private static void Main(string[] args) { // log4net setup if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.MacOSX) { var appender = new ConsoleAppender { #if DEBUG Threshold = Level.Debug, #else Threshold = Level.Info, #endif Layout = new PatternLayout("<%d{HH:mm:ss}> [%logger:%thread] %level: %message%newline"), }; BasicConfigurator.Configure(new IAppender[] { appender, new DebugAppender { Layout = appender.Layout, Threshold = Level.All } }); } else { var appender = new ColoredConsoleAppender { #if DEBUG Threshold = Level.Debug, #else Threshold = Level.Info, #endif Layout = new PatternLayout("<%d{HH:mm:ss}> [%logger:%thread] %level: %message%newline"), }; appender.AddMapping(new ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors { Level = Level.Debug, ForeColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.Cyan | ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.HighIntensity }); appender.AddMapping(new ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors { Level = Level.Info, ForeColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.Green | ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.HighIntensity }); appender.AddMapping(new ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors { Level = Level.Warn, ForeColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.Purple | ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.HighIntensity }); appender.AddMapping(new ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors { Level = Level.Error, ForeColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.Red | ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.HighIntensity }); appender.AddMapping(new ColoredConsoleAppender.LevelColors { Level = Level.Fatal, ForeColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.White | ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.HighIntensity, BackColor = ColoredConsoleAppender.Colors.Red }); appender.ActivateOptions(); BasicConfigurator.Configure(new IAppender[] { appender, new DebugAppender { Layout = appender.Layout, Threshold = Level.All } }); } var log = LogManager.GetLogger("Main"); // Arguments if (args.Length < 4) { log.ErrorFormat("Needs 4 arguments: hostname port username password"); return; } var hostname = args[0]; var port = ushort.Parse(args[1]); var username = args[2]; var password = args[3]; // NP connection setup log.DebugFormat("Connecting to {0}:{1}...", hostname, port); var np = new NPClient(hostname, port); if (!np.Connect()) { log.Error("Connection to NP server failed."); return; } // Get session token var ah = new SessionAuthenticationClient(hostname); try { ah.Authenticate(username, password); } catch (Exception err) { np.Disconnect(); #if DEBUG log.ErrorFormat("Could not authenticate: {0}", err); #else log.ErrorFormat("Could not authenticate: {0}", err.Message); #endif return; } // Validate authentication using session token try { np.AuthenticateWithToken(ah.SessionToken).Wait(); } catch (Exception err) { #if DEBUG log.ErrorFormat("Authenticated but session token was invalid. {0}", err); #else log.ErrorFormat("Authenticated but session token was invalid ({0}).", err.Message); #endif return; } try { log.InfoFormat("Server says: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(np.GetPublisherFile("motd-english.txt").Result)); np.Disconnect(); } catch { log.ErrorFormat("Could not read MOTD from NP server."); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // log4net setup SetupLog4Net(); var log = LogManager.GetLogger("Main"); // Arguments if (args.Length < 4) { log.ErrorFormat("Needs 4 arguments: nphostname npport username password [httpport]"); return; } var hostname = args[0]; var port = ushort.Parse(args[1]); var username = args[2]; var password = args[3]; var hport = args.Length > 4 ? ushort.Parse(args[4]) : 5680; // Get session token var ah = new SessionAuthenticationClient(hostname); try { ah.Authenticate(username, password); log.Info("NP authentication successful."); } catch (Exception err) { #if DEBUG log.ErrorFormat("Could not authenticate: {0}", err); #else log.ErrorFormat("Could not authenticate: {0}", err.Message); #endif return; } // NP connection setup log.DebugFormat("Connecting to {0}:{1}...", hostname, port); var np = new NPClient(hostname, port); if (!np.Connect()) { log.Error("Connection to NP server failed."); return; } log.Info("NP connection successful, authenticating..."); // ??? if (!np.AuthenticateWithToken(ah.SessionToken).Result) { np.Disconnect(); log.Error("Authentication to NP server failed."); return; } // HTTP server using (var httpServer = new HttpServer(new HttpRequestProvider())) { log.Info("Starting up HTTP server..."); httpServer.Use(new TcpListenerAdapter(new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, hport))); httpServer.Use(new HttpRouter() .With("user", new NP2HTTPUserFileHandler(np)) .With("pub", new NP2HTTPPublisherFileHandler(np)) ); httpServer.Use(new AnonymousHttpRequestHandler((context, next) => { context.Response = new HttpResponse(HttpResponseCode.NotFound, "File not found", context.Request.Headers.KeepAliveConnection()); return(Task.Factory.GetCompleted()); })); httpServer.Start(); log.InfoFormat("HTTP server now running on port {0}.", hport); log.InfoFormat("Access publisher files through http://{0}:{1}/pub/<file>", IPAddress.Any, hport); log.InfoFormat("Access user files through http://{0}:{1}/user/<file>", IPAddress.Any, hport); log.Info("You can shut down the HTTP server by pressing any key."); Console.ReadKey(); } }