public MidiNote(int _delta, NOTEL _notel, NOTE _note, int _vel) { note = _note; delta = _delta; notel = _notel; vel = _vel; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the SaveNoteButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private async void SaveNoteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NOTE note = new NOTE(); note.TITLE = this.noteTitle.Text; note.CONTENT = this.noteContent.Text; note.LESSON_ID = allLessons[selectLessonComboBox.SelectedIndex].ID; note.CUSTOMER_ID = Constants.User.ID; note.DATE = DateTime.Now; note.SHARE = sharableCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false; if (note == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("note is null!"); } ctx.AddToNOTE(note); ctx.BeginSaveChanges(onNoteSaved, null); this.addNotePopup.IsOpen = false; ClearNote(); MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("Note Saved", "Your note have been saved!"); await md.ShowAsync(); //md.Content = "Your note have been saved!"; }
void SyncLogs(VesselNotesLogs syncToNote) { for (int n = 0; n < logList.list.Count; n++) { if (!logList.list[n].privateNote && !logList.list[n].locked) { NOTE_LIST syncToLogList = syncToNote.logList; NOTE foundLog = syncToLogList.list.SingleOrDefault(r => r.guid == logList.list[n].guid); if (foundLog == null) { if (logList.list[n].noteListGuid == syncToLogList.listGuid) { syncToLogList.list.Add(new NOTE( logList.list[n].title, logList.list[n].note, logList.list[n].guid, syncToLogList.listGuid, false)); } } else { foundLog.title = logList.list[n].title; foundLog.note = logList.list[n].note; = logList.list[n].id; } } } syncToNote.SetSelectedLog(syncToNote.selectedLog); }
public void GetTrashFromController() { TrashBinPageController LoadNote = new TrashBinPageController(); dataGridView1.DataSource = LoadNote.GetAllTrash(Username); for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.RowCount; i++) { NOTE N = new NOTE(); N.PpOrder = Int32.Parse(dataGridView1[0, i].Value.ToString()); N.PpHeader = dataGridView1[1, i].Value.ToString(); N.PpContent = dataGridView1[2, i].Value.ToString(); N.PpTag = dataGridView1[3, i].Value.ToString(); N.PpFontFamily = dataGridView1[4, i].Value.ToString(); N.PpFontSize = Int32.Parse(dataGridView1[5, i].Value.ToString()); N.PpFontColor = dataGridView1[6, i].Value.ToString(); if (dataGridView1[7, i].Value != null) { N.PpPictureName = dataGridView1[7, i].Value.ToString(); } if (dataGridView1[8, i].Value != null) { N.PpDrawPictureName = dataGridView1[8, i].Value.ToString(); } ListOfTrash.Add(N); } LoadNoteForPage(); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method for invoking kevent with a single argument /// </summary> /// <param name="kq">The kqueue descriptor.</param> /// <param name="handle">The handle to register</param> /// <param name="filter">The filter to use</param> /// <param name="flags">The flags to use</param> /// <param name="fflags">The fflags</param> /// <param name="data">The data to associate</param> /// <param name="udata">The udata to associate</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int kevent(int kq,IDENTTYPE handle,EVFILT filter,EV flags,NOTE fflags = 0,INTPTR data = default(INTPTR),INTPTR udata = default(INTPTR)) { var kev = new [] { new struct_kevent() { ident = new INTPTR((long)handle), filter = filter, flags = flags, fflags = fflags, data = data, udata = udata } }; var timeout = new[] { new Timespec() { tv_sec = 10 } }; var ret = PInvoke.kevent(kq,kev,1,null,0,timeout); if (ret < 0) { throw new IOException($"Failed to {flags} handle on kqueue: {Stdlib.GetLastError()}"); } if (kev[0].flags.HasFlag(EV.ERROR)) { throw new IOException($"Failed to {flags} handle on kqueue: {kev[0].data}"); } return(ret); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateNote(string seflink, [FromBody] NOTE note) { try { int id = UserInf.GetUser(); using (MynoteDBEntities db = new MynoteDBEntities()) { var gnote = db.NOTES.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NoteSefLink == seflink); if (gnote != null) { if (note.NoteCategoryId != null) { gnote.NoteTitle = note.NoteTitle; gnote.NoteDescription = note.NoteDescription; gnote.NoteContent = note.NoteContent; gnote.NoteCategoryId = note.NoteCategoryId; gnote.NoteModifiedDate = note.NoteModifiedDate; gnote.NoteModifiedId = id; int result = db.SaveChanges(); if (result != 0) { return(Ok()); } else { return(BadRequest()); } } else { gnote.NoteTitle = note.NoteTitle; gnote.NoteDescription = note.NoteDescription; gnote.NoteContent = note.NoteContent; gnote.privateNoteCategoryId = note.privateNoteCategoryId; gnote.NoteModifiedDate = note.NoteModifiedDate; gnote.NoteModifiedId = id; int result = db.SaveChanges(); if (result != 0) { return(Ok()); } else { return(BadRequest()); } } } else { return(NotFound()); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// 音符の追加 /// </summary> /// <param name="notel"></param> /// <param name="note"></param> /// <param name="vel"></param> public void AddNote(NOTEL notel, NOTE note, int vel) { // 発音 noteList.Add(new MidiNote(mDelta, notel, note, vel)); mDelta += (int)notel; // 消音 noteList.Add(new MidiNote(mDelta, NOTEL.N4, note, 0)); }
