/// <summary>
    /// Calculate next size of species population using explicit fitness sharing distribution and breed previous generation asexually (elite) and sexually.
    /// </summary>
    private void TestFinished()
        testCounter = 0; //reset test counter

        if (numberOfGenerationsToRun > 0)
        {                       //if computing
            generationNumber++; // increment generation number

            List <NEATNet> top = speciesManager.GetTopBrains(1);

            if (top != null && top.Count >= 1)
                bestNet = new NEATNet(top[0]);                                                                                                                                                                                   //set best net from the best index
                lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().PlotData(top[0].GetNetFitness(), "Generation Number: " + generationNumber + ", Highest Fitness: " + top[0].GetNetFitness() + ", Delta: " + consultor.GetDeltaThreshold()); //plot highest fitness on graph

            netDrawer.SendMessage("DrawNet", bestNet); //Draw best network
        } //number of generation > 0

        if (numberOfGenerationsToRun > 0)
        {                                                                                          //if computing
            numberOfGenerationsToRun--;                                                            //decrement number of generations to run
            progressBar.GetComponent <ProgressRadialBehaviour>().IncrementValue(currentIncrement); //increment progress bar by previously caluclated increment value
            GeneratePopulation();                                                                  //Generate population with neural networks
        {                        //done computing
            viewMode  = false;   //view is false
            computing = false;   //computing is false
            SetCameraLocation(); //ser camera location back to panel
    /// <summary>
    /// Get shared cumulative fitness of this population.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Fitness</returns>
    public float GetDistribution(float beta)
        float distribution = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < population.Count; j++)
            float sh = 0;
            for (int k = j; k < population.Count; k++)
                if (k != j)
                    sh += NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(population[j], population[k]) == true ? 1 : 0;
            if (sh == 0)
                sh = 1;
            float f = population[j].GetNetFitness();
            if (f < 0)
                f = 0;
            distribution += Mathf.Pow(f, beta) / sh;
        if (distribution < 0)
            distribution = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a gameobject to test
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position">Position to place the object in world space</param>
    /// <param name="net">Network to activate within this gameobject</param>
    /// <param name="color">Color of this gameobject</param>
    /// <param name="id">ID of this gameobject</param>
    private void CreateIndividual(Vector3 position, NEATNet net, Color color, int[] id, bool randomEular)
        GameObject tester;

        if (randomEular)
            tester = (GameObject)Instantiate(testPrefab, position, Quaternion.Euler(0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0)); //Instantiate gameobject with prebaf with random angle
            tester = (GameObject)Instantiate(testPrefab); //Instantiate gameobject with prebaf
        tester.name = id[0] + "_" + id[1];                //set tester name to match id
        tester.SendMessage(ACTION_ACTIVATE, net);         //activate tester with net
        tester.SendMessage(ACTION_SUBSCRIBE, this);
        tester.SendMessage("SetColor", color);

        //Commented out because the Tester object can have any class name
        //tester.GetComponent<Tester>().TestFinished += OnFinished; //subscribe to a delegate to know when a tester is finished its simulation

