         * States:
         * 0 -- Master Init
         * 160 Main Travel to target
         *** below here are thruster-only routines (for now)
         ***170 Collision Detected From 160
         ***Calculate collision avoidance
         ***then ->172
         ***171 dummy state for debugging.
         ***172 do travel movemenet for collision avoidance.
         ***if arrive target, ->160
         ***if secondary collision ->173
         ***173 secondary collision
         ***if a type we can move around, try to move ->174
         ***else go back to collision detection ->170
         ***174 initilize escape plan
         ***175 scan for an 'escape' route (pathfind)
         ***timeout of (default) 5 seconds ->MODE_ATTENTION
         ***after scans, ->180
         ***180 travel to avoidance waypoint
         ***on arrival ->160 (main travel)
         ***on collision ->173
         ***200 Arrived at target
        void doModeGoTarget()
            StatusLog("clear", textPanelReport);

            StatusLog(moduleName + ":Going Target!", textPanelReport);
            StatusLog(moduleName + ":GT: current_state=" + current_state.ToString(), textPanelReport);
//            bWantFast = true;
            Echo("Going Target: state=" + current_state.ToString());
            if (current_state == 0)
                if ((craft_operation & CRAFT_MODE_SLED) > 0)
                    bSled = true;
                    if (shipSpeedMax > 45)
                        shipSpeedMax = 45;
                    bSled = false;

                if ((craft_operation & CRAFT_MODE_ROTOR) > 0)
                    bRotor = true;
                    if (shipSpeedMax > 15)
                        shipSpeedMax = 15;
                    bRotor = false;

                double elevation = 0;

                ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);

                if (bValidNavTarget)
                    if (elevation > shipDim.HeightInMeters())
                        current_state = 150;
                        current_state = 160;
                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 150)
                //if (!bSled && !bRotor && dGravity > 0)
                if (dGravity > 0)
                    float fSaveAngle = minAngleRad;
                    minAngleRad = 0.1f;
                    bool bAligned = GyroMain("");
                    Echo("bAligned=" + bAligned.ToString());
                    minAngleRad = fSaveAngle;
                    if (bAligned)
                        current_state = 160;
                    bWantFast = true;
                    current_state = 160;
            else if (current_state == 160)
            { //	160 move to Target
                Echo("Moving to Target");
                Vector3D vTargetLocation = vNavTarget;

                Vector3D vVec     = vTargetLocation - shipOrientationBlock.GetPosition();
                double   distance = vVec.Length();
                Echo("distance=" + niceDoubleMeters(distance));
                Echo("velocity=" + velocityShip.ToString("0.00"));

                StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                StatusLog("Moving to Target\nD:" + niceDoubleMeters(distance) + " V:" + velocityShip.ToString(velocityFormat), sledReport);

                //      Echo("TL:" + vTargetLocation.X.ToString("0.00") + ":" + vTargetLocation.Y.ToString("0.00") + ":" + vTargetLocation.Z.ToString("0.00"));
                //		if(distance<17)
//                float range = RangeToNearestBase() + 100f + (float)velocityShip * 5f;
//                range = Math.Max(range, distance);
//                antennaMaxPower(false,range);
                if (bGoOption && (distance < arrivalDistanceMin))
                    Echo("we have arrived");
                    if (NAVEmulateOld)
                        var tList = GetBlocksContains <IMyTerminalBlock>("NAV:");
                        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < tList.Count(); i1++)
                            // don't want to get blocks that have "NAV:" in customdata..
                            if (tList[i1].CustomName.StartsWith("NAV:"))
                                Echo("Found NAV: command:");
                                tList[i1].CustomName = "NAV: C Arrived Target";
                    //				bValidTargetLocation = false;
                    //                    gyrosOff();
                    bValidNavTarget = false; // we used this one up.
//                bool bYawOnly = false;
//                if (bSled || bRotor) bYawOnly = true;

//                debugGPSOutput("TargetLocation", vTargetLocation);
                bool   bDoTravel = true;
                double elevation = 0;

                ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);
                Echo("Elevation=" + elevation.ToString("0.0"));
                Echo("MinEle=" + NAVGravityMinElevation.ToString("0.0"));
                if (!bSled && !bRotor && NAVGravityMinElevation > 0 && elevation < NAVGravityMinElevation)
                    powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, 100);
//                    bDoTravel = false;

