public override async Task <bool> PrepareForRun(SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters parameters)
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters));

            var initialName   = parameters.Name;
            var existingNames = ExtractReferencesList(parameters);

            initialName = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(initialName, (Core.IO.UFile uf) => IsNameColliding(existingNames, uf), "{0}{1}");
            var window = new ProjectLibraryWindow(initialName);

            window.LibNameInputValidator = (name) => IsNameColliding(existingNames, name);

            await window.ShowModal();

            if (window.Result == DialogResult.Cancel)

            parameters.Name      = Utilities.BuildValidProjectName(window.LibraryName);
            parameters.Namespace = Utilities.BuildValidNamespaceName(window.Namespace);

            var collision = IsNameColliding(existingNames, parameters.Name);

            return(!collision);  // we cannot allow to flow the creation request in case of name collision, because the underlying viewmodel system does not have protection against it.
        private static UFile GenerateLocation(string assetName, AssetTemplateGeneratorParameters parameters)
            var location = assetName.StartsWith(parameters.TargetLocation) ? new UFile(assetName)
                                    : UPath.Combine(parameters.TargetLocation, new UFile(assetName));

            return(NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(location, x => parameters.Package.Assets.Find(x) != null, "{0}_{1}"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new sub-directory with a default name in this directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editing">Indicates whether the new sub-directory should be put in edit mode immediately when constructed.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="DirectoryViewModel"/> representing the new sub-directory.</returns>
        public DirectoryViewModel CreateSubDirectory(bool editing)
            var newDirectory = new DirectoryViewModel(NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(NewFolderDefaultName, SubDirectories.Cast <DirectoryBaseViewModel>(), x => x.Name), this, true)
                IsEditing = editing

 /// <summary>
 /// Finds a name available for a new asset. This method will try to create a name based on an existing name and will append
 /// "_" + (number++) on every try. The new location found is added to the known existing locations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
 /// <param name="newLocation">The new location.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if there is a new location, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 public bool RegisterLocation(UFile location, out UFile newLocation)
     newLocation = location;
     if (IsContainingLocation(location))
         newLocation = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(location, IsContainingLocation);
     return(newLocation != location);
        protected List <AssetItem> MakeUniqueNames(IEnumerable <AssetItem> assets)
            var result = new List <AssetItem>();

            foreach (var asset in assets)
                var uniqueName = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(asset.Location, x => result.Any(y => y.Asset != asset.Asset && x == y.Location), "{0}_{1}");
                result.Add(new AssetItem(uniqueName, asset.Asset));
        protected string GenerateUniqueNameAtLocation(List <string> conflictingNames = null)
            if (conflictingNames == null)
                conflictingNames = new List <string>();

            if (Directory.Exists(Location))
                // Also add currently existing folders
                var existingFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(Location).Select(Path.GetFileName);
            // Generate a name that does not collide with one of the previously gathered names
            var newName = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(SelectedTemplate.DefaultOutputName, conflictingNames, x => x, "{0}{1}");

        private void CreateUnitTestAsset()
            var package = Editor.Session.CurrentPackage;
            if (package != null)
                using (var transaction = Editor.Session.UndoRedoService.CreateTransaction())
                    var dir            = package.AssetMountPoint;
                    var name           = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName("UnitTestAsset", x => dir.Assets.Any(y => string.Equals(x, y.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
                    var asset          = UnitTestAsset.CreateNew();
                    var assetItem      = new AssetItem(name, asset);
                    var assetViewModel = package.CreateAsset(dir, assetItem, true, null);
                    Editor.Session.NotifyAssetPropertiesChanged(new[] { assetViewModel });
                    Editor.Session.ActiveAssetView.SelectAssets(new[] { assetViewModel });
                    Editor.Session.UndoRedoService.SetName(transaction, $"Create test asset '{name}'");
        protected override string UpdateNameFromSelectedTemplate()
            var selectedTemplate = SelectedTemplate?.GetTemplate() as TemplateAssetDescription;

            if (selectedTemplate == null || !selectedTemplate.RequireName)

            // If the mount point of the current folder does not support this type of asset, try to select the first mount point that support it.
            var assetType = selectedTemplate.GetAssetType();

            TargetDirectory = AssetViewModel.FindValidCreationLocation(assetType, CurrentDirectory);
            if (TargetDirectory == null)

            var baseName = selectedTemplate.DefaultOutputName ?? selectedTemplate.AssetTypeName;
            var name     = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(baseName, TargetDirectory.Assets, x => x.Name, "{0}{1}");

        public sealed override bool Run(AssetTemplateGeneratorParameters parameters)
            var assets = CreateAssets(parameters)?.ToList();

            if (assets == null)
                parameters.Logger.Error("No asset created by the asset factory.");