        /*Renderer renderer = tester.GetComponent<Renderer>();
         * if (renderer!=null) {
         *  renderer.material.color = color; //gave tester a color
         * }
         * //color all children inside this object
         * for (int i = 0; i < tester.transform.childCount; i++) {
         *  renderer = tester.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<Renderer>();
         *  if (renderer != null) {
         *      renderer.material.color = color; //gave tester's children a color
         *  }
         * }*/
 /// <summary>
 /// Generating neural networks and consultor to test
 /// </summary>
 public void ActionCreateNew()
     if (load == false)
     {                                                                                                                                                                           //if loading from database is fasle
         consultor = new NEATConsultor(numberOfInputNeurons, numberOfOutputNeurons, deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with perceptron and coefficients
         GenerateInitialNets();                                                                                                                                                  //generate standard NEAT nets
         lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: New neural networks created");                                                                  //information for the user on action performed
     { //loading from database is true
         if (operations.retrieveNet == null)
             consultor = new NEATConsultor(numberOfInputNeurons, numberOfOutputNeurons, deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with perceptron and coefficients
             GenerateInitialNets();                                                                                                                                                  //generate standard NEAT nets
             lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: New neural networks created");                                                                  //information for the user on action performed
             consultor = new NEATConsultor(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length - 1], deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with NEAT packet retrieved from database and coefficients
             NEATNet net = new NEATNet(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length - 1], consultor);                                                                                      //create a net from NEAT packet retrieved from database and consultor
             lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: Neural networks copied from sample");                                                                         //information for the user on action performed
    private void GenerateInitialNetsAsCopy(NEATNet net)
        generationNumber = 0; //0 since simulaiton has no been started yet
        testCounter      = 0; //none have been tested
        speciesManager   = new Species(this);

        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
        {                                       //run through population size
            NEATNet netCopy = new NEATNet(net); //create net with consultor, perceptron information and test time
            netCopy.GenerateNeuralNetworkFromGenome();  //< NEW LSES ADDITION

            Population population = speciesManager.ClosestSpecies(netCopy);

            if (population == null)
                population = speciesManager.CreateNewSpecie(new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)));
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate initial neural network, where all inputs perceptrons are connected to all output perceptrons.
    /// Each of these nerual networks is mutated one time for slight change.
    /// And then they are paired up into species.
    /// </summary>
    private void GenerateInitialNets()
        generationNumber = 0; //0 since simulaiton has no been started yet
        testCounter      = 0; //none have been tested
        speciesManager   = new Species(this);
        //species = new List<List<NEATNet>>(); //create an empty population list

        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
        {                                                                                                        //run through population size
            NEATNet net = new NEATNet(consultor, numberOfInputPerceptrons, numberOfOutputPerceptrons, testTime); //create net with consultor, perceptron information and test time
            net.Mutate();                                                                                        //mutate once for diversity (must make sure SJW's aren't triggered)
            net.GenerateNeuralNetworkFromGenome();                                                               //< NEW LSES ADDITION

            Population population = speciesManager.ClosestSpecies(net);

            if (population == null)
                population = speciesManager.CreateNewSpecie(new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)));

            /*if (species.Count == 0) { //if nothing exists yet
             *  List<NEATNet> newSpecies = new List<NEATNet>(); //create a new species
             *  newSpecies.Add(net); //add net to this new species
             *  species.Add(newSpecies); //add new species to species list
             * }
             * else { //if at least one species exists
             *  int numberOfSpecies = species.Count; //save species count
             *  int location = -1; //-1 means no species match found,  0 >= will mean a species match has been found at a given index
             *  for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSpecies; j++) { //run through species count
             *      int numberOfNets = species[j].Count; //number of organisum in species at index j
             *      int randomIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numberOfNets); //pick a random network within this species
             *      if (NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(species[j][randomIndex], net)) { //check if new network and random network belong to the same species
             *          location = j; //new species can be added to index j
             *          break; //break out of loop
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (location == -1) { //if no species found
             *      //create new species and add to that
             *      List<NEATNet> newSpecies = new List<NEATNet>();
             *      newSpecies.Add(net);
             *      species.Add(newSpecies);
             *  }
             *  else { //found species that match this network
             *      species[location].Add(net); //add net to the matched species list
             *  }
             * }*/
    /// <summary>
    /// Save a given neural network into the databse by called the insert_genotype.php script with appropriate neural network information
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="net">Neural network to save</param>
    /// <param name="name">Name of the neural network</param>
    /// <returns>Returns web information on executed url</returns>
    public IEnumerator SaveNet(NEATNet net, string name)
        string page = insertPage;                                                  //insert page

