public static void DataUpdate(int UserToDataUpdate) { string[] Names = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Class_Data.GeneralPathToSave + UserToDataUpdate); foreach (string NameP in Names) { int NameBegin = NameP.LastIndexOf(@"\"); string Name = ""; for (int g = NameBegin + 1; g < NameP.LastIndexOf("") + 1; g++) { Name = Name + NameP[g]; } int OuterIdIntLocation = Name.LastIndexOf("_"); string OuterIDString = Name.Substring(0, OuterIdIntLocation); int OuterID = int.Parse(OuterIDString); //int InnerIDIntLocation = Name.LastIndexOf("."); Name = ""; for (int g = NameP.LastIndexOf("_") + 1; g < NameP.LastIndexOf("."); g++) { Name = Name + NameP[g]; } int InnerID = int.Parse(Name.Substring(0, Name.Length)); int Location = UserToDataUpdate; Data TempDataToSave = new Data(OuterID, InnerID, Location); Class_Data.DataList.Add(TempDataToSave); } }
public override bool Collect(AbstractDataCollector <TEntity> collector) { if (collector == null) { return(false); } ActiveCollector = collector; ID = ((IUserGroupViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).ID; if (ActiveDBItem == null) { return(false); } if (NameP != null) { ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).Name_P = NameP.ToString(); } if (NameS != null) { ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).Name_S = NameS.ToString(); } if (InternalCode != null) { ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).InternalCode = InternalCode.ToString(); } if (Description != null) { ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).Description = Description.ToString(); } if (UserID != null) { ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).InsertedBy = Convert.ToInt32(UserID); } ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).IsOnDuty = true; switch (((IUserGroupViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).CommonTransactionType) { case DB_CommonTransactionType.DeleteExisting: ((UserGroup_cu)ActiveDBItem).IsOnDuty = false; break; } RelatedViewers = ((IUserGroupViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).RelatedViewers; return(true); }
private void ToSignIn() { SqlConnection con = null; SqlCommand com; SqlDataReader reader = null; try { con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string encPassword = GetEncodingPassword(Password.Text); con.Open(); com = new SqlCommand("Select Count(*) From Users Where Name = @Name and Password = @Password", con); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", NameP.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", encPassword); int count = (int)com.ExecuteScalar(); byte countTry = 1; if (count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Введеные неверные данные"); NameP.Clear(); Password.Clear(); countTry++; return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Вход выполнен"); ToWriteFile(); com = new SqlCommand("Select ID, Rights From Users Where Name = @Name and Password = @Password", con); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", NameP.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", encPassword); reader = com.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); object rights = reader.GetString(1); id = reader.GetValue(0); EditForm(rights); ToWriteDataBaseSuccessful(countTry); reader.Close(); } if (countTry == 3) { ToWriteDataBaseNotSuccessful(countTry); MessageBox.Show("Мсье, вы не знаете пароля"); Application.Exit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } }
private void ToWriteFile() { FileStream stream = null; StreamWriter write = null; try { stream = new FileStream("date.txt", FileMode.Truncate); write = new StreamWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.Default); if (!RememberMe.Checked) { write.Write(""); NameP.Clear(); Password.Clear(); } else { byte[] nameByte = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(NameP.Text); string strName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nameByte.Length; i++) { if (i == nameByte.Length - 1) { strName += nameByte[i].ToString(); } else { strName += nameByte[i].ToString() + ","; } } byte[] pasByte = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Password.Text); string strPas = ""; for (int i = 0; i < pasByte.Length; i++) { if (i == pasByte.Length - 1) { strPas += pasByte[i].ToString(); } else { strPas += pasByte[i].ToString() + ","; } } write.WriteLine(strName); write.WriteLine(strPas); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { write.Close(); stream.Close(); } }
public override bool Collect(AbstractDataCollector <TEntity> collector) { if (collector == null) { return(false); } ActiveCollector = collector; ID = ((IServiceCategoryViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).ID; if (ActiveDBItem == null) { return(false); } if (NameP != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).Name_P = NameP.ToString(); } if (NameS != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).Name_S = NameS.ToString(); } if (InternalCode != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).InternalCode = InternalCode.ToString(); } if (ServiceType != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).ServiceType_P_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ServiceType); } ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).IsMedical = Convert.ToBoolean(IsMedical); ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).AllowAdmission = Convert.ToBoolean(AlloAdmission); if (Description != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).Description = Description.ToString(); } if (UserID != null) { ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).InsertedBy = Convert.ToInt32(UserID); } ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).IsOnDuty = true; switch (((IServiceCategoryViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).CommonTransactionType) { case DB_CommonTransactionType.DeleteExisting: ((ServiceCategory_cu)ActiveDBItem).IsOnDuty = false; break; } RelatedViewers = ((IServiceCategoryViewer)ActiveCollector.ActiveViewer).RelatedViewers; return(true); }
public void ClearTextBox() { NameP.Clear(); Password.Clear(); RememberMe.Checked = false; }