string Run(string launchPath, params string[] launchArgs) { var r = string.Empty; try { var pipeOut = new NSPipe(); var t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = launchPath; t.Arguments = launchArgs; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.Launch(); //t.WaitUntilExit(); //t.Release(); //r = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("launchctl failed: " + ex); } return(r); }
partial void startStopPing(Foundation.NSObject sender) { if (task != null) { task.Interrupt(); } else { task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = "/sbin/ping"; string[] args = { "-c10", hostField.StringValue }; task.Arguments = args; // Create a new pipe pipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = pipe; NSFileHandle fh = pipe.ReadHandle; NSNotificationCenter nc = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter; nc.RemoveObserver(this); nc.AddObserver(this, new Selector("dataReady:"), NSFileHandle.ReadCompletionNotification, fh); nc.AddObserver(this, new Selector("taskTerminated:"), NSTask.NSTaskDidTerminateNotification, task); task.Launch(); outputView.Value = ""; // Suspect = Obj-C example is [fh readInBackgroundAndNotify] - no arguments fh.ReadInBackground(); } }
partial void copyFile(Foundation.NSObject sender) { if (textFieldFrom.StringValue == "" || textFieldTo.StringValue == "") { textFieldResults.StringValue = "Must set 'from' and 'to' paths"; return; } // Prepare a task object NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = "/bin/cp"; string[] args = {textFieldFrom.StringValue, textFieldTo.StringValue}; task.Arguments = args; // Create a pipe to read from NSPipe outPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = outPipe; // Start the process task.Launch(); // Read the output NSData data = outPipe.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); // Make sure the task terminates normally task.WaitUntilExit(); int status = task.TerminationStatus; // Check status if (status != 0) { textFieldResults.StringValue = "Copy Failed: " + status; return; } textFieldResults.StringValue = String.Format("{0} copied to {1}", textFieldFrom.StringValue, textFieldTo.StringValue); }
public static string Method1() { string[] args = new string[] { "-rd1", "-c", "IOPlatformExpertDevice", "|", "grep", "model" }; NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = @"/usr/sbin/ioreg"; task.Arguments = args; NSPipe pipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = pipe; task.Launch(); string[] args2 = new string[] { "/IOPlatformUUID/ { split($0, line, \"\\\"\"); printf(\"%s\\n\", line[4]); }" }; NSTask task2 = new NSTask(); task2.LaunchPath = @"/usr/bin/awk"; task2.Arguments = args2; NSPipe pipe2 = new NSPipe(); task2.StandardInput = pipe; task2.StandardOutput = pipe2; NSFileHandle fileHandle2 = pipe2.ReadHandle; task2.Launch(); NSData data = fileHandle2.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); NSString uuid = NSString.FromData(data, NSStringEncoding.UTF8); return(uuid.ToString().Replace("\n", "")); }
public override void FinishedLaunching(MonoMac.Foundation.NSObject notification) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath); if (getMaxfiles() < 512) { runCommand("launchctl", "limit maxfiles 512 4096"); string execPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath; int processId = NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.ProcessIdentifier; NSTask.LaunchFromPath("relaunch", new string[] { execPath, processId.ToString() }); Environment.Exit(0); } WebClient updateClient = new WebClient(); updateClient.DownloadStringCompleted += UpdateCheckCompleted; updateClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("")); patchTerraria(Path.Combine(NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "exes", "Terraria.exe"), Path.Combine(NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "Terraria.exe")); string savePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "My Games", "Terraria"); Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath); Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "Terraria.exe")); Type mainType = assembly.GetType("Terraria.Main"); object game = Activator.CreateInstance(mainType); mainType.InvokeMember("Run", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, game, null); }
public static NSObject NotifyTerminated( this NSTask task, NSNotificationCenter notificationCenter, Action <NSTask> handler) { if (task == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task)); } if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler)); } NSObject observer = null; observer = notificationCenter.AddObserver( NSTask.NSTaskDidTerminateNotification, notification => { if (notification.Object == task) { notificationCenter.RemoveObserver(observer); handler(task); } }); return(observer); }
