public void Main() { NWObject container = NWGameObject.OBJECT_SELF; container.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); container.Destroy(); }
public bool Run(params object[] args) { NWObject container = Object.OBJECT_SELF; container.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); container.Destroy(); return(true); }
public void OnItemCollectorClosed(NWObject container) { NWPlayer oPC = NWPlayer.Wrap(_.GetLastClosedBy()); foreach (NWItem item in container.InventoryItems) { if (item.Resref != SubmitQuestItemResref) { _.CopyItem(item.Object, oPC.Object, TRUE); } item.Destroy(); } container.Destroy(); }
public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData) { NWPlayer player = user.Object; ResourceQuality quality = (ResourceQuality)target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_QUALITY"); int tier = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_TIER"); int remaining = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT") - 1; string itemResref = target.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF"); int gemChance = ResourceService.CalculateChanceForComponentBonus(player, tier, quality); int roll = RandomService.Random(1, 100); int rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Harvesting); if (item.RecommendedLevel < rank) { rank = item.RecommendedLevel; } int difficulty = (tier - 1) * 10 + ResourceService.GetDifficultyAdjustment(quality); int delta = difficulty - rank; int baseXP = 0; if (delta >= 6) { baseXP = 400; } else if (delta == 5) { baseXP = 350; } else if (delta == 4) { baseXP = 325; } else if (delta == 3) { baseXP = 300; } else if (delta == 2) { baseXP = 250; } else if (delta == 1) { baseXP = 225; } else if (delta == 0) { baseXP = 200; } else if (delta == -1) { baseXP = 150; } else if (delta == -2) { baseXP = 100; } else if (delta == -3) { baseXP = 50; } else if (delta == -4) { baseXP = 25; } int itemHarvestBonus = item.HarvestingBonus; int scanningBonus = user.GetLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); gemChance += itemHarvestBonus * 2 + scanningBonus * 2; baseXP = baseXP + scanningBonus * 5; // Spawn the normal resource. NWItem resource = CreateItemOnObject(itemResref, player); user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); // If player meets the chance to acquire a gem, create one and modify its properties. if (quality > ResourceQuality.Low && roll <= gemChance) { // Gemstone quality is determined by the quality of the vein. switch (quality) { case ResourceQuality.Normal: resource = CreateItemOnObject("flawed_gemstone", player); break; case ResourceQuality.High: resource = CreateItemOnObject("gemstone", player); break; case ResourceQuality.VeryHigh: resource = CreateItemOnObject("perfect_gemstone", player); break; } var ip = ResourceService.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(quality); BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(resource, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Green(resource.Name); break; case 1: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Blue(resource.Name); break; case 2: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Purple(resource.Name); break; case 3: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Orange(resource.Name); break; case 4: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.LightPurple(resource.Name); break; case 5: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Yellow(resource.Name); break; case 6: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Red(resource.Name); break; case 7: resource.Name = ColorTokenService.Cyan(resource.Name); break; } user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); } float decayMinimum = 0.03f; float decayMaximum = 0.07f; if (delta > 0) { decayMinimum += delta * 0.1f; decayMaximum += delta * 0.1f; } DurabilityService.RunItemDecay(player, item, RandomService.RandomFloat(decayMinimum, decayMaximum)); int xp = baseXP; SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Harvesting, xp); if (remaining <= 0) { NWPlaceable prop = target.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ"); if (prop.IsValid) { prop.Destroy(); } target.Destroy(); user.DeleteLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); } else { target.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", remaining); } ApplyEffectAtLocation(DurationType.Instant, EffectVisualEffect(VisualEffect.Vfx_Fnf_Summon_Monster_3), target.Location); }
public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem item, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData) { NWPlayer player = user.Object; ResourceQuality quality = (ResourceQuality)target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_QUALITY"); int tier = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_TIER"); int remaining = target.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT") - 1; string itemResref = target.