                 * if(!bSled && !bRotor && dGravity>0)
                 * {
                 *  float fSaveAngle = minAngleRad;
                 *  minAngleRad = 0.1f;
                 *  bDoTravel = GyroMain("");
                 *  Echo("Travel=" + bDoTravel.ToString());
                 *  minAngleRad = fSaveAngle;
                 *  if (!bDoTravel)
                 *      bWantFast = true;
                 * }
                if (bDoTravel)
                    Echo("Do Travel");
                    doTravelMovement(vTargetLocation, 3.0f, 200, 170);

            else if (current_state == 170)
            { // collision detection
              //                IMyTextPanel tx = gpsPanel;
              //                gpsPanel = textLongStatus;
              //           StatusLog("clear", gpsPanel);

                bWantFast = true;
                Vector3D vTargetLocation = vNavTarget;

//                gpsPanel = tx;
//                current_state = 171; // testing
                current_state = 172;
            else if (current_state == 171)
                // just hold this state
                bWantFast = false;

            else if (current_state == 172)
                //                 Vector3D vVec = vAvoid - shipOrientationBlock.GetPosition();
                //                double distanceSQ = vVec.LengthSquared();
                Echo("Collision Avoid");
                StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                StatusLog("Collision Avoid", sledReport);
                doTravelMovement(vAvoid, 5.0f, 160, 173);
            else if (current_state == 173)
            {       // secondary collision
                if (lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.Asteroid ||
                    lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid ||
                    lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid
                    current_state = 174;
                    current_state = 170; // setMode(MODE_ATTENTION);
                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 174)
                dtNavStartShip = DateTime.Now;
                current_state  = 175;
                bWantFast      = true;
            else if (current_state == 175)
                DateTime dtMaxWait = dtNavStartShip.AddSeconds(5.0f);
                DateTime dtNow     = DateTime.Now;
                if (DateTime.Compare(dtNow, dtMaxWait) > 0)
                if (scanEscape())
                    current_state = 180;
                bWantMedium = true;
//                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 180)
                doTravelMovement(vAvoid, 1f, 160, 173);
            else if (current_state == 200)
            { // we have arrived at target
                StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                StatusLog("Arrived at Target", sledReport);
                bValidNavTarget = false; // we used this one up.
//                float range = RangeToNearestBase() + 100f + (float)velocityShip * 5f;
                if (NAVEmulateOld)
                    var tList = GetBlocksContains <IMyTerminalBlock>("NAV:");
                    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < tList.Count(); i1++)
                        // don't want to get blocks that have "NAV:" in customdata..
                        if (tList[i1].CustomName.StartsWith("NAV:"))
                            Echo("Found NAV: command:");
                            tList[i1].CustomName = "NAV: C Arrived Target";
                bWantFast = true;
        void doModeGoTarget()
            StatusLog("clear", textPanelReport);

            StatusLog(moduleName + ":Going Target!", textPanelReport);
//            StatusLog(moduleName + ":GT: current_state=" + current_state.ToString(), textPanelReport);
//            bWantFast = true;
            Echo("Going Target: state=" + current_state.ToString());
            if (NAVTargetName != "")

            string sNavDebug = "";

            sNavDebug += "GT:S=" + current_state;
            //            sNavDebug += " MinE=" + NAVGravityMinElevation;
//            ResetMotion();

            if (current_state == 0)
//                sStartupError+="\nStart movemenet: ArrivalMode="+NAVArrivalMode+" State="+NAVArrivalState;
                if ((craft_operation & CRAFT_MODE_SLED) > 0)
                    bSled = true;
                    if (shipSpeedMax > 45)
                        shipSpeedMax = 45;
                    bSled = false;

                if ((craft_operation & CRAFT_MODE_ROTOR) > 0)
                    bRotor = true;
                    if (shipSpeedMax > 15)
                        shipSpeedMax = 15;
                    bRotor = false;
                if ((craft_operation & CRAFT_MODE_WHEEL) > 0)
                    bWheels = true;
                    //                   if (shipSpeedMax > 15) shipSpeedMax = 15;
                    bWheels = false;


                // TODO: Put a timer on this so it's not done Update1
                double elevation = 0;
                ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);

                if (!bSled && !bRotor)
                { // if flying ship
                    // make sure set to default
                    if (NAVGravityMinElevation < 0)
                        NAVGravityMinElevation = 75; // for EFM getting to target 'arrived' radius
//                    NAVGravityMinElevation = (float)shipSpeedMax*2.5f;

                if (bValidNavTarget)
                    if (elevation > shipDim.HeightInMeters())
                        current_state = 150;
                        current_state = 160;
                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 150)
                bWantFast = true;
                if (dGravity > 0)
                    double elevation = 0;

