        internal override void GetTitleTextRect(int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc)
            // draw_column_titles() from cnt_pnt.cpp

            //InflateRect(&Rect, -factor, -factor);

            // Get_Divider_Cordinates(Gui, Ctrl, col + 1, &paintRect.right, &paintRect.left);
            rc.left = tableControl.GetColumnRectangle(index, false).Left;

            rc.left -= tableControl.BorderHeight; // start from bounds and not clientrectangle
            rc.top  -= tableControl.BorderHeight;

            rc.right = GetTextRightCoordinate(index, rc.left);

            //paintRect.right -= PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT * factor;
            //paintRect.left += PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT * factor
            rc.right -= PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT * TableControl.Factor;
            rc.left  += PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT * TableControl.Factor;

            //paintRect.bottom = Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT;
            //paintRect.top = Rect.top + PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT;
            rc.bottom = rc.top + this.tableControl.TitleHeight - PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT;
            rc.top    = rc.top + PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT * TableControl.Factor;
 /// <summary>
 /// paint header background
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pcust"></param>
 /// <param name="rect"></param>
 internal virtual void PaintBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
     if (TitleBrush != IntPtr.Zero)
         NativeWindowCommon.FillRect(pcust.hdc, ref rect, TitleBrush);
        /// <summary>
        /// get title text rect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="rc"></param>
        internal override void GetTitleTextRect(int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc)
            // draw_column_titles() from cnt_pnt.cpp

            rc.top -= tableControl.BorderHeight;

            //if (Ctrl->Style & (CTRL_STYLE_THICK) || Ctrl->Style & (CTRL_STYLE_THIN))
            //   InflateRect(&Rect, -factor, -factor);

            if (tableControl.BorderType == util.BorderType.Thick ||
                tableControl.BorderType == util.BorderType.Thin)

            //paintRect.bottom = Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT;
            //paintRect.top = Rect.top + PIX_BETWEEN_DEVIDER_AND_DIT;
            rc.bottom = rc.top + tableControl.TitleHeight - PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT;
            rc.top   += PIX_BETWEEN_DIVIDER_AND_DIT;

            //paintRect.right -= ((COL_DIVIDER - 1) * factor);
            //paintRect.left += ((COL_DIVIDER - 1) * factor);
            rc.left  += (TwoDTableStyleRenderer.MARGIN - 1) * TableControl.Factor;
            rc.right -= (TwoDTableStyleRenderer.MARGIN - 1) * TableControl.Factor + 1;

            if (tableControl.RightToLeftLayout && index != 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="topOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        /// <param name="fontDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="contentAlignment"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        public static void DrawText(IntPtr hdc, Color color, Rectangle rect, int topOffset, int orientation, FontDescription fontDescription, String text,
                                    ContentAlignment contentAlignment, int flags, bool rightToLeft)
            NativeWindowCommon.SetBkMode(hdc, NativeWindowCommon.TRANSPARENT);
            NativeWindowCommon.SetTextColor(hdc, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(color));

#if !PocketPC
            // QCR #439182 & 430913: the font is used for a control before even being initialized.
            // TODO: We need a better fix that avoids calling get_Font() for logical controls that are not initialized properly.
            if (fontDescription == null)
                fontDescription = new FontDescription(Control.DefaultFont);

            NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc = new NativeWindowCommon.RECT();
            rc.left   = rect.Left;
            rc.right  = rect.Right;
            rc.top    = rect.Top + topOffset;
            rc.bottom = rect.Bottom;

#if !PocketPC
            if (orientation != 0)
                PrintRotatedText(hdc, fontDescription, orientation, text, rect, contentAlignment, rc, rightToLeft);
                IntPtr hFont = fontDescription.FontHandle;
                NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, hFont);
                NativeWindowCommon.DrawText(hdc, text, text.Length, ref rc, flags);
        /// <summary>
        /// vertical table scroll
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scrollEventType">Scroll Event Type</param>
        /// <param name="newPos">the new position</param>
        /// <param name="oldPos">the old position</param>
        /// <param name="scrollWindow">true, if we need to scroll the window right away</param>
        protected override void ScrollVertically(ScrollEventType scrollEventType, int newPos, int oldPos, bool scrollWindow)
            NativeScroll.SCROLLINFO sc = ScrollInfo(NativeScroll.SB_VERT);
            int maxScroll = sc.nMax - sc.nPage + 1;

            if (newPos > maxScroll)
                newPos = maxScroll;
            if (newPos < 0)
                newPos = 0;