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF"); int ipBonusChance = _resource.CalculateChanceForComponentBonus(player, tier, quality); int roll = _random.Random(1, 100); int rank = _skill.GetPCSkillRank(player, SkillType.Harvesting); if (item.RecommendedLevel < rank) { rank = item.RecommendedLevel; } int difficulty = (tier - 1) * 10 + _resource.GetDifficultyAdjustment(quality); int delta = difficulty - rank; int baseXP = 0; if (delta >= 6) { baseXP = 400; } else if (delta == 5) { baseXP = 350; } else if (delta == 4) { baseXP = 325; } else if (delta == 3) { baseXP = 300; } else if (delta == 2) { baseXP = 250; } else if (delta == 1) { baseXP = 225; } else if (delta == 0) { baseXP = 200; } else if (delta == -1) { baseXP = 150; } else if (delta == -2) { baseXP = 100; } else if (delta == -3) { baseXP = 50; } else if (delta == -4) { baseXP = 25; } int itemHarvestBonus = item.HarvestingBonus; int scanningBonus = user.GetLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); ipBonusChance += itemHarvestBonus * 2 + scanningBonus * 2; baseXP = baseXP + scanningBonus * 5; NWItem resource = _.CreateItemOnObject(itemResref, player.Object); if (roll <= ipBonusChance) { var ip = _resource.GetRandomComponentBonusIP(quality); _biowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(resource, ip.Item1, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.IgnoreExisting, true, true); switch (ip.Item2) { case 0: resource.Name = _color.Green(resource.Name); break; case 1: resource.Name = _color.Blue(resource.Name); break; case 2: resource.Name = _color.Purple(resource.Name); break; case 3: resource.Name = _color.Orange(resource.Name); break; } } float decayMinimum = 0.03f; float decayMaximum = 0.07f; if (delta > 0) { decayMinimum += delta * 0.1f; decayMaximum += delta * 0.1f; } user.SendMessage("You harvest " + resource.Name + "."); _durability.RunItemDecay(player, item, _random.RandomFloat(decayMinimum, decayMaximum)); int xp = baseXP; _skill.GiveSkillXP(player, SkillType.Harvesting, xp); if (remaining <= 0) { NWPlaceable prop = target.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ"); if (prop.IsValid) { prop.Destroy(); } target.Destroy(); user.DeleteLocalInt(target.GlobalID.ToString()); } else { target.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", remaining); } _.ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_SUMMON_MONSTER_3), target.Location); }
public bool Run(params object[] args) { NWPlaceable resource = NWPlaceable.Wrap(Object.OBJECT_SELF); NWPlayer oPC = NWPlayer.Wrap(_.GetLastDamager(resource.Object)); if (oPC.GetLocalInt("NOT_USING_CORRECT_WEAPON") == 1) { oPC.DeleteLocalInt("NOT_USING_CORRECT_WEAPON"); return(true); } PlayerCharacter pcEntity = _db.PlayerCharacters.Single(x => x.PlayerID == oPC.GlobalID); NWItem oWeapon = NWItem.Wrap(_.GetLastWeaponUsed(oPC.Object)); Location location = oPC.Location; string resourceItemResref = resource.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF"); int activityID = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ACTIVITY"); string resourceName = resource.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_NAME"); int resourceCount = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT"); int difficultyRating = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_DIFFICULTY_RATING"); int weaponChanceBonus; SkillType skillType; int perkChanceBonus; int secondResourceChance; int durabilityChanceReduction = 0; int hasteChance; int lucky = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lucky) + oPC.EffectiveLuckBonus; bool hasBaggerPerk; if (activityID == 1) // 1 = Logging { weaponChanceBonus = oWeapon.LoggingBonus; if (weaponChanceBonus > 0) { weaponChanceBonus += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.LoggingAxeExpert) * 5; durabilityChanceReduction = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.LoggingAxeExpert) * 10 + lucky; } skillType = SkillType.Logging; perkChanceBonus = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lumberjack) * 5 + lucky; secondResourceChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PrecisionLogging) * 10; hasteChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.SpeedyLogger) * 10 + lucky; if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Lumberjack) { hasteChance += 10; } hasBaggerPerk = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.WoodBagger) > 0; } else if (activityID == 2) // Mining { weaponChanceBonus = oWeapon.MiningBonus; if (weaponChanceBonus > 0) { weaponChanceBonus += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PickaxeExpert) * 5; durabilityChanceReduction = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PickaxeExpert) * 10 + lucky; } skillType = SkillType.Mining; perkChanceBonus = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Miner) * 5 + lucky; secondResourceChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PrecisionMining) * 10; hasteChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.SpeedyMiner) * 10 + lucky; if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Miner) { hasteChance += 10; } hasBaggerPerk = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.OreBagger) > 0; } else { return(false); } PCSkill skill = _skill.GetPCSkillByID(oPC.GlobalID, (int)skillType); int durabilityLossChance = 100 - durabilityChanceReduction; if (_random.Random(100) <= durabilityLossChance) { _durability.RunItemDecay(oPC, oWeapon); } int baseChance = 10; int chance = baseChance + weaponChanceBonus; chance += CalculateSuccessChanceDeltaModifier(difficultyRating, skill.Rank); chance += perkChanceBonus; bool givePityItem = false; if (chance > 0) { if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= hasteChance) { _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, _.EffectHaste(), oPC.Object, 8.0f); } // Give an item if the player hasn't gotten anything after 6-8 attempts. int attemptFailureCount = oPC.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_COUNT") + 1; NWObject failureResource = NWObject.Wrap(oPC.