/// <summary> /// Creates a new MSBuild process /// </summary> private Process LaunchNode(string msbuildLocation, string commandLineArgs) { // Should always have been set already. ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalLength(msbuildLocation, nameof(msbuildLocation)); if (!FileSystems.Default.FileExists(msbuildLocation)) { throw new BuildAbortedException(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("CouldNotFindMSBuildExe", msbuildLocation)); } // Repeat the executable name as the first token of the command line because the command line // parser logic expects it and will otherwise skip the first argument commandLineArgs = $"\"{msbuildLocation}\" {commandLineArgs}"; BackendNativeMethods.STARTUP_INFO startInfo = new(); startInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.STARTUP_INFO>(); // Null out the process handles so that the parent process does not wait for the child process // to exit before it can exit. uint creationFlags = 0; if (Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.EnsureStdOutForChildNodesIsPrimaryStdout) { creationFlags = BackendNativeMethods.NORMALPRIORITYCLASS; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEWINDOW"))) { if (!Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.EnsureStdOutForChildNodesIsPrimaryStdout) { // Redirect the streams of worker nodes so that this MSBuild.exe's // parent doesn't wait on idle worker nodes to close streams // after the build is complete. startInfo.hStdError = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; startInfo.hStdInput = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; startInfo.hStdOutput = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; startInfo.dwFlags = BackendNativeMethods.STARTFUSESTDHANDLES; creationFlags |= BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW; } } else { creationFlags |= BackendNativeMethods.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; } CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Launching node from {0}", msbuildLocation); string exeName = msbuildLocation; #if RUNTIME_TYPE_NETCORE || MONO // Mono automagically uses the current mono, to execute a managed assembly if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsMono) { // Run the child process with the same host as the currently-running process. exeName = GetCurrentHost(); } #endif if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows) { ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); processStartInfo.FileName = exeName; processStartInfo.Arguments = commandLineArgs; if (!Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.EnsureStdOutForChildNodesIsPrimaryStdout) { // Redirect the streams of worker nodes so that this MSBuild.exe's // parent doesn't wait on idle worker nodes to close streams // after the build is complete. processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; processStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; processStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = (creationFlags | BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW) == BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW; } processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Process process; try { process = Process.Start(processStartInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { CommunicationsUtilities.Trace ( "Failed to launch node from {0}. CommandLine: {1}" + Environment.NewLine + "{2}", msbuildLocation, commandLineArgs, ex.ToString() ); throw new NodeFailedToLaunchException(ex); } CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Successfully launched {1} node with PID {0}", process.Id, exeName); return(process); } else { #if RUNTIME_TYPE_NETCORE // Repeat the executable name in the args to suit CreateProcess commandLineArgs = $"\"{exeName}\" {commandLineArgs}"; #endif BackendNativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = new(); BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES processSecurityAttributes = new(); BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES threadSecurityAttributes = new(); processSecurityAttributes.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES>(); threadSecurityAttributes.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES>(); bool result = BackendNativeMethods.CreateProcess ( exeName, commandLineArgs, ref processSecurityAttributes, ref threadSecurityAttributes, false, creationFlags, BackendNativeMethods.NullPtr, null, ref startInfo, out processInfo ); if (!result) { // Creating an instance of this exception calls GetLastWin32Error and also converts it to a user-friendly string. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); CommunicationsUtilities.Trace ( "Failed to launch node from {0}. System32 Error code {1}. Description {2}. CommandLine: {2}", msbuildLocation, e.NativeErrorCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), e.Message, commandLineArgs ); throw new NodeFailedToLaunchException(e.NativeErrorCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), e.Message); } int childProcessId = processInfo.dwProcessId; if (processInfo.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero && processInfo.hProcess != NativeMethods.InvalidHandle) { NativeMethodsShared.CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); } if (processInfo.hThread != IntPtr.Zero && processInfo.hThread != NativeMethods.InvalidHandle) { NativeMethodsShared.CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); } CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Successfully launched {1} node with PID {0}", childProcessId, exeName); return(Process.GetProcessById(childProcessId)); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new MSBuild process /// </summary> private int LaunchNode(string msbuildLocation, string commandLineArgs) { // Should always have been set already. ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalLength(msbuildLocation, "msbuildLocation"); if (!File.Exists(msbuildLocation)) { throw new BuildAbortedException(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("CouldNotFindMSBuildExe", msbuildLocation)); } // Repeat the executable name as the first token of the command line because the command line // parser logic expects it and will otherwise skip the first argument commandLineArgs = msbuildLocation + " " + commandLineArgs; BackendNativeMethods.STARTUP_INFO startInfo = new BackendNativeMethods.STARTUP_INFO(); startInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.STARTUP_INFO>(); // Null out the process handles so that the parent process does not wait for the child process // to exit before it can exit. uint creationFlags = 0; startInfo.dwFlags = BackendNativeMethods.STARTFUSESTDHANDLES; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEWINDOW"))) { startInfo.hStdError = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; startInfo.hStdInput = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; startInfo.hStdOutput = BackendNativeMethods.InvalidHandle; creationFlags = creationFlags | BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW; } else { creationFlags = creationFlags | BackendNativeMethods.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; } BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES processSecurityAttributes = new BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES threadSecurityAttributes = new BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); processSecurityAttributes.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES>(); threadSecurityAttributes.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf <BackendNativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES>(); CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Launching node from {0}", msbuildLocation); string exeName = msbuildLocation; #if RUNTIME_TYPE_NETCORE // Run the child process with the same host as the currently-running process. exeName = GetCurrentHost(); commandLineArgs = "\"" + msbuildLocation + "\" " + commandLineArgs; if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows) { // Repeat the executable name _again_ because Core MSBuild expects it commandLineArgs = exeName + " " + commandLineArgs; } #endif if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows) { ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); processStartInfo.FileName = exeName; processStartInfo.Arguments = commandLineArgs; processStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = (creationFlags | BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW) == BackendNativeMethods.CREATENOWINDOW; processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Process process; try { process = Process.Start(processStartInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { CommunicationsUtilities.Trace ( "Failed to launch node from {0}. CommandLine: {1}" + Environment.NewLine + "{2}", msbuildLocation, commandLineArgs, ex.ToString() ); throw new NodeFailedToLaunchException(ex); } CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Successfully launched msbuild.exe node with PID {0}", process.Id); return(process.Id); } else { BackendNativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = new BackendNativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION(); bool result = BackendNativeMethods.CreateProcess ( exeName, commandLineArgs, ref processSecurityAttributes, ref threadSecurityAttributes, #if FEATURE_NAMED_PIPES_FULL_DUPLEX false, #else true, // Inherit handles for the anonymous pipes for IPC #endif creationFlags, BackendNativeMethods.NullPtr, null, ref startInfo, out processInfo ); if (!result) { // Creating an instance of this exception calls GetLastWin32Error and also converts it to a user-friendly string. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(); CommunicationsUtilities.Trace ( "Failed to launch node from {0}. System32 Error code {1}. Description {2}. CommandLine: {2}", msbuildLocation, e.NativeErrorCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), e.Message, commandLineArgs ); throw new NodeFailedToLaunchException(e.NativeErrorCode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), e.Message); } int childProcessId = processInfo.dwProcessId; if (processInfo.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero && processInfo.hProcess != NativeMethods.InvalidHandle) { NativeMethodsShared.CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); } if (processInfo.hThread != IntPtr.Zero && processInfo.hThread != NativeMethods.InvalidHandle) { NativeMethodsShared.CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); } CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Successfully launched msbuild.exe node with PID {0}", childProcessId); return(childProcessId); } }