            // Step one: add assets to package with proper unique name
            var newAssets = new Dictionary <AssetId, AssetItem>();

            foreach (var asset in assets)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Location))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset returned by {nameof(CreateAssets)} has no location. Use {nameof(GenerateLocation)} to generate the location for each asset.");

                // Ensure unicity of names amongst package
                var name = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(asset.Location, x => parameters.Package.Assets.Find(x) != null, "{0}_{1}");
                var item = new AssetItem(name, asset.Asset);

                    // Ensure the dirty flag is properly set to refresh the dependency manager
                    item.IsDirty = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    parameters.Logger.Error("Failed to create new asset from template.", ex);
                newAssets.Add(item.Id, item);

            // Step two: fix references in the newly added assets
            foreach (var asset in newAssets)
                var referencesToFix = AssetReferenceAnalysis.Visit(asset.Value);
                foreach (var assetReferenceLink in referencesToFix)
                    var refToUpdate = assetReferenceLink.Reference as IReference;
                    if (refToUpdate == null)

                    AssetItem realItem;
                    // Look for the referenced asset in the new assets
                    if (newAssets.TryGetValue(refToUpdate.Id, out realItem))
                        assetReferenceLink.UpdateReference(realItem.Id, realItem.Location);
                        // If not found, try on the already existing assets
                        realItem = parameters.Package.Session.FindAsset(refToUpdate.Id);
                        assetReferenceLink.UpdateReference(realItem?.Id ?? AssetId.Empty, realItem?.Location);

            // Step three: complete creation and mark them as dirty
            foreach (var asset in newAssets.Values)
                    PostAssetCreation(parameters, asset);
                    // Ensure the dirty flag is properly set to refresh the dependency manager
                    asset.IsDirty = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    parameters.Logger.Error("Failed to create new asset from template.", ex);
        private async Task GeneratePrecompiledFont()
            var font          = (SpriteFontAsset)AssetItem.Asset;
            var dialogService = ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>();

            // Dynamic font cannot be precompiled
            if (font.FontType is RuntimeRasterizedSpriteFontType)
                // Note: Markdown (**, _) are used to format the text.
                await dialogService.MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "**Only static fonts can be precompiled.**\r\n\r\nClear the _Is Dynamic_ property on this font and try again."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            // Compute unique name
            var precompiledName = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName($"{AssetItem.Location.GetFileNameWithoutExtension()} (Precompiled)", Directory.Assets, x => x.Name);

            // Ask location for generated texture
            var folderDialog = dialogService.CreateFolderOpenModalDialog();

            folderDialog.InitialDirectory = (Session.CurrentProject?.Package?.RootDirectory ?? Session.SolutionPath.GetFullDirectory()).ToWindowsPath() + "\\Resources";
            var dialogResult = await folderDialog.ShowModal();

            if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Ok)

            bool srgb;
            var  gameSettings = Session.CurrentProject?.Package.GetGameSettingsAsset();

            if (gameSettings == null)
                var buttons = DialogHelper.CreateButtons(new[] { ColorSpace.Linear.ToString(), ColorSpace.Gamma.ToString(), Tr._p("Button", "Cancel") }, 1, 3);
                var result  = await dialogService.MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "Which color space do you want to use?"), buttons, MessageBoxImage.Question);

                // Close without clicking a button or Cancel
                if (result == 0 || result == 3)
                srgb = result == 2;
                srgb = gameSettings.GetOrCreate <RenderingSettings>().ColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear;

            var precompiledFontAsset = (font.FontType is SignedDistanceFieldSpriteFontType) ?
                                       font.GeneratePrecompiledSDFSpriteFont(AssetItem, UFile.Combine(folderDialog.Directory, precompiledName)) :
                                       font.GeneratePrecompiledSpriteFont(AssetItem, UFile.Combine(folderDialog.Directory, precompiledName), srgb);

            // NOTE: following code could be factorized with AssetFactoryViewModel
            var            defaultLocation = UFile.Combine(Directory.Path, precompiledName);
            var            assetItem       = new AssetItem(defaultLocation, precompiledFontAsset);
            AssetViewModel assetViewModel;

            using (var transaction = UndoRedoService.CreateTransaction())
                // FIXME: do we need to delete the generated file upon undo?
                assetViewModel = Directory.Package.CreateAsset(Directory, assetItem, true, null);
                UndoRedoService.SetName(transaction, $"Create Asset '{precompiledName}'");

            if (assetViewModel != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a default scene exists for this game package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">The log to output the result of the validation.</param>
        public override void Run(ILogger log)
            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(log));

            foreach (var package in Session.Packages)
                // Make sure package has its assets loaded
                if (package.State < PackageState.AssetsReady)

                var hasGameExecutable = package.Profiles.SelectMany(profile => profile.ProjectReferences).Any(projectRef => projectRef.Type == ProjectType.Executable);
                if (!hasGameExecutable)