        NEATConsultor consultor = net.GetConsultor();                              //get consultor

        string genome          = net.GetGenomeString();                            //convert neural network genome to string
        string consultorGenome = consultor.GetGenomeString();                      //convert master consultor genome to string

        int nodeTotal   = net.GetNodeCount();                                      //node total to save
        int nodeInputs  = net.GetNumberOfInputNodes();                             //inputs to save
        int nodeOutputs = net.GetNumberOfOutputNodes();                            //outputs to save
        int geneTotal   = net.GetGeneCount();                                      //neural network gene count to save
        int genomeTotal = consultor.GetGeneCount();                                //consultor genome gene count to save

        float fitness = Mathf.Clamp(net.GetNetFitness(), -100000000f, 100000000f); //net fitness to save, clamp it between -100000000 and 100000000

        object yeildReturn = null;

        if (fileSaveMode == false)
            page +=
                "&creature_name=" + name +
                "&creature_fitness=" + fitness +
                "&node_total=" + nodeTotal +
                "&node_inputs=" + nodeInputs +
                "&node_outputs=" + nodeOutputs +
                "&gene_total=" + geneTotal +
                "&genome_total=" + genomeTotal +
                "&genome=" + genome +
                "&consultor_genome=" + consultorGenome; //create insert page url
            web         = new WWW(page);                //run page
            yeildReturn = web;

            //yield return web; //return page when finished execution (retruns success echo if inserted corrected)
            yeildReturn = true;
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(name + ".txt");


        yield return(yeildReturn); //return page when finished execution (retruns success echo if inserted corrected OR just true)
    /// <summary>
    /// Find closest species that match this brain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="brain">Brain to match</param>
    /// <returns>Species that matches else null</returns>
    public Population ClosestSpecies(NEATNet brain)
        for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++)
            if (NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(species[i].GetRandom(), brain) == true)

    /// <summary>
    /// Get shared cumulative fitness of this population.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Fitness</returns>
    public float GetDistribution(float beta)
        //float sharedAmount = 0f;
        float distribution = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < population.Count; j++)
            /*for (int k = j + 1; k < population.Count; k++)
             * {
             *  sharedAmount += NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(population[j], population[k]) == true ? 1 : 0;
             * }*/

            //correct method
            float sh = 0;
            for (int k = j; k < population.Count; k++)
                if (k != j)
                    sh += NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(population[j], population[k]) == true ? 1 : 0;
            if (sh == 0)
                sh = 1;

            float f = population[j].GetNetFitness();
            if (f < 0)
                f = 0;
            distribution += Mathf.Pow(f, beta) / sh;

        if (distribution < 0)
            distribution = 0;

        //Incorrect way of doing it

        /*if (sharedAmount == 0f)
         * {
         *  sharedAmount = 1f;
         * }
         * distribution = Mathf.Pow(distribution,1.5f) / sharedAmount; */

    /// <summary>
    /// Get the closest species that match a given brain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="species">Species to match</param>
    /// <param name="brain">Brain to match to species</param>
    /// <returns>A population if match otherwise null</returns>
    public static Population ClosestSpecies(List <Population> species, NEATNet brain)
        for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++)
            NEATNet random = species[i].GetRandom();
            if (random == null || NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(random, brain) == true)

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a gameobject to test
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position">Position to place the object in world space</param>
    /// <param name="net">Network to activate within this gameobject</param>
    /// <param name="color">Color of this gameobject</param>
    /// <param name="id">ID of this gameobject</param>
    private void CreateIndividual(Vector3 position, NEATNet net, Color color, int[] id, bool randomEular)
        GameObject tester;

