 internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext context)
     if (angleVert == null)
         angleVert = NatFloat.createUniform(0, 0);
        public override void Start(ICoreAPI api)
            this.api = api;

            texts = new Dictionary <EnumTempStormStrength, TemporalStormText>()
                { EnumTempStormStrength.Light, new TemporalStormText()
                      Approaching = Lang.Get("A light temporal storm is approaching"), Imminent = Lang.Get("A light temporal storm is imminent"), Waning = Lang.Get("The temporal storm seems to be waning")
                  } },
                { EnumTempStormStrength.Medium, new TemporalStormText()
                      Approaching = Lang.Get("A medium temporal storm is approaching"), Imminent = Lang.Get("A medium temporal storm is imminent"), Waning = Lang.Get("The temporal storm seems to be waning")
                  } },
                { EnumTempStormStrength.Heavy, new TemporalStormText()
                      Approaching = Lang.Get("A heavy temporal storm is approaching"), Imminent = Lang.Get("A heavy temporal storm is imminent"), Waning = Lang.Get("The temporal storm seems to be waning")
                  } },

            configs = new Dictionary <string, TemporalStormConfig>()
                { "veryrare", new TemporalStormConfig()
                      Frequency           = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 30, 5),
                      StrengthIncrease    = 2.5f / 100,
                      StrengthIncreaseCap = 25f / 100
                  } },

                { "rare", new TemporalStormConfig()
                      Frequency           = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 25, 5),
                      StrengthIncrease    = 5f / 100,
                      StrengthIncreaseCap = 50f / 100
                  } },

                { "sometimes", new TemporalStormConfig()
                      Frequency           = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 15, 5),
                      StrengthIncrease    = 10f / 100,
                      StrengthIncreaseCap = 100f / 100
                  } },

                { "often", new TemporalStormConfig()
                      Frequency           = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 7.5f, 2.5f),
                      StrengthIncrease    = 15f / 100,
                      StrengthIncreaseCap = 150f / 100
                  } },

                { "veryoften", new TemporalStormConfig()
                      Frequency           = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 4.5f, 1.5f),
                      StrengthIncrease    = 20f / 100,
                      StrengthIncreaseCap = 200f / 100
                  } }
        public override void Initialize(JsonObject properties)

            vineGrowthStage       = properties["vineGrowthStage"].AsInt();
            vineGrowthQuantityGen = properties["vineGrowthQuantity"].AsObject <NatFloat>();
            vineBlockLocation     = new AssetLocation("pumpkin-vine-1-normal");
        public override void LoadConfig(JsonObject taskConfig, JsonObject aiConfig)
            base.LoadConfig(taskConfig, aiConfig);

            SpawnPosition = new Vec3d(entity.Attributes.GetDouble("spawnX"), entity.Attributes.GetDouble("spawnY"), entity.Attributes.GetDouble("spawnZ"));

            float wanderRangeMin = 3, wanderRangeMax = 30;

            if (taskConfig["maxDistanceToSpawn"].Exists)
                StayCloseToSpawn   = true;
                MaxDistanceToSpawn = taskConfig["maxDistanceToSpawn"].AsDouble(10);

                TeleportWhenOutOfRange = taskConfig["teleportWhenOutOfRange"].AsBool(true);
                TeleportInGameHours    = taskConfig["teleportInGameHours"].AsDouble(1);

            if (taskConfig["targetDistance"] != null)
                targetDistance = taskConfig["targetDistance"].AsFloat(0.12f);

            if (taskConfig["movespeed"] != null)
                moveSpeed = taskConfig["movespeed"].AsFloat(0.03f);

            if (taskConfig["wanderChance"] != null)
                wanderChance = taskConfig["wanderChance"].AsFloat(0.015f);

            if (taskConfig["wanderRangeMin"] != null)
                wanderRangeMin = taskConfig["wanderRangeMin"].AsFloat(3);
            if (taskConfig["wanderRangeMax"] != null)
                wanderRangeMax = taskConfig["wanderRangeMax"].AsFloat(30);
            wanderRangeHorizontal = NatFloat.createInvexp(wanderRangeMin, wanderRangeMax);