                    ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);
                    sNavDebug += " E=" + elevation.ToString("0.0");

                    float fSaveAngle = minAngleRad;
                    minAngleRad = 0.1f;
                    Vector3D grav = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();

                    bool bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                    sNavDebug += " Aligned=" + bAligned.ToString();

                    Echo("bAligned=" + bAligned.ToString());
                    minAngleRad = fSaveAngle;
                    if (bAligned || elevation < shipDim.HeightInMeters() * 2)
                        if (NAVGravityMinElevation > 0)
                            current_state = 155;
                            current_state = 160;
                    current_state = 160;
            else if (current_state == 151)
                bWantFast = true;
                if (dGravity > 0 || btmWheels)
                    double elevation = 0;

                    ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);
                    sNavDebug += " E=" + elevation.ToString("0.0");

                    float fSaveAngle = minAngleRad;
                    minAngleRad = 0.1f;
                    Vector3D grav = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();

                    bool bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                    sNavDebug += " Aligned=" + bAligned.ToString();

                    Echo("bAligned=" + bAligned.ToString());
                    minAngleRad = fSaveAngle;
                    if (bAligned || elevation < shipDim.HeightInMeters() * 2)
                        if (NAVGravityMinElevation > 0)
                            current_state = 155;
                            current_state = 160;
                        current_state = 150; // try again to be aligned.
                    current_state = 160;
            else if (current_state == 155)
            { // for use in gravity: aim at location using yaw only
                bWantFast = true;
                if (bWheels)
                    current_state = 160;

                if (dGravity > 0)
                    Vector3D grav     = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
                    bool     bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                    sNavDebug += " Aligned=" + bAligned.ToString();

                    double yawangle = -999;
                    yawangle = CalculateYaw(vNavTarget, shipOrientationBlock);
                    bool bAimed = Math.Abs(yawangle) < 0.1; // NOTE: 2x allowance
                    Echo("yawangle=" + yawangle.ToString());
                    sNavDebug += " Yaw=" + yawangle.ToString("0.00");

                    if (!bAimed)
                        if (btmRotor)
                        else // use for both sled and flight
                            DoRotate(yawangle, "Yaw");
                    if (bAligned && bAimed)
                        current_state = 160;
                    else if (bAligned && Math.Abs(yawangle) < 0.5)
                        float atmo;
                        float hydro;
                        float ion;

                        calculateHoverThrust(thrustForwardList, out atmo, out hydro, out ion);
                        atmo  += 1;
                        hydro += 1;
                        ion   += 1;

                        powerUpThrusters(thrustForwardList, atmo, thrustatmo);
                        powerUpThrusters(thrustForwardList, hydro, thrusthydro);
                        powerUpThrusters(thrustForwardList, ion, thrustion);
                    current_state = 160;
            else if (current_state == 156)
                // realign gravity
                bWantFast = true;
                Vector3D grav   = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
                bool     bAimed = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                if (bAimed)
                    current_state = 160;
            else if (current_state == 160)
            { //	160 move to Target
                Echo("Moving to Target");
                Vector3D vTargetLocation = vNavTarget;

                Vector3D vVec     = vTargetLocation - shipOrientationBlock.GetPosition();
                double   distance = vVec.Length();
                Echo("distance=" + niceDoubleMeters(distance));
                Echo("velocity=" + velocityShip.ToString("0.00"));

                StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                string sTarget = "Moving to Target";
                if (NAVTargetName != "")
                    sTarget = "Moving to " + NAVTargetName;
                StatusLog(sTarget + "\nD:" + niceDoubleMeters(distance) + " V:" + velocityShip.ToString(velocityFormat), sledReport);
                StatusLog(sTarget + "\nDistance: " + niceDoubleMeters(distance) + "\nVelocity: " + niceDoubleMeters(velocityShip) + "/s", textPanelReport);

                if (bGoOption && (distance < arrivalDistanceMin))
                    current_state = 500;

                    Echo("we have arrived");
                    bWantFast = true;

//                debugGPSOutput("TargetLocation", vTargetLocation);
                bool bDoTravel = true;

                if (NAVGravityMinElevation > 0 && dGravity > 0)
                    double elevation = 0;