        if (randomEular)
            tester = (GameObject)Instantiate(testPrefab, position, Quaternion.Euler(0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0)); //Instantiate gameobject with prebaf with random angle
            tester = (GameObject)Instantiate(testPrefab); //Instantiate gameobject with prebaf
        tester.name = id[0] + "_" + id[1];                //set tester name to match id
        tester.SendMessage(ACTION_ACTIVATE, net);         //activate tester with net
        tester.SendMessage(ACTION_SUBSCRIBE, this);
        tester.SendMessage("SetColor", color);
    /// <summary>
    /// Generating neural networks and consultor to test
    /// </summary>
    public void ActionCreateNew()
        if (load == false)
        {                                                                                                                                                                                   //if loading from database is fasle
            consultor = new NEATConsultor(numberOfInputPerceptrons, numberOfOutputPerceptrons, deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with perceptron and coefficients
            GenerateInitialNets();                                                                                                                                                          //generate standard NEAT nets
            lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: New neural networks created");                                                                          //information for the user on action performed
        { //loading from database is true
            if (operations.retrieveNet == null)
                consultor = new NEATConsultor(numberOfInputPerceptrons, numberOfOutputPerceptrons, deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with perceptron and coefficients
                GenerateInitialNets();                                                                                                                                                          //generate standard NEAT nets
                lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: New neural networks created");                                                                          //information for the user on action performed
                consultor = new NEATConsultor(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length - 1], deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with NEAT packet retrieved from database and coefficients
                NEATNet net = new NEATNet(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length - 1], consultor);                                                                                      //create a net from NEAT packet retrieved from database and consultor
                lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: Neural networks copied from sample");                                                                         //information for the user on action performed

            /*consultor = new NEATConsultor(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length-1], deltaThreshold, disjointCoefficient, excessCoefficient, averageWeightDifferenceCoefficient); //create a consultor with NEAT packet retrieved from database and coefficients
             * NEATNet net = new NEATNet(operations.retrieveNet[operations.retrieveNet.Length-1], consultor); //create a net from NEAT packet retrieved from database and consultor
             * species = new List<List<NEATNet>>(); //create an empty population list
             * List<NEATNet> newSpecies = new List<NEATNet>(); //create new species
             * for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { //populate new species
             *  NEATNet netCopy = new NEATNet(net); //create a deep copy with net retrieved from database
             *  //reset copied stats
             *  netCopy.SetNetFitness(0f);
             *  netCopy.SetTimeLived(0f);
             *  netCopy.SetTestTime(testTime);
             *  netCopy.ClearNodeValues();
             *  newSpecies.Add(netCopy); //add copy to new species
             * }
             * species.Add(newSpecies); //add new species to species list
             * lineGraph.GetComponent<DataDrawer>().DisplayActionInformation("Action: Neural networks copied from sample"); //information for the user on action performed*/
    /// <summary>
    /// Add brain to this population if it matches
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="brain">The brain to match</param>
    /// <returns>True if added, false if not</returns>
    public bool AddIfMatch(NEATNet brain)
        if (population.Count == 0)
            if (NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(GetRandom(), brain) == true)

    /// <summary>
    /// Return brain with highest fitness
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public NEATNet GetBestBrain()
        NEATNet best           = null;
        float   highestFitness = float.MinValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++)
            NEATNet foundBest = population[i];

            if (foundBest != null)
                if (foundBest.GetNetFitness() > highestFitness)
                    highestFitness = foundBest.GetNetFitness();
                    best           = foundBest;

    /// <summary>
    /// Generate initial neural network, where all inputs neurons are connected to all output neurons.
    /// Each of these nerual networks is mutated one time for slight change.
    /// And then they are paired up into species.
    /// </summary>
    private void GenerateInitialNets()
        generationNumber = 0; //0 since simulaiton has no been started yet
        testCounter      = 0; //none have been tested
        speciesManager   = new Species(this);
        //species = new List<List<NEATNet>>(); //create an empty population list

        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
        {                                                                                                //run through population size
            NEATNet net = new NEATNet(consultor, numberOfInputNeurons, numberOfOutputNeurons, testTime); //create net with consultor, perceptron information and test time
            net.Mutate();                                                                                //mutate once for diversity (must make sure SJW's aren't triggered)
            net.GenerateNeuralNetworkFromGenome();                                                       //< NEW LSES ADDITION