            if (taskConfig["maxHeight"] != null)
                maxHeight = taskConfig["maxHeight"].AsFloat(7f);

            if (taskConfig["preferredLightLevel"] != null)
                preferredLightLevel = taskConfig["preferredLightLevel"].AsFloat(-99);
                if (preferredLightLevel < 0)
                    preferredLightLevel = null;
 public void FromBytes(BinaryReader reader, IClassRegistryAPI instancer)
     Type              = (EnumTransitionType)reader.ReadUInt16();
     FreshHours        = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
     TransitionHours   = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
     TransitionedStack = new JsonItemStack();
     TransitionedStack.FromBytes(reader, instancer);
     TransitionRatio = reader.ReadSingle();
        public void Init(ICoreServerAPI api)

            if (Placement == EnumDepositPlacement.Anywhere)
                Depth.avg *= api.WorldManager.MapSizeY;
                Depth.var *= api.WorldManager.MapSizeY;

            if (Placement == EnumDepositPlacement.FollowSeaLevel)
                Depth.avg *= TerraGenConfig.seaLevel;
                Depth.var *= TerraGenConfig.seaLevel;

            if (CheckClimate && Radius.avg + Radius.var >= 32)
                api.Server.LogWarning("Deposit has CheckClimate=true and radius > 32 blocks - this is not supported, sorry. Defaulting to uniform radius 10");
                Radius = NatFloat.createUniform(10, 0);

            if (BlockIds.Length == 0)
                string code = BlockCode.Path.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}");
                throw new Exception("Invalid deposits.json: Can't have a deposit without blockcode (maybe invalid name? " + code + ")!");

            if (ChildDeposits != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < ChildDeposits.Length; i++)
                    if (ChildDeposits[i].ParentBlockCodes == null)
                        ChildDeposits[i].ParentBlockCodes = new AssetLocation[BlockIds.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < BlockIds.Length; j++)
                            ChildDeposits[i].ParentBlockCodes[j] = api.World.Blocks[BlockIds[j]].Code;

                        ChildDeposits[i].GrandParentBlockLocs = new AssetLocation[ParentBlockCodes.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < ParentBlockCodes.Length; j++)
                            ChildDeposits[i].GrandParentBlockLocs[j] = ParentBlockCodes[j];
                ChildDeposits = new DepositVariant[0];
        public void Init(ICoreServerAPI api, RockStrataConfig rockstrata, LCGRandom rnd, int i)
            List <Block> blocks = new List <Block>();

            for (int j = 0; j < blockCodes.Length; j++)
                AssetLocation code = blockCodes[j];

                if (code.Path.Contains("{rocktype}"))
                    if (BlocksByRockType == null)
                        BlocksByRockType = new Dictionary <int, Block[]>();

                    for (int k = 0; k < rockstrata.Variants.Length; k++)
                        string        rocktype      = rockstrata.Variants[k].BlockCode.Path.Split('-')[1];
                        AssetLocation rocktypedCode = code.CopyWithPath(code.Path.Replace("{rocktype}", rocktype));

                        Block rockBlock = api.World.GetBlock(rockstrata.Variants[k].BlockCode);

                        if (rockBlock != null)
                            BlocksByRockType[rockBlock.BlockId] = new Block[] { api.World.GetBlock(rocktypedCode) };
                    Block block = api.World.GetBlock(code);
                    if (block != null)
                        api.World.Logger.Warning("Block patch Nr. {0}: Unable to resolve block with code {1}. Will ignore.", i, code);

            Blocks = blocks.ToArray();

            if (BlockCodeIndex == null)
                BlockCodeIndex = NatFloat.createUniform(0, Blocks.Length);

            if (RandomMapCodePool != null)
                int index = rnd.NextInt(RandomMapCodePool.Length);
                MapCode = RandomMapCodePool[index];
        internal void ResolveBlockIds(ICoreServerAPI api, RockStrataConfig rockstrata)
            for (int i = 0; i < Patches.Length; i++)
                BlockPatch patch = Patches[i];