public void OpenTerminal(AbsoluteDirectoryPath containingDirectory) { var t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = "/usr/bin/osascript"; t.Arguments = new [] { "-e", "tell application \"Terminal\"\ndo script \"cd \\\"" + containingDirectory.NativePath + "\\\"\"\nactivate\nend tell" }; t.Launch(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { NSTask nSTask = db.NSTasks.Find(id); db.NSTasks.Remove(nSTask); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "NSTaskID,Name,Hours,AssignedTo,TaskType")] NSTask nSTask) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(nSTask).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(nSTask)); }
public static void Relaunch(this NSApplication self) { var pid = NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.ProcessIdentifier; var script = string.Format(@" while [ `ps -p {0} | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; do sleep 0.1; done; open '{1}' ", pid, NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath); NSTask.LaunchFromPath("/bin/sh", new [] { "-c", script }); self.Terminate(self); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "NSTaskID,Name,Hours,AssignedTo,TaskType")] NSTask nSTask) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.NSTasks.Add(nSTask); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(nSTask)); }
static void restart_WillTerminate(object sender, EventArgs e) { // re-open after we terminate var args = new string[] { "-c", "open \"$1\"", string.Empty, NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath }; NSTask.LaunchFromPath("/bin/sh", args); }
// GET: NSTasks/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } NSTask nSTask = db.NSTasks.Find(id); if (nSTask == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(nSTask)); }
private async void ResetBtnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var arg = (sender.GetType() == typeof(Frame)) ? "archive" : String.Empty; #if WINDOWS_UWP if (arg == String.Empty) { await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Clean"); await CoreApplication.RequestRestartAsync("Application Restart Programmatically "); } else { await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Archive"); await Navigation.PushAsync(new RestartPage()); var pref = ViewModePreferences.CreateDefault(ApplicationViewMode.CompactOverlay); pref.CustomSize = new Windows.Foundation.Size(400, 600); await ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().TryEnterViewModeAsync(ApplicationViewMode.CompactOverlay, pref); } #elif __MACOS__ if (arg == String.Empty) { var process = new ProcessStartInfo("scripts/", arg); Process.Start(process).WaitForExit(); var path = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath; var task = new NSTask { LaunchPath = "/usr/bin/open", Arguments = new string[] { path } }; task.Launch(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { var process = new ProcessStartInfo("scripts/", arg); Process.Start(process); NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.ToggleFullScreen(NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow); NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.Level = NSWindowLevel.Floating; await Navigation.PushAsync(new RestartPage()); } #endif }
public static NSTask LaunchTaskForPath(string path, string[] args, bool activate = true) { var task = new NSTask(); var pipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = pipe; task.LaunchPath = path; task.Arguments = args; task.Launch(); if (activate) { NSApplicationEx.Activate(task.ProcessIdentifier); } return(task); }
// public void RunConsoleParameters(string[] consoleParams, string pathToApp) { //string[] args = new string[] { "-p", " sp" }; string[] args = consoleParams; NSTask task = new NSTask(); //path to app //task.LaunchPath = "/Applications/"; task.LaunchPath = pathToApp; task.Arguments = args; NSPipe pipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = pipe; task.Launch(); }
private async void ResetClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if WINDOWS_UWP await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Reset"); await CoreApplication.RequestRestartAsync("Application Restart Programmatically "); #elif __MACOS__ var process = new ProcessStartInfo("scripts/", "reset"); Process.Start(process).WaitForExit(); var path = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath; var task = new NSTask { LaunchPath = "/usr/bin/open", Arguments = new string[] { path } }; task.Launch(); Environment.Exit(0); #endif }