            Population population = speciesManager.ClosestSpecies(net);

            if (population == null)
                population = speciesManager.CreateNewSpecie(new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Activated the agent when controller give it a brain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="net">The brain</param>
 public void Activate(NEATNet net)
     this.net = net;
     Invoke(ACTION_ON_FINISHED, net.GetTestTime());
     isActive = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw neural network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="net"></param>
    public void DrawNet(NEATNet net)
        Clear(); // clear previous network

        // get network information from MEATNet
        int numberOfInputs   = net.GetNumberOfInputNodes();
        int numberOfOutputs  = net.GetNumberOfOutputNodes();
        int numberOfNodes    = net.GetNodeCount();
        int numberOfHiddens  = numberOfNodes - (numberOfInputs + numberOfOutputs);
        int hiddenStartIndex = numberOfInputs + numberOfOutputs;

        locations = new Vector3[net.GetNodeCount()];
        int locationIndex = 0;

        //Create input node objects
        float staryY = topLeft.y;

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++)
            Vector3    loc  = new Vector3(topLeft.x, staryY, 0);
            GameObject node = (GameObject)Instantiate(nodePrefab, loc, nodePrefab.transform.rotation);
            node.transform.parent = transform;
            node.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;
            staryY = staryY - (factor);

            locations[locationIndex] = loc;

        //create output node objects
        staryY = (topLeft.y);
        for (int i = numberOfInputs; i < hiddenStartIndex; i++)
            Vector3    loc  = new Vector3(topLeft.x + 7f, staryY, 0);
            GameObject node = (GameObject)Instantiate(nodePrefab, loc, nodePrefab.transform.rotation);
            node.transform.parent = transform;
            node.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
            staryY = staryY - (factor);

            locations[locationIndex] = loc;

        //create hidden nodes in a circle formation
        float xn    = 0;
        float yn    = 0;
        float angle = 0;

        for (int i = hiddenStartIndex; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
            xn = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * (2 * factor);
            yn = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * (2 * factor);

            Vector3    loc  = new Vector3(xn + (5f * factor) + topLeft.x, ((yn + topLeft.y) - (numberOfInputs / 2f)) - (7f * factor), 0);
            GameObject node = (GameObject)Instantiate(nodePrefab, loc, nodePrefab.transform.rotation);
            node.transform.parent = transform;
            node.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
            angle += (360f / numberOfHiddens);

            locations[locationIndex] = loc;

        float[][] geneConnections = net.GetGeneDrawConnections(); //get gene connection list
        int       colSize         = geneConnections.GetLength(0);

        //create line connection objects
        for (int i = 0; i < colSize; i++)
            if (geneConnections[i][2] != 0f)
                GameObject lineObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(linePrefab);
                lineObj.transform.parent = transform;
                LineRenderer lineRen = lineObj.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                lineRen.SetPosition(0, locations[(int)geneConnections[i][0]]);
                if ((int)geneConnections[i][0] != (int)geneConnections[i][1])
                    lineRen.SetPosition(1, locations[(int)geneConnections[i][1]]);
                    lineRen.SetPosition(1, locations[(int)geneConnections[i][1]] + new Vector3(1f, 0, 0));
                lineRen.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
                float size   = 0.1f;
                float weight = geneConnections[i][2];
                float factor = Mathf.Abs(weight);
                Color color;

                if (weight > 0)
                    color = Color.green;
                else if (weight < 0)
                    color = Color.red;
                    color = Color.cyan;

                size = size * factor;
                if (size < 0.05f)
                    size = 0.05f;
                if (size > 0.15f)
                    size = 0.15f;

                lineRen.SetColors(color, color);
                lineRen.SetWidth(size, size);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a member
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="brain">new member</param>
 public void Add(NEATNet brain)
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate next size of species population using explicit fitness sharing distribution and breed previous generation asexually (elite) and sexually.
    /// </summary>
    private void TestFinished()
        testCounter = 0; //reset test counter

        if (numberOfGenerationsToRun > 0)
        {                       //if computing
            generationNumber++; // increment generation number