            NativeScroll.SetScrollPos(this.Handle, NativeScroll.SB_VERT, newPos, true);

            _topIndex = newPos - RecordsBeforeCurrentView;

            if (scrollWindow)
                NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc = new NativeWindowCommon.RECT();
                rc.top    = ClientRectangle.Top + _header.Height;
                rc.left   = ClientRectangle.Left;
                rc.right  = ClientRectangle.Right;
                rc.bottom = ClientRectangle.Bottom;
                NativeScroll.ScrollWindowEx(this.Handle, 0, (oldPos - newPos) * RowHeight, ref rc, (IntPtr)null, (IntPtr)null, (IntPtr)null, 0);
            base.ScrollVertically(scrollEventType, newPos, oldPos, scrollWindow);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="fontDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="rectangle"></param>
        /// <param name="contentAlignment"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        internal static void PrintRotatedText(IntPtr hdc, FontDescription fontDescription, int orientation, string text, Rectangle rectangle, ContentAlignment contentAlignment,
                                              NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, bool rightToLeft)
            IntPtr hFont;
            Point  point;

            // get the original font and its LOGFONT
            NativeWindowCommon.LOGFONT logfont = fontDescription.LogFont;
            // Set the rotation angle
            logfont.lfEscapement = logfont.lfOrientation = orientation;

            // create the new, rotated font
            hFont = NativeWindowCommon.CreateFontIndirect(logfont);
            NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, hFont);

            point = CalculateStartCoordinates(hdc, rectangle, orientation, text, contentAlignment);

            uint fuOptions = NativeWindowCommon.ETO_CLIPPED;

            if (rightToLeft)
                fuOptions = NativeWindowCommon.ETO_RTLREADING;

            NativeWindowCommon.ExtTextOut(hdc, point.X, point.Y, fuOptions, ref rect, text, (uint)text.Length, null);

        internal override void DrawDivider(IntPtr hdc, int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int headerHeight)

            IntPtr pen = header.DividerColor != Color.Empty ? HeaderDividerPen : HeaderItemBorderPen;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(rect.right, 0), new Point(rect.right, headerHeight), pen);
        /// <summary>
        /// paint background of header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcust"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        internal override void PaintBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            // Fill bg color
            base.PaintBackGround(pcust, rect);

            // draw bottom line
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom));
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the dividers
        /// Code from table_3d_paint() Ctrl_pnt.cpp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="headerHeight"></param>
        internal override void DrawDivider(IntPtr hdc, int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int headerHeight)
            // Since we have white line at top , start the divider from 1

            int left, right;

            // order of line is reverse for rtl hence swap left and right
            if (tableControl.RightToLeftLayout)
                right = (rect.right) - TwoDTableStyleRenderer.MARGIN * TableControl.Factor + TableControl.Factor - 1;
                left  = rect.right - 1;
                left  = (rect.right) - TwoDTableStyleRenderer.MARGIN * TableControl.Factor + TableControl.Factor - 1;
                right = rect.right - 1;

            // Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->frame_rect(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNSHADOW, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(left, rect.top), new Point(left, headerHeight), ButtonShadowPen);

            left = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? left - 1 : left + 1;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(left, rect.top), new Point(left, headerHeight), ButtonShadowPen);

            // Rect1.left += 2 * factor;
            // Rect1.right += 2 * factor;
            // Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->frame_rect(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(right, rect.top), new Point(right, headerHeight), ButtonHighlightPen);

            right = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? right + 1 : right - 1;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(right, rect.top), new Point(right, headerHeight), ButtonHighlightPen);

            // Rect1.top = Rect1.bottom = TitleRect.top;
            // Rect1.left -= factor;
            // Rect1.right -= factor;
            // Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNSHADOW, factor, 0L);

            int x = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? left - (2 * TableControl.Factor) : left + (2 * TableControl.Factor);

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(left, rect.top), new Point(x, rect.top), ButtonShadowPen);

