private void stepSimulation() { float deltaTime = timescale / REFERENCE_FRAMERATE; simulationTime += deltaTime; while (mainState->time < simulationTime) { //Simulate black holes { NBodyC.CopyGalaxy(mainState, prevState); NBodyC.StepGalaxy(mainState); } //Update trails { // When the mainState matches a trail entry, we can remove that trail entry // (These are _future_ trails, not past trails :P) foreach (var pair in _trails) { if (mainState->frames > pair.Value.startFrame && pair.Value.queue.Count > 0) { pair.Value.queue.PopFront(); } } } //Simulate stars { updateShaderConstants(); nextPos.DiscardContents(); Graphics.Blit(null, nextPos, simulateMat, 0); var tmp = prevPos; prevPos = currPos; currPos = nextPos; nextPos = tmp; simulateMat.SetTexture("_PrevPositions", prevPos); simulateMat.SetTexture("_CurrPositions", currPos); } if (_limitStepsPerFrame) { if (mainState->time < simulationTime) { simulationTime = mainState->time; } break; } } if (OnStep != null) { OnStep(); } }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(resetKeycode)) { ResetSimulation(); } if ((loop && mainState->time > loopTime) || respawnMode) { ResetSimulation(); return; } Random.InitState(Time.frameCount); _seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); if (simulate) { stepSimulation(); } if (_enableTrails) { using (new ProfilerSample("Simulate Trails")) { if (_profileTrails) { var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); const int FRAMES_TO_TEST = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < FRAMES_TO_TEST; i++) { NBodyC.StepGalaxy(_trailState); } double seconds = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; double framesPerSecond = FRAMES_TO_TEST / seconds; _trailFramerate = framesPerSecond; Debug.Log("#####: " + _trailFramerate); } else { int simTime = 0; while (_trailState->frames < mainState->frames + _maxTrailLength) { NBodyC.StepGalaxy(_trailState); unsafe { BlackHole * src = _trailState->blackHoles; TrailRecord trail; for (int j = 0; j < _trailState->numBlackHoles; j++, src++) { if (!_trails.TryGetValue(src->id, out trail)) { trail = new TrailRecord() { startFrame = _trailState->frames }; _trails[src->id] = trail; } trail.queue.PushBack(src->position); } } simTime++; if (simTime >= _trailUpdateRate) { break; } } } } //Build and display trail mesh //but only if it's already reached its max length if (_trailState->frames - mainState->frames >= _trailShowLength) { using (new ProfilerSample("Display Trails")) { _trailVerts.Clear(); _trailIndices.Clear(); using (new ProfilerSample("Build Vertex List")) { foreach (var pair in _trails) { for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.queue.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { _trailIndices.Add(_trailVerts.Count); _trailIndices.Add(_trailVerts.Count - 1); } _trailVerts.Add(pair.Value.queue[i]); } } } int[] indexArray; using (new ProfilerSample("Build Index Array")) { indexArray = ArrayPool <int> .Spawn(_trailIndices.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _trailIndices.Count; i++) { indexArray[i] = _trailIndices[i]; } for (int i = _trailIndices.Count; i < indexArray.Length; i++) { indexArray[i] = 0; } } using (new ProfilerSample("Upload Mesh")) { _trailMesh.Clear(); _trailMesh.SetVertices(_trailVerts); _trailMesh.SetIndices(indexArray, MeshTopology.Lines, 0); ArrayPool <int> .Recycle(indexArray); indexArray = null; } if (_trailResetQueued) { ResetTrails(forceReset: true); } } } _trailPropertyBlock.SetColor("_Color", _trailColor); Graphics.DrawMesh(_trailMesh, galaxyRenderer.displayAnchor.localToWorldMatrix, _trailMaterial, 0, null, 0, _trailPropertyBlock); } //Render the black holes themselves unsafe { BlackHole *prevSrc = prevState->blackHoles; BlackHole *mainSrc = mainState->blackHoles; float fraction = Mathf.InverseLerp(prevState->time, mainState->time, simulationTime); for (int j = 0; j < mainState->numBlackHoles; j++, prevSrc++, mainSrc++) { Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp(prevSrc->position, mainSrc->position, fraction); galaxyRenderer.DrawBlackHole(position); } } }