            List <NEATNet> top = speciesManager.GetTopBrains(1);

            if (top != null && top.Count >= 1)
                bestNet = new NEATNet(top[0]);                                                                                                                                                                                   //set best net from the best index
                lineGraph.GetComponent <DataDrawer>().PlotData(top[0].GetNetFitness(), "Generation Number: " + generationNumber + ", Highest Fitness: " + top[0].GetNetFitness() + ", Delta: " + consultor.GetDeltaThreshold()); //plot highest fitness on graph

            netDrawer.SendMessage("DrawNet", bestNet); //Draw best network

            /*List<List<NEATNet>> bestSpecies = new List<List<NEATNet>>(); //50% best networks from each species list
             * float[,] distribution = new float[species.Count,2]; //population distribution for species in the next generation
             * float totalSharedFitness = 0f; //total shared fitness of the whole population
             * float totalNetworks = 0f; //total number of organisums (used for distribution)
             * float highestFitness = 0f; //highest fitness to saved
             * int[] bestIndex = new int[2]; //Index of best creature
             * for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++) { //run through number of species
             *  float sharedAmount = 0f; //number of networks in species at index i that can be stated to in the same species
             *  //Question: Why not just make shared amount equal to species[i].Count?
             *  //Answer: Due to the fact that when the network was chosen to be part of species[i], it was tested randomly with another network.
             *  //We did not know if it would match other networks.
             *  distribution[i, 0] = i; //set index on first row
             *  for (int j = 0; j < species[i].Count; j++) { //run through number of networks at index i
             *      float fitness = species[i][j].GetNetFitness();
             *      distribution[i,1] += fitness; //get network fitness from species at index i, and network at j to second row of distribution
             *      if (fitness > highestFitness) { //if the fitness of the network is greater than highest fitness
             *          highestFitness = fitness; //set new highest fitness
             *          bestIndex[0] = i; bestIndex[1] = j; //change best index
             *      }
             *      for (int k = j+1; k < species[i].Count; k++) { //run through rest of species
             *          sharedAmount += NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(species[i][j],species[i][k]) == true?1:0;  //if 2 networks are in the same species, then increment shared amount by 1
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (sharedAmount == 0) { //if shared amount is 0
             *      sharedAmount = 1f; //make shared amount 1 to about division by 0
             *  }
             *  distribution[i,1] = distribution[i, 1] / sharedAmount; //converting total added fitness of species at index i to EXPICIT FITNESS
             *  totalSharedFitness += distribution[i,1]; //add new EXPICIT FITNESS to total shared fitness
             *  float[,] sortedFitness = SortedFitnessIndicies(species[i]); //sort species at index i based on their rank (ascending order)
             *  List<NEATNet> bestNetworks = new List<NEATNet>(); //List of best networks
             *  for (int j = sortedFitness.GetLength(0) / 2; j < sortedFitness.GetLength(0); j++) { //since it's ranked in ascending order, skip the first 50% of networks
             *      bestNetworks.Add(species[i][(int)sortedFitness[j, 0]]); //add network from species at index i, and networks at j to best network list
             *  }
             *  bestSpecies.Add(bestNetworks); //add best networks to species list
             * }
             * distribution = SortFitness(distribution); //sort distribution
             * bestNet = new NEATNet(species[bestIndex[0]][bestIndex[1]]); //set best net from the best index
             * bestNet.SetNetFitness(species[bestIndex[0]][bestIndex[1]].GetNetFitness());
             * lineGraph.GetComponent<DataDrawer>().PlotData(highestFitness, "Generation Number: " + generationNumber + ", Highest Fitness: " + highestFitness + ", Delta: " + consultor.GetDeltaThreshold()); //plot highest fitness on graph
             * netDrawer.SendMessage("DrawNet",bestNet); //Draw best network
             * for (int i = 0; i < distribution.GetLength(0); i++) { //run through all species (which have been sorted)
             *  distribution[i, 1] = (int)((distribution[i, 1] / totalSharedFitness) * populationSize); //use rank distribution to calculate new population distribution for each species
             *  totalNetworks += distribution[i, 1]; //add up new distribution
             * }
             * //The total networks will be slight less than population size due to int type casting on distribution.
             * //So, we much run another loop to insert the missing networks
             * for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize - totalNetworks); i++) { //run the missing amount time (population size - total networks)
