        private void ButtonStartOcrClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.RightToLeft = checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked;
            _lastLine = null;
            buttonOK.Enabled = false;
            buttonCancel.Enabled = false;
            buttonStartOcr.Enabled = false;
            buttonStop.Enabled = true;
            buttonNewCharacterDatabase.Enabled = false;
            buttonEditCharacterDatabase.Enabled = false;
            _fromMenuItem = false;
            _abort = false;
            _autoBreakLines = checkBoxAutoBreakLines.Checked;
            int max = GetSubtitleCount();

            if (_ocrMethodIndex == _ocrMethodTesseract && _tesseractAsyncStrings == null)
                _nOcrDb = null;
                _tesseractAsyncStrings = new string[max];
                _tesseractAsyncIndex = (int)numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                _tesseractThread = new BackgroundWorker();
                _tesseractThread.DoWork += TesseractThreadDoWork;
                _tesseractThread.RunWorkerCompleted += TesseractThreadRunWorkerCompleted;
                _tesseractThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                if (_tesseractAsyncIndex >= 0 && _tesseractAsyncIndex < max)
            else if (_ocrMethodIndex == _ocrMethodImageCompare)
                if (_compareBitmaps == null)
                _numericUpDownMaxErrorPct = (double)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value;
            else if (_ocrMethodIndex == _ocrMethodNocr)
                if (_nOcrDb == null)

                if (_nOcrDb == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Fatal - No NOCR dictionary loaded!");

                _nocrThreadsStop = false;
                _nocrThreadResults = new string[_subtitle.Paragraphs.Count];
                int noOfThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1;
                if (noOfThreads >= max)
                    noOfThreads = max - 1;
                int start = (int)numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                if (noOfThreads >= 1 && max > 5)
                    // finder letter size (uppercase/lowercase)
                    int testIndex = 0;
                    while (testIndex < 6 && (_nocrLastLowercaseHeight == -1 || _nocrLastUppercaseHeight == -1))

                    for (int i = 0; i < noOfThreads; i++)
                        if (start + i < max)
                            var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                            var p = new NOcrThreadParameter(GetSubtitleBitmap(start + i), start + i, _nOcrDb.OcrCharacters, bw, noOfThreads, _unItalicFactor, checkBoxNOcrItalic.Checked, (int)numericUpDownNumberOfPixelsIsSpaceNOCR.Value, checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked);
                            p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = _nocrLastLowercaseHeight;
                            p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = _nocrLastUppercaseHeight;
                            bw.DoWork += NOcrThreadDoWork;
                            bw.RunWorkerCompleted += NOcrThreadRunWorkerCompleted;
            else if (_ocrMethodIndex == _ocrMethodBinaryImageCompare)
                if (_binaryOcrDb == null)
                    _binaryOcrDbFileName = Configuration.OcrFolder + "Latin.db";
                    _binaryOcrDb = new BinaryOcrDb(_binaryOcrDbFileName, true);
                _nOcrDb = new NOcrDb(_binaryOcrDb.FileName.Replace(".db", ".nocr"));
                checkBoxNOcrCorrect.Checked = true;
                _numericUpDownMaxErrorPct = (double)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value;

            progressBar1.Maximum = max;
            progressBar1.Value = 0;
            progressBar1.Visible = true;

            _mainOcrTimerMax = max;
            _mainOcrIndex = (int)numericUpDownStartNumber.Value - 1;
            _mainOcrTimer = new Timer();
            _mainOcrTimer.Tick += mainOcrTimer_Tick;
            _mainOcrTimer.Interval = 5;
            _mainOcrRunning = true;
            subtitleListView1.MultiSelect = false;
            mainOcrTimer_Tick(null, null);

