        // method to return an array of the active Network adapters on your system
        private AdaptersInfo[] EnumerateAdapters()
            int  adapterIndex = 0;                              // the current adapter index
            bool validAdapter = true;                           // are we still getting a valid adapter

            // we are going to look for up to 10 adapters
            // temp array to hold the adapters that we find
            AdaptersInfo[] aiTemp = new AdaptersInfo[10];

            //start a loop while we look for adapters one by one starting at index 0
                // buffer to hold the adapter information that we get
                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                // uint to hold the number of bytes that we read
                uint iBytesRead = 0;
                // NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING structure containing the index
                // that we want to query for
                ndisprot.BindingIndex = (ulong)adapterIndex;
                // uint to hold the length of the ndisprot
                uint bufsize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ndisprot);
                // perform the following in and unsafe context
                    // create a void pointer to buf
                    fixed(void *vpBuf = buf)
                        // use the DeviceIoControl API to query the adapters
                        validAdapter = DeviceIoControl(this.m_iHandle,
                                                       IOCTL_NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING, (void *)&ndisprot,
                                                       bufsize, vpBuf, (uint)buf.Length,
                                                       &iBytesRead, 0);
                // if DeviceIoControl returns false, then there are no
                // more valid adapters, so break the loop
                if (!validAdapter)

                // add the adapter information to the temp AdaptersInfo struct array
                // first, get a string containing the info from buf
                string tmpinfo = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buf).Trim((char)0x00);
                tmpinfo = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("\\"));
                // add the info to aiTemp
                aiTemp[adapterIndex].Index     = adapterIndex;
                aiTemp[adapterIndex].AdapterID = tmpinfo.Substring(0,
                                                                   tmpinfo.IndexOf("}") + 1);
                aiTemp[adapterIndex].AdapterName = tmpinfo.Substring(
                    tmpinfo.IndexOf("}") + 1).Trim((char)0x00);

                // Increment the adapterIndex count

                // loop while we have a valid adapter
            }while (validAdapter || adapterIndex < 10);

            // Copy the temp adapter struct to the return struct
            AdaptersInfo[] aiReturn = new AdaptersInfo[adapterIndex];
            for (int i = 0; i < aiReturn.Length; i++)
                aiReturn[i] = aiTemp[i];

            // return aiReturn struct
        /// <summary>
        ///		Enumerate network adapters to bind to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///		Returns an array of network adapters.
        ///	</returns>
        private NetworkAdapter[] EnumerateAdapters()
            int  adapterIndex = 0;                      // the current adapter index
            bool validAdapter = true;                   // whether or not we are reading valid adapters

            // temporary array to store adapter info in
            NetworkAdapter[] adapters = new NetworkAdapter[10];

                // buffer to hold returned data
                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

                // number of bytes read into the buffer
                uint bytesRead = 0;

                // the query binding struct

                // size of the query binding struct
                uint bufsize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ndisprot);

                // set the current index to the next adapter
                ndisprot.BindingIndex = (ulong)adapterIndex;

                // read the adapter info
                    fixed(void *vpBuf = buf)
                        validAdapter = DeviceIoControl(m_hDevice, IOCTL_NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING, (void *)&ndisprot, bufsize, vpBuf, (uint)buf.Length, &bytesRead, 0);

                // if not a valid adapter, break out of the loop
                if (!validAdapter)

                string tmpinfo = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buf).Trim((char)0x00);
                tmpinfo = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("\\"));

                // store the adapter information
                adapters[adapterIndex]             = new NetworkAdapter();
                adapters[adapterIndex].Index       = adapterIndex;
                adapters[adapterIndex].AdapterID   = tmpinfo.Substring(0, tmpinfo.IndexOf("}") + 1);
                adapters[adapterIndex].AdapterName = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("}") + 1).Trim((char)0x00);

                // increment the adapterIndex count
            }while (validAdapter && adapterIndex < 10);

            // copy the temp adapter struct to the return struct
            NetworkAdapter[] returnInfo = new NetworkAdapter[adapterIndex];

            for (int i = 0; i < returnInfo.Length; i++)
                returnInfo[i] = adapters[i];