                List <Block> blocks = new List <Block>();

                for (int j = 0; j < patch.blockCodes.Length; j++)
                    AssetLocation code = patch.blockCodes[j];

                    if (code.Path.Contains("{rocktype}"))
                        if (patch.BlocksByRockType == null)
                            patch.BlocksByRockType = new Dictionary <int, Block[]>();

                        for (int k = 0; k < rockstrata.Variants.Length; k++)
                            string        rocktype      = rockstrata.Variants[k].BlockCode.Path.Split('-')[1];
                            AssetLocation rocktypedCode = code.CopyWithPath(code.Path.Replace("{rocktype}", rocktype));

                            Block rockBlock = api.World.GetBlock(rockstrata.Variants[k].BlockCode);

                            if (rockBlock != null)
                                patch.BlocksByRockType[rockBlock.BlockId] = new Block[] { api.World.GetBlock(rocktypedCode) };
                        Block block = api.World.GetBlock(code);
                        if (block != null)
                            api.World.Logger.Warning("Block patch Nr. {0}: Unable to resolve block with code {1}. Will ignore.", i, code);

                patch.Blocks = blocks.ToArray();

                if (patch.BlockCodeIndex == null)
                    patch.BlockCodeIndex = NatFloat.createUniform(0, patch.Blocks.Length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the contents of the block bytes and converts it into a block.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">The reader of the block</param>
 /// <param name="instancer">The block registry</param>
 public virtual void FromBytes(BinaryReader reader, IClassRegistryAPI instancer)
     Type     = (EnumItemClass)reader.ReadInt16();
     Code     = new AssetLocation(reader.ReadString());
     Quantity = NatFloat.One;
     ResolvedItemstack = new ItemStack(reader);
     LastDrop          = reader.ReadBoolean();
     if (reader.ReadBoolean())
         DropModbyStat = reader.ReadString();
 public override void Init()
     if (Radius == null)
         Api.Server.LogWarning("Alluvial Deposit {0} has no radius property defined. Defaulting to uniform radius 10", variant.fromFile);
         Radius = NatFloat.createUniform(10, 0);
     if (variant.Climate != null && Radius.avg + Radius.var >= 32)
         Api.Server.LogWarning("Alluvial Deposit {0} has CheckClimate=true and radius > 32 blocks - this is not supported, sorry. Defaulting to uniform radius 10", variant.fromFile);
         Radius = NatFloat.createUniform(10, 0);
        public override void OnBlockPlaced(ItemStack byItemStack = null)
            Block block = Api.World.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(Pos);

            NatFloat growthDays = NatFloat.create(EnumDistribution.UNIFORM, 6.5f, 1.5f);

            if (block?.Attributes != null)
                growthDays = block.Attributes["growthDays"].AsObject(growthDays);

            totalHoursTillGrowth = Api.World.Calendar.TotalHours + growthDays.nextFloat(1, Api.World.Rand) * 24;
        public override void Init()

            if (YPosRel == null)
                Api.World.Logger.Error("Deposit variant {0} in {1} does not have a YPosRel definition. Where shall I place the deposit?", variant.Code, variant.fromFile);
                YPosRel = NatFloat.Zero;

            YPosRel.avg *= TerraGenConfig.seaLevel;
            YPosRel.var *= TerraGenConfig.seaLevel;
        public override void LoadConfig(JsonObject taskConfig, JsonObject aiConfig)
            base.LoadConfig(taskConfig, aiConfig);

            float wanderRangeMin = 3, wanderRangeMax = 30;

            if (taskConfig["targetDistance"] != null)
                targetDistance = taskConfig["targetDistance"].AsFloat(0.12f);

            if (taskConfig["movespeed"] != null)
                moveSpeed = taskConfig["movespeed"].AsFloat(0.03f);

            if (taskConfig["wanderChance"] != null)
                wanderChance = taskConfig["wanderChance"].AsFloat(0.015f);

            if (taskConfig["wanderRangeMin"] != null)
                wanderRangeMin = taskConfig["wanderRangeMin"].AsFloat(3);
            if (taskConfig["wanderRangeMax"] != null)
                wanderRangeMax = taskConfig["wanderRangeMax"].AsFloat(30);
            wanderRangeHorizontal = NatFloat.createStrongerInvexp(wanderRangeMin, wanderRangeMax);

