public void Write(ILogEventInfoProxy?logEventInfo)
            if (logEventInfo is null)

            if (logEventInfo.Level.Ordinal < _minimumLevel)

            // Nlog automatically includes all the properties from the event, so don't need fallback properties
            var mappedProperties = _baseProxy?.GetAllProperties(logEventInfo);

            // We render the event to a string immediately as we need to capture the properties
            // This is more expensive from a CPU perspective, but is necessary as the properties
            // won't necessarily be serialized correctly otherwise (e.g. dd_span_id/dd_trace_id)

            var logEvent      = new LogEntry(logEventInfo, mappedProperties, fallbackProperties: null);
            var logFormatter  = _formatter ?? TracerManager.Instance.DirectLogSubmission.Formatter;
            var serializedLog = NLogLogFormatter.FormatLogEvent(logFormatter, logEvent);

            _sink.EnqueueLog(new NLogDatadogLogEvent(serializedLog));
        public void Write(ILogEventInfoLegacyProxy?logEventInfo)
            if (logEventInfo is null)

            if (logEventInfo.Level.Ordinal < _minimumLevel)

            var contextProperties = _getProperties?.Invoke();
            var eventProperties = logEventInfo.Properties is { Count : > 0 } props?props : null;

            // We render the event to a string immediately as we need to capture the properties
            // This is more expensive from a CPU perspective, but is necessary as the properties
            // won't necessarily be serialized correctly otherwise (e.g. dd_span_id/dd_trace_id)

            var logEvent      = new LogEntry(logEventInfo, contextProperties, eventProperties);
            var logFormatter  = _formatter ?? TracerManager.Instance.DirectLogSubmission.Formatter;
            var serializedLog = NLogLogFormatter.FormatLogEvent(logFormatter, logEvent);

            _sink.EnqueueLog(new NLogDatadogLogEvent(serializedLog));
        public void SerializesEventCorrectlyWhenUsingFallbackProperties()
            var logEvent = GetLogEvent();
            var log      = NLogHelper.GetLogEventProxy(logEvent);
            var fallback = new Dictionary <object, object>
                { "Value", 123 },
                { "OtherProperty", 62 },

            var wrapper = new LogEntry(log, properties: null, fallback);

            var formatter = LogSettingsHelper.GetFormatter();

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            NLogLogFormatter.FormatLogEvent(formatter, sb, wrapper);
            var actual = sb.ToString();

            var expected = @"{""@t"":""2021-09-13T10:40:57.0000000Z"",""@m"":""This is a test with a 123"",""@l"":""Debug"",""@x"":""System.InvalidOperationException: Oops, just a test!"",""Value"":123,""OtherProperty"":62,""@i"":""e5450052"",""ddsource"":""csharp"",""service"":""MyTestService"",""dd_env"":""integration_tests"",""dd_version"":""1.0.0"",""host"":""some_host""}";