public override void ShellSyncCore(string path, string[] arguments, string autoWriteStdin, out string stdout, out string stderr, out int exitCode) { if (autoWriteStdin != "") { throw new Exception("ShellSyncCore::AutoWriteStdin not supported in macOS"); // Never need yet, used only in Linux } try { var pipeOut = new NSPipe(); var pipeErr = new NSPipe(); var t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = path; t.Arguments = arguments; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.StandardError = pipeErr; t.Launch(); t.WaitUntilExit(); //t.Release(); t.Dispose(); NSFileHandle fileOut = pipeOut.ReadHandle; stdout = fileOut.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); fileOut.CloseFile(); NSFileHandle fileErr = pipeErr.ReadHandle; stderr = fileErr.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); fileErr.CloseFile(); exitCode = t.TerminationStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { stdout = ""; stderr = "Error: " + ex.Message; exitCode = -1; } }
partial void moveFile(Foundation.NSObject sender) { if (textFieldFrom.StringValue == "" || textFieldTo.StringValue == "") { textFieldResults.StringValue = "Must set 'from' and 'to' paths"; return; } // Prepare a task object NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = "/bin/mv"; string[] args = { textFieldFrom.StringValue, textFieldTo.StringValue }; task.Arguments = args; // Create a pipe to read from NSPipe outPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = outPipe; // Start the process task.Launch(); // Read the output NSData data = outPipe.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); // Make sure the task terminates normally task.WaitUntilExit(); int status = task.TerminationStatus; // Check status if (status != 0) { textFieldResults.StringValue = "Move Failed: " + status; return; } textFieldResults.StringValue = String.Format("{0} moved to {1}", textFieldFrom.StringValue, textFieldTo.StringValue); }
public static string RunTask(string task, params string[] args) { var r = string.Empty; try { var pipeOut = new NSPipe(); var t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = task; if (args != null) { t.Arguments = args; } var path = "/usr/local/bin"; var env = new NSMutableDictionary(); env.SetValueForKey(new NSString(path), new NSString("PATH")); t.Environment = env; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.StandardError = pipeOut; t.Launch(); t.WaitUntilExit(); //t.Release (); r = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(task + " failed: " + ex); } return(r); }
public override void ShellSync(string path, string[] arguments, out string stdout, out string stderr, out int exitCode) { try { var pipeOut = new NSPipe(); var pipeErr = new NSPipe(); var t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = path; t.Arguments = arguments; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.StandardError = pipeErr; t.Launch(); t.WaitUntilExit(); //t.Release(); t.Dispose(); NSFileHandle fileOut = pipeOut.ReadHandle; stdout = fileOut.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); fileOut.CloseFile(); NSFileHandle fileErr = pipeErr.ReadHandle; stderr = fileErr.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); fileErr.CloseFile(); exitCode = t.TerminationStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { stdout = ""; stderr = "Error: " + ex.Message; exitCode = -1; } }
public override bool ReadFromUrl(NSUrl url, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; // Which files are we getting the zipinfo for? string filename = url.Path; string lPath = ""; string flags = ""; Console.WriteLine("Type Name: {0}", typeName); switch (typeName) { case "": lPath = "/usr/bin/zipinfo"; flags = "-1"; break; case "public.tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tf"; break; case "org.gnu.gnu-zip-tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tzf"; break; default: NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("Archive type not supported"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain,0, eDict); break; } // Prepare a task object NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = lPath; string[] args = {flags, filename}; task.Arguments = args; // Create a pipe to read from NSPipe outPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = outPipe; // Start the process task.Launch(); // Read the output NSData data = outPipe.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); // Make sure the task terminates normally task.WaitUntilExit(); int status = task.TerminationStatus; // Check status if (status != 0) { if (outError != null) { NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("zipinfo failed"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain,0, eDict); } return false; } // Convert to a string string aString = NSString.FromData(data,NSStringEncoding.UTF8).ToString(); // Break the string into lines MyDocument.filenames = aString.Split(new char[]{'\n'}); Console.WriteLine(MyDocument.filenames); // In case of revert // tableView.ReloadData(); return true; }