             *  int highIndex = distribution.GetLength(0)/2; //since distribution was sort acending order, we will only add networks to the top  50%
             *  int randomInsertIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(highIndex, distribution.GetLength(0)); //pick randomly from the top 50%
             *  distribution[randomInsertIndex, 1]++; //increment some species population size in the top 50%
             * }
             * species = new List<List<NEATNet>>(); //create an empty population list
             * for (int i = 0; i < distribution.GetLength(0); i++) { //run through new population distribution of each species
             *  if (distribution[i, 1] > 0) { //if distribution of species at index i is more than 0
             *      for (int j = 0; j < distribution[i, 1]; j++) { //run through new distribution size for index i
             *          List<NEATNet> bestNetworks= bestSpecies[(int)distribution[i, 0]]; //Get best networks from nest species list
             *          NEATNet net = null; //offspring which will represent the new network to add after sexual or asexual reproduction
             *          if (j > (float)distribution[i, 1] * elite) { //after 10% elite have been chosen
             *              //logarithmic ranked pick to make sure highest fitness networks have a greater chance of being chosen than the less fit
             *              float random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 100f);
             *              float powerNeeded = Mathf.Log(bestNetworks.Count - 1, 100);
             *              float logIndex = Mathf.Abs(((bestNetworks.Count - 1) - Mathf.Pow(random, powerNeeded)));
             *              NEATNet organism1 = bestNetworks[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bestNetworks.Count)];  //pick randomly from best networks
             *              NEATNet organism2 = bestNetworks[(int)logIndex]; //use logarithmicly chosen random index from best network
             *              net = NEATNet.Corssover(bestNetworks[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bestNetworks.Count)], bestNetworks[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bestNetworks.Count)]); //crossover both networks to create an offspring
             *              net.Mutate(); //mutate offspring
             *          }
             *          else { //pick % elite to keep safe
             *              net = new NEATNet(bestNetworks[bestNetworks.Count-1]); //pick randomly and keep elite the same
             *          }
             *          net.GenerateNeuralNetworkFromGenome();  //< NEW LSES ADDITION
             *          //reset copied stats
             *          net.SetNetFitness(0f);
             *          net.SetTimeLived(0f);
             *          net.SetTestTime(testTime);
             *          net.ClearNodeValues();
             *          if (species.Count == 0) { //if nothing exists yet
             *              List<NEATNet> newSpecies = new List<NEATNet>(); //create a new species
             *              newSpecies.Add(net); //add net to this new species
             *              species.Add(newSpecies); //add new species to species list
             *          }
             *          else { //if at least one species exists
             *              int numberOfSpecies = species.Count; //save species count
             *              int location = -1; //-1 means no species match found,  0 >= will mean a species match has been found at a given index
             *              for (int k = 0; k < numberOfSpecies; k++) { //run through species count
             *                  int numberOfNets = species[k].Count; //number of organisum in species at index k
             *                  int randomIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numberOfNets); //pick a random network within this species
             *                  if (NEATNet.SameSpeciesV2(species[k][randomIndex], net)) { //check if new network and random network belong to the same species
             *                      location = k; //new species can be added to index j
             *                      break; //break out of loop
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              if (location == -1) { //if no species found
             *                  //create new species and add to that
             *                  List<NEATNet> newSpecies = new List<NEATNet>();
             *                  newSpecies.Add(net);
             *                  //net.SetNetID(new int[] {species.Count, 0 }); //set new id
             *                  species.Add(newSpecies); //add net to new species
             *              }
             *              else { //found species that match this network
             *                  //net.SetNetID(new int[] {location, species[location].Count}); //set new id
             *                  species[location].Add(net); //add net to the matched species list
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/
        } //number of generation > 0

