protected void btnSaveCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string shortName = Request.QueryString["shortName"]; NDAR.NDAR_DataStructure ds = NDAR.GetNDARDataStructure(shortName); DataTable dt = NDAR.NDARDataStructureElements_to_DataTable(ds); dt.TableName = "csv"; SpreadsheetGearUtils.SaveDataTableToFile(dt, "testit", "csv"); }
protected void LoadNDARview(string shortName, string studymeasIDs) { int studyID = sql.GetUserStudyID(); string IDexclude = txtIDexclude.Text; try { gvNDARview.DataSource = null; DataTable dt = NDAR.GetNDAR_view(shortName, studyID, IDexclude, studymeasIDs); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Session["NDARview"] = dt; gridNDARview.DataSource = dt; gridNDARview.DataBind(); gridNDARview.Visible = true; gridNDARview.Columns[0].FixedStyle = DevExpress.Web.GridViewColumnFixedStyle.Left; gridNDARview.Columns[1].FixedStyle = DevExpress.Web.GridViewColumnFixedStyle.Left; gridNDARview.Columns[2].FixedStyle = DevExpress.Web.GridViewColumnFixedStyle.Left; gridNDARview.Columns[3].FixedStyle = DevExpress.Web.GridViewColumnFixedStyle.Left; gridNDARview.Columns[4].FixedStyle = DevExpress.Web.GridViewColumnFixedStyle.Left; //count rows where reason_exclude is not null int n_reason_exclude_NotNull = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(f => f.Field <string>("reason_exclude") != "").Count(); int n_reason_exclude_IsNull = dt.Rows.Count - n_reason_exclude_NotNull; v5.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); v5.ForeColor = Color.Navy; v6.Text = n_reason_exclude_IsNull.ToString(); v6.ForeColor = Color.Navy; v7.Text = n_reason_exclude_NotNull.ToString(); v7.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed; } else { gvNDARview.Visible = false; v5.Text = "This query returned 0 records."; v5.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } catch (Exception ex) { //To show the query string sqlout = NDAR.GetSQL_for_NDAR_view(shortName, studyID, IDexclude, studymeasIDs); lblInfo.Text = ex.Message + "<br/><br/>" + sqlout; //string sqlout = NDAR.GetSQL_for_NDAR_studymeas_to_include(shortName, studyID, 0); //lblInfo.Text = "<br/><br/>" + sqlout; } }
protected void btnDisplayFromNDAR_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string shortname = txtNDAR_ShortName.Value.ToString(); DataTable dt = NDAR.LoadDataStructure(shortname); int n = dt.Rows.Count; Session["shortname"] = shortname; Session["StructureFromNDAR"] = dt; gridDS.DataBind(); btnImportFromNDAR.Visible = true; btnImportFromNDAR.ClientVisible = true; }
protected void LoadMatchedFlds(string shortName) { SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data"); DataTable dt = NDAR.NDAR_DSE_with_Matching_UWFlds(shortName); if (dt.HasRows()) { Session["ndar_matchedflds"] = dt; gridMatched.DataSource = dt; gridMatched.DataBind(); } sql.Close(); }
protected DataTable LoadStructureFromNDAR(string shortname) { DataTable dt_ds; object o = Session["StructureFromNDAR"]; if (o != null) { dt_ds = (DataTable)o; } else { dt_ds = NDAR.LoadDataStructure(shortname); } return(dt_ds); }
protected DataTable LoadStructuresFromNDAR() { DataTable dt_fulllist; object o = Session["StructuresFromNDAR"]; if (o != null) { dt_fulllist = (DataTable)o; } else { dt_fulllist = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList("NDAR"); } return(dt_fulllist); }
protected int LoadDataStructureInfo(string shortName) { int return_value = 0; //Don't need to retrieve all the DSE yet. //DataTable dt = NDAR.NDAR_DSE_from_DB(shortName); //instead, just get the count of DSE int n_dse = NDAR.Get_Count_NDAR_DSE_from_DB(shortName); if (shortName != "") { string source = "UWAC DB"; NDAR.NDAR_DataStructure ds = NDAR.GetNDARDataStructure(shortName); if (ds == null) { return_value++; lblInfo.Text = "**ERROR** '" + shortName + "' is inaccessible from the NDAR API.<br/>"; } //Get the associated table string uwtable = sql.StringScalar_from_SQLstring("select coalesce(uwtable, 'NONE') uwtable from NDAR_DS where shortname = '" + shortName + "'"); if (uwtable == null) { return_value++; lblInfo.Text += "**ERROR** No linked UW table found for '" + shortName + "'.<br/>"; } v0.Text = sql.GetUserStudyName(); v1.Text = shortName; v2.Text = (ds != null) ? ds.title : ""; v3.Text = n_dse.ToString(); v4.Text = source; return(return_value); } else { return(0); } }