            // Rect1.left -= factor;
            // Rect1.bottom = Rect1.top = TitleRect.bottom - factor;
            // Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT, factor, 0L);

            x = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? right + (2 * TableControl.Factor) : right - (2 * TableControl.Factor);
            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(right, headerHeight - TableControl.Factor), new Point(x, headerHeight - TableControl.Factor), ButtonHighlightPen);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw Header section filter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="rct"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public void DrawFilter(IntPtr hdc, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rct)
            //Filter line drawing
            int x       = rct.right - FILTER_WIDTH;
            int bottomY = 0;

            Header.HeaderRenderer.DrawLine(hdc, new Point(x, bottomY), new Point(x, Header.FilterHeight));

            //Filter highlight drawing
            NativeWindowCommon.RECT rectHighlight = new NativeWindowCommon.RECT()
                bottom = Header.FilterHeight,
                top    = 0,
                left   = rct.right - FILTER_WIDTH + 1,
                right  = rct.right + 1

            if ((FilterColor != Color.Empty) && !Header.OnSectionResize)
                if (Header.TitleColor != Color.Empty)
                    Header.HighlightBrush = NativeWindowCommon.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(FilterColor));
                    Header.HighlightBrush = NativeWindowCommon.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.FromArgb(255, 149, 202, 255)));
                NativeWindowCommon.FillRect(hdc, ref rectHighlight, Header.HighlightBrush);

            int filterWidthIcon = FILTER_WIDTH / 3;

            //Filter arrow drawing
            NativeWindowCommon.POINT[] points = new NativeWindowCommon.POINT[3];
            points[0].x = rct.right - filterWidthIcon;
            points[0].y = rct.top + (rct.bottom - rct.top) / 2 - 2;

            // center point
            points[1].x = rct.right - FILTER_WIDTH / 2;
            points[1].y = points[0].y + filterWidthIcon / 2;

            // left point
            points[2].x = points[0].x - filterWidthIcon;
            points[2].y = points[0].y;

            NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.FilterBrush);
            NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.FilterPen);
            NativeWindowCommon.Polygon(hdc, points, 3);
        /// <summary>
        /// draw divider
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="headerHeight"></param>
        internal override void DrawDivider(IntPtr hdc, int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int headerHeight)
            rect.right--;                                     // cannot paint on boundaries so reduce size by 1 pixel

            if (index == 0 && tableControl.RightToLeftLayout) // for painting, reduce the right of first column

            int x = (rect.right) - TwoDTableStyleRenderer.MARGIN * TableControl.Factor + TableControl.Factor;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(x, 0), new Point(x, headerHeight));
            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(rect.right, 0), new Point(rect.right, headerHeight));
        protected void PaintDividers(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int difference)
            // paint divider for last header only when "Show Last Divider " of table control is true
            if (header.ShowDividers)
                // Check if last divider is to be painted .
                // For last section , last divider should be painted when 'ShowLastDivider' property is set to true
                bool showlastDivider = (pcust.dwItemSpec.ToInt32() == header.Sections.Count - 1 ? header.ShowLastDivider : true);

                if (showlastDivider)
                    DrawDivider(pcust.hdc, pcust.dwItemSpec.ToInt32(), ref rect, header.DividerHeight);
        internal override void PaintBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            base.PaintBackGround(pcust, rect);

            // draw top lines

            //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.top);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, TitleTopLeftColor, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.top), new Point(rect.right, rect.top), WhitePen); // dark

            //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + factor, Rect.right - factor, Rect.top + factor);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, FIX_SYS_COLOR_3DLIGHT, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left + TableControl.Factor, rect.top + 1), new Point(rect.right, rect.top + TableControl.Factor), lightPen); // dark

            // draw bottom lines

            //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 2 * factor, Rect.right, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 2 * factor);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, TitleBottomBorder, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom)); // dark

            //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 3 * factor, Rect.right - factor, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 3 * factor);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNSHADOW, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom), darkpen);

            // draw left lines

            if (!tableControl.RightToLeftLayout && rect.left == 0) // draw only for 1st section
                //   SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.top);
                //   Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, TitleTopLeftColor, factor, 0L);
                DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(0, rect.top), new Point(0, rect.bottom), WhitePen);

                //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + factor, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 3 * factor);
                //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, FIX_SYS_COLOR_3DLIGHT, factor, 0L);
                DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(1, rect.top + 1), new Point(1, rect.bottom), lightPen);
            else if (tableControl.RightToLeftLayout && rect.right == (tableControl.Bounds.Right - 2 * tableControl.BorderHeight))
                DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.right - 1, rect.top), new Point(rect.right - 1, rect.bottom), WhitePen);