            if (_ocrMethodIndex == _ocrMethodImageCompare)
                _icThreadsStop = false;
                _icThreadResults = new string[_subtitle.Paragraphs.Count];
                int noOfThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount - 2; // -1 or -2?
                if (noOfThreads >= max)
                    noOfThreads = max - 1;
                int start = (int)numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                if (noOfThreads > 2)
                    noOfThreads = 2; // Threading is not really good - subtitle picture creation should probably be threaded also/instead
                for (int i = 0; i < noOfThreads; i++)
                    if (start + i < max)
                        var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                        var p = new ImageCompareThreadParameter(GetSubtitleBitmap(start + i), start + i, _compareBitmaps, bw, noOfThreads, (int)numericUpDownPixelsIsSpace.Value, checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked, (float)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value);
                        bw.DoWork += ImageCompareThreadDoWork;
                        bw.RunWorkerCompleted += ImageCompareThreadRunWorkerCompleted;
        static string NocrThreadDoItalicWork(NOcrThreadParameter p)
            var unItalicedBmp = UnItalic(p.Picture, p.UnItalicFactor);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(unItalicedBmp);
            //            nbmp.ReplaceNonWhiteWithTransparent();
               // Bitmap bitmap = nbmp.GetBitmap();

            var matches = new List<CompareMatch>();
            int minLineHeight = p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight;
            if (minLineHeight < 10)
                minLineHeight = 22;
            int maxLineHeight = p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight;
            if (maxLineHeight < 10)
                minLineHeight = 80;

            List<ImageSplitterItem> lines = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitVertical(nbmp, minLineHeight);
            List<ImageSplitterItem> list = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLetters(lines, p.NumberOfPixelsIsSpace, p.RightToLeft, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.TopToBottom);

            foreach (ImageSplitterItem item in list)
                if (item.NikseBitmap != null)

            int index = 0;
            while (index < list.Count)
                ImageSplitterItem item = list[index];
                if (item.NikseBitmap == null)
                    matches.Add(new CompareMatch(item.SpecialCharacter, false, 0, null));
                    bool old = p.AdvancedItalicDetection;
                    p.AdvancedItalicDetection = false;
                    CompareMatch match = GetNOcrCompareMatch(item, nbmp, p);
                    p.AdvancedItalicDetection = old;
                    if (match == null)
                       return string.Empty;
                    else // found image match
                        matches.Add(new CompareMatch(match.Text, match.Italic, 0, null));
                        if (match.ExpandCount > 0)
                            index += match.ExpandCount - 1;
            return "<i>" + Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(GetStringWithItalicTags(matches)) + "</i>";
        internal static CompareMatch GetNOcrCompareMatch(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, NOcrThreadParameter p)
            bool italic;
            var expandedResult = NOcrFindExpandedMatch(parentBitmap, targetItem, p.NOcrChars);
            if (expandedResult != null)
                return new CompareMatch(expandedResult.Text, expandedResult.Italic, expandedResult.ExpandCount, null, expandedResult);

            var result = NOcrFindBestMatch(targetItem, targetItem.Y - targetItem.ParentY, out italic, p.NOcrChars, p.UnItalicFactor, p.AdvancedItalicDetection, true);
            if (result == null)
                return null;

            // Fix uppercase/lowercase issues (not I/l)
            if (result.Text == "e")
                p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "a")
                p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "E" || result.Text == "H" || result.Text == "R" || result.Text == "D" || result.Text == "T")
                p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "M")
                p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "V" || result.Text == "W" || result.Text == "U" || result.Text == "S" || result.Text == "Z" || result.Text == "O" || result.Text == "X" || result.Text == "Ø" || result.Text == "C")
                if (p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight > 3 && targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height - p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToLower();
            else if (result.Text == "v" || result.Text == "w" || result.Text == "u" || result.Text == "s" || result.Text == "z" || result.Text == "o" || result.Text == "x" || result.Text == "ø" || result.Text == "c")
                if (p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight > 3 && p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight - targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToUpper();

            if (italic)
                return new CompareMatch(result.Text, true, 0, null, result);
            return new CompareMatch(result.Text, result.Italic, 0, null, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// The button start ocr click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The sender.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// The e.
        /// </param>
        private void ButtonStartOcrClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.RightToLeft = this.checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked;
            this._lastLine = null;
            this.buttonOK.Enabled = false;
            this.buttonCancel.Enabled = false;
            this.buttonStartOcr.Enabled = false;
            this.buttonStop.Enabled = true;
            this.buttonNewCharacterDatabase.Enabled = false;
            this.buttonEditCharacterDatabase.Enabled = false;

            this._abort = false;

            int max = this.GetSubtitleCount();