        if (numberOfGenerationsToRun > 0)
        {                                                                                          //if computing
            numberOfGenerationsToRun--;                                                            //decrement number of generations to run
            progressBar.GetComponent <ProgressRadialBehaviour>().IncrementValue(currentIncrement); //increment progress bar by previously caluclated increment value
            GeneratePopulation();                                                                  //Generate population with neural networks
        {                        //done computing
            viewMode  = false;   //view is false
            computing = false;   //computing is false
            SetCameraLocation(); //ser camera location back to panel
    /// <summary>
    /// Create new generation of net's
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="maxCap"></param>
    public void GenerateNewGeneration(int maxCap)
        float        totalSharedFitness = 0f; //total shared fitness of the whole population
        float        totalNetworks      = 0f; //total number of organisums (used for distribution)
        List <float> distribution       = new List <float>();

        for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++)
            float dist = species[i].GetDistribution(manager.beta);
            totalSharedFitness += dist;

        for (int i = 0; i < distribution.Count; i++)
            if (totalSharedFitness <= 0f)
                distribution[i] = 0;
                distribution[i] = (int)((distribution[i] / totalSharedFitness) * maxCap);
            totalNetworks += distribution[i];

        if (maxCap > totalNetworks)
            Debug.Log("More added: " + totalNetworks + " " + maxCap + " " + (maxCap - totalNetworks));
            for (int i = 0; i < (maxCap - totalNetworks); i++)
                int highIndex         = species.Count / 2;
                int randomInsertIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(highIndex, species.Count);
                distribution[randomInsertIndex] = distribution[randomInsertIndex] + 1;
        else if (maxCap < totalNetworks)
            Debug.Log("Some removed: " + totalNetworks + " " + maxCap + " " + (maxCap - totalNetworks));
            for (int i = 0; i < (totalNetworks - maxCap); i++)
                bool removed = false;
                while (removed == false)
                    int randomInsertIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, species.Count);
                    if (distribution[randomInsertIndex] > 0)
                        distribution[randomInsertIndex] = distribution[randomInsertIndex] - 1;
                        removed = true;

        for (int i = species.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (distribution[i] <= 0 || species[i].GetPopulation().Count == 0)

        totalNetworks = maxCap;

        List <Population> newSpecies = new List <Population>();

        for (int i = 0; i < distribution.Count; i++)
            int        newDist   = (int)distribution[i];
            Population popOldGen = species[i];
            newSpecies.Add(new Population(species[i].GetColor()));

            for (int j = 0; j < newDist; j++)
                NEATNet net = null;

                if (j > newDist * manager.elite)
                    NEATNet organism1 = popOldGen.GetRandom();
                    NEATNet organism2 = popOldGen.GetRandom();

                    net = NEATNet.Corssover(organism1, organism2);
                    NEATNet netL = popOldGen.GetLast();
                    if (netL == null)
                        Debug.Log(newDist + " " + popOldGen.GetPopulation().Count);
                    net = new NEATNet(popOldGen.GetLast());

                //reset copied stats

                net.GenerateNeuralNetworkFromGenome();  //< NEW LSES ADDITION

                bool added = newSpecies[i].AddIfMatch(net);

                if (added == false)
                    Population foundPopulation = Species.ClosestSpecies(newSpecies, net);
                    if (foundPopulation == null)
                        Population newSpecie = Species.CreateNewSpecie(newSpecies, new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)));
        this.species = newSpecies;