                //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + factor, Rect.left + factor, Rect.top + Ctrl->TitleHeight - 3 * factor);
                //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, FIX_SYS_COLOR_3DLIGHT, factor, 0L);
                DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.right - 2, rect.top + 1), new Point(rect.right - 2, rect.bottom), lightPen);
        /// <summary>
        /// perform horizontal scroll
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="newValue"></param>
        private void ScrollHorizontally(int value, int newValue)
            NativeScroll.SCROLLINFO sc = ScrollInfo(NativeScroll.SB_HORZ);
            int maxValue = sc.nMax - sc.nPage;

            if (newValue < 0)
                newValue = 0;
            if (newValue > maxValue)
                newValue = maxValue;
            NativeScroll.SetScrollPos(this.Handle, NativeScroll.SB_HORZ, newValue, true);
            NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc = new NativeWindowCommon.RECT();
            NativeScroll.ScrollWindowEx(this.Handle, value - newValue, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                                        ref rc, NativeScroll.SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | NativeScroll.SW_INVALIDATE | NativeScroll.SW_ERASE);
            _corner.X = getXCorner();
        internal override void PaintBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            if (header.TitleColor != Color.Empty)
                if (header.ShowBottomBorder)
                    PaintBottomBorderOnColoredHeader(pcust, ref rect);

                base.PaintBackGround(pcust, rect);
            else if (header.DividerColor != Color.Empty)
                if (header.ShowBottomBorder)
                    PaintBottomBorderOnSystemHeader(pcust, ref rect, 0);
文件: Utils.cs 项目: rinavin/RCJS
        /// <summary>
        /// calc text rect
        /// use ContentAlignment.MiddleRight for the calculation because if we use ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
        /// then GuiUtils.CalcTextRect() returns wrong results. The problem is that the height returned by GuiUtils.CalcTextRect()
        /// will be of a single line always.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="retCalcTextRect"></param>
        public static void CalcTextRect(Graphics g, Rectangle rect, FontDescription font, String text, int flags, out NativeWindowCommon.RECT retCalcTextRect)
            IntPtr hdc1;
            IntPtr hFont1;

            hdc1 = g.GetHdc();

            hFont1 = font.FontHandle;

            NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc1, hFont1);
            retCalcTextRect        = new NativeWindowCommon.RECT();
            retCalcTextRect.left   = rect.Left;
            retCalcTextRect.right  = rect.Right;
            retCalcTextRect.top    = rect.Top;
            retCalcTextRect.bottom = rect.Bottom;
            int calcRectFlags = (int)(TextFormatFlags)flags | 0x400; // TextFormatFlags.CalcRect == 0x400 == DT_CALCRECT

            NativeWindowCommon.DrawText(hdc1, text, text.Length, ref retCalcTextRect, calcRectFlags);
        internal override void DrawDivider(IntPtr hdc, int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int headerHeight)
            int left = rect.right - (2 * TableControl.Factor);

            //  Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to (&DividerRect, DividerColor, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(left, rect.top), new Point(left, headerHeight - TableControl.Factor));

            //SetRect(&DividerRect, Tmp - factor, Rect.top + factor, Tmp - factor, Rect.top + tableCtrl->TitleHeight - 2 * factor);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&DividerRect, DividerLeftBorderColor, factor, 0L);

            int x1 = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? left + TableControl.Factor : left - TableControl.Factor;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(x1, rect.top + TableControl.Factor), new Point(x1, headerHeight - TableControl.Factor), ButtonShadowPen);

            //SetRect(&DividerRect, Tmp + factor, Rect.top + factor, Tmp + factor, Rect.top + tableCtrl->TitleHeight - 2 * factor);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&DividerRect, DividerRightBorderColor, factor, 0L);

            int x2 = tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? left - TableControl.Factor : left + TableControl.Factor;

            DrawLine(hdc, new Point(x2, rect.top + TableControl.Factor), new Point(x2, headerHeight - TableControl.Factor), WhitePen);
        /// <summary>
        /// handle WM_SIZING to support correct minimun windth/height behavior
        /// origin : OnSizing from main_menu.cpp( for mdi frame), gui.cpp (for form itself)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form"></param>
        /// <param name="se"></param>
        private static void OnSizing(Form form, SizingEventArgs se)
#if !PocketPC
            NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect = se.DragRect;
            if (form.IsMdiContainer)
                //calulate correct rectangle after dragging considering minimum height/width from mdi children
                foreach (var item in form.MdiChildren)
                    if (GuiUtils.isMaximizedInMDIFrame(item)) //this chid affects minimum height/width
                        GuiUtils.UpdateByMinimun(se.SizingEdge, ref rect, item);