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_OBJECT")); if (!failureResource.IsValid || !Equals(failureResource, resource)) { failureResource = resource; attemptFailureCount = 1; } int pityItemChance = 0; if (attemptFailureCount == 6) { pityItemChance = 60; } else if (attemptFailureCount == 7) { pityItemChance = 80; } else if (attemptFailureCount >= 8) { pityItemChance = 100; } if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= pityItemChance) { givePityItem = true; attemptFailureCount = 0; } oPC.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_COUNT", attemptFailureCount); oPC.SetLocalObject("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_OBJECT", failureResource.Object); } if (chance <= 0) { oPC.FloatingText("You do not have enough skill to harvest this resource..."); } else if (_random.Random(100) <= chance || givePityItem) { if (hasBaggerPerk) { _.CreateItemOnObject(resourceItemResref, oPC.Object); } else { _.CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, resourceItemResref, location); } oPC.FloatingText("You break off some " + resourceName + "."); resource.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", --resourceCount); _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(10000), resource.Object); if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= secondResourceChance) { oPC.FloatingText("You break off a second piece."); if (hasBaggerPerk) { _.CreateItemOnObject(resourceItemResref, oPC.Object); } else { _.CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, resourceItemResref, location); } } float deltaModifier = CalculateXPDeltaModifier(difficultyRating, skill.Rank); float baseXP = (100 + _random.Random(20)) * deltaModifier; int xp = (int)_skill.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(baseXP, oWeapon.RecommendedLevel, skill.Rank); _skill.GiveSkillXP(oPC, skillType, xp); oPC.DeleteLocalInt("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_COUNT"); oPC.DeleteLocalObject("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_OBJECT"); } if (resourceCount <= 0) { SpawnSeed(resource, oPC); NWObject prop = NWObject.Wrap(resource.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ")); if (prop.IsValid) { prop.Destroy(); } resource.Destroy(); } return(true); }
private static void ProcessCorpse() { SetIsDestroyable(false); NWObject self = _.OBJECT_SELF; if (self.Tag == "spaceship_copy") { return; } Vector3 lootPosition = Vector3(self.Position.X, self.Position.Y, self.Position.Z - 0.11f); Location spawnLocation = Location(self.Area, lootPosition, self.Facing); NWPlaceable container = CreateObject(ObjectType.Placeable, "corpse", spawnLocation); container.SetLocalObject("CORPSE_BODY", self); container.Name = self.Name + "'s Corpse"; container.AssignCommand(() => { TakeGoldFromCreature(self.Gold, self); }); // Dump equipped items in container for (var slot = 0; slot < NumberOfInventorySlots; slot++) { var inventorySlot = (InventorySlot)slot; if (inventorySlot == InventorySlot.CreatureArmor || inventorySlot == InventorySlot.CreatureBite || inventorySlot == InventorySlot.CreatureRight || inventorySlot == InventorySlot.CreatureLeft) { continue; } NWItem item = GetItemInSlot(inventorySlot, self); if (item.IsValid && !item.IsCursed && item.IsDroppable) { NWItem copy = CopyItem(item, container, true); if (inventorySlot == InventorySlot.Head || inventorySlot == InventorySlot.Chest) { copy.SetLocalObject("CORPSE_ITEM_COPY", item); } else { item.Destroy(); } } } foreach (var item in self.InventoryItems) { if (item.IsValid && !item.IsCursed && item.IsDroppable) { CopyItem(item, container, true); item.Destroy(); } } DelayCommand(300.0f, () => { if (!container.IsValid) { return; } NWObject body = container.GetLocalObject("CORPSE_BODY"); body.AssignCommand(() => SetIsDestroyable(true)); body.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); body.Destroy(); container.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); container.Destroy(); }); }
private static void ProcessCorpse() { SetIsDestroyable(FALSE); NWObject self = NWGameObject.OBJECT_SELF; if (self.Tag == "spaceship_copy") { return; } Vector lootPosition = Vector(self.Position.m_X, self.Position.m_Y, self.Position.m_Z - 0.11f); Location spawnLocation = Location(self.Area, lootPosition, self.Facing); NWPlaceable container = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "corpse", spawnLocation); container.SetLocalObject("CORPSE_BODY", self); container.Name = self.Name + "'s Corpse"; container.AssignCommand(() => { TakeGoldFromCreature(self.Gold, self); }); // Dump equipped items in container for (int slot = 0; slot < NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; slot++) { if (slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR || slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_B || slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_L || slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R) { continue; } NWItem item = GetItemInSlot(slot, self); if (item.IsValid && !item.IsCursed && item.IsDroppable) { NWItem copy = CopyItem(item, container, TRUE); if (slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD || slot == INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST) { copy.SetLocalObject("CORPSE_ITEM_COPY", item); } else { item.Destroy(); } } } foreach (var item in self.InventoryItems) { CopyItem(item, container, TRUE); item.Destroy(); } DelayCommand(360.0f, () => { if (!container.IsValid) { return; } NWObject body = container.GetLocalObject("CORPSE_BODY"); body.AssignCommand(() => SetIsDestroyable(TRUE)); body.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); body.Destroy(); container.DestroyAllInventoryItems(); container.Destroy(); }); }
private void ReturnItem(NWObject oPC, NWObject oItem) { _.CopyItem(oItem.Object, oPC.Object, TRUE); oItem.Destroy(); }