private bool PromptForCredentialsCredUI(IntPtr owner, bool storedCredentials) { NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO info = CreateCredUIInfo(owner, true); NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS flags = NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.GENERIC_CREDENTIALS | NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.DO_NOT_PERSIST | NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.ALWAYS_SHOW_UI; if( ShowSaveCheckBox ) flags |= NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.SHOW_SAVE_CHECK_BOX; StringBuilder user = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); user.Append(UserName); StringBuilder pw = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); pw.Append(Password); NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes result = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref info, Target, IntPtr.Zero, 0, user, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, pw, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, ref _isSaveChecked, flags); switch( result ) { case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR: UserName = user.ToString(); Password = pw.ToString(); if( ShowSaveCheckBox ) { _confirmTarget = Target; // If the credential was stored previously but the user has now cleared the save checkbox, // we want to delete the credential. if( storedCredentials && !IsSaveChecked ) DeleteCredential(Target); } return true; case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED: return false; default: throw new CredentialException((int)result); } }
/// <summary> /// Confirms the credentials. /// </summary> /// <param name="storedCredentials">If set to <c>true</c> the credentials are stored in the credential manager.</param> public void ConfirmCredentials(bool storedCredentials) { NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes ret = NativeMethods.CredUIConfirmCredentials(this.Target, storedCredentials); if (ret != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR && ret != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to confirm credentials. Error: 0x{0:X}", ret)); } }
/// <summary> /// Confirms the credentials. /// </summary> /// <param name="storedCredentials">If set to <c>true</c> the credentials are stored in the credential manager.</param> public void ConfirmCredentials(bool storedCredentials) { NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes ret = NativeMethods.CredUIConfirmCredentials(Target, storedCredentials); if (ret != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.Success && ret != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.InvalidParameter) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to confirm credentials. Error: 0x{ret:X}"); } }
// Token: 0x06000AF5 RID: 2805 RVA: 0x000223F4 File Offset: 0x000205F4 public override DialogResult ShowDialog(IntPtr owner) { base.CheckNotDisposed(); NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO credui_INFO = this.CreateCREDUI_INFO(owner); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(1000); StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(1000); bool saveChecked = base.SaveChecked; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Target)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Target must always be specified."); } if (this.AlwaysShowUI && !this.GenericCredentials) { throw new InvalidOperationException("AlwaysShowUI must be specified with GenericCredentials property."); } NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes credUIReturnCodes = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref credui_INFO, this.Target, IntPtr.Zero, base.ErrorCode, stringBuilder, 513, stringBuilder2, 256, ref saveChecked, base.DialogFlags); if (credUIReturnCodes <= NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS) { if (credUIReturnCodes <= NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER && credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto IL_105; } } else if (credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS && credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS) { goto IL_105; } } else if (credUIReturnCodes <= NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED) { if (credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { if (credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED) { goto IL_105; } return(DialogResult.Cancel); } } else if (credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION && credUIReturnCodes != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME) { goto IL_105; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid properties were specified.", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); IL_105: base.Username = stringBuilder.ToString(); base.Password = stringBuilder2.ToString(); if (stringBuilder2.Length > 0) { stringBuilder2.Remove(0, stringBuilder2.Length); } return(DialogResult.OK); }
private static NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes CredUIPromptForCredentials(NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO credUiInfo, ref bool pfSave, out string userName, out SecureString password) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(CredentialHelper.MaxUserNameLength); StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(CredentialHelper.MaxPasswordLength); NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes credUIReturnCodes = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref credUiInfo, null, IntPtr.Zero, 0U, stringBuilder, stringBuilder.Capacity, stringBuilder2, stringBuilder2.Capacity, ref pfSave, 262338); userName = ((credUIReturnCodes == null) ? stringBuilder.ToString() : null); password = ((credUIReturnCodes == null) ? stringBuilder2.ToString().ConvertToSecureString() : null); return(credUIReturnCodes); }
public override DialogResult ShowDialog(IntPtr owner) { CheckNotDisposed(); NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO credUI = CreateCREDUI_INFO(owner); StringBuilder usernameBuffer = new StringBuilder(1000); StringBuilder passwordBuffer = new StringBuilder(1000); bool persist = SaveChecked; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Target)) { AMTLogger.WriteToLog("Target must always be specified.", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, 0, AMTLogger.LogInfo.Error); // throw new InvalidOperationException("Target must always be specified."); } if (AlwaysShowUI && !GenericCredentials) { AMTLogger.WriteToLog("AlwaysShowUI must be specified with GenericCredentials property.", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, 0, AMTLogger.LogInfo.Error); //throw new InvalidOperationException("AlwaysShowUI must be specified with GenericCredentials property."); } NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes result = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref credUI, Target, IntPtr.Zero, ErrorCode, usernameBuffer, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, passwordBuffer, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, ref persist, DialogFlags); switch (result) { case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED: return(DialogResult.Cancel); case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_NOT_FOUND: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS: case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid properties were specified.", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } Username = usernameBuffer.ToString(); Password = passwordBuffer.ToString(); if (passwordBuffer.Length > 0) { passwordBuffer.Remove(0, passwordBuffer.Length); } return(DialogResult.OK); }
/// <summary> /// This fuction calls CredUIParseUserName() to parse the user name. /// </summary> /// <param name="username">The username name to pass.</param> /// <param name="targetServer">The target for which username is being parsed.</param> /// <param name="user">The user part of the username.</param> /// <param name="domain">The domain part of the username.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if it successfully parsed the username.</returns> private static bool ParseUsername(string username, string targetServer, out string user, out string domain) { user = string.Empty; domain = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { return(false); } bool successfullyParsed = true; StringBuilder strUser = new StringBuilder(Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH)); StringBuilder strDomain = new StringBuilder(Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_DOMAIN_TARGET_LENGTH)); // Call the OS API to do the parsing. NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes result = NativeMethods.CredUIParseUserName(username, strUser, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, strDomain, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_DOMAIN_TARGET_LENGTH); successfullyParsed = (result == NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR); if (successfullyParsed) { user = strUser.ToString(); domain = strDomain.ToString(); // Remove the domain part if domain is same as target. This is to workaround // the COMPLETE_USERNAME flag which add the target to the user name as the // domain component. // Read comments in ShowOSCredentialDialog() for more details. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain) && string.Equals(domain, targetServer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { domain = string.Empty; } } return(successfullyParsed); }
private static NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes SspiPromptForCredentials(NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO credUiInfo, Uri targetUri, ref bool pfSave, out string userName, out SecureString password) { IntPtr zero = IntPtr.Zero; NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes credUIReturnCodes = NativeMethods.SspiPromptForCredentials(targetUri.Host, ref credUiInfo, 0U, "Negotiate", IntPtr.Zero, ref zero, ref pfSave, 1); if (credUIReturnCodes == null) { try { CredentialHelper.AuthIdentityToCredential(zero, out userName, out password); return(credUIReturnCodes); } finally { NativeMethods.SspiFreeAuthIdentity(zero); } } userName = null; password = null; return(credUIReturnCodes); }
private bool PromptForCredentialsCredUIWin(IntPtr owner, bool storedCredentials) { NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO info = CreateCredUIInfo(owner, false); NativeMethods.CredUIWinFlags flags = NativeMethods.CredUIWinFlags.Generic; if (ShowSaveCheckBox) { flags |= NativeMethods.CredUIWinFlags.Checkbox; } IntPtr inBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr outBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { uint inBufferSize = 0; if (UserName.Length > 0) { NativeMethods.CredPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, UserName, Password, IntPtr.Zero, ref inBufferSize); if (inBufferSize > 0) { inBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)inBufferSize); if (!NativeMethods.CredPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, UserName, Password, inBuffer, ref inBufferSize)) { throw new CredentialException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } } uint outBufferSize; uint package = 0; NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes result = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref info, 0, ref package, inBuffer, inBufferSize, out outBuffer, out outBufferSize, ref _isSaveChecked, flags); switch (result) { case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR: StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); StringBuilder password = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); uint userNameSize = (uint)userName.Capacity; uint passwordSize = (uint)password.Capacity; uint domainSize = 0; if (!NativeMethods.CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, outBuffer, outBufferSize, userName, ref userNameSize, null, ref domainSize, password, ref passwordSize)) { throw new CredentialException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } UserName = userName.ToString(); Password = password.ToString(); if (ShowSaveCheckBox) { _confirmTarget = Target; // If the credential was stored previously but the user has now cleared the save checkbox, // we want to delete the credential. if (storedCredentials && !IsSaveChecked) { DeleteCredential(Target); } } return(true); case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED: return(false); default: throw new CredentialException((int)result); } } finally { if (inBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(inBuffer); } if (outBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(outBuffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, specifies a common dialog box. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentWindowHandle">A value that represents the window handle of the owner window for the common dialog box.</param> /// <returns> /// true if the dialog box was successfully run; otherwise, false. /// </returns> protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr parentWindowHandle) { NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO info = new NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO(parentWindowHandle, this.Caption, this.Message, this.Banner); try { StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(this.UserName, maxStringLength); StringBuilder password = new StringBuilder(maxStringLength); bool save = this.SaveChecked; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Target)) { this.Target = this.DefaultTarget; } NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes ret = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref info, this.Target, IntPtr.Zero, this.AuthenticationError, userName, maxStringLength, password, maxStringLength, ref save, this.Options); switch (ret) { case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR: if (this.ValidatePassword && !IsValidPassword(userName.ToString(), password.ToString())) { return(false); } /*if (save) * { * CredUIReturnCodes cret = CredUIConfirmCredentials(this.Target, false); * if (cret != CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR && cret != CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) * { * this.Options |= CredentialsDialogOptions.IncorrectPassword; * return false; * } * }*/ break; case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED: return(false); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unknown error in CredentialsDialog. Error: 0x{0:X}", ret)); } if (this.EncryptPassword) { // Convert the password to a SecureString SecureString newPassword = StringBuilderToSecureString(password); // Clear the old password and set the new one (read-only) if (this.SecurePassword != null) { this.SecurePassword.Dispose(); } newPassword.MakeReadOnly(); this.SecurePassword = newPassword; } else { this.Password = password.ToString(); } // Update other properties this.UserName = userName.ToString(); this.SaveChecked = save; return(true); } finally { info.Dispose(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // private methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// This function calls the OS dialog to prompt user for credential. /// </summary> /// <param name="target"> /// The credential target. It is displayed in the prompt dialog and is /// used for credential storage. /// </param> /// <param name="hwdOwner">The parent for the dialog.</param> /// <param name="userName">The username supplied by the user.</param> /// <param name="password">The password supplied by the user.</param> /// <returns> /// DialogResult.OK = if Successfully prompted user for credentials. /// DialogResult.Cancel = if user cancelled the prompt dialog. /// </returns> private static DialogResult ShowOSCredentialDialog(string target, IntPtr hwdOwner, out string userName, out string password) { DialogResult retValue = DialogResult.Cancel; userName = string.Empty; password = string.Empty; string titleFormat = SR.CredentialDialog_TitleFormat; string descriptionFormat = SR.CredentialDialog_DescriptionTextFormat; // Create the CREDUI_INFO structure. NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO info = new NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO(); info.pszCaptionText = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, titleFormat, target); info.pszMessageText = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, descriptionFormat, target); info.hwndParentCERParent = hwdOwner; info.hbmBannerCERHandle = IntPtr.Zero; info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(info); // We do not use CREDUI_FLAGS_VALIDATE_USERNAME flag as it doesn't allow plain user // (one with no domain component). Instead we use CREDUI_FLAGS_COMPLETE_USERNAME. // It does some basic username validation (like doesnt allow two "\" in the user name. // It does adds the target to the username. For example, if user entered "foo" for // taget "", it will return username as "\foo". We trim out // while parsing the username. User can input "*****@*****.**" as workaround to provide // "\foo" as the username. // We specify CRED_TYPE_SERVER_CREDENTIAL flag as the stored credentials appear in the // "Control Panel->Stored Usernames and Password". It is how IE stores and retrieve // credentials. By using the CRED_TYPE_SERVER_CREDENTIAL flag allows IE and VS to // share credentials. // We dont specify the CREDUI_FLAGS_EXPECT_CONFIRMATION as the VS proxy service consumers // dont call back into the service to confirm that the call succeeded. NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS flags = NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.SERVER_CREDENTIAL | NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.SHOW_SAVE_CHECK_BOX | NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.COMPLETE_USERNAME | NativeMethods.CREDUI_FLAGS.EXCLUDE_CERTIFICATES; StringBuilder user = new StringBuilder(Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH)); StringBuilder pwd = new StringBuilder(Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)); int saveCredentials = 0; // Ensures that CredUPPromptForCredentials results in a prompt. int netError = NativeMethods.ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE; // Call the OS API to prompt for credentials. NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes result = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials( info, target, IntPtr.Zero, netError, user, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, pwd, NativeMethods.CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, ref saveCredentials, flags); if (result == NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR) { userName = user.ToString(); password = pwd.ToString(); try { if (Convert.ToBoolean(saveCredentials)) { // Try reading the credentials back to ensure that we can read the stored credentials. If // the CredUIPromptForCredentials() function is not able successfully call CredGetTargetInfo(), // it will store credentials with credential type as DOMAIN_PASSWORD. For DOMAIN_PASSWORD // credential type we can only retrive the user name. As a workaround, we store the credentials // as credential type as GENERIC. string storedUserName; string storedPassword; bool successfullyReadCredentials = ReadOSCredentials(target, out storedUserName, out storedPassword); if (!successfullyReadCredentials || !string.Equals(userName, storedUserName, StringComparison.Ordinal) || !string.Equals(password, storedPassword, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // We are not able to retrieve the credentials. Try storing them as GENERIC credetails. // Create the NativeCredential object. NativeMethods.NativeCredential customCredential = new NativeMethods.NativeCredential(); customCredential.userName = userName; customCredential.type = NativeMethods.CRED_TYPE_GENERIC; customCredential.targetName = CreateCustomTarget(target); // Store credentials across sessions. customCredential.persist = (uint)NativeMethods.CRED_PERSIST.LOCAL_MACHINE; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { customCredential.credentialBlobSize = (uint)Marshal.SystemDefaultCharSize * ((uint)password.Length); customCredential.credentialBlob = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAuto(password); } try { NativeMethods.CredWrite(ref customCredential, 0); } finally { if (customCredential.credentialBlob != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(customCredential.credentialBlob); } } } } } catch { // Ignore that failure to read back the credentials. We still have // username and password to use in the current session. } retValue = DialogResult.OK; } else if (result == NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_CANCELLED) { retValue = DialogResult.Cancel; } else { Debug.Fail("CredUIPromptForCredentials failed with result = " + result.ToString()); retValue = DialogResult.Cancel; } info.Dispose(); return(retValue); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, specifies a common dialog box. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentWindowHandle">A value that represents the window handle of the owner window for the common dialog box.</param> /// <returns> /// true if the dialog box was successfully run; otherwise, false. /// </returns> protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr parentWindowHandle) { NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO info = new NativeMethods.CREDUI_INFO(parentWindowHandle, Caption, Message, Banner); try { if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major <= 5 || ForcePreVistaStyle) { StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(UserName, maxStringLength); StringBuilder password = new StringBuilder(maxStringLength); bool save = SaveChecked; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Target)) { Target = DefaultTarget; } NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes ret = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForCredentials(ref info, Target, IntPtr.Zero, AuthenticationError, userName, maxStringLength, password, maxStringLength, ref save, NativeMethods.CredentialsDialogOptions.Default | (SaveChecked ? NativeMethods.CredentialsDialogOptions.ShowSaveCheckBox : 0)); switch (ret) { case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.Success: if (ValidatePassword && !IsValidPassword(userName.ToString(), password.ToString())) { return(false); } /*if (save) * { * CredUIReturnCodes cret = CredUIConfirmCredentials(this.Target, false); * if (cret != CredUIReturnCodes.NO_ERROR && cret != CredUIReturnCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) * { * this.Options |= CredentialsDialogOptions.IncorrectPassword; * return false; * } * }*/ break; case NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.Cancelled: return(false); default: throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown error in CredentialsDialog. Error: 0x{ret:X}"); } if (EncryptPassword) { // Convert the password to a SecureString SecureString newPassword = StringBuilderToSecureString(password); // Clear the old password and set the new one (read-only) if (SecurePassword != null) { SecurePassword.Dispose(); } newPassword.MakeReadOnly(); SecurePassword = newPassword; } else { Password = password.ToString(); } // Update other properties UserName = userName.ToString(); SaveChecked = save; return(true); } else { NativeMethods.WindowsCredentialsDialogOptions flag = NativeMethods.WindowsCredentialsDialogOptions.Generic; if (SaveChecked) { flag |= NativeMethods.WindowsCredentialsDialogOptions.ShowSaveCheckBox; } NativeMethods.AuthenticationBuffer buf = null; if (EncryptPassword && SecurePassword != null) { buf = new NativeMethods.AuthenticationBuffer(UserName.ToSecureString(), SecurePassword); } else { buf = new NativeMethods.AuthenticationBuffer(UserName, Password); } IntPtr outAuthBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; uint outAuthBufferSize = 0, authPackage = 0; bool save = SaveChecked; var retVal = NativeMethods.CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref info, 0, ref authPackage, buf, (uint)buf.Size, out outAuthBuffer, out outAuthBufferSize, ref save, flag); var outAuth = new NativeMethods.AuthenticationBuffer(outAuthBuffer, (int)outAuthBufferSize); if (retVal == NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.Cancelled) { return(false); } if (retVal != NativeMethods.CredUIReturnCodes.Success) { throw new Win32Exception((int)retVal); } SaveChecked = save; if (EncryptPassword) { SecureString u, d, p; outAuth.UnPack(true, out u, out d, out p); Password = null; SecurePassword = p; UserName = $"{d.ToInsecureString()}\\{u.ToInsecureString()}".TrimStart('\\'); } else { string u, d, p; outAuth.UnPack(true, out u, out d, out p); Password = p; SecurePassword = null; UserName = $"{d}\\{u}".TrimStart('\\'); if (ValidatePassword && !IsValidPassword(UserName, Password)) { return(false); } } return(true); } } finally { info.Dispose(); } }