            //consider minimin height/width of mdi frame itself

            GuiUtils.UpdateByMinimun(se.SizingEdge, ref rect, form);
            se.DragRect = rect;
        internal override void PaintBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            base.PaintBackGround(pcust, rect);

            // top line
            //SetRect(&TitleRect, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.top);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&TitleRect, TitleTopLeftColor, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.top), new Point(rect.right, rect.top), WhitePen); // dark

            // bottom lines
            //SetRect(&Rect1, Rect.left, Row, Rect.right, Row);
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNTEXT, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom), darkpen);
            //Rect1.bottom -= factor;
            //Gui->ctx->gui_.dc_->line_to(&Rect1, FIX_SYS_COLOR_BTNSHADOW, factor, 0L);
            DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom), ButtonShadowPen);

            // draw left for first header section when we are not dragging
            if (!isSectionDragging)
                if (rect.left == 0)
                    DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.top), new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? ButtonShadowPen : WhitePen);

                // draw right borders for last  header section
                if (rect.right == (tableControl.Bounds.Right - 2 * tableControl.BorderHeight))
                    DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.right - 1, rect.top), new Point(rect.right - 1, rect.bottom), tableControl.RightToLeftLayout ? WhitePen : ButtonShadowPen);
        /// <summary>
        /// draw header section title
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="rc"></param>
        internal void DrawTitle(IntPtr hdc, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc, int index, bool supportsMultilineText, bool addEndEllipsesFlag, bool rightToLeftLayout)
            Header.HeaderRenderer.GetTitleTextRect(index, ref rc);

            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHdc(hdc))
                //draw sort icon
                if (SortMark != HeaderSectionSortMarks.Non && !HasFilter)
                    int iconWindth = SortIconWidth();
                    DrawSortMark(hdc, rc, gr);
                    rc.right -= iconWindth + Header.SORT_ICON_LEFT_RIGHT_MARGIN;

                if (HasFilter)
                    rc.right -= HeaderSection.FILTER_WIDTH + Header.SORT_ICON_LEFT_RIGHT_MARGIN;

                //draw ... in the end of text if width is too short
                int width  = rc.right - rc.left;
                int format = NativeWindowCommon.DT_EDITCONTROL | NativeWindowCommon.DT_EXTERNALLEADING;

                if (supportsMultilineText)
                    format |= NativeWindowCommon.DT_WORDBREAK;

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(Text);

                if (addEndEllipsesFlag)
                    //for windows CE && orientated fonts DT_END_ELLIPSIS style is not supported
                    format |= NativeWindowCommon.DT_END_ELLIPSIS;

                if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.WinCE)
                    if (Text.IndexOf("\n") != -1)
                        SizeF size = gr.MeasureString(text, Font);
                        int   cur, len = cur = text.Length;
                        while (size.Width > width && cur > 1)
                            cur = --len;
                            stringBuilder.Length = len;
                            while (cur > 1 && len - cur < 3)
                                stringBuilder[--cur] = '.';
                            size = gr.MeasureString(stringBuilder.ToString(), Font);

                NativeWindowCommon.SetBkMode(hdc, NativeWindowCommon.TRANSPARENT);
                NativeWindowCommon.SetTextColor(hdc, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color));
#if !PocketPC
                if (FontOrientation != 0)
                    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top);

                    ControlRenderer.PrintRotatedText(hdc, FontDescription, FontOrientation, stringBuilder.ToString(), rectangle, ContentAlignment, rc, rightToLeftLayout);
                    //text flags are exactly the same as DrawText DT_*** flags
                    format |= (int)Utils.ContentAlignment2TextFlags(ContentAlignment);
                    if (isSingleLine())
                        format |= NativeWindowCommon.DT_SINGLELINE;

                    IntPtr hFont = FontDescription.FontHandle;
                    NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, hFont);
                    NativeWindowCommon.DrawText(hdc, stringBuilder.ToString(), stringBuilder.Length, ref rc, format);
#if !PocketPC
                //Set the rectangle back
                if (HasFilter)
                    rc.right += HeaderSection.FILTER_WIDTH + Header.SORT_ICON_LEFT_RIGHT_MARGIN;
                    DrawFilter(hdc, rc);
 private void PaintBottomBorderOnSystemHeader(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int diff)
     if (rect.bottom == header.Height)
         if ((header.TableLineDivider) || (!header.TableLineDivider && (header.DividerColor != Color.Empty)))
             DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right + diff, rect.bottom), HeaderDividerPen);
        private void PaintBottomBorderOnColoredHeader(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            if (rect.bottom == header.Height)

                IntPtr pen = header.DividerColor != Color.Empty ? HeaderDividerPen : HeaderItemBorderPen;

                DrawLine(pcust.hdc, new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom), pen);
        internal virtual void PaintItemBackGround(NativeCustomDraw.NMCUSTOMDRAW pcust, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect)
            if (rect.left < rect.right)
                PaintBackGround(pcust, rect);

            PaintDividers(pcust, ref rect, 0);
文件: GuiForm.cs 项目: rinavin/RCJS
 public SizingEventArgs(NativeWindowCommon.SizingEdges sizingEdge, NativeWindowCommon.RECT dragRect)
     : base()
     SizingEdge = sizingEdge;
     DragRect   = dragRect;
 /// <summary>
 /// get the title rect
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index"></param>
 /// <param name="rc"></param>
 internal virtual void GetTitleTextRect(int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc)
     NativeWindowCommon.InflateRect(ref rc, -2, -2);
 /// <summary>
 /// draw divider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hdc"></param>
 /// <param name="rect"></param>
 /// <param name="headerHeight"></param>
 internal abstract void DrawDivider(IntPtr hdc, int index, ref NativeWindowCommon.RECT rect, int headerHeight);
        /// <summary>
        /// drow sort marking on the column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hdc"></param>
        /// <param name="rc"></param>
        /// <param name="gr"></param>
        void DrawSortMark(IntPtr hdc, NativeWindowCommon.RECT rc, Graphics gr)
            int iconWidth       = SortIconWidth();
            int topBottomMargin = (this.Header.Height - iconWidth) / 2;
            int iconHeight      = SortIconHeight();

            NativeWindowCommon.POINT[] points = new NativeWindowCommon.POINT[3];
            if (SortMark == HeaderSectionSortMarks.Up)
                points[0].x = rc.right - Header.SORT_ICON_LEFT_RIGHT_MARGIN;
                points[0].y = (rc.bottom + iconHeight) / 2;

                // center point
                points[1].x = points[0].x - iconWidth / 2;
                points[1].y = points[0].y - iconHeight;

                // left point
                points[2].x = points[0].x - iconWidth;
                points[2].y = points[0].y;
            else if (SortMark == HeaderSectionSortMarks.Down)
                points[0].x = rc.right - Header.SORT_ICON_LEFT_RIGHT_MARGIN;
                points[0].y = (rc.bottom - iconHeight) / 2;

                // center point
                points[1].x = points[0].x - iconWidth / 2;
                points[1].y = points[0].y + iconHeight;

                // left point
                points[2].x = points[0].x - iconWidth;
                points[2].y = points[0].y;

#if !PocketPC
            if (Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
                //draw XP style sort triangle
                NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.SortBrush);
                NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.SortPen);
                NativeWindowCommon.Polygon(hdc, points, 3);
                //draw windows 2000 style sort triangle
                Point[] points1 = new Point[3]
                    new Point(points[0].x, points[0].y),
                    new Point(points[1].x, points[1].y),
                    new Point(points[2].x, points[2].y)

                NativeWindowCommon.MoveToEx(hdc, points1[0].X, points1[0].Y, IntPtr.Zero);
                NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.WhitePen);
                NativeWindowCommon.LineTo(hdc, points1[1].X, points1[1].Y);
                NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.ButtonShadowPen);
                NativeWindowCommon.LineTo(hdc, points1[2].X, points1[2].Y);
                if (SortMark == HeaderSectionSortMarks.Up)
                    NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.WhitePen);
                    NativeWindowCommon.SelectObject(hdc, Header.ButtonShadowPen);
                NativeWindowCommon.LineTo(hdc, points1[0].X, points1[0].Y);