                    MyShipVelocities mysSV = ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).GetShipVelocities();
                    Vector3D         lv    = mysSV.LinearVelocity;

                    var upVec   = ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).WorldMatrix.Up;
                    var vertVel = Vector3D.Dot(lv, upVec);

//                    Echo("LV=" + Vector3DToString(lv));
                    //                    sNavDebug += " LV=" + Vector3DToString(lv);
//                    sNavDebug += " vertVel=" + vertVel.ToString("0.0");
//                    sNavDebug += " Hvel=" + lv.Y.ToString("0.0");

                    // NOTE: Elevation is only updated by game every 30? ticks. so it can be WAY out of date based on movement
                    ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);
                    sNavDebug += " E=" + elevation.ToString("0.0");
                    sNavDebug += " V=" + velocityShip.ToString("0.00");

                    Echo("Elevation=" + elevation.ToString("0.0"));
                    Echo("MinEle=" + NAVGravityMinElevation.ToString("0.0"));

                    //                    double stopD = calculateStoppingDistance(thrustUpList, velocityShip, dGravity);
                    double stopD = 0;
                    if (vertVel < 0)
                        stopD = calculateStoppingDistance(thrustUpList, Math.Abs(vertVel), dGravity);
                    double maxStopD = calculateStoppingDistance(thrustUpList, fMaxWorldMps, dGravity);

                    float atmo;
                    float hydro;
                    float ion;
                    calculateHoverThrust(thrustUpList, out atmo, out hydro, out ion);

//                    sNavDebug += " SD=" + stopD.ToString("0");

                    if (
                        //                        !bSled && !bRotor &&
                        NAVGravityMinElevation > 0)
                        if (
                            vertVel < -0.5 && // we are going downwards
                            (elevation - stopD * 2) < NAVGravityMinElevation)
                        { // too low. go higher
                            // Emergency thrust
                            sNavDebug += " EM UP!";

                            Vector3D grav     = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
                            bool     bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);

                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, 100);
                            bDoTravel = false;
                            bWantFast = true;
                        else if (elevation < NAVGravityMinElevation)
                            // push upwards
                            atmo      += Math.Min(5f, (float)shipSpeedMax);
                            hydro     += Math.Min(5f, (float)shipSpeedMax);
                            ion       += Math.Min(5f, (float)shipSpeedMax);
                            sNavDebug += " UP! A" + atmo.ToString("0.00"); // + " H"+hydro.ToString("0.00") + " I"+ion.ToString("0.00");
                                                                           //powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, 100);
                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, atmo, thrustatmo);
                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, hydro, thrusthydro);
                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, ion, thrustion);
                        else if (elevation > (maxStopD + NAVGravityMinElevation * 1.25))
                            // if we are higher than maximum possible stopping distance, go down fast.
                            sNavDebug += " SUPERHIGH";

                            //                           Vector3D grav = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
//                            bool bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);

                            powerDownThrusters(thrustUpList, thrustAll, true);
                            Vector3D grav     = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
                            bool     bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                            if (!bAligned)
                                bWantFast = true;
                                bDoTravel = false;
                            //                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, 1f);
                        else if (
                            elevation > NAVGravityMinElevation * 2  // too high
//                            && ((elevation-stopD)>NAVGravityMinElevation) // we can stop in time.
//                        && velocityShip < shipSpeedMax * 1.1 // to fast in any direction
//                           && Math.Abs(lv.X) < Math.Min(25, shipSpeedMax) // not too fast
//                            && Math.Abs(lv.Y) < Math.Min(25, shipSpeedMax) // not too fast downwards (or upwards)
                        { // too high
                            sNavDebug += " HIGH";
                            //DOWN! A" + atmo.ToString("0.00");// + " H" + hydro.ToString("0.00") + " I" + ion.ToString("0.00");