            // return the adapters
		/// <summary>
		///		Enumerate network adapters to bind to.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		///		Returns an array of network adapters.
		///	</returns>
		private NetworkAdapter[] EnumerateAdapters ()
			int adapterIndex = 0;		// the current adapter index
			bool validAdapter = true;	// whether or not we are reading valid adapters

			// temporary array to store adapter info in
			NetworkAdapter[] adapters = new NetworkAdapter[10]; 

				// buffer to hold returned data
				byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
				// number of bytes read into the buffer
				uint bytesRead = 0;
				// the query binding struct
				// size of the query binding struct
				uint bufsize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ndisprot);	
				// set the current index to the next adapter
				ndisprot.BindingIndex = (ulong)adapterIndex;
				// read the adapter info
					fixed (void* vpBuf = buf)
						validAdapter = DeviceIoControl (m_hDevice, IOCTL_NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING, (void*)&ndisprot, bufsize, vpBuf, (uint)buf.Length, &bytesRead, 0);

				// if not a valid adapter, break out of the loop
				if (!validAdapter) 

				string tmpinfo = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buf).Trim((char)0x00);
				tmpinfo = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("\\"));
				// store the adapter information
				adapters[adapterIndex] = new NetworkAdapter ();
				adapters[adapterIndex].Index		 = adapterIndex;
				adapters[adapterIndex].AdapterID	 = tmpinfo.Substring(0, tmpinfo.IndexOf("}")+1);
				adapters[adapterIndex].AdapterName   = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("}")+1).Trim((char)0x00);
				// increment the adapterIndex count

			while (validAdapter && adapterIndex < 10);
			// copy the temp adapter struct to the return struct
			NetworkAdapter[] returnInfo = new NetworkAdapter[adapterIndex];
			for (int i=0; i < returnInfo.Length; i++)
				returnInfo[i] = adapters[i];
			// return the adapters
			return returnInfo;
        // method to return an array of the active Network adapters on your system
        private AdaptersInfo[] EnumerateAdapters()
            int adapterIndex = 0;		// the current adapter index
                bool validAdapter = true;	// are we still getting a valid adapter

                // we are going to look for up to 10 adapters
                // temp array to hold the adapters that we find
                AdaptersInfo[] aiTemp = new AdaptersInfo[10];

                //start a loop while we look for adapters one by one starting at index 0
                    // buffer to hold the adapter information that we get
                    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                    // uint to hold the number of bytes that we read
                    uint iBytesRead = 0;
                    // NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING structure containing the index
                    // that we want to query for
                    NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING ndisprot = new NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING();
                    ndisprot.BindingIndex = (ulong)adapterIndex;
                    // uint to hold the length of the ndisprot
                    uint bufsize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ndisprot);
                    // perform the following in and unsafe context
                        // create a void pointer to buf
                        fixed (void* vpBuf = buf)
                            // use the DeviceIoControl API to query the adapters
                            validAdapter = DeviceIoControl(this.m_iHandle,
                                IOCTL_NDISPROT_QUERY_BINDING, (void*)&ndisprot,
                                bufsize, vpBuf, (uint)buf.Length,
                                &iBytesRead, 0);
                    // if DeviceIoControl returns false, then there are no
                    // more valid adapters, so break the loop
                    if (!validAdapter) break;

                    // add the adapter information to the temp AdaptersInfo struct array
                    // first, get a string containing the info from buf
                    string tmpinfo = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buf).Trim((char)0x00);
                    tmpinfo = tmpinfo.Substring(tmpinfo.IndexOf("\\"));
                    // add the info to aiTemp
                    aiTemp[adapterIndex].Index = adapterIndex;
                    aiTemp[adapterIndex].AdapterID = tmpinfo.Substring(0,
                    aiTemp[adapterIndex].AdapterName = tmpinfo.Substring(

                    // Increment the adapterIndex count

                // loop while we have a valid adapter
                }while (validAdapter || adapterIndex < 10);

                // Copy the temp adapter struct to the return struct
                AdaptersInfo[] aiReturn = new AdaptersInfo[adapterIndex];
                for (int i=0;i<aiReturn.Length;i++)
                    aiReturn[i] = aiTemp[i];

                // return aiReturn struct
                return aiReturn;