internal CPUFractalEngine(CPUDeviceEntry devEntry)
            int fractalSize, branchesSize, variWeightsSize;

            Fractal.GetNativeFractalSizes(out fractalSize, out branchesSize, out variWeightsSize);

            //these are allocated from unmanaged memory so we don't have to worry about pinning them all the time
            fractal     = (NativeFractal *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(fractalSize);
            branches    = (NativeBranch *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(branchesSize);
            variWeights = (float *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(variWeightsSize);

            int iterCount = Util.Clamp(2 * devEntry.NumCores, 2, MaxUseableIterators);

            iterators = new Iterator[iterCount];

            int dotBufferSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Dot)) * DotsPerCycle;

            dots = (Dot *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dotBufferSize);
            int dotIndiciesSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ushort)) * DotsPerCycle;

            dotIndicies = (ushort *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dotIndiciesSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < DotsPerCycle; i++)
                dotIndicies[i] = (ushort)i;

            for (int i = 0; i < IteratorCount; i++)
                iterators[i] = new Iterator(i);
                iterators[i].SetFractal(this.fractal, branches, variWeights);

            globalStats = new NativeGlobalStatEntry();

            tonemapVertShader     = GLUtil.MakeShader("tonemap_vert_glsl", Kernels.KernelResources.tonemap_vert_glsl, ShaderType.VertexShader);
            tonemapFragShader     = GLUtil.MakeShader("tonemap_frag_glsl", Kernels.KernelResources.tonemap_frag_glsl, ShaderType.FragmentShader);
            tonemapProgram        = GLUtil.MakeProgram("tonemap_program", tonemapVertShader, tonemapFragShader);
            accumSamplerLocation  = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "accumSampler");
            scaleConstantLocation = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "scaleConstant");
            brightnessLocation    = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "brightness");
            invGammaLocation      = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "invGamma");
            vibrancyLocation      = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "vibrancy");
            upScaleFactorLocation = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "upScaleFactor");
            subStepXLocation      = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "subStepX");
            subStepYLocation      = GL.GetUniformLocation(tonemapProgram, "subStepY");
            FractalManager.Blip += delegate(object obj, EventArgs ea){
        public override void Destroy()

            foreach (Iterator iter in iterators)

            if (fractal != null)
                Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)fractal);     fractal = null;
            if (branches != null)
                Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)branches);    branches = null;
            if (variWeights != null)
                Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)variWeights); variWeights = null;

            if (tonemapVertShader != 0)
                tonemapVertShader = 0;
            if (tonemapFragShader != 0)
                tonemapFragShader = 0;
            if (tonemapProgram != 0)
                tonemapProgram = 0;
            if (paletteTexID != 0)
                paletteTexID = 0;
        unsafe public void FillNativeFractal(int xRes, int yRes, NativeFractal *nFractal, NativeBranch *nBranches, float *nVariWeights)
            Int32 branchCount = Math.Min(NativeFractal.MaxBranches, this.Branches.Count);

            nFractal->BranchCount = (uint)branchCount;

            float    invAspectRatio = (xRes > 0) ? ((float)yRes / (float)xRes) : 0.0f;
            Affine2D viewTransform  = this.CameraTransform.Inverse;
            Affine2D projTransform  = new Affine2D(invAspectRatio, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            float    xHalf          = (float)xRes / 2.0f;
            float    yHalf          = (float)yRes / 2.0f;

            Affine2D screenTransform = new Affine2D(xHalf, 0.0f, 0.0f, yHalf, xHalf, yHalf);

            nFractal->VpsTransform = screenTransform * projTransform * viewTransform;
            nFractal->Brightness   = this.Brightness;
            nFractal->InvGamma     = 1.0f / this.Gamma;
            nFractal->Vibrancy     = this.Vibrancy;
            nFractal->BgColor      = this.BackgroundColor;

            for (int bi = 0; bi < branchCount; bi++)
                nBranches[bi].NormWeight = (UInt32)0x00010000;

            float branchWeightSum = 0.0f;

            for (int bi = 0; bi < branchCount; bi++)
                branchWeightSum += this.Branches[bi].Weight;

            for (int i = 0; i < NativeFractal.MaxBranches * NativeFractal.MaxVariations; i++)
                nVariWeights[i] = 0.0f;

            UInt32 runningSum = 0;

            for (int bi = 0; bi < branchCount; bi++)
                Branch branch = this.Branches[bi];

                runningSum += (UInt32)(branch.Weight / branchWeightSum * 65536.0f);
                if (bi < branchCount - 1)
                    nBranches[bi].NormWeight = runningSum;
                    nBranches[bi].NormWeight = 0x00010000;

                nBranches[bi].ColorWeight   = branch.ColorWeight;
                nBranches[bi].Chroma        = branch.Chroma;
                nBranches[bi].PreTransform  = branch.PreTransform;
                nBranches[bi].PostTransform = branch.PostTransform;

                foreach (Branch.VariEntry ve in branch.Variations)
                    if (ve.Index >= 0 && ve.Index < NativeFractal.MaxVariations)
                        nVariWeights[bi * NativeFractal.MaxVariations + ve.Index] += ve.Weight;
 public void SetFractal(NativeFractal *fractal, NativeBranch *branches, float *variWeights)
     lock (syncRoot){
         set_iterator_fractal(iterHandle, fractal, branches, variWeights);
 extern private static void set_iterator_fractal(IntPtr iter, NativeFractal *fractal, NativeBranch *branches, float *variWeights);