public void Initialize(NOTEL _dur = NOTEL.N1, NOTE _n = NOTE.x, string voice = "") { dur = (int)_dur; n = (int)_n; v = 64; y = new XmlDocument().CreateCDataSection(VoiceChar[voice].hiragana); p = new XmlDocument().CreateCDataSection(VoiceChar[voice].pronunce); nStyle _nStyle = new nStyle(); nStyle = _nStyle; }
public ActionResult getNote() { IEnumerable <NOTES> notes = _context.notes.AsEnumerable(); List <NOTE> note = new List <NOTE>(); _log.LogInformation("Getting the node"); statsDPublisher.Increment("_NOTE_GET_API"); string username = getUsername(); IEnumerable <Attachments> at = _context.attachments.AsEnumerable(); foreach (NOTES item in notes) { if (item.EMAIL == username) { NOTE n = new NOTE(); n.noteID = item.noteID; n.content = item.content; n.created_on = item.created_on; n.title = item.title; n.last_updated_on = item.last_updated_on; List <mAttachments> newat = new List <mAttachments>(); foreach (Attachments attachment in at) { if (attachment.noteID == n.noteID) { mAttachments m = new mAttachments(); m.AID = attachment.AID; m.url = attachment.url; newat.Add(m); } } n.attachments = newat; note.Add(n); } } if (note.Capacity != 0) { IEnumerable <NOTE> newnote = note; string Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newnote, Formatting.Indented); return(StatusCode(200, Json)); } else { return(StatusCode(200, new{ result = "You Don't have any notes!!! Sorry" })); } }
public void noteClick(int sTime) { // NOTE CLICK Debug.Log("Note Erase"); swNote.Close(); // 지금 까지 한것을 저장 // 그리고 다시 읽기 TextAsset textAsset = Resources.Load("Data/Level" + Singleton.getInstance.level + "/Note/song" + Singleton.getInstance.songNum) as TextAsset; string str = textAsset.text; char sp = ','; string[] spString = str.Split(sp); NOTE note = new NOTE(0,; // 다시 쓰기 path = pathForDocuments("Assets/Resources/Data/Level" + Singleton.getInstance.level + "/Note" + "/song" + Singleton.getInstance.songNum + ".txt"); file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); swNote = new StreamWriter(file); for (int i = 0; i < spString.Length - 1; i++) { // string을 float형으로 변환 float numFloat = System.Convert.ToSingle(spString[i]); if (i % 3 == 0) { if (((int)numFloat) == sTime) { note.sTime = -1; i += 2; break; } else { note.sTime = (int)numFloat; } } else if (i % 3 == 1) { note.sPos.x = numFloat; } else if (i % 3 == 2) { note.sPos.y = numFloat; swNote.WriteLine(note.sTime + ", " + note.sPos.x + ", " + note.sPos.y + ", "); } } }
/// <summary> /// 기본 노트 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> string readStringFromFile(string fileName) { string path = pathForDocuments(fileName); if (File.Exists(path)) { // 파일 일기 FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); string str = null; str = sr.ReadToEnd(); // 단어 분리 char sp = ','; string[] spString = str.Split(sp); NOTE note = new NOTE(0,; for (int i = 0; i < spString.Length - 1; i++) { // string을 float형으로 변환 float numFloat = System.Convert.ToSingle(spString[i]); if (i % 3 == 0) { note.sTime = (int)numFloat; } else if (i % 3 == 1) { note.sPos.x = numFloat; } else if (i % 3 == 2) { note.sPos.y = numFloat; _noteList.Add(note); } } sr.Close(); file.Close(); return(str); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the SaveNoteButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private async void SaveNoteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NOTE updatedNote = null; try { DataServiceQuery <NOTE> naDsq = (DataServiceQuery <NOTE>)(from selNote in ctx.NOTE where selNote.ID == changedNote.ID select selNote); TaskFactory <IEnumerable <NOTE> > changeNote = new TaskFactory <IEnumerable <NOTE> >(); updatedNote = (await changeNote.FromAsync(naDsq.BeginExecute(null, null), iar => naDsq.EndExecute(iar))).FirstOrDefault(); } catch { ShowMessageDialog("Network connection error!24"); return; } updatedNote.TITLE = noteTitle.Text; updatedNote.CONTENT = noteContent.Text; updatedNote.LESSON_ID = changedLessonID; updatedNote.DATE = DateTime.Now; updatedNote.SHARE = sharableCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false; try { ctx.UpdateObject(updatedNote); TaskFactory <DataServiceResponse> tf = new TaskFactory <DataServiceResponse>(); await tf.FromAsync(ctx.BeginSaveChanges(null, null), iar => ctx.EndSaveChanges(iar)); } catch { ShowMessageDialog("Update error25! Please check your network."); addNotePopup.IsOpen = false; return; } ShowMessageDialog("Update successfully!"); addNotePopup.IsOpen = false; }
/// <summary> /// 기본 노트 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> string readStringFromFile(string fileName, int sTime) { TextAsset textAsset = Resources.Load(fileName) as TextAsset; string str = textAsset.text; char sp = ','; string[] spString = str.Split(sp); NOTE note = new NOTE(0,; for (int i = 0; i < spString.Length - 1; i++) { // string을 float형으로 변환 float numFloat = System.Convert.ToSingle(spString[i]); if (i % 3 == 0) { if (sTime == 0) { note.sTime = (int)numFloat; } else if (((int)numFloat) == sTime) { i += 2; return(str); } } else if (i % 3 == 1) { note.sPos.x = numFloat; } else if (i % 3 == 2) { note.sPos.y = numFloat; _noteList.Add(note); } } return(str); }
