        public NeuralNetwork Read()
            NeuralNetwork net;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)))
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(0x18600, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                double learningRate = reader.ReadDouble();
                net = new NeuralNetwork(learningRate);

                int     layersCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                NNLayer layer       = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < layersCount; i++)
                    string layerName = ReadString(reader);
                    layer = new NNLayer(layer);

                    int neuronsCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    int weightsCount = reader.ReadInt32();

                    for (int j = 0; j < neuronsCount; j++)
                        string   neuronName = ReadString(reader);
                        NNNeuron neuron     = new NNNeuron();

                        int connectionsCount = reader.ReadInt32();

                        for (int k = 0; k < connectionsCount; k++)
                            uint         neuronIndex = reader.ReadUInt32();
                            uint         weightIndex = reader.ReadUInt32();
                            NNConnection connection  = new NNConnection(neuronIndex, weightIndex);

                    for (int j = 0; j < weightsCount; j++)
                        string weightName = ReadString(reader);
                        double value      = reader.ReadDouble();

                        NNWeight weight = new NNWeight {
                            Value = value

        private bool CreateNNNetWork(NeuralNetwork network)
            NNLayer pLayer;

            int    ii, jj, kk;
            int    icNeurons = 0;
            int    icWeights = 0;
            double initWeight;
            String sLabel;
            var    m_rdm = new Random();

            // layer zero, the input layer.
            // Create neurons: exactly the same number of neurons as the input
            // vector of 29x29=841 pixels, and no weights/connections

            pLayer = new NNLayer("Layer00", null);

            for (ii = 0; ii < 841; ii++)
                sLabel = String.Format("Layer00_Neuro{0}_Num{1}", ii, icNeurons);
                pLayer.m_Neurons.Add(new NNNeuron(sLabel));

            //double UNIFORM_PLUS_MINUS_ONE= (double)(2.0 * m_rdm.Next())/Constants.RAND_MAX - 1.0 ;

            // layer one:
            // This layer is a convolutional layer that has 6 feature maps.  Each feature
            // map is 13x13, and each unit in the feature maps is a 5x5 convolutional kernel
            // of the input layer.
            // So, there are 13x13x6 = 1014 neurons, (5x5+1)x6 = 156 weights

            pLayer = new NNLayer("Layer01", pLayer);

            for (ii = 0; ii < 1014; ii++)
                sLabel = String.Format("Layer01_Neuron{0}_Num{1}", ii, icNeurons);
                pLayer.m_Neurons.Add(new NNNeuron(sLabel));

            for (ii = 0; ii < 156; ii++)
                sLabel     = String.Format("Layer01_Weigh{0}_Num{1}", ii, icWeights);
                initWeight = 0.05 * (2.0 * m_rdm.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                pLayer.m_Weights.Add(new NNWeight(sLabel, initWeight));

            // interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
            // The previous layer is a top-down bitmap image that has been padded to size 29x29
            // Each neuron in this layer is connected to a 5x5 kernel in its feature map, which
            // is also a top-down bitmap of size 13x13.  We move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
            // skip every other pixel in the input image

            int[] kernelTemplate = new  int[25] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
                29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
                58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
                87, 88, 89, 90, 91,
                116, 117, 118, 119, 120

            int iNumWeight;

            int fm;

            for (fm = 0; fm < 6; fm++)
                for (ii = 0; ii < 13; ii++)
                    for (jj = 0; jj < 13; jj++)
                        iNumWeight = fm * 26;                  // 26 is the number of weights per feature map
                        NNNeuron n = pLayer.m_Neurons[jj + ii * 13 + fm * 169];

                        n.AddConnection((uint)MyDefinations.ULONG_MAX, (uint)iNumWeight++);                    // bias weight

                        for (kk = 0; kk < 25; kk++)
                            // note: max val of index == 840, corresponding to 841 neurons in prev layer
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(2 * jj + 58 * ii + kernelTemplate[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);