            if (taskConfig["maxHeight"] != null)
                maxHeight = taskConfig["maxHeight"].AsFloat(7f);

            if (taskConfig["preferredLightLevel"] != null)
                preferredLightLevel = taskConfig["preferredLightLevel"].AsFloat(-99);
                if (preferredLightLevel < 0)
                    preferredLightLevel = null;

            if (taskConfig["awaitReached"] != null)
                awaitReached = taskConfig["awaitReached"].AsBool(true);
        public float widthBranchLossBase = 1f;     // Each branch action, this value gets multiplied to the current width (=> 1f = no loss in width from branching)

        public TreeGenRoot(NatFloat baseWidth, NatFloat rootEnd, NatFloat rootSpacing, NatFloat numBranching, float widthloss, EvolvingNatFloat horizontalAngle, EvolvingNatFloat verticalAngle, NatFloat branchVerticalAngle, NatFloat branchHorizontalAngle, NatFloat branchSpacing, NatFloat branchStart, float widthBranchLossBase)
            this.baseWidth             = baseWidth;
            this.rootEnd               = rootEnd;
            this.rootSpacing           = rootSpacing;
            this.numBranching          = numBranching;
            this.horizontalAngle       = horizontalAngle;
            this.verticalAngle         = verticalAngle;
            this.widthloss             = widthloss;
            this.branchVerticalAngle   = branchVerticalAngle;
            this.branchHorizontalAngle = branchHorizontalAngle;
            this.branchSpacing         = branchSpacing;
            this.branchStart           = branchStart;
            this.widthBranchLossBase   = widthBranchLossBase;
        internal void ResolveBlockIds(ICoreServerAPI api, RockstrataWorldProperty rockstrata)
            for (int i = 0; i < Patches.Length; i++)
                BlockPatch patch = Patches[i];

                List <Block> blocks = new List <Block>();

                for (int j = 0; j < patch.blockCodes.Length; j++)
                    AssetLocation code = patch.blockCodes[j];

                    if (code.Path.Contains("{rocktype}"))
                        if (patch.BlocksByRockType == null)
                            patch.BlocksByRockType = new Dictionary <ushort, Block[]>();

                        for (int k = 0; k < rockstrata.Variants.Length; k++)
                            string rocktype = rockstrata.Variants[k].BlockCode.Path.Split('-')[1];
                                new Block[] { api.World.GetBlock(code.CopyWithPath(code.Path.Replace("{rocktype}", rocktype))) }

                patch.Blocks = blocks.ToArray();

                if (patch.BlockCodeIndex == null)
                    patch.BlockCodeIndex = NatFloat.createUniform(0, patch.Blocks.Length);
        public void FromBytes(BinaryReader reader, IWorldAccessor resolver)
            basePos = new Vec3d(reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble(), reader.ReadDouble());

            DieInAir      = reader.ReadBoolean();
            DieInLiquid   = reader.ReadBoolean();
            SwimOnLiquid  = reader.ReadBoolean();
            HsvaColor     = new NatFloat[] { NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader) };
            GravityEffect = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
            LifeLength    = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
            PosOffset     = new NatFloat[] { NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader) };
            Quantity      = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
            Size          = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
            Velocity      = new NatFloat[] { NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader), NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader) };
            ParticleModel = (EnumParticleModel)reader.ReadByte();
            VertexFlags   = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (!reader.ReadBoolean())
                OpacityEvolve = EvolvingNatFloat.CreateFromBytes(reader);

            if (!reader.ReadBoolean())
                RedEvolve = EvolvingNatFloat.CreateFromBytes(reader);

            if (!reader.ReadBoolean())
                GreenEvolve = EvolvingNatFloat.CreateFromBytes(reader);

            if (!reader.ReadBoolean())
                BlueEvolve = EvolvingNatFloat.CreateFromBytes(reader);