public bool MergeNote(string note) { var oldNote = NOTE; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(note)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NOTE)) { NOTE = note; } else { var lst = NOTE.Split(',').ToList(); if (!lst.Contains(note)) { lst.Add(note); } NOTE = string.Join(",", lst); } } return(oldNote != NOTE); }
public IHttpActionResult CreateNote(NOTE note) { int id = UserInf.GetUser(); try { using (MynoteDBEntities db = new MynoteDBEntities()) { note.NoteUserId = id; db.NOTES.Add(note); int feed = db.SaveChanges(); if (feed != 0) { return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest()); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } }
public NOTE Create(NoteApiModel apiModel) { var newNote = new NOTE(); newNote.NoteBody = apiModel.body; if (apiModel.account != 0) { newNote.ACCOUNT_ID = apiModel.account; } if (apiModel.campaign != 0) { newNote.CAMPAIGN_ID = apiModel.campaign; } if ( != 0) { newNote.CONTACT_ID =; } if ( != 0) { newNote.DEAL_ID =; } if (apiModel.lead != 0) { newNote.LEAD_ID = apiModel.lead; } if (apiModel.taskTemplate != 0) { newNote.TASK_TEMPLATE_ID = apiModel.taskTemplate; } newNote.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; newNote.CreatedBy =; db.NOTEs.Add(newNote); db.SaveChanges(); return(newNote); }
/// <summary> /// 音符の追加 /// </summary> /// <param name="_dur"></param> /// <param name="_n"></param> /// <param name="_voice"></param> public void AddNote(NOTEL _dur, NOTE _n, string _voice) { vsPart.AddNote(new note(_dur, _n, _voice)); }
/* * readTrack * Takes a Binaryreader and reads the track data * * The header should be as follows: * 4D 54 72 6B xx xx xx xx * xx xx xx xx : Track length * * Event Data is as follows: * dd ff * dd : Delta Time - A delta time is the number of ticks after which the midi event is to be executed. * The number of ticks per quarter note was defined previously in the file header chunk. * TODO: This can be many bytes long, but for now I only read in one byte since I have yet to see * multiple byte delta times in a GH song. Will fix this later * ff : Event - A midi event. Refer to the midi reference. If it is 0xFF, it's a meta event, otherwise a normal command. */ private void readTrack(int track, BinaryReader midi) { try { // Verify the track header matches and get track length for (int i = 0; i < TRACK_HEADER.Length; i++) { if (midi.ReadByte() != TRACK_HEADER[i]) throw new FormatException("Invalid Midi File - Track Header incorrect" + TRACK_HEADER[i].ToString()); } } catch (EndOfStreamException e) { //out of bytes! Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } byte[] length = new Byte[4]; //THIS LENGTH IS NOT VERIFIED length = midi.ReadBytes(4); long fullDelta = 0; // Read the midi events do { NOTE n = new NOTE(); //delta-time: execute the midi-event after this number of ticks = readVariableLength(midi); //total number of ticks? fullDelta +=; n.absoluteTicks = fullDelta; //META or COMMAND. Assuming that there's no omissision of the command itself, which would have meant "execute the last command again" byte flag; try { flag = midi.ReadByte(); } catch (EndOfStreamException e) { //out of bytes! Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return; } if (flag == 0xFF) { /* Meta Event. All meta events have the format 0xFF xx nn dd * xx : The meta command * nn : The length of data associated with the command * dd x nn : The data */ n.type = TYPE.META; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); switch (n.value) { //SET TEMPO EVENT case 0x51: n.tempo = readInt24(midi); n.eventName = "TEMPO "; NOTE t = new NOTE(); = fullDelta; t.absoluteTicks = fullDelta; t.tempo = n.tempo; tempos.Add(t); break; //0x58 could be interesting:time signature case 0x58: = midi.ReadString(); char[] timesigData =; int numerator = timesigData[0]; int denominator = timesigData[1]; int ticksPerClick = timesigData[2]; int thirtySecondToQuarter = timesigData[3]; = String.Format("{0}/{1}, {2}, {3}", numerator, denominator, ticksPerClick, thirtySecondToQuarter ); n.eventName = "TIMESIG "; // = midi.ReadString().Length.ToString(); break; default: //does this work for all cases? Does it get all the bytes? Are they readable? = midi.ReadString(); break; } //SEQUENCE OR TRACK NAME //This could probably be a Dictionary. if (n.value == 0x00) { n.eventName = "TRACKSEQ "; } else if (n.value == 0x01) { n.eventName = "TEXTANY "; } else if (n.value == 0x02) { n.eventName = "TEXTCOPY "; } else if (n.value == 0x03) { midi_data.trackNames[track] =; if ( == "PART GUITAR") { guitarTrackIndex = track; } else { if (RB_MODE && == "PART DRUMS") { bassTrackIndex = track; } else if (!RB_MODE && == "PART BASS") { bassTrackIndex = track; } } n.eventName = "TRACKNAME"; } else if (n.value == 0x04) { n.eventName = "INSTNAME "; } else if (n.value == 0x05) { n.eventName = "LYRIC "; } else if (n.value == 0x06) { n.eventName = "MARKER "; } else if (n.value == 0x07) { n.eventName = "CUEPOINT "; } else if (n.value == 0x59) { n.eventName = "KEYSIG "; } else if (n.value == 0x7F) { n.eventName = "SEQUENCER"; } //END OF TRACK if (n.value == 0x2F) return; } else { n.type = TYPE.COMMAND; //top 4 bits of first byte is the command int cmd = flag >> 4; //last 4 bits is the channel number = flag & 0x0F; switch (cmd) { case 0x08: // Note OFF. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = 0; = String.Format("Note off heard for note number {0}", midi.ReadByte()); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x09: // Note ON. Followed by note number and velocity // WHY NO DATA SET HERE? n.value = midi.ReadByte(); = "Note ON"; n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0A: // Key after-touch. Followed by Note Number and Velocity n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Key after-touch"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0B: // Control Change. Followed by controller number and new value n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Control Change"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0C: // Program (patch) change). Followed by new program name n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Program change"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0D: // Channel after-touch. Followed by channel number n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Channel after-touch"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0E: // Pitch wheel change followed by 2 bytes of value n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Pitch wheel"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; default: if (RB_MODE) { n.value = flag;//midi.ReadByte(); = "Note ON"; n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); } else { n.value = 0; = String.Format("Unknown command {0:X}", cmd); } break; } } //if (!RB_MODE || n.velocity == 100) //{ midi_data.tracks[track].Add(n); //} } while (true); }
public void AddToNOTE(NOTE nOTE) { base.AddObject("NOTE", nOTE); }
public static NOTE CreateNOTE(string cONTENT, int lESSON_ID, int ID, global::System.DateTime dATE, bool sHARE) { NOTE nOTE = new NOTE(); nOTE.CONTENT = cONTENT; nOTE.LESSON_ID = lESSON_ID; nOTE.ID = ID; nOTE.DATE = dATE; nOTE.SHARE = sHARE; return nOTE; }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the note. /// </summary> /// <param name="note">The note.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">The on complete.</param> public void DeleteNote(NOTE note, OnQueryComplete onComplete) { ctx.DeleteObject(note); this.onUQC = onComplete; ctx.BeginSaveChanges(onQueryComplete2, null); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the note. /// </summary> /// <param name="note">The note.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">The on complete.</param> public void InsertNote(NOTE note, OnQueryComplete onComplete) { ctx.AddToNOTE(note); this.onUQC = onComplete; ctx.BeginSaveChanges(onQueryComplete2, null); }
/* * readTrack * Takes a Binaryreader and reads the track data * * The header should be as follows: * 4D 54 72 6B xx xx xx xx * xx xx xx xx : Track length * * Event Data is as follows: * dd ff * dd : Delta Time - A delta time is the number of ticks after which the midi event is to be executed. * The number of ticks per quarter note was defined previously in the file header chunk. * TODO: This can be many bytes long, but for now I only read in one byte since I have yet to see * multiple byte delta times in a GH song. Will fix this later * ff : Event - A midi event. Refer to the midi reference. If it is 0xFF, it's a meta event, otherwise a normal command. */ private void readTrack(int track, BinaryReader midi) { // Verify the track header matches and get track length for (int i = 0; i < TRACK_HEADER.Length; i++) { if (midi.ReadByte() != TRACK_HEADER[i]) { throw new FormatException("Invalid Midi File - Track Header incorrect"); } } byte[] length = new Byte[4]; length = midi.ReadBytes(4); // Read the midi events do { NOTE n = new NOTE(); = readVariableLength(midi); byte flag = midi.ReadByte(); if (flag == 0xFF) { /* Meta Event. All meta events have the format 0xFF xx nn dd * xx : The meta command * nn : The length of data associated with the command * dd x nn : The data */ n.type = TYPE.META; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); = midi.ReadString(); if (n.value == 0x03) { midi_data.trackNames[track] =; } if (n.value == 0x2F) { return; } } else { n.type = TYPE.COMMAND; int cmd = flag >> 4; = flag & 0x0F; switch (cmd) { case 0x08: // Note OFF. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = 0; = String.Format("Note off heard for {0}", midi.ReadByte()); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x09: // Note ON. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0A: // Key after-touch. Followed by Note Number and Velocity n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: 0A"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0B: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: B"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0C: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: C"; midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0D: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: D"; midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0E: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: E"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; default: n.value = 0; = String.Format("Unknown command {0:X}", cmd); break; } } midi_data.tracks[track].Add(n); } while (true); }
