/// <summary> /// 格式化占用空间大小的输出 /// </summary> /// <param name="size">大小</param> /// <returns>返回 String</returns> public static string FormatNUM(long size) { #region decimal NUM; string strResult; if (size > 1073741824) { NUM = (Convert.ToDecimal(size) / Convert.ToDecimal(1073741824)); strResult = NUM.ToString("N") + " M"; } else if (size > 1048576) { NUM = (Convert.ToDecimal(size) / Convert.ToDecimal(1048576)); strResult = NUM.ToString("N") + " M"; } else if (size > 1024) { NUM = (Convert.ToDecimal(size) / Convert.ToDecimal(1024)); strResult = NUM.ToString("N") + " KB"; } else { strResult = size + " 字节"; } return(strResult); #endregion }
/// <summary>【通用函数】取得金额某位的大写</summary> /// <param name="Value">数字</param> /// <param name="B">位置,-2分-1角0元1十2百3千4万,以此类推</param> /// <returns>返回数字,如:贰</returns> public static string MoneyBitUpper(double Value, int B) { const string NUM = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"; string S = ""; double d = StrToDouble(Value.ToString("0.00")); if (d < 0) { S = "负"; d = -d; } int P = (int)(d / Math.Pow(10, B) + 0.001); if (P == 0) { return("¤"); } else { if (P >= 10) { S = ""; } P = P % 10; return(S + NUM.Substring(P, 1)); } }
/// <summary> /// 小雞跳躍方法。 /// </summary> private void Jump() { if (dead == true) { return; //程式跳出這個{}外因此跳過JUMP } //if (dead) return; 簡寫{}內只有一行敘述 {}可將其省略 //如果玩家按下左鍵 //輸入按下按鍵.手機觸控 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { //print("0000"); aud.PlayOneShot(SE_Jump, 1.5f); r2d.Sleep(); //小雞剛體重新設定 r2d.gravityScale = 1; //小雞剛體,重力 = 1; r2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0, jump)); //小雞剛體.增加推力(二維向量(左右,上下)); //分數 顯示 //GM 顯示 GM.SetActive(true); NUM.SetActive(true); } r2d.SetRotation(angle * r2d.velocity.y); //Rigidbody2D.SetRotation(float)設定角度(角度) //Rigidbody2D.velocity 加速度(二維向量x,y) //小雞 往上跳 }
private void CheckForVariableChange(string[] tokens) { if (!IsNumVar(tokens[0])) { return; } int numIndex = GetNumIndex(tokens[0]); //Check for var++ and var-- if (IsNumVar(tokens[0]) && tokens.Length == 1 && tokens[0].EndsWith("++")) { ChangeNUMValue(nums[numIndex], numIndex, true, 1.0f); return; } else if (IsNumVar(tokens[0]) && tokens.Length == 1 && tokens[0].EndsWith("--")) { ChangeNUMValue(nums[numIndex], numIndex, false, 1.0f); return; } for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; ++i) //Skip first two tokens since they are not part of the new value { if (IsNumVar(tokens[i])) { tokens[i] = nums[GetNumIndex(tokens[i])].value.ToString(); } } string equation = string.Empty; if (tokens[1] == "=") { equation = string.Join(" ", tokens, 2, tokens.Length - 2); } else { equation = string.Join(" ", tokens); } float answer = Convert.ToSingle(dt.Compute(equation, "")); nums[numIndex] = new NUM { name = nums[numIndex].name, value = answer }; file.CopyTo(lines, 0); //Reset the lines array to default }
private void ChangeNUMValue(NUM number, int index, bool add, float change) { float newValue = 0.0f; if (add == true) { newValue = number.value + change; } else { newValue = number.value - change; } nums[index] = new NUM { name = number.name, value = newValue }; file.CopyTo(lines, 0); //Reset the file each iteration }
static void Main(string[] args) { int NUM, inv, DEC, UNI; string entrada; Console.WriteLine("INEVERTIR UN NUMERO DE DOS DIGITOS"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("escriba un numero de dos digitos:"); entrada = Console.ReadLine(); NUM = int.Parse(entrada); DEC = NUM / 10; UNI = NUM % 10; inv = (UNI * 10) + DEC; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("el numero " + NUM.ToString() + " invertido es " + inv.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("pulse una tecla para salir..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string NAME = "BARLAN 123456789"; const string VOWEL = "AEIOU"; const string NUM = "0123456789"; const string SURNAME = "URIZARTORRICO"; foreach (var surname in SURNAME) { if (VOWEL.IndexOf(surname) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine("The letter " + surname + " is vowel"); } else if (NUM.IndexOf(surname) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine("The names of the persons not content numbers "); } else { Console.WriteLine("The letter " + surname + " is a consonat"); } } foreach (var name in NAME) { if (NUM.IndexOf(name) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(name + " People's name doesn't have a number"); } else if (NAME.IndexOf(name) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("The letter " + name + " is a consonat"); } } }
///// <summary>【通用函数】FONT转STRING ///// </summary> //public static string FontToStr(Font aFont) //{ // FontConverter fc = new FontConverter(); // return fc.ConvertToInvariantString(aFont); //} ///// <summary>【通用函数】STRING转FONT ///// </summary> //public static Font StrToFont(string aStr) //{ // FontConverter fc = new FontConverter(); // Font f = (Font)fc.ConvertFromString(aStr); // return f; //} /// <summary>【通用函数】金额小写转换成大写</summary> /// <param name="Value">数字</param> /// <param name="AState">状态,true表示完整,false表示简写</param> /// <returns>返回字符串,如:叁佰贰拾伍元整</returns> public static string MoneyToUpper(double Value, bool AState) { const string NUM = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"; const string WEI = "分角元拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟"; string F = ""; double d = StrToDouble(Value.ToString("0.00")); if (AState) { if (d < 0) { d = -d; F = "负"; } else if (d == 0) { F = "零元零角零分"; } else { F = ""; } int L = (int)Math.Truncate(Math.Log(d, 10)); string Str = ""; for (int i = L; i >= -2; i--) { Int64 T = (Int64)(Math.Round(d, 2) / Math.Pow(10, i) + 0.000001); int N = (int)(T % 10); Str = Str + NUM.Substring(N, 1) + WEI.Substring(i + 2, 1); } Str = F + Str; return(Str); } else { if (d < 0) { d = -d; F = "负"; } else if (d == 0) { F = "零元整"; } else { F = ""; } int L = (int)(Math.Floor(Math.Log(d + 0.0000001, 10))); string Str = ""; bool Zero = false; //上一位是不是0 for (int i = L; i >= -2; i--) { Int64 T = (Int64)(Math.Round(d, 2) / Math.Pow(10, i) + 0.000001); int N = (int)(T % 10); if (N == 0) { if (i == 0 || i == 4 || i == 8) //碰到元、万、亿必须显示 { Str = Str + WEI.Substring(i + 2, 1); Zero = false; } else { Zero = true; } } else { if (Zero) { Str = Str + NUM.Substring(0, 1); } Str = Str + NUM.Substring(N, 1) + WEI.Substring(i + 2, 1); Zero = false; } if (Math.Abs(d - T * Math.Pow(10, i)) < 0.001 && i > -2 && i < 5) { if (i > 0) { Str = Str + "元整"; } else { Str = Str + "整"; } break; } } Str = F + Str; return(Str); } }