                            if (vertVel > 2) // going up
                            {                // turn off thrusters.
                                sNavDebug += " ^";
                                powerDownThrusters(thrustUpList, thrustAll, true);
                            else if (vertVel < -0.5) // going down
                                sNavDebug += " v";
                                if (vertVel > (-Math.Min(15, shipSpeedMax)))
                                    // currently descending at less than desired
                                    atmo      -= Math.Max(25f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    hydro     -= Math.Max(25f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    ion       -= Math.Max(25f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    sNavDebug += " DOWN! A" + atmo.ToString("0.00");// + " H" + hydro.ToString("0.00") + " I" + ion.ToString("0.00");
                                    //                                   bDoTravel = false;
                                    // we are descending too fast.
                                    atmo      += Math.Max(100f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    hydro     += Math.Max(100f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    ion       += Math.Max(100f, Math.Min(5f, (float)velocityShip / 2));
                                    sNavDebug += " 2FAST! A" + atmo.ToString("0.00");// + " H" + hydro.ToString("0.00") + " I" + ion.ToString("0.00");
                                    Vector3D grav     = (shipOrientationBlock as IMyShipController).GetNaturalGravity();
                                    bool     bAligned = GyroMain("", grav, shipOrientationBlock);
                                    if (!bAligned)
                                        bWantFast = true;
                                        bDoTravel = false;
//                                    bDoTravel = false;
                                sNavDebug += " -";
                                atmo      -= 5;
                                hydro     -= 5;
                                ion       -= 5;

                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, atmo, thrustatmo);
                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, hydro, thrusthydro);
                            powerUpThrusters(thrustUpList, ion, thrustion);
                            // normal hover
                if (bDoTravel)
                    Echo("Do Travel");
                    doTravelMovement(vTargetLocation, (float)arrivalDistanceMin, 500, 300);

            else if (current_state == 300)
            { // collision detection
                bWantFast = true;
                Vector3D vTargetLocation = vNavTarget;

//                current_state = 301; // testing
                current_state = 320;
            else if (current_state == 301)
                // just hold this state
                bWantFast = false;

            else if (current_state == 320)
                //                 Vector3D vVec = vAvoid - shipOrientationBlock.GetPosition();
                //                double distanceSQ = vVec.LengthSquared();
                Echo("Primary Collision Avoid");
                StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                StatusLog("Collision Avoid", sledReport);
                StatusLog("Collision Avoid", textPanelReport);
                doTravelMovement(vAvoid, 5.0f, 160, 340);
            else if (current_state == 340)
            {       // secondary collision
                if (
                    lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid ||
                    lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid
                    current_state = 345;
                else if (lastDetectedInfo.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.Asteroid
                    current_state = 350;
                    current_state = 300; // setMode(MODE_ATTENTION);
                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 345)
                // we hit a grid.  align to it
                Vector3D[] corners = new Vector3D[BoundingBoxD.CornerCount];

                BoundingBoxD bbd = lastDetectedInfo.BoundingBox;

                GridUpVector    = PlanarNormal(corners[3], corners[4], corners[7]);
                GridRightVector = PlanarNormal(corners[0], corners[1], corners[4]);
                bWantFast       = true;
                current_state   = 348;
            else if (current_state == 348)
                bWantFast = true;
                if (GyroMain("up", GridUpVector, shipOrientationBlock))
                    current_state = 349;
            else if (current_state == 349)
                bWantFast = true;
                if (GyroMain("right", GridRightVector, shipOrientationBlock))
                    current_state = 350;
            else if (current_state == 350)
//                initEscapeScan(bCollisionWasSensor, !bCollisionWasSensor);
                dtNavStartShip = DateTime.Now;
                current_state  = 360;
                bWantFast      = true;
            else if (current_state == 360)
                StatusLog("Collision Avoid\nScan for escape route", textPanelReport);
                DateTime dtMaxWait = dtNavStartShip.AddSeconds(5.0f);
                DateTime dtNow     = DateTime.Now;
                if (DateTime.Compare(dtNow, dtMaxWait) > 0)
                if (scanEscape())
                    current_state = 380;
                bWantMedium = true;
//                bWantFast = true;
            else if (current_state == 380)
                StatusLog("Collision Avoid Travel", textPanelReport);
                Echo("Escape Collision Avoid");
                doTravelMovement(vAvoid, 1f, 160, 340);
            else if (current_state == 500)
            { // we have arrived at target
                 * // check for more nav commands
                 * if(wicoNavCommands.Count>0)
                 * {
                 *  wicoNavCommands.RemoveAt(0);
                 * }
                 * if(wicoNavCommands.Count>0)
                 * {
                 *  // another command
                 *  wicoNavCommandProcessNext();
                 * }
                 * else
                    StatusLog("clear", sledReport);
                    StatusLog("Arrived at Target", sledReport);
                    StatusLog("Arrived at Target", textPanelReport);
                    sNavDebug += " ARRIVED!";

                    bValidNavTarget = false; // we used this one up.
                                             //                float range = RangeToNearestBase() + 100f + (float)velocityShip * 5f;
//                    sStartupError += "