                // Find game settings
                var       gameSettingsAssetItem = package.Assets.Find(GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation);
                AssetItem defaultScene          = null;

                // If game settings is found, try to find default scene inside
                var defaultSceneRuntime   = ((GameSettingsAsset)gameSettingsAssetItem?.Asset)?.DefaultScene;
                var defaultSceneReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(defaultSceneRuntime);
                if (defaultSceneReference != null)
                    // Find it either by Url or Id
                    defaultScene = package.Assets.Find(defaultSceneReference.Id) ?? package.Assets.Find(defaultSceneReference.Url);

                    // Check it is actually a scene asset
                    if (defaultScene != null && !(defaultScene.Asset is SceneAsset))
                        defaultScene = null;

                // Find or create default scene
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    defaultScene = package.Assets.Find(GameSettingsAsset.DefaultSceneLocation);
                    if (defaultScene != null && !(defaultScene.Asset is SceneAsset))
                        defaultScene = null;

                // Otherwise, try to find any scene
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    defaultScene = package.Assets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset is SceneAsset);

                // Nothing found, let's create an empty one
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    log.Error(package, null, AssetMessageCode.DefaultSceneNotFound, null);

                    var defaultSceneName  = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(GameSettingsAsset.DefaultSceneLocation, package.Assets, a => a.Location);
                    var defaultSceneAsset = DefaultAssetFactory <SceneAsset> .Create();

                    defaultScene = new AssetItem(defaultSceneName, defaultSceneAsset);
                    defaultScene.IsDirty = true;

                // Create game settings if not done yet
                if (gameSettingsAssetItem == null)
                    log.Error(package, null, AssetMessageCode.AssetForPackageNotFound, GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation, package.FullPath.GetFileName());

                    var gameSettingsAsset = GameSettingsFactory.Create();

                    gameSettingsAsset.DefaultScene = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateProxyObject <Scene>(defaultScene.Id, defaultScene.Location);

                    gameSettingsAssetItem = new AssetItem(GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation, gameSettingsAsset);

                    gameSettingsAssetItem.IsDirty = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a default scene exists for this game package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">The log to output the result of the validation.</param>
        public override void Run(ILogger log)
            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            foreach (var package in Session.Packages)
                var hasGameExecutable = package.Profiles.SelectMany(profile => profile.ProjectReferences).Any(projectRef => projectRef.Type == ProjectType.Executable);
                if (!hasGameExecutable)

                var sharedProfile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile();
                if (sharedProfile == null)

                var defaultScene = sharedProfile.Properties.Get(GameSettingsAsset.DefaultScene);

                // If the pdxpkg does not reference any scene
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    log.Error(package, null, AssetMessageCode.DefaultSceneNotFound, null);

                    // Creates a new default scene
                    // Checks we don't overwrite an existing asset
                    const string defaultSceneLocation = "MainScene";
                    var          existingDefault      = package.Assets.Find(defaultSceneLocation);
                    if (existingDefault != null && existingDefault.Asset is SceneAsset)
                        // A scene at the default location already exists among the assets, let's reference it as the default scene
                        var sceneAsset = new AssetReference <SceneAsset>(existingDefault.Id, existingDefault.Location);
                        GameSettingsAsset.SetDefaultScene(package, sceneAsset);
                    else if (existingDefault != null)
                        // Very rare case: the default scene location is occupied by another asset which is not a scene
                        // Compute a new default name to not overwrite the existing asset
                        var newName = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(defaultSceneLocation, package.Assets, a => a.Location);
                        GameSettingsAsset.CreateAndSetDefaultScene(package, newName);
                        // Creates a new default scene asset
                        GameSettingsAsset.CreateAndSetDefaultScene(package, defaultSceneLocation);


                // The pdxpkg references an asset
                var defaultAsset = package.Assets.Find(defaultScene.Location);

                if (defaultAsset != null)
                    continue;                       // Default scene exists and is referenced
                // The asset referenced does not exist, create it
                log.Error(package, defaultScene, AssetMessageCode.AssetNotFound, defaultScene);