/* * readTrack * Takes a Binaryreader and reads the track data * * The header should be as follows: * 4D 54 72 6B xx xx xx xx * xx xx xx xx : Track length * * Event Data is as follows: * dd ff * dd : Delta Time - A delta time is the number of ticks after which the midi event is to be executed. * The number of ticks per quarter note was defined previously in the file header chunk. * TODO: This can be many bytes long, but for now I only read in one byte since I have yet to see * multiple byte delta times in a GH song. Will fix this later * ff : Event - A midi event. Refer to the midi reference. If it is 0xFF, it's a meta event, otherwise a normal command. */ private void readTrack(int track, BinaryReader midi) { // Verify the track header matches and get track length for (int i = 0; i < TRACK_HEADER.Length; i++) { if (midi.ReadByte() != TRACK_HEADER[i]) throw new FormatException("Invalid Midi File - Track Header incorrect"); } byte[] length = new Byte[4]; length = midi.ReadBytes(4); // Read the midi events do { NOTE n = new NOTE(); = readVariableLength(midi); byte flag = midi.ReadByte(); if (flag == 0xFF) { /* Meta Event. All meta events have the format 0xFF xx nn dd * xx : The meta command * nn : The length of data associated with the command * dd x nn : The data */ n.type = TYPE.META; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); = midi.ReadString(); if (n.value == 0x03) midi_data.trackNames[track] =; if (n.value == 0x2F) return; } else { n.type = TYPE.COMMAND; int cmd = flag >> 4; = flag & 0x0F; switch (cmd) { case 0x08: // Note OFF. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = 0; = String.Format("Note off heard for {0}", midi.ReadByte()); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x09: // Note ON. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0A: // Key after-touch. Followed by Note Number and Velocity n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: 0A"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0B: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: B"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0C: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: C"; midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0D: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: D"; midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0E: n.value = 0; = "Unknown CMD: E"; midi.ReadByte(); midi.ReadByte(); break; default: n.value = 0; = String.Format("Unknown command {0:X}", cmd); break; } } midi_data.tracks[track].Add(n); } while (true); }
private bool isNotePlayed(NOTE n, int difficultyStart) { return (n.type == TYPE.COMMAND) && (n.value > 0) && isNotePlayedInDifficulty(n.value, difficultyStart) && (!RB_MODE || n.velocity > 0); //(n.value >= difficultyStart) && (n.value < (difficultyStart + 5)); }
public note(NOTEL _dur, NOTE _n, string voice) { Initialize(_dur, _n, voice); }
private bool isNotePlayed(NOTE n, int difficultyStart) { return((n.type == TYPE.COMMAND) && (n.value > 0) && isNotePlayedInDifficulty(n.value, difficultyStart)); //(n.value >= difficultyStart) && (n.value < (difficultyStart + 5)); }
private void updateTextbox() { if (midi_data.numTracks == 0 || selectedTrack == -1) { eventBox.Text = "Load a song and select a track."; } else if (difficulty == "Raw") { string txt = String.Format("Format {0}\tTracks {1}\tTempo {2}\tTempos {3}\r\n\r\n", midi_data.fileFormat, midi_data.numTracks, midi_data.tempo, tempos.Count ); txt += "NAME: \tTICKS\tABSOL\tVALUE (HEX) \tDATA w/Velocity\r\n\r\n"; foreach (NOTE n in midi_data.tracks[selectedTrack]) { string value = n.value.ToString(); if (n.type == TYPE.COMMAND) { if (notes.ContainsKey(n.value)) { value = notes[n.value]; } } //NAME: TICK_DELAY ABSOLUTE_DELAY VALUE (hex) - DATA txt += String.Format("{0}:\t{1}\t{2}\t{3} (0x{3:X}) \t{4}\r\n", n.type == TYPE.META ? n.eventName : "Note ",, n.absoluteTicks, value, (n.type == TYPE.META && n.value == 0x51) ? n.tempo.ToString() : ((n.type == TYPE.COMMAND) ? + " " + n.velocity : ); } eventBox.Text = txt; } else if (selectedTrack == midi_data.numTracks) //CO-OP { int diff = difficulties[difficulty]; string txt = ""; //final string to display in the text box string line = ""; string bassLine = ""; bool guitarStrum = false; //if there are guitar notes, strum guitar bool bassStrum = false; //if there are bass notes, strum bass int guitarIndex = 0; int bassIndex = 0; int tempoIndex = 0; // array index of tempo change events long now = 0; // absolute ticks since the start of song that have already been calculated long currentTempo = midi_data.tempo; // tempo value of the tempo change event currently being evaluated double nDelayInMS = 0; // calculated sum of milliseconds to wait since the last note before playing the current note List <NOTE> guitarNotes = midi_data.tracks[guitarTrackIndex]; List <NOTE> bassNotes = midi_data.tracks[bassTrackIndex]; int guitarSize = guitarNotes.Count; int bassSize = bassNotes.Count; int tempoSize = tempos.Count; while (guitarIndex < guitarSize || bassIndex < bassSize) { while (guitarIndex < guitarSize && guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks == now) { if (isNotePlayed(guitarNotes[guitarIndex], diff)) { line += noteStr[guitarNotes[guitarIndex].value - diff]; guitarStrum = true; } guitarIndex++; } while (bassIndex < bassSize && bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks == now) { if (isNotePlayed(bassNotes[bassIndex], diff)) { bassLine += bassNoteStr[bassNotes[bassIndex].value - diff]; bassStrum = true; } bassIndex++; } if (line.Length > 0 || bassLine.Length > 0) { txt += nDelayInMS + "\r\n"; if (guitarStrum) { line += GUITAR_STRUM; } if (bassStrum) { bassLine += BASS_STRUM; } if (line.Length > 0) { txt += line; } if (bassLine.Length > 0) { txt += "|" + bassLine; } txt += "\r\n"; nDelayInMS = 0; line = ""; bassLine = ""; guitarStrum = false; bassStrum = false; } //corner case while (tempoIndex < tempos.Count && tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks == now) { currentTempo = tempos[tempoIndex].tempo; tempoIndex++; } //advance note tracks to a playable note. while (guitarIndex < guitarSize && !isNotePlayed(guitarNotes[guitarIndex], diff)) { guitarIndex++; } while (bassIndex < bassSize && !isNotePlayed(bassNotes[bassIndex], diff)) { bassIndex++; } //still have tempos and have at least one note track left //Calculate all tempo change delays before the next playable note in either track while ((tempoIndex < tempos.Count) && (guitarIndex >= guitarSize || tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks < guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks) && (bassIndex >= bassSize || tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks < bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks)) { // Add them together nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); currentTempo = tempos[tempoIndex].tempo; now = tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks; tempoIndex++; } if (guitarIndex < guitarSize && (guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks <= bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks)) { nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); now = guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks; } else if (bassIndex < bassSize) { nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); now = bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks; } } if (nDelayInMS > 0) { while (tempoIndex < tempos.Count) { nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); currentTempo = tempos[tempoIndex].tempo; now = tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks; tempoIndex++; } if (guitarNotes[guitarIndex - 1].absoluteTicks > now) { nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(guitarNotes[guitarIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); now = guitarNotes[guitarIndex - 1].absoluteTicks; } if (bassNotes[bassIndex - 1].absoluteTicks > now) { nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(bassNotes[bassIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); } txt += nDelayInMS + "\r\n" + line + "G\r\n";; } eventBox.Text = txt; } else { int diff = difficulties[difficulty]; string txt = ""; string line = ""; // ERIC additions //!! BUG: LAST NOTE IS NOT SUSTAINED! int tempoIndex = 0; // array index of tempo change events long now = 0; // absolute ticks since the start of song that have already been calculated long currentTempo = midi_data.tempo; // tempo value of the tempo change event currently being evaluated double nDelayInMS = 0; // calculated sum of milliseconds to wait since the last note before playing the current note List <NOTE> trackNotes = midi_data.tracks[selectedTrack]; int trackSize = trackNotes.Count; for (int noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < trackSize; noteIndex++) { NOTE n = trackNotes[noteIndex]; // META events in instrument tracks aren't displayed and aren't read by the RPC if (n.type == TYPE.COMMAND) { // ERIC additions if ( > 0) { // Calculate the MS for each of the tempo changes since the last note and before the current note. // Most notes will not have a tempo change between them. // Tempo changes exactly at this note will only affect later notes. while (tempoIndex < tempos.Count && tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks < n.absoluteTicks) { // Add them together nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); currentTempo = tempos[tempoIndex].tempo; now = tempos[tempoIndex].absoluteTicks; tempoIndex++; } // Calculate the MS between the last tempo change and the current note. // Add it to the total nDelayInMS += calculateMSDelay(n.absoluteTicks, now, currentTempo, midi_data.tempo); now = n.absoluteTicks; } // this is currently the only way to detect a NOTE OFF command // Track 1 has a case that needs them to affect the tempo counts above: //Note : 180 9840 0 (0x0) Note off heard for note number 60 127 //Note : 0 9840 GREEN, expert (C) (0xGREEN, expert (C)) Note ON 127 if (n.value == 0) { continue; } // Note values are within a span of 6 for each difficulty if (isNotePlayedInDifficulty(n.value, diff)) { line += noteStr[n.value - diff]; } //Sometimes, there's no note for given difficulty within a block of NOTE ON commands. //So only write the line when it's non-empty; not just when there's a delta in the next note. if (noteIndex + 1 >= trackSize || (trackNotes[noteIndex + 1].delta > 0 && line.Length > 0)) { txt += nDelayInMS + "\r\n" + line + "S\r\n"; line = ""; nDelayInMS = 0; } } } //HACK TO HOLD LAST NOTE txt += "700000\r\nGS\r\n"; eventBox.Text = txt; } }
/// <summary> /// Method used to add a property to the instance. Will be placed in the correct class Property. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The vCard.Property to add.</param> public void AddProperty(Props.IProperty input) { if (input == null || input.IsValueNull) { return; } switch (input.Property) { case KnownProperties.ADR: ADR.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.ADR); break; case KnownProperties.ANNIVERSARY: ANNIVERSARY = input as Props.ANNIVERSARY; break; case KnownProperties.BDAY: BDAY = input as Props.BDAY; break; case KnownProperties.CALADRURI: CALADRURI.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.CALADRURI); break; case KnownProperties.CALURI: CALURI.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.CALURI); break; case KnownProperties.CATEGORIES: CATEGORIES.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.CATEGORIES); break; case KnownProperties.CLIENTPIDMAP: CLIENTPIDMAP.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.CLIENTPIDMAP); break; case KnownProperties.EMAIL: EMAIL.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.EMAIL); break; case KnownProperties.FBURL: FBURL.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.FBURL); break; case KnownProperties.FN: FN.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.FN); break; case KnownProperties.GENDER: GENDER = input as Props.GENDER; break; case KnownProperties.GEO: GEO.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.GEO); break; case KnownProperties.IMPP: IMPP.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.IMPP); break; case KnownProperties.KEY: KEY.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.KEY); break; case KnownProperties.KIND: { char k = (input as Props.KIND).Value.ToLower()[0]; if (k == 'i') { KIND = Kinds.Individual; } else if (k == 'g') { KIND = Kinds.Group; } else if (k == 'o') { KIND = Kinds.Org; } else if (k == 'l') { KIND = Kinds.Location; } else { KIND = Kinds.Individual; } break; } case KnownProperties.LANG: LANG.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.LANG); break; case KnownProperties.LOGO: LOGO.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.LOGO); break; case KnownProperties.MEMBER: MEMBER.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.MEMBER); break; case KnownProperties.N: N = input as Props.N; break; case KnownProperties.NICKNAME: NICKNAME.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.NICKNAME); break; case KnownProperties.NOTE: NOTE.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.NOTE); break; case KnownProperties.ORG: ORG.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.ORG); break; case KnownProperties.PHOTO: PHOTO.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.PHOTO); break; case KnownProperties.PRODID: PRODID = input as Props.PRODID; break; case KnownProperties.RELATED: RELATED.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.RELATED); break; case KnownProperties.REV: REV = input as Props.REV; break; case KnownProperties.ROLE: ROLE.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.ROLE); break; case KnownProperties.SOUND: SOUND.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.SOUND); break; case KnownProperties.SOURCE: SOURCE.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.SOURCE); break; case KnownProperties.TEL: TEL.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.TEL); break; case KnownProperties.TITLE: TITLE.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.TITLE); break; case KnownProperties.TZ: TZ.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.TZ); break; case KnownProperties.UID: UID = input as Props.UID; break; case KnownProperties.URL: URL.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.URL); break; case KnownProperties.VERSION: VERSION = input as Props.VERSION; break; case KnownProperties.XML: XML.AddIfNotNull(input as Props.XML); break; default: return; } }
