public IEnumerator JohnCanLogOut() { yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Login), "John" ).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Logout) ).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <PlayerEntity>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.GetPlayer) ).Then(p => { Assert.IsNull(p); }).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <bool>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Check) ).Then(c => { Assert.IsFalse(c); }).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <string>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Id) ).Then(id => { Assert.IsNull(id); }).AsCoroutine()); }
public void TestEqualList() { var v1 = new LogicVar(); var v2 = new LogicVar(); var goal = MicroKanren.Equal(new [] { 5, 6 }, new[] { v1, v2 }); var subst = goal(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst()).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(subst); Assert.AreEqual(5, subst.GetValue(v1)); Assert.AreEqual(6, subst.GetValue(v2)); goal = MicroKanren.Equal(new object[] { 5, 5, v1 }, new[] { v1, v1, v2 }); subst = goal(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst()).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(subst); Assert.AreEqual(5, subst.GetValue(v1)); Assert.AreEqual(5, subst.GetValue(v2)); goal = MicroKanren.Equal(new[] { 5, 6, 7 }, new[] { v1, v2 }); Assert.IsNull(goal(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst())); var v3 = new LogicVar(); goal = MicroKanren.Equal(new[] { 5, 6 }, new[] { v1, v2, v3 }); Assert.IsNull(goal(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst())); }
public void DecodeQuotedPrintable_Null() { // Null should be returned if Null is specified. Assert.IsNull( vCardStandardReader.DecodeQuotedPrintable(null)); }
public static void Null(object value) { #if XUNIT FrameworkAssert.Null(value); #else FrameworkAssert.IsNull(value); #endif }
public void EncodeQuotedPrintable_Null() { // The function should return null if null is // passed to it. A future version might return // String.Empty or raise an exception; the best // behavior is under investigation. Assert.IsNull( vCardStandardWriter.EncodeQuotedPrintable((string)null)); }
public void Basic() { var dict = IQ.From <Dog>().AsDictionaries().First(); Assert.AreEqual(1, dict["pk"]); dict = IQ.From <Dog>().Select("pk").AsDictionaries().First(); Assert.AreEqual(1, dict["pk"]); Assert.IsTrue(dict.ContainsKey("breed"), "The dictionary contains keys for anything bound in the object"); Assert.IsNull(dict["breed"], "The value in the dict is the default value from the object"); }
public void TestTryValidateRequiredFieldHappyPathForInheritedClass() { var msg = ""; RequiredFieldBase inheritedObject = new RequiredFieldDerived() { BaseStringType = "Payments", DerivedIntegerType = 10 }; var res = SwagValidator.TryValidate(inheritedObject, out msg); Assert.IsTrue(res); Assert.IsNull(msg); }
public void Constructor() { // Tests the default values of the vCardSource // class when the parameterless constructor is used. vCardSource source = new vCardSource(); Assert.IsEmpty( source.Context, "The Context property should default to empty."); Assert.IsNull( source.Uri, "The Uri property should default to null."); }
public void TestConjunctionDifferent() { var v1 = new LogicVar(); var v2 = new LogicVar(); var goal1 = MicroKanren.Equal(v1, 5); var goal2 = MicroKanren.Equal(v2, "6"); var goal3 = MicroKanren.Equal(v2, v1); var conjGoal = MicroKanren.Conjunction(goal3, MicroKanren.Conjunction(goal1, goal2)); var subst = conjGoal(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst()); Assert.IsNull(subst); }
public void CreateAndDeleteNewObjectWithScalars() { var person = CreateNewTransientPerson(); var name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); person.Name = name; var adapter = Save(person); var person1 = Persistor.Instances<Person>().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name); Assert.IsNotNull(person1); Delete(adapter.Object); var person2 = Persistor.Instances<Person>().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name); Assert.IsNull(person2); }
private void CallbackMatcherTest3(Mock <IParentInterface> mock) { var callback = new CallbackMatcher <Action>(); mock.Expects.One.Method(_ => _.AsyncMethod((Action)null)).With(callback); var presenter = new TestPresenter(mock.MockObject); presenter.ShowDialog(); Assert.IsNull(presenter.Status); callback.Callback(); Assert.AreEqual(TestPresenter.SHOW_DIALOG, presenter.Status); }
public void Constructor() { vCardProperty property = new vCardProperty(); Assert.IsNotNull( property.Subproperties, "The subproperties collection was not created."); Assert.IsEmpty( property.Subproperties, "The subproperties collection should be empty."); Assert.IsNull( property.Value, "The value should be null."); }
public void ReadWriteProperty_BirthDate() { vCard card = new vCard(); card.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("04/04/04"); Assert.AreEqual( DateTime.Parse("04/04/04"), card.BirthDate.Value, "The BirthDate property was not set."); card.BirthDate = null; Assert.IsNull( card.BirthDate, "The BirthDate property was not set to null."); }
public void SelectedLayerNullIfLayerRemoved() { var map = new Map(); var path = Path.Combine("TestFiles", "test-randomPts.shp"); var myLayer = map.AddLayer(path); Assert.IsNotNull(myLayer, "the added map layer should not be null."); myLayer.IsSelected = true; Assert.AreEqual(map.Layers.SelectedLayer, myLayer, "the selected layer should be equal to myLayer."); //now remove all layers map.Layers.Clear(); //selectedLayer should be null Assert.IsNull(map.Layers.SelectedLayer, "SelectedLayer should be null after removing all layers"); }
public IEnumerator FirstThereIsNoAuthenticatedPlayer() { yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <PlayerEntity>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.GetPlayer) ).Then(p => { Assert.IsNull(p); }).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <bool>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Check) ).Then(c => { Assert.IsFalse(c); }).AsCoroutine()); yield return(OnFacet <AuthenticationFacet> .Call <string>( nameof(AuthenticationFacet.Id) ).Then(id => { Assert.IsNull(id); }).AsCoroutine()); }
public void TestEqualDifferent() { var v1 = new LogicVar(); var v2 = new LogicVar(); var goal1 = MicroKanren.Equal(v1, 5); var goal2 = MicroKanren.Equal(v2, "5"); var subst1 = goal1(MicroKanren.GetEmptySubst()).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsNull(MicroKanren.Equal(6, v1)(subst1)); var subst2 = goal2(subst1).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(subst2); Assert.AreEqual(5, subst2.GetValue(v1)); Assert.AreEqual("5", subst2.GetValue(v2)); Assert.IsNull(MicroKanren.Equal(v2, v1)(subst2)); }
public void Constructor_Name() { vCardProperty property = new vCardProperty("NAME"); Assert.AreEqual( "NAME", property.Name, "The name is incorrect."); Assert.IsNull( property.Value, "The value should be null."); Assert.IsNotNull( property.Subproperties, "The subproperties collection was not created."); Assert.IsEmpty( property.Subproperties, "The subproperties collection should be empty."); }
public static void IsNull(object value) => TestAssert.IsNull(value);
public void ThenThePatientNDDShouldBeNull() { Assert.IsNull(_patient.NDD, "NDD expected to be null"); }
public void TestUrlFromUnversionedPath() { Uri url = this.Client.GetUriFromWorkingCopy(@"C:\"); Assert.IsNull(url, "Url should be null for an unversioned path"); }
public void DecodeEscaped_Null() { Assert.IsNull( vCardStandardReader.DecodeEscaped((string)null)); }