 private object[] GeneratePropertyValues(string[] propKeys, int keySizeLimitPerSlot, int wiggleRoomPerSlot)
     object[] propValues = new object[propKeys.Length];
     for (int propKey = 0; propKey < propKeys.Length; propKey++)
         NamedDynamicValueGenerator among = Random.among(NamedDynamicValueGenerator.values());
         propValues[propKey] = among.dynamicValue(keySizeLimitPerSlot, wiggleRoomPerSlot);
        /// <summary>
        /// Key size validation test for single type.
        /// Validate that we handle index reads and writes correctly for dynamically sized values (arrays and strings)
        /// of all different types with length close to and over the max limit for given type.
        /// We do this by inserting arrays of increasing size (doubling each iteration) and when we hit the upper limit
        /// we do binary search between the established min and max limit.
        /// We also verify that the largest successful array length for each type is as expected because this value
        /// is documented and if it changes, documentation also needs to change.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldEnforceSizeCapSingleValueSingleType()
        public virtual void ShouldEnforceSizeCapSingleValueSingleType()
            NamedDynamicValueGenerator[] dynamicValueGenerators = NamedDynamicValueGenerator.values();
            foreach (NamedDynamicValueGenerator generator in dynamicValueGenerators)
                string propKey = _propKeys[0] + generator.name();

                BinarySearch binarySearch = new BinarySearch(this);
                object       propValue;

                while (!binarySearch.Finished())
                    propValue = generator.dynamicValue(binarySearch.ArrayLength);
                    long expectedNodeId = -1;

                    // Write
                    bool wasAbleToWrite = true;
                        using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                            Node node = Db.createNode(LABEL_ONE);
                            node.SetProperty(propKey, propValue);
                            expectedNodeId = node.Id;
                    catch (Exception)
                        wasAbleToWrite = false;

                    // Read
                    VerifyReadExpected(propKey, propValue, expectedNodeId, wasAbleToWrite);

                    // Progress binary search
                assertEquals(format("expected longest successful array length for type %s, to be %d but was %d. " + "This is a strong indication that documentation of max limit needs to be updated.", generator.name(), generator.expectedMax, binarySearch.LongestSuccessful), generator.expectedMax, binarySearch.LongestSuccessful);