            if (this.comboBoxOcrMethod.SelectedIndex == 0 && this._tesseractAsyncStrings == null)
                this._nOcrDb = null;
                this._tesseractAsyncStrings = new string[max];
                this._tesseractAsyncIndex = (int)this.numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                this._tesseractThread = new BackgroundWorker();
                this._tesseractThread.DoWork += this.TesseractThreadDoWork;
                this._tesseractThread.RunWorkerCompleted += this.TesseractThreadRunWorkerCompleted;
                this._tesseractThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                if (this._tesseractAsyncIndex >= 0 && this._tesseractAsyncIndex < max)
            else if (this.comboBoxOcrMethod.SelectedIndex == 1)
                if (this._compareBitmaps == null)
            else if (this.comboBoxOcrMethod.SelectedIndex == 3)
                if (this._nOcrDb == null)

                if (this._nOcrDb == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Fatal - No NOCR dictionary loaded!");

                this._nocrThreadsStop = false;
                this._nocrThreadResults = new string[this._subtitle.Paragraphs.Count];
                int noOfThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1;
                if (noOfThreads >= max)
                    noOfThreads = max - 1;

                int start = (int)this.numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                if (noOfThreads >= 1 && max > 5)
                    // finder letter size (uppercase/lowercase)
                    int testIndex = 0;
                    while (testIndex < 6 && (this._nocrLastLowercaseHeight == -1 || this._nocrLastUppercaseHeight == -1))

                    for (int i = 0; i < noOfThreads; i++)
                        if (start + i < max)
                            var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                            var p = new NOcrThreadParameter(this.GetSubtitleBitmap(start + i), start + i, this._nOcrDb.OcrCharacters, bw, noOfThreads, this._unItalicFactor, this.checkBoxNOcrItalic.Checked, (int)this.numericUpDownNumberOfPixelsIsSpaceNOCR.Value, this.checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked);
                            p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = this._nocrLastLowercaseHeight;
                            p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = this._nocrLastUppercaseHeight;
                            bw.DoWork += NOcrThreadDoWork;
                            bw.RunWorkerCompleted += this.NOcrThreadRunWorkerCompleted;
            else if (this.comboBoxOcrMethod.SelectedIndex == 4)
                if (this._binaryOcrDb == null)
                    this._binaryOcrDbFileName = Configuration.OcrFolder + "Latin.db";
                    this._binaryOcrDb = new BinaryOcrDb(this._binaryOcrDbFileName, true);

                this._nOcrDb = new NOcrDb(this._binaryOcrDb.FileName.Replace(".db", ".nocr"));

            this.progressBar1.Maximum = max;
            this.progressBar1.Value = 0;
            this.progressBar1.Visible = true;

            this._mainOcrTimerMax = max;
            this._mainOcrIndex = (int)this.numericUpDownStartNumber.Value - 1;
            this._mainOcrTimer = new Timer();
            this._mainOcrTimer.Tick += this.mainOcrTimer_Tick;
            this._mainOcrTimer.Interval = 5;
            this._mainOcrRunning = true;
            this.subtitleListView1.MultiSelect = false;
            this.mainOcrTimer_Tick(null, null);

            if (this.comboBoxOcrMethod.SelectedIndex == 1)
                this._icThreadsStop = false;
                this._icThreadResults = new string[this._subtitle.Paragraphs.Count];
                int noOfThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount - 2; // -1 or -2?
                if (noOfThreads >= max)
                    noOfThreads = max - 1;

                int start = (int)this.numericUpDownStartNumber.Value + 5;
                if (noOfThreads > 2)
                    noOfThreads = 2; // Threading is not really good - subtitle picture creation should probably be threaded also/instead

                for (int i = 0; i < noOfThreads; i++)
                    if (start + i < max)
                        var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                        var p = new ImageCompareThreadParameter(this.GetSubtitleBitmap(start + i), start + i, this._compareBitmaps, bw, noOfThreads, (int)this.numericUpDownPixelsIsSpace.Value, this.checkBoxRightToLeft.Checked, (float)this.numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value);
                        bw.DoWork += ImageCompareThreadDoWork;
                        bw.RunWorkerCompleted += this.ImageCompareThreadRunWorkerCompleted;