public void Write(Action <NSFileHandle> writeHandler) { if (writeHandler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writeHandler)); } var args = new List <string> { "-extauth" }; if (Create) { args.Add("-c"); } if (Mode > 0) { args.Add("-m"); args.Add("0" + Convert.ToString(Mode, 8)); } args.Add("-w"); args.Add(Path); var task = new NSTask { LaunchPath = "/usr/libexec/authopen", Arguments = args.ToArray() }; var stdinPipe = new NSPipe(); var stderrPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardInput = stdinPipe; task.StandardError = stderrPipe; try { task.Launch(); stdinPipe.WriteHandle.WriteData(Authorization.MakeExternalForm()); writeHandler(stdinPipe.WriteHandle); } finally { stdinPipe.WriteHandle.CloseFile(); } task.WaitUntilExit(); try { if (task.TerminationReason == NSTaskTerminationReason.Exit && task.TerminationStatus == 0) { return; } var errorMessage = stderrPipe .ReadHandle .ReadDataToEndOfFile() .ToString() .Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { errorMessage = $"authopen failed with termination reason {task.TerminationReason} " + $"and termination status {task.TerminationStatus}"; } throw new Exception(errorMessage); } finally { stderrPipe.ReadHandle.CloseFile(); } }
public static Process[] GetProcesses() { // spin up the objective-c runtime ObjectiveCRuntime.LoadFramework("Cocoa"); ObjectiveCRuntime.Initialize(); NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool(); // Create our process NSTask getPSTask = new NSTask(); NSPipe getPSStandardOut = new NSPipe(); getPSTask.StandardOutput = getPSStandardOut; getPSTask.LaunchPath = @"/bin/ps"; // add some arguments NSString getPSargumentString = new NSString("-ax"); NSArray getPSarguments = NSArray.ArrayWithObject(getPSargumentString); getPSTask.Arguments = getPSarguments; // We have liftoff getPSTask.Launch(); getPSTask.WaitUntilExit(); // Parse the output NSData getPSoutput = getPSStandardOut.FileHandleForReading.ReadDataToEndOfFile; NSString getPSoutString = new NSString(getPSoutput, NSStringEncoding.NSUTF8StringEncoding); // Split the string of output in to a list of processes string[] getPSsplitString = getPSoutString.ToString().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); // Remove the first and last line of the output string[] processListAsStrings = new string[getPSsplitString.Length - 2]; for (int x = 1; x < getPSsplitString.Length - 1; x++) { processListAsStrings[x - 1] = getPSsplitString[x]; } Process[] processes = new Process[processListAsStrings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < processes.Length; i++) { string cleanString = RemoveExtraSpaces(processListAsStrings[i]); string[] processDetails = cleanString.Split(' '); Int32 procID = Convert.ToInt32(processDetails[0]); string procName = string.Empty; for (int j = 4; j < processDetails.Length; j++) { if (j == 4) { procName = procName + processDetails[j]; } else { procName = procName + " " + processDetails[j]; } } //Console.WriteLine(procID.ToString() + procName); processes[i] = new Process(procID, procName); } // Dipose our Objective-C objects, gotta love reference counting pool.Release(); return(processes); }
void TaskTerminated(NSNotification n) { Console.WriteLine("Task Terminated"); task = null; startButton.State = NSCellStateValue.Off; }
public string OpenRAR(string path, MainWindow window, NSTableView TableView) { if (path.Length > 0) { clsIOPrefs ioPrefs = new clsIOPrefs (); string txtRAR = ioPrefs.GetStringValue ("CaminhoRAR"); if (txtRAR.Length > 0) { string[] launchArgs = {"vt", path}; NSPipe pipeOut = new NSPipe(); NSTask t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = txtRAR; t.Arguments = launchArgs; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.Launch (); ViewArquivosDataSource datasource = new ViewArquivosDataSource (); ProgressWindowController sheet = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { sheet = new ProgressWindowController (); sheet.ShowSheet (window); }); bool Cancela = false; do { string txtRET = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile ().ToString (); int pos = txtRET.IndexOf ("Name:"); if (pos > 0) { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ if(!TableView.Enabled) { TableView.Enabled = true; TableView.Hidden = false; window.tb_outAdicionarActive = true; window.tb_outAtualizarActive = true; window.tb_outExtrairActive = true; window.tb_outRemoverActive = true; window.tb_outDesfazerActive = true; } }); txtRET = txtRET.Substring (pos); List<string> nomes = new List<string>(); do { pos = txtRET.IndexOf ("Name:",pos + 1); if (pos < 0) { nomes.Add (txtRET.Trim()); break; } nomes.Add(txtRET.Substring(0, pos - 2).Trim()); txtRET = txtRET.Substring(pos); pos = 0; } while (true); if (nomes.Count > 0) { sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ sheet.ProgressBarMinValue = 0; sheet.ProgressBarMaxValue = nomes.Count; }); double conta = 0; foreach (string nome in nomes) { clsViewArquivos viewArquivos = new clsViewArquivos (); string[] colunas = nome.Split ('\n'); string tipo = colunas [1].Substring (colunas [1].