public static PatientMeasurementRecord GetLastPain(string urNumber, int categoryId)
            NHRMDBContext _con = new NHRMDBContext();

            var lastPain = _con.MeasurementRecord.Join(_con.DataPointRecord,
                                                       m => m.MeasurementRecordId,
                                                       d => d.MeasurementRecordId,
                                                       (m, d) => new { m, d })
                           .Where(md => md.m.Urnumber == urNumber && md.m.CategoryId == categoryId && md.m.MeasurementId == 3)
                           .Select(md => new PatientMeasurementRecord
                DateTimeRecorded = md.m.DateTimeRecorded,
                Value            = md.d.Value
            }).ToList().OrderBy(o => o.DateTimeRecorded).LastOrDefault();

        //Accepts a type (string), resId (int) and content (string) as parameters and returns the appropriate content. If the type
        // is a 'dialog' the content returned will be an object with Heading, Content and Video properties
        private static dynamic GetResourceContent(string type, int resId, string content)
            NHRMDBContext _con = new NHRMDBContext();

            if (type.Equals("dialog"))
                return(_con.ResourceDialog.Where(rd => rd.ResourceId == resId)
                       .Select(rd => new
        // Accepts a typeId (string) as a parameter and returns it's resource type, as a string
        public static string GetResource(int typeId)
            NHRMDBContext _con = new NHRMDBContext();

            return(_con.ResourceType.Where(rt => rt.ResourceTypeId == typeId).Select(t => t.TypeName).SingleOrDefault());
 public PatientController(NHRMDBContext context)
     _context = context;
 public AuthController(NHRMDBContext context)
     _context = context;