public void initData(NOTE no) { myData = no; }
/* * readTrack * Takes a Binaryreader and reads the track data * * The header should be as follows: * 4D 54 72 6B xx xx xx xx * xx xx xx xx : Track length * * Event Data is as follows: * dd ff * dd : Delta Time - A delta time is the number of ticks after which the midi event is to be executed. * The number of ticks per quarter note was defined previously in the file header chunk. * TODO: This can be many bytes long, but for now I only read in one byte since I have yet to see * multiple byte delta times in a GH song. Will fix this later * ff : Event - A midi event. Refer to the midi reference. If it is 0xFF, it's a meta event, otherwise a normal command. */ private void readTrack(int track, BinaryReader midi) { // Verify the track header matches and get track length for (int i = 0; i < TRACK_HEADER.Length; i++) { if (midi.ReadByte() != TRACK_HEADER[i]) { throw new FormatException("Invalid Midi File - Track Header incorrect" + TRACK_HEADER[i].ToString()); } } byte[] length = new Byte[4]; //THIS LENGTH IS NOT VERIFIED length = midi.ReadBytes(4); long fullDelta = 0; // Read the midi events do { NOTE n = new NOTE(); //delta-time: execute the midi-event after this number of ticks = readVariableLength(midi); //total number of ticks? fullDelta +=; n.absoluteTicks = fullDelta; //META or COMMAND. Assuming that there's no omissision of the command itself, which would have meant "execute the last command again" byte flag = midi.ReadByte(); if (flag == 0xFF) { /* Meta Event. All meta events have the format 0xFF xx nn dd * xx : The meta command * nn : The length of data associated with the command * dd x nn : The data */ n.type = TYPE.META; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); switch (n.value) { //SET TEMPO EVENT case 0x51: n.tempo = readInt24(midi); n.eventName = "TEMPO "; NOTE t = new NOTE(); = fullDelta; t.absoluteTicks = fullDelta; t.tempo = n.tempo; tempos.Add(t); break; //0x58 could be interesting:time signature case 0x58: = midi.ReadString(); char[] timesigData =; int numerator = timesigData[0]; int denominator = timesigData[1]; int ticksPerClick = timesigData[2]; int thirtySecondToQuarter = timesigData[3]; = String.Format("{0}/{1}, {2}, {3}", numerator, denominator, ticksPerClick, thirtySecondToQuarter ); n.eventName = "TIMESIG "; // = midi.ReadString().Length.ToString(); break; default: //does this work for all cases? Does it get all the bytes? Are they readable? = midi.ReadString(); break; } //SEQUENCE OR TRACK NAME //This could probably be a Dictionary. if (n.value == 0x00) { n.eventName = "TRACKSEQ "; } else if (n.value == 0x01) { n.eventName = "TEXTANY "; } else if (n.value == 0x02) { n.eventName = "TEXTCOPY "; } else if (n.value == 0x03) { midi_data.trackNames[track] =; if ( == "PART GUITAR") { guitarTrackIndex = track; } else if ( == "PART BASS") { bassTrackIndex = track; } n.eventName = "TRACKNAME"; } else if (n.value == 0x04) { n.eventName = "INSTNAME "; } else if (n.value == 0x05) { n.eventName = "LYRIC "; } else if (n.value == 0x06) { n.eventName = "MARKER "; } else if (n.value == 0x07) { n.eventName = "CUEPOINT "; } else if (n.value == 0x59) { n.eventName = "KEYSIG "; } else if (n.value == 0x7F) { n.eventName = "SEQUENCER"; } //END OF TRACK if (n.value == 0x2F) { return; } } else { n.type = TYPE.COMMAND; //top 4 bits of first byte is the command int cmd = flag >> 4; //last 4 bits is the channel number = flag & 0x0F; switch (cmd) { case 0x08: // Note OFF. Followed by note number and velocity n.value = 0; = String.Format("Note off heard for note number {0}", midi.ReadByte()); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x09: // Note ON. Followed by note number and velocity // WHY NO DATA SET HERE? n.value = midi.ReadByte(); = "Note ON"; n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0A: // Key after-touch. Followed by Note Number and Velocity n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Key after-touch"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0B: // Control Change. Followed by controller number and new value n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Control Change"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0C: // Program (patch) change). Followed by new program name n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Program change"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0D: // Channel after-touch. Followed by channel number n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Channel after-touch"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); break; case 0x0E: // Pitch wheel change followed by 2 bytes of value n.value = 0; = "BAD CMD: Pitch wheel"; n.value = midi.ReadByte(); n.velocity = midi.ReadByte(); break; default: n.value = 0; = String.Format("Unknown command {0:X}", cmd); break; } } midi_data.tracks[track].Add(n); } while (true); }
static void AddMidi(AdlivMidi.MidiTrack track, NOTEL notel, NOTE note) { track.AddNote(notel, note, 64); }