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Nome = colunas [0].Substring (colunas [0].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Tipo = colunas [1].Substring (colunas [1].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); ++conta; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ sheet.LabelArqValue = "Processando arquivo: " + viewArquivos.Nome; sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; }); // NSApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread (() => { // sheet.LabelArqValue = "Processando arquivo: " + viewArquivos.Nome; // sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; // }); if (tipo == "File") { viewArquivos.Tamanho = colunas [2].Substring (colunas [2].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compactado = colunas [3].Substring (colunas [3].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressao = colunas [4].Substring (colunas [4].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.DataHora = colunas [5].Substring (colunas [5].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Atributos = colunas [6].Substring (colunas [6].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.CRC32 = colunas [7].Substring (colunas [7].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.OS = colunas [8].Substring (colunas [8].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressor = colunas [9].Substring (colunas [9].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); } else { viewArquivos.Tamanho = ""; viewArquivos.Compactado = ""; viewArquivos.Compressao = ""; viewArquivos.DataHora = colunas [2].Substring (colunas [2].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Atributos = colunas [3].Substring (colunas [3].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.CRC32 = colunas [4].Substring (colunas [4].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.OS = colunas [5].Substring (colunas [5].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressor = colunas [6].Substring (colunas [6].IndexOf (":") + 1).Trim(); } viewArquivos.Tags = "0"; datasource.ViewArquivos.Add (viewArquivos); viewArquivos = null; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ Cancela = sheet.Canceled; }); if(Cancela) { break; } } } } else { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { TableView.Enabled = false; TableView.Hidden = true; sheet.CloseSheet(); NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical, InformativeText = "Não foi possível processar o arquivo:\r\n" + path, MessageText = "Abrir Arquivo", }; alert.RunSheetModal(window); }); } if(Cancela) { break; } } while(t.IsRunning); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { sheet.CloseSheet (); sheet = null; }); pipeOut.Dispose (); pipeOut = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { TableView.DataSource = datasource; TableView.Delegate = new ViewArquivosDelegate (datasource); }); t.Terminate (); t.Dispose (); t = null; } ioPrefs = null; } return path; }
public override bool ReadFromUrl(NSUrl url, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; // Which files are we getting the zipinfo for? string filename = url.Path; string lPath = ""; string flags = ""; Console.WriteLine("Type Name: {0}", typeName); switch (typeName) { case "": lPath = "/usr/bin/zipinfo"; flags = "-1"; break; case "public.tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tf"; break; case "org.gnu.gnu-zip-tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tzf"; break; default: NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("Archive type not supported"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, 0, eDict); break; } // Prepare a task object NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = lPath; string[] args = { flags, filename }; task.Arguments = args; // Create a pipe to read from NSPipe outPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = outPipe; // Start the process task.Launch(); // Read the output NSData data = outPipe.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); // Make sure the task terminates normally task.WaitUntilExit(); int status = task.TerminationStatus; // Check status if (status != 0) { if (outError != null) { NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("zipinfo failed"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, 0, eDict); } return(false); } // Convert to a string string aString = NSString.FromData(data, NSStringEncoding.UTF8).ToString(); // Break the string into lines MyDocument.filenames = aString.Split(new char[] { '\n' }); Console.WriteLine(MyDocument.filenames); // In case of revert // tableView.ReloadData(); return(true); }
