private void InitTableShape(NTableShape shape, NEmployee employee) { string stylesheetName = employee.Position.ToUpper(); if (stylesheetName.StartsWith("VP")) { stylesheetName = "VP"; } shape.Name = employee.Name; shape.Tag = employee; shape.InitTable(2, 2); shape.BeginUpdate(); shape.ShowGrid = false; shape.CellMargins = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(2); NTableColumn column = (NTableColumn)shape.Columns.GetChildAt(1); column.SizeMode = TableColumnSizeMode.Fixed; column.Width = 108; shape[0, 0].Margins = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(5); shape[0, 0].RowSpan = 2; shape[0, 0].Bitmap = new Bitmap(this.MapPathSecure(employee.PhotoFileName)); shape[0, 0].Borders = TableCellBorder.All; shape[1, 0].Text = employee.Position; shape[1, 1].Text = employee.Name; shape[1, 0].StyleSheetName = "POSITION"; shape[1, 1].StyleSheetName = "NAME"; shape.StyleSheetName = stylesheetName; shape.EndUpdate(); shape.Ports.DefaultInwardPortUniqueId = ((NPort)shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom")).UniqueId; }
private NTableShape CreateShape(Match m) { NDrawingDocument document = DrawingView.Document; NTableShape table = new NTableShape(); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(table); table.InitTable(3, 2); table.BeginUpdate(); table.CellPadding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(2); table.ShowGrid = false; NTableColumn column = (NTableColumn)table.Columns.GetChildAt(1); column.SizeMode = TableColumnSizeMode.Fixed; column.Width = 90; table[0, 0].Bitmap = FLAGS[m.team1]; table[1, 0].Text = m.team1; table[2, 0].Text = m.score1.ToString(); table[0, 1].Bitmap = FLAGS[m.team2]; table[1, 1].Text = m.team2; table[2, 1].Text = m.score2.ToString(); // write the winner in bold if (m.score1 > m.score2) { table[1, 0].Text = "<b>" + table[1, 0].Text + "</b>"; table[2, 0].Text = "<b>" + table[2, 0].Text + "</b>"; } else { table[1, 1].Text = "<b>" + table[1, 1].Text + "</b>"; table[2, 1].Text = "<b>" + table[2, 1].Text + "</b>"; } // make all cells transparent so that the background of the table is visible int i, j; int rowCount = table.RowCount, colCount = table.ColumnCount; for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { for (j = 0; j < colCount; j++) { table[j, i].StyleSheetName = "transparent"; } } table.EndUpdate(); table.Ports.DefaultInwardPortUniqueId = ((NPort)table.Ports.GetChildByName("Right")).UniqueId; return(table); }
private void CreateScene(NDrawingDocument document) { document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false; document.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(BackgroundColor); if (MapLegend != null) { NTableShape tableShape = MapLegend.Create(document.ActiveLayer); NTableColumn colorColumn = (NTableColumn)tableShape.Columns.GetChildAt(0); colorColumn.SizeMode = TableColumnSizeMode.Fixed; colorColumn.Width = 24; NTableColumn textColumn = (NTableColumn)tableShape.Columns.GetChildAt(1); textColumn.SizeMode = TableColumnSizeMode.Fixed; textColumn.Width = 180; } }
protected override void PopulateRichText() { NSection section = new NSection(); m_RichText.Content.Sections.Add(section); section.Blocks.Add(GetDescriptionBlock("Table Column Types Example", "This example shows how to set the table column preferred width.", 1)); { // create the table NTable table = new NTable(); table.AllowSpacingBetweenCells = false; int columnCount = 5; int rowCount = 5; for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { NTableRow tableRow = new NTableRow(); table.Rows.Add(tableRow); for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { NParagraph paragraph; if (row == 0) { // set table column preferred width string headerText = string.Empty; NTableColumn tableColumn = new NTableColumn(); if (col % 2 == 0) { tableColumn.BackgroundFill = new NColorFill(NColor.LightGray); } else { tableColumn.BackgroundFill = new NColorFill(NColor.Beige); } switch (col) { case 0: // Fixed column tableColumn.PreferredWidth = new NMultiLength(ENMultiLengthUnit.Dip, 80); headerText = "Fixed [80dips]"; break; case 1: // Auto headerText = "Automatic"; break; case 2: // Percentage tableColumn.PreferredWidth = new NMultiLength(ENMultiLengthUnit.Percentage, 20); headerText = "Percentage [20%]"; break; case 3: // Fixed tableColumn.PreferredWidth = new NMultiLength(ENMultiLengthUnit.Dip, 160); headerText = "Fixed [160dips]"; break; case 4: // Percentage tableColumn.PreferredWidth = new NMultiLength(ENMultiLengthUnit.Percentage, 30); headerText = "Percentage [30%]"; break; } table.Columns.Add(tableColumn); paragraph = new NParagraph(headerText); } else { paragraph = new NParagraph("Cell"); } // by default cells contain a single paragraph NTableCell tableCell = new NTableCell(); tableCell.Border = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Black); tableCell.BorderThickness = new NMargins(1); tableCell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); tableRow.Cells.Add(tableCell); } } section.Blocks.Add(table); } }