            // layer two:
            // This layer is a convolutional layer that has 50 feature maps.  Each feature
            // map is 5x5, and each unit in the feature maps is a 5x5 convolutional kernel
            // of corresponding areas of all 6 of the previous layers, each of which is a 13x13 feature map
            // So, there are 5x5x50 = 1250 neurons, (5x5+1)x6x50 = 7800 weights

            pLayer = new NNLayer("Layer02", pLayer);

            for (ii = 0; ii < 1250; ii++)
                sLabel = String.Format("Layer02_Neuron{0}_Num{1}", ii, icNeurons);
                pLayer.m_Neurons.Add(new NNNeuron(sLabel));

            for (ii = 0; ii < 7800; ii++)
                sLabel     = String.Format("Layer02_Weight{0}_Num{1}", ii, icWeights);
                initWeight = 0.05 * (2.0 * m_rdm.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                pLayer.m_Weights.Add(new NNWeight(sLabel, initWeight));

            // Interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
            // Each feature map in the previous layer is a top-down bitmap image whose size
            // is 13x13, and there are 6 such feature maps.  Each neuron in one 5x5 feature map of this
            // layer is connected to a 5x5 kernel positioned correspondingly in all 6 parent
            // feature maps, and there are individual weights for the six different 5x5 kernels.  As
            // before, we move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
            // skip every other pixel in the input image.  The result is 50 different 5x5 top-down bitmap
            // feature maps

            int[] kernelTemplate2 = new int[25] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
                13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
                26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
                39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
                52, 53, 54, 55, 56

            for (fm = 0; fm < 50; fm++)
                for (ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
                    for (jj = 0; jj < 5; jj++)
                        iNumWeight = fm * 156;                  // 26 is the number of weights per feature map
                        NNNeuron n = pLayer.m_Neurons[jj + ii * 5 + fm * 25];

                        n.AddConnection((uint)MyDefinations.ULONG_MAX, (uint)iNumWeight++);                    // bias weight

                        for (kk = 0; kk < 25; kk++)
                            // note: max val of index == 1013, corresponding to 1014 neurons in prev layer
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(169 + 2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(338 + 2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(507 + 2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(676 + 2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);
                            n.AddConnection((uint)(845 + 2 * jj + 26 * ii + kernelTemplate2[kk]), (uint)iNumWeight++);

            // layer three:
            // This layer is a fully-connected layer with 100 units.  Since it is fully-connected,
            // each of the 100 neurons in the layer is connected to all 1250 neurons in
            // the previous layer.
            // So, there are 100 neurons and 100*(1250+1)=125100 weights

            pLayer = new NNLayer("Layer03", pLayer);

            for (ii = 0; ii < 100; ii++)
                sLabel = String.Format("Layer03_Neuron{0}_Num{1}", ii, icNeurons);
                pLayer.m_Neurons.Add(new NNNeuron(sLabel));

            for (ii = 0; ii < 125100; ii++)
                sLabel     = String.Format("Layer03_Weight{0}_Num{1}", ii, icWeights);
                initWeight = 0.05 * (2.0 * m_rdm.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                pLayer.m_Weights.Add(new NNWeight(sLabel, initWeight));

            // Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

            iNumWeight = 0;      // weights are not shared in this layer

            for (fm = 0; fm < 100; fm++)
                NNNeuron n = pLayer.m_Neurons[fm];
                n.AddConnection((uint)MyDefinations.ULONG_MAX, (uint)iNumWeight++);             // bias weight

                for (ii = 0; ii < 1250; ii++)
                    n.AddConnection((uint)ii, (uint)iNumWeight++);

            // layer four, the final (output) layer:
            // This layer is a fully-connected layer with 10 units.  Since it is fully-connected,
            // each of the 10 neurons in the layer is connected to all 100 neurons in
            // the previous layer.
            // So, there are 10 neurons and 10*(100+1)=1010 weights

            pLayer = new NNLayer("Layer04", pLayer);

            for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
                sLabel = String.Format("Layer04_Neuron{0}_Num{1}", ii, icNeurons);
                pLayer.m_Neurons.Add(new NNNeuron(sLabel));

            for (ii = 0; ii < 1010; ii++)
                sLabel     = String.Format("Layer04_Weight{0}_Num{1}", ii, icWeights);
                initWeight = 0.05 * (2.0 * m_rdm.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                pLayer.m_Weights.Add(new NNWeight(sLabel, initWeight));

            // Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

            iNumWeight = 0;      // weights are not shared in this layer

            for (fm = 0; fm < 10; fm++)
                var n = pLayer.m_Neurons[fm];
                n.AddConnection((uint)MyDefinations.ULONG_MAX, (uint)iNumWeight++);           // bias weight

                for (ii = 0; ii < 100; ii++)
                    n.AddConnection((uint)ii, (uint)iNumWeight++);