partial void startStopPing(Foundation.NSObject sender) { if (task != null) { task.Interrupt(); } else { task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = "/sbin/ping"; string[] args = {"-c10", hostField.StringValue}; task.Arguments = args; // Create a new pipe pipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = pipe; NSFileHandle fh = pipe.ReadHandle; NSNotificationCenter nc = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter; nc.RemoveObserver(this); nc.AddObserver(this, new Selector("dataReady:"), NSFileHandle.ReadCompletionNotification, fh); nc.AddObserver(this, new Selector("taskTerminated:"), NSTask.NSTaskDidTerminateNotification, task); task.Launch(); outputView.Value = ""; // Suspect = Obj-C example is [fh readInBackgroundAndNotify] - no arguments fh.ReadInBackground(); } }
public string OpenRAR(string path, MainWindow window, NSTableView TableView) { if (path.Length > 0) { clsIOPrefs ioPrefs = new clsIOPrefs(); string txtRAR = ioPrefs.GetStringValue("CaminhoRAR"); if (txtRAR.Length > 0) { string[] launchArgs = { "vt", path }; NSPipe pipeOut = new NSPipe(); NSTask t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = txtRAR; t.Arguments = launchArgs; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.Launch(); ViewArquivosDataSource datasource = new ViewArquivosDataSource(); ProgressWindowController sheet = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet = new ProgressWindowController(); sheet.ShowSheet(window); }); bool Cancela = false; do { string txtRET = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile().ToString(); int pos = txtRET.IndexOf("Name:"); if (pos > 0) { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { if (!TableView.Enabled) { TableView.Enabled = true; TableView.Hidden = false; window.tb_outAdicionarActive = true; window.tb_outAtualizarActive = true; window.tb_outExtrairActive = true; window.tb_outRemoverActive = true; window.tb_outDesfazerActive = true; } }); txtRET = txtRET.Substring(pos); List <string> nomes = new List <string>(); do { pos = txtRET.IndexOf("Name:", pos + 1); if (pos < 0) { nomes.Add(txtRET.Trim()); break; } nomes.Add(txtRET.Substring(0, pos - 2).Trim()); txtRET = txtRET.Substring(pos); pos = 0; } while (true); if (nomes.Count > 0) { sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.ProgressBarMinValue = 0; sheet.ProgressBarMaxValue = nomes.Count; }); double conta = 0; foreach (string nome in nomes) { clsViewArquivos viewArquivos = new clsViewArquivos(); string[] colunas = nome.Split('\n'); string tipo = colunas [1].Substring(colunas [1].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Nome = colunas [0].Substring(colunas [0].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Tipo = colunas [1].Substring(colunas [1].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); ++conta; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.LabelArqValue = "Processando arquivo: " + viewArquivos.Nome; sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; }); // NSApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread (() => { // sheet.LabelArqValue = "Processando arquivo: " + viewArquivos.Nome; // sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; // }); if (tipo == "File") { viewArquivos.Tamanho = colunas [2].Substring(colunas [2].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compactado = colunas [3].Substring(colunas [3].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressao = colunas [4].Substring(colunas [4].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.DataHora = colunas [5].Substring(colunas [5].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Atributos = colunas [6].Substring(colunas [6].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.CRC32 = colunas [7].Substring(colunas [7].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.OS = colunas [8].Substring(colunas [8].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressor = colunas [9].Substring(colunas [9].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); } else { viewArquivos.Tamanho = ""; viewArquivos.Compactado = ""; viewArquivos.Compressao = ""; viewArquivos.DataHora = colunas [2].Substring(colunas [2].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Atributos = colunas [3].Substring(colunas [3].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.CRC32 = colunas [4].Substring(colunas [4].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.OS = colunas [5].Substring(colunas [5].