targetIdx_, edge.To());

            //calculate the 'real' cost to this node from the source (G)
            float GCost = gCosts_[NextClosestNode] + edge.Cost();

            //if the node has not been added to the frontier, add it and update
            //the G and F costs
            if (searchFrontier_[edge.To()] == null)
                fCosts_[edge.To()] = GCost + HCost;
                gCosts_[edge.To()] = GCost;


                searchFrontier_[edge.To()] = edge;

            //if this node is already on the frontier but the cost to get here
            //is cheaper than has been found previously, update the node
            //costs and frontier accordingly.
            else if ((GCost < gCosts_[edge.To()]) &&
                     (shortestPathTree_[edge.To()] == null))
                fCosts_[edge.To()] = GCost + HCost;
                gCosts_[edge.To()] = GCost;


                searchFrontier_[edge.To()] = edge;

        //there are still nodes to explore