protected void LoadDataStructures(string source) { string where = txtWhere.Text; DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data"); if (chkInStudy.Checked) { //UWAutism uwac = new UWAutism(); //int studyID = uwac.Master_studyID; int studyID = sql.GetUserStudyID(); dt = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList(source, where, chkUWview.Checked, studyID); } else { dt = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList(source, where, chkUWview.Checked); } string code_no_ndar = String.Format("select * from uwautism_research_backend..tblMeasure where " + " measureID in (select measureID from uwautism_research_backend..tblStudyMeas where studyID={0}) and measureID not in " + " ( select measureID from def.Tbl a " + " join NDAR_DS b ON a.tblname = b.uwtable where measureID>0) " , Master.Master_studyID); DataTable dt_no_ndar = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(code_no_ndar); sql.Close(); gridNoNDAR.DataSource = dt_no_ndar; gridNoNDAR.DataBind(); //gvScroll.DataSource = dt; //gvScroll.DataBind(); Session["datastructures"] = dt; grid.DataSource = dt; grid.DataBind(); lblN.Text = "No. of Data Structures: " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); }
protected void Process_Button_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "LoadData") { int DatStructureInfo_isOK = LoadDataStructureInfo(shortName); if (DatStructureInfo_isOK == 0) { // UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes p = (UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes)panelStudymeas.FindControlRecursive("smID"); try { UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes p = (UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes)panelStudymeas.FindControlRecursive("studymeasID"); string studymeasIDs = p.GetChecked_as_CSV(); if (studymeasIDs == "") { //string message = "alert('Please choose which study measures to include.');"; //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(sender as Control, this.GetType(), "alert", message, true); lblPleaseSelect.Visible = true; } else { lblPleaseSelect.Visible = false; LoadNDARview(shortName, studymeasIDs); btnSaveNDARCSV.Visible = true; if (chkShowSQLsyntax.Checked) { string sqlout = NDAR.GetSQL_for_NDAR_view(shortName, Master.Master_studyID, studymeasIDs); lblSQLsyntax.Text = "<b><u>SQL syntax for creating NDAR data for '" + shortName + "':</u></b><br/><br/>" + sqlout; } } } catch (Exception) { } } } }
protected string SaveNDARCSV(string shortName, string IDexclude, string studymeasIDs, string filename, int studyID) { bool savedCSV = false; DataTable dt = NDAR.GetNDAR_view(shortName, studyID, 0, false, IDexclude, studymeasIDs); dt.TableName = shortName; if (dt.HasRows()) { string filename_result = SpreadsheetGearUtils.WriteDataTableAsCSV(dt, filename, "csv", true); filename_result += String.Format("|{0}", dt.Rows.Count); return(filename_result); } else { return(String.Format("ERROR: No rows for {0}|0", shortName)); } }
protected void btnSaveNDARCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes p = (UpdatePanel_O_CheckBoxes)panelStudymeas.FindControlRecursive("studymeasID"); string studymeasIDs = p.GetChecked_as_CSV(); string shortName = Request.QueryString["shortName"]; int studyID = sql.GetUserStudyID(); string studyname = sql.GetUserStudyName(); string IDexclude = txtIDexclude.Text; DataTable dt = NDAR.GetNDAR_view(shortName, studyID, 0, false, IDexclude, studymeasIDs); dt.TableName = shortName; string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd__HH_mm"); string filename = studyname + "_" + shortName + "_" + now; SpreadsheetGearUtils.SaveDataTableToFile(dt, filename, "csv", true); }