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); viewArquivos.Compressor = colunas [6].Substring(colunas [6].IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); } viewArquivos.Tags = "0"; datasource.ViewArquivos.Add(viewArquivos); viewArquivos = null; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Cancela = sheet.Canceled; }); if (Cancela) { break; } } } } else { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { TableView.Enabled = false; TableView.Hidden = true; sheet.CloseSheet(); NSAlert alert = new NSAlert() { AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical, InformativeText = "Não foi possível processar o arquivo:\r\n" + path, MessageText = "Abrir Arquivo", }; alert.RunSheetModal(window); }); } if (Cancela) { break; } } while(t.IsRunning); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.CloseSheet(); sheet = null; }); pipeOut.Dispose(); pipeOut = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { TableView.DataSource = datasource; TableView.Delegate = new ViewArquivosDelegate(datasource); }); t.Terminate(); t.Dispose(); t = null; } ioPrefs = null; } return(path); }
public void ExtractRAR(MainWindow window, NSTableView TableView, NSIndexSet nSelRows, string rarFile, string extractPath) { clsIOPrefs ioPrefs = new clsIOPrefs (); string txtRAR = ioPrefs.GetStringValue ("CaminhoRAR"); if (txtRAR.Length > 0) { if (nSelRows.Count > 0) { ProgressWindowController sheet = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { sheet = new ProgressWindowController (); sheet.ShowSheet (window); }); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ sheet.ProgressBarMinValue = 0; sheet.ProgressBarMaxValue = nSelRows.Count; }); double conta = 0; bool Cancela = false; nuint[] nRows = nSelRows.ToArray (); ViewArquivosDataSource datasource = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { datasource = (ViewArquivosDataSource)TableView.DataSource; }); foreach (int lRow in nRows) { string NomeArq = datasource.ViewArquivos [lRow].Nome; ++conta; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ sheet.LabelArqValue = "Extraindo arquivo: " + NomeArq; sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; }); string[] launchArgs = { "x", rarFile, NomeArq, extractPath }; NSPipe pipeOut = new NSPipe (); NSTask t = new NSTask (); t.LaunchPath = txtRAR; t.Arguments = launchArgs; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.Launch (); t.WaitUntilExit(); //string txtRET = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile ().ToString (); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate{ Cancela = sheet.Canceled; }); if(Cancela) { break; } } sheet.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { sheet.CloseSheet (); sheet = null; }); if (!Cancela) { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational, InformativeText = "Arquivo(s) extraido(s) com sucesso !", MessageText = "Extrair arquivos", }; alert.RunSheetModal(window); }); } } } }
public void ExtractRAR(MainWindow window, NSTableView TableView, NSIndexSet nSelRows, string rarFile, string extractPath) { clsIOPrefs ioPrefs = new clsIOPrefs(); string txtRAR = ioPrefs.GetStringValue("CaminhoRAR"); if (txtRAR.Length > 0) { if (nSelRows.Count > 0) { ProgressWindowController sheet = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet = new ProgressWindowController(); sheet.ShowSheet(window); }); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.ProgressBarMinValue = 0; sheet.ProgressBarMaxValue = nSelRows.Count; }); double conta = 0; bool Cancela = false; nuint[] nRows = nSelRows.ToArray(); ViewArquivosDataSource datasource = null; TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { datasource = (ViewArquivosDataSource)TableView.DataSource; }); foreach (int lRow in nRows) { string NomeArq = datasource.ViewArquivos [lRow].Nome; ++conta; sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.LabelArqValue = "Extraindo arquivo: " + NomeArq; sheet.ProgressBarValue = conta; }); string[] launchArgs = { "x", rarFile, NomeArq, extractPath }; NSPipe pipeOut = new NSPipe(); NSTask t = new NSTask(); t.LaunchPath = txtRAR; t.Arguments = launchArgs; t.StandardOutput = pipeOut; t.Launch(); t.WaitUntilExit(); //string txtRET = pipeOut.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile ().ToString (); sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Cancela = sheet.Canceled; }); if (Cancela) { break; } } sheet.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { sheet.CloseSheet(); sheet = null; }); if (!Cancela) { TableView.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert() { AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational, InformativeText = "Arquivo(s) extraido(s) com sucesso !", MessageText = "Extrair arquivos", }; alert.RunSheetModal(window); }); } } } }