            SelfPropelled    = reader.ReadBoolean();
            TerrainCollision = reader.ReadBoolean();
            ColorByBlock     = reader.ReadBoolean();

            if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                VelocityEvolve = new EvolvingNatFloat[]

            SecondarySpawnInterval = NatFloat.createFromBytes(reader);
            int secondaryPropCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (secondaryPropCount > 0)
                SecondaryParticles = new AdvancedParticleProperties[secondaryPropCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < secondaryPropCount; i++)
                    SecondaryParticles[i] = AdvancedParticleProperties.createFromBytes(reader, resolver);

            int deathPropCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (deathPropCount > 0)
                DeathParticles = new AdvancedParticleProperties[deathPropCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < deathPropCount; i++)
                    DeathParticles[i] = AdvancedParticleProperties.createFromBytes(reader, resolver);

            WindAffectednes = reader.ReadSingle();
        public override void Init()
            if (Radius == null)
                Api.Server.LogWarning("Deposit {0} has no radius property defined. Defaulting to uniform radius 10", variant.fromFile);
                Radius = NatFloat.createUniform(10, 0);
            if (variant.Climate != null && Radius.avg + Radius.var >= 32)
                Api.Server.LogWarning("Deposit {0} has CheckClimate=true and radius > 32 blocks - this is not supported, sorry. Defaulting to uniform radius 10", variant.fromFile);
                Radius = NatFloat.createUniform(10, 0);

            if (InBlock != null)
                Block[] blocks = Api.World.SearchBlocks(InBlock.Code);
                if (blocks.Length == 0)
                    Api.Server.LogWarning("Deposit in file {0}, no such blocks found by code/wildcard '{1}'. Deposit will never spawn.", variant.fromFile, InBlock.Code);

                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    if (InBlock.AllowedVariants != null && !WildcardUtil.Match(InBlock.Code, block.Code, InBlock.AllowedVariants))
                    if (InBlock.AllowedVariantsByInBlock != null && !InBlock.AllowedVariantsByInBlock.ContainsKey(block.Code))

                    string key   = InBlock.Name;
                    string value = WildcardUtil.GetWildcardValue(InBlock.Code, block.Code);

                    placeBlockByInBlockId[block.BlockId] = PlaceBlock.Resolve(variant.fromFile, Api, block, key, value);
                    if (SurfaceBlock != null)
                        surfaceBlockByInBlockId[block.BlockId] = SurfaceBlock.Resolve(variant.fromFile, Api, block, key, value);

                    if (variant.ChildDeposits != null)
                        foreach (var val in variant.ChildDeposits)
                            if (val.GeneratorInst == null)
                                val.GeneratorInst = new ChildDepositGenerator(Api, val, DepositRand, DistortNoiseGen);
                                JsonUtil.Populate(val.Attributes.Token, val.GeneratorInst);

                            foreach (Block depositblock in placeBlockByInBlockId[block.BlockId].Blocks)
                                (val.GeneratorInst as ChildDepositGenerator).ResolveAdd(depositblock, key, value);

                    // Host rock for
                    if (block.Attributes == null)
                        block.Attributes = new JsonObject(JToken.Parse("{}"));
                    int[] oreIds = block.Attributes["hostRockFor"].AsArray <int>(new int[0]);
                    oreIds = oreIds.Append(placeBlockByInBlockId[block.BlockId].Blocks.Select(b => b.BlockId).ToArray());
                    block.Attributes.Token["hostRockFor"] = JToken.FromObject(oreIds);

                    // In host rock
                    Block[] placeBlocks = placeBlockByInBlockId[block.BlockId].Blocks;
                    for (int i = 0; i < placeBlocks.Length; i++)
                        Block pblock = placeBlocks[i];
                        if (pblock.Attributes == null)
                            pblock.Attributes = new JsonObject(JToken.Parse("{}"));
                        oreIds = pblock.Attributes["hostRock"].AsArray <int>(new int[0]);
                        oreIds = oreIds.Append(block.BlockId);
                        pblock.Attributes.Token["hostRock"] = JToken.FromObject(oreIds);
                Api.Server.LogWarning("Deposit in file {0} has no inblock defined, it will never spawn.", variant.fromFile);