protected void OpenAllViewdataTabs(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data"); string where = txtWhere.Text; int studyID = sql.GetUserStudyID(); DataTable dt = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList("localDB", where, chkUWview.Checked, studyID); int counter = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string shortName = row["shortName"].ToString(); string url = "NDARview.aspx?shortName="; string url2 = String.Format("'{0}{1}','_blank');", url, shortName); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), String.Format("key{0}", counter), url2, true); counter++; } }
//protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // DataTable dt = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList("NDAR"); // SaveAllDataStructures(dt); //} //protected void SaveAllDataStructures(DataTable dt) //{ // SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils(); // SqlParameter p = sql.CreateParam("NDAR_DS", dt); // sql.NonQuery_from_ProcName("spNDAR_Insert_DS", p); //} protected void gvScroll_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { //save DSE here if (e.CommandName == "Import flds") { NDAR.NDAR_DataStructure ds = NDAR.GetNDARDataStructure(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); DataTable dse = NDAR.NDARDataStructureElements_to_DataTable(ds); //lblInfo.Text = "nrow = {" + dse.Rows.Count.ToString() + "}"; SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils(); SqlParameter p = sql.CreateParam("NDAR_DSE", dse); sql.NonQuery_from_ProcName("spNDAR_Insert_DSE", p); //GridView gv_Fields = new GridView(); //gv_Fields.DataSource = dse; //gv_Fields.DataBind(); //Panel_dataElements.Controls.Add(gv_Fields); //Panel_dataElements.Visible = true; } }
protected void SaveDSToDB(string shortname) { string results = NDAR.SaveToDB(shortname); lblManualImport_results.Text = results; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = NDAR.LoadFullDataStructureList("NDAR"); SaveAllDataStructures(dt); }
protected void LoadDataStructure(string shortName) { SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data"); string source = "UWAC DB"; NDAR.NDAR_DataStructure ds = NDAR.GetNDARDataStructure(shortName); DataTable dt = NDAR.NDAR_DSE_from_DB(shortName); //Get the associated table string uwtable = sql.StringScalar_from_SQLstring("select coalesce(uwtable, 'NONE') uwtable from NDAR_DS where shortname = '" + shortName + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt = NDAR.NDARDataStructureElements_to_DataTable(ds); source = "NDAR"; } v1.Text = ds.shortName; v2.Text = ds.title; v3.Text = ds.dataElements.Count.ToString(); v4.Text = source; string ndar_datadict_string = @"" + shortName; //linkNDAR_DataDict.PostBackUrl = ndar_datadict_string; //linkNDAR_DataDict.Text = shortName; dynLink.NavigateUrl = ndar_datadict_string; dynLink.Text = shortName; Session["ndar_dataElements"] = dt; griddataElements.DataSource = dt; griddataElements.DataBind(); if (uwtable != "NONE") { LoadUWfields(uwtable); ddlUWtables.Visible = false; btnShowUWtable.Visible = false; btnLinkUWtable.Visible = false; LoadMatchedFlds(shortName); } else { Panel_UWtable.Visible = false; } //List<SqlParameter> ps = new List<SqlParameter>(); //ps.Add(sql.CreateParam("shortname", shortName, "text")); //ps.Add(sql.CreateParam("mode", "count", "text")); //DataTable dt_uwflds = sql.DataTable_from_ProcName("def.spNDAR_matching_UWflds", ps); //GridView gv = new GridView(); //gv.DataSource = dt_uwflds; //gv.DataBind(); //panel_UWfldsinfo.Controls.Add(gv); sql.Close(); }