public override void Start(Func <Task> action, CancellationTokenSource cts, Action <ProgressMessage> onProgressCallback = null)
            if (isRunning == false)
                isRunning = true;
                base.Start(action, cts, onProgressCallback);

                NSObject.InvokeInBackground(async() => await Task.Run(action, TokenSource.Token));
        public void FinishContentEditing(Action <PHContentEditingOutput> completionHandler)
            // Update UI to reflect that editing has finished and output is being rendered.

            // Render and provide output on a background queue.
            NSObject.InvokeInBackground(() => {
                // Create editing output from the editing input.
                var output = new PHContentEditingOutput(input);

                // Call completion handler to commit edit to Photos.

                // Clean up temporary files, etc.
        public void FinishContentEditing(Action <PHContentEditingOutput> completionHandler)
            // Update UI to reflect that editing has finished and output is being rendered.

            // Render and provide output on a background queue.
            NSObject.InvokeInBackground(() => {
                // Create editing output from the editing input.
                var output = new PHContentEditingOutput(input);

                // Provide new adjustments and render output to given location.
                // output.AdjustmentData = <#new adjustment data#>;
                // NSData renderedJPEGData = <#output JPEG#>;
                // renderedJPEGData.Save (output.RenderedContentURL, true);

                // Call completion handler to commit edit to Photos.

                // Clean up temporary files, etc.
 public void Start(Func <Task> action)
     NSObject.InvokeInBackground(new Action(async() => await action()));