/// <summary> /// 添加镜像 /// </summary> /// <param name="native">库</param> /// <param name="target">目标</param> public void AddMirror(INativeBase native, ControlA target) { if (target.Parent == null || (target.Location.x == 0 && target.Location.y == 0)) { ClientSize = new Size(target.Size.cx, target.Size.cy); } else { ClientSize = new Size(target.Parent.Size.cx, target.Parent.Size.cy); } if (m_native == null) { m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); m_native.MirrorMode = MirrorMode.Shadow; m_native.Paint = new GdiPlusPaintEx(); m_native.Host = new WinHostEx(); m_native.Host.Native = m_native; m_native.ResourcePath = WinHostEx.GetAppPath() + "\\config"; m_host = m_native.Host as WinHostEx; m_host.HWnd = Handle; //设置尺寸 m_native.AllowScaleSize = true; m_native.DisplaySize = new SIZE(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height); ResetScaleSize(GetClientSize()); } m_native.AddMirror(native, target); m_native.Invalidate(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { INativeBase native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); String script = "TEST(100);TEST(100);TEST(100);"; CIndicator indicator = CFunctionEx.CreateIndicator(script, native); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { CMathElement ce = new CMathElement(); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); string appPath = DataCenter.GetAppPath(); string fileName = appPath + "\\test.js"; if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { fileName = appPath + "\\" + args[0]; } DataCenter.StartService(fileName); }
/// <summary> /// 创建指标 /// </summary> /// <param name="text">脚本</param> /// <param name="parameters">参数</param> /// <returns>指标ID</returns> public static int CreateIndicatorExtern(String text, String parameters) { try { if (m_native == null) { m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); } if (m_chart == null) { m_chart = new ChartAEx(); m_chart.Native = m_native; } m_serialNumber++; CTable dataSource = m_chart.Native.CreateTable(); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.CLOSE_INDEX); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.HIGH_INDEX); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.LOW_INDEX); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.OPEN_INDEX); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.VOL_INDEX); dataSource.AddColumn(KeyFields.AMOUNT_INDEX); CIndicator indicator = SecurityDataHelper.CreateIndicator(m_chart, dataSource, text, parameters); m_indicators[m_serialNumber] = indicator; indicator.OnCalculate(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace); } return(m_serialNumber); }
/// <summary> /// 加载 /// </summary> /// <param name="name">名称</param> public void LoadXml() { m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); m_native.Paint = new GdiPlusPaintEx(); m_host = new WinHostEx(); m_host.Native = m_native; m_native.Host = m_host; m_host.HWnd = Handle; m_native.DisplaySize = new SIZE(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height); m_barrageDiv = new BarrageDiv(); m_barrageDiv.Dock = DockStyleA.Fill; m_barrageDiv.TopMost = true; m_native.AddControl(m_barrageDiv); m_native.Update(); Invalidate(); }
private void Open() { if (_c4db != null) { return; } Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.Directory); var path = DatabasePath(Name, Config.Directory); var config = DBConfig; var encrypted = ""; #if COUCHBASE_ENTERPRISE if (Config.EncryptionKey != null) { var key = Config.EncryptionKey; var i = 0; config.encryptionKey.algorithm = C4EncryptionAlgorithm.AES256; foreach (var b in key.KeyData) { config.encryptionKey.bytes[i++] = b; } encrypted = "encrypted "; } #endif Log.To.Database.I(Tag, $"Opening {encrypted}database at {path}"); var localConfig1 = config; ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { _c4db = (C4Database *)NativeHandler.Create() .AllowError((int)C4ErrorCode.NotADatabaseFile, C4ErrorDomain.LiteCoreDomain).Execute(err => { var localConfig2 = localConfig1; return(Native.c4db_open(path, &localConfig2, err)); }); if (_c4db == null) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Unauthorized); } _obs = Native.c4dbobs_create(_c4db, _DbObserverCallback, this); }); }
