        public NativeRowTree
            Schema.Order key,
            Schema.RowType keyRowType,
            Schema.RowType dataRowType,
            int fanout,
            int capacity,
            bool isClustered
        ) : base(keyRowType, dataRowType)
            _key = key;
                        #if DEBUG
            for (int index = 0; index < _key.Columns.Count; index++)
                if (_key.Columns[index].Sort == null)
                    Error.Fail("Sort is null");

            _fanout     = fanout < MinimumFanout ? MinimumFanout : fanout;
            _capacity   = capacity;
            IsClustered = isClustered;
            Root        = new NativeRowTreeDataNode(this);
            Head        = Root;
            Tail        = Root;
            Height      = 1;
        protected void DeallocateNode(IValueManager manager, NativeRowTreeNode node)
            using (RowTreeNode localNode = new RowTreeNode(manager, this, node, LockMode.Exclusive))
                NativeRowTreeDataNode    dataNode    = node as NativeRowTreeDataNode;
                NativeRowTreeRoutingNode routingNode = node as NativeRowTreeRoutingNode;
                for (int entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < node.EntryCount; entryIndex++)
                    if (node.NodeType == NativeRowTreeNodeType.Routing)
                        if (entryIndex > 0)
                            DisposeKey(manager, node.Keys[entryIndex]);
                        DeallocateNode(manager, routingNode.Nodes[entryIndex]);
                        DisposeKey(manager, dataNode.Keys[entryIndex]);
                        DisposeData(manager, dataNode.Rows[entryIndex]);

                if (node.NextNode == null)
                    Tail = node.PriorNode;
                    using (RowTreeNode nextNode = new RowTreeNode(manager, this, node.NextNode, LockMode.Exclusive))
                        nextNode.Node.PriorNode = node.PriorNode;

                if (node.PriorNode == null)
                    Head = node.NextNode;
                    using (RowTreeNode priorNode = new RowTreeNode(manager, this, node.PriorNode, LockMode.Exclusive))
                        priorNode.Node.NextNode = node.NextNode;
        private int Split(NativeRowTreeNode sourceNode, NativeRowTreeNode targetNode)
            int entryCount = sourceNode.EntryCount;
            int entryPivot = entryCount / 2;

            if (sourceNode.NodeType == NativeRowTreeNodeType.Data)
                NativeRowTreeDataNode sourceDataNode = (NativeRowTreeDataNode)sourceNode;
                NativeRowTreeDataNode targetDataNode = (NativeRowTreeDataNode)targetNode;

                // Insert the upper half of the entries from ASourceNode into ATargetNode
                for (int entryIndex = entryPivot; entryIndex < entryCount; entryIndex++)
                    targetDataNode.Insert(sourceDataNode.Keys[entryIndex], sourceDataNode.Rows[entryIndex], entryIndex - entryPivot);

                // Remove the upper half of the entries from ASourceNode
                for (int entryIndex = entryCount - 1; entryIndex >= entryPivot; entryIndex--)
                    sourceDataNode.Delete(entryIndex);                     // Don't dispose the values here, this is a move
                NativeRowTreeRoutingNode sourceRoutingNode = (NativeRowTreeRoutingNode)sourceNode;
                NativeRowTreeRoutingNode targetRoutingNode = (NativeRowTreeRoutingNode)targetNode;

                // Insert the upper half of the entries from ASourceNode into ATargetNode
                for (int entryIndex = entryPivot; entryIndex < entryCount; entryIndex++)
                    targetRoutingNode.Insert(sourceRoutingNode.Keys[entryIndex], sourceRoutingNode.Nodes[entryIndex], entryIndex - entryPivot);

                // Remove the upper half of the entries from ASourceNode
                for (int entryIndex = entryCount - 1; entryIndex >= entryPivot; entryIndex--)

            // Notify index clients of the data change
            RowsMoved(sourceNode, entryPivot, entryCount - 1, targetNode, -entryPivot);
