void Register() { if (emailText.text.Length == 0 || passwordText.text.Length == 0 || passwordText2.text.Length == 0 || nameText.text.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("Form incomplete. Please fill out all the fields."); toastPanel.OpenPopup("Form incomplete. Please fill out all the fields."); return; } if (passwordText.text.Length < 8) { Debug.Log("Password must be at least 8 characters."); toastPanel.OpenPopup("Password must be at least 8 characters."); return; } if (passwordText.text != passwordText2.text) { Debug.Log("Password doesn't match. Please try again."); toastPanel.OpenPopup("Password doesn't match. Please try again."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < emailText.text.Length; i++) { Debug.Log(emailText.text[i]); } Debug.Log("Register: " + emailText.text + ":" + passwordText.text + ":" + passwordText2.text); nakama.Register(nameText.text, emailText.text, passwordText.text, PlayerGender.MALE); }
public void Register() { if (_inputFieldEmail.text.Length == 0 || _inputFieldPassword.text.Length == 0 || _inputFieldPassword2.text.Length == 0 || _inputFieldName.text.Length == 0) { DebugInfo.SetToast("Error", "Form incomplete. Please fill out all the fields."); debugPopupOpener.OpenPopup(); return; } if (_inputFieldPassword.text.Length < 8) { DebugInfo.SetToast("Error", "Password must be at least 8 characters."); debugPopupOpener.OpenPopup(); return; } if (_inputFieldPassword.text != _inputFieldPassword2.text) { DebugInfo.SetToast("Error", "Password doesn't match. Please try again."); debugPopupOpener.OpenPopup(); return; } nakama.Register(_inputFieldName.text, _inputFieldEmail.text, _inputFieldPassword.text, gender); }