/// <summary> /// 启动监听 /// </summary> public void Start() { m_useScript = CFileA.IsFileExist(m_fileName); if (m_useScript) { m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); CFileA.Read(m_fileName, ref m_script); m_indicator = CFunctionEx.CreateIndicator(m_script, m_native); Console.WriteLine(m_script); } try { //string host = ""; //IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(host); if (m_indicator != null) { m_indicator.CallFunction("ONHTTPSERVERSTARTING('" + m_fileName + "');"); } IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, m_port); m_listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); m_listener.Bind(ipe); m_listener.Listen(0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (m_indicator != null) { m_indicator.CallFunction("ONHTTPSERVERSTARTFAIL('" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace + "');"); } return; } int minThreadNum = 0, portThreadNum = 0, maxThreadNum = 0; ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out maxThreadNum, out portThreadNum); ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minThreadNum, out portThreadNum); if (m_indicator != null) { m_indicator.CallFunction("ONHTTPSERVERSTART(" + CStr.ConvertIntToStr(maxThreadNum) + "," + CStr.ConvertIntToStr(minThreadNum) + ");"); } while (DataCenter.IsAppAlive) { Socket socket = m_listener.Accept(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ReadData), socket); } m_listener.Close(); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); m_native.Paint = new GdiPlusPaint(); m_native.DisplaySize = new SIZE(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height); m_host = m_native.Host as WinHost; m_host.Native = m_native; m_native.Host = m_host; m_host.HWnd = Handle; AcceptDiv acceptDiv = new AcceptDiv(); acceptDiv.Dock = DockStyleA.Fill; acceptDiv.Size = m_native.DisplaySize; acceptDiv.Text = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\accept.txt", Encoding.Default); m_native.AddControl(acceptDiv); m_native.Update(); m_native.Invalidate(); }
static async void Login(WebAuthenticator authenticator) { currentHandler?.Cancel(); try { currentHandler = new NativeHandler(); var gAuth = authenticator as GoogleAuthenticator; var user = await currentHandler.Authenticate(gAuth); gAuth.ServerToken = user.ServerAuthCode; gAuth.IdToken = user.Authentication.IdToken; gAuth.RefreshToken = user.Authentication.RefreshToken; gAuth.OnRecievedAuthCode(user.Authentication.AccessToken); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { authenticator?.OnCancelled(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); authenticator.OnError(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加镜像 /// </summary> /// <param name="native">库</param> /// <param name="target">目标</param> public void AddBugHole(INativeBase native, ControlA target) { if (m_native == null) { m_native = NativeHandler.CreateNative(); m_native.MirrorMode = MirrorMode.BugHole; m_native.Paint = new GdiPlusPaintEx(); m_native.Host = new WinHostEx(); m_native.Host.Native = m_native; m_native.ResourcePath = WinHostEx.GetAppPath() + "\\config"; m_host = m_native.Host as WinHostEx; m_host.HWnd = Handle; //设置尺寸 m_native.AllowScaleSize = true; m_native.DisplaySize = new SIZE(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height); ResetScaleSize(GetClientSize()); } m_native.AddMirror(native, target); m_native.Update(); m_native.Invalidate(); }
private void Save([NotNull] Document doc, C4Document **outDoc, C4Document *baseDoc, bool deletion) { var revFlags = (C4RevisionFlags)0; if (deletion) { revFlags = C4RevisionFlags.Deleted; } byte[] body = null; if (!deletion && !doc.IsEmpty) { body = doc.Encode(); var root = Native.FLValue_FromTrustedData(body); if (root == null) { Log.To.Database.E(Tag, "Failed to encode document body properly. Aborting save of document!"); return; } var rootDict = Native.FLValue_AsDict(root); if (rootDict == null) { Log.To.Database.E(Tag, "Failed to encode document body properly. Aborting save of document!"); return; } ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { if (Native.c4doc_dictContainsBlobs(rootDict, SharedStrings.SharedKeys)) { revFlags |= C4RevisionFlags.HasAttachments; } }); } else if (doc.IsEmpty) { FLEncoder *encoder = SharedEncoder; Native.FLEncoder_BeginDict(encoder, 0); Native.FLEncoder_EndDict(encoder); body = Native.FLEncoder_Finish(encoder, null); Native.FLEncoder_Reset(encoder); } var rawDoc = baseDoc != null ? baseDoc : doc.c4Doc?.HasValue == true ? doc.c4Doc.RawDoc : null; if (rawDoc != null) { doc.ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { *outDoc = (C4Document *)NativeHandler.Create() .AllowError((int)C4ErrorCode.Conflict, C4ErrorDomain.LiteCoreDomain).Execute( err => Native.c4doc_update(rawDoc, body, revFlags, err)); }); }); } else { ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { *outDoc = (C4Document *)NativeHandler.Create() .AllowError((int)C4ErrorCode.Conflict, C4ErrorDomain.LiteCoreDomain).Execute( err => Native.c4doc_create(_c4db, doc.Id, body, revFlags, err)); }); } }
private Document Save([NotNull] Document document, bool deletion) { if (document.IsInvalidated) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.NotAllowed, "Cannot save or delete a MutableDocument that has already been used to save or delete"); } if (deletion && document.RevID == null) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.NotAllowed, "Cannot delete a document that has not yet been saved"); } var docID = document.Id; var doc = document; Document baseDoc = null, otherDoc = null; C4Document *newDoc = null; Document retVal = null; while (true) { var resolve = false; retVal = ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { VerifyDB(doc); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_beginTransaction(_c4db, err)); try { if (deletion) { // Check for no-op case if the document does not exist var curDoc = (C4Document *)NativeHandler.Create().AllowError(new C4Error(C4ErrorCode.NotFound)) .Execute(err => Native.c4doc_get(_c4db, docID, true, err)); if (curDoc == null) { (document as MutableDocument)?.MarkAsInvalidated(); return(null); } Native.c4doc_free(curDoc); } var newDocOther = newDoc; Save(doc, &newDocOther, baseDoc?.c4Doc?.HasValue == true ? baseDoc.c4Doc.RawDoc : null, deletion); if (newDocOther != null) { // Save succeeded, so commit newDoc = newDocOther; LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => { var success = Native.c4db_endTransaction(_c4db, true, err); if (!success) { Native.c4doc_free(newDoc); } return(success); }); (document as MutableDocument)?.MarkAsInvalidated(); baseDoc?.Dispose(); return(new Document(this, docID, new C4DocumentWrapper(newDoc))); } // There was a conflict if (deletion && !doc.IsDeleted) { var deletedDoc = doc.ToMutable(); deletedDoc.MarkAsDeleted(); doc = deletedDoc; } if (doc.c4Doc != null) { baseDoc = new Document(this, docID, doc.c4Doc.Retain <C4DocumentWrapper>()); } otherDoc = new Document(this, docID); if (!otherDoc.Exists) { LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(_c4db, false, err)); return(null); } } catch (Exception) { baseDoc?.Dispose(); otherDoc?.Dispose(); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(_c4db, false, err)); throw; } resolve = true; LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4db_endTransaction(_c4db, false, err)); return(null); }); if (!resolve) { return(retVal); } // Resolve Conflict Document resolved = null; try { var resolver = Config.ConflictResolver; var conflict = new Conflict(doc, otherDoc, baseDoc); resolved = resolver.Resolve(conflict); if (resolved == null) { throw new LiteCoreException(new C4Error(C4ErrorCode.Conflict)); } } finally { baseDoc?.Dispose(); if (!ReferenceEquals(resolved, otherDoc)) { otherDoc?.Dispose(); } } retVal = ThreadSafety.DoLocked(() => { var current = new Document(this, docID); if (resolved.RevID == current.RevID) { (document as MutableDocument)?.MarkAsInvalidated(); current.Dispose(); return(resolved); // Same as current } // For saving doc = resolved; baseDoc = current; deletion = resolved.IsDeleted; return(null); }); if (retVal != null) { return(retVal); } } }
public static void Check(C4TryLogicDelegate3 block) { NativeHandler.Create().Execute(block); }
public static void *Check(C4TryLogicDelegate2 block) { return(NativeHandler.Create().Execute(block)); }
public static byte[] Check(C4TryLogicDelegate4 block) { return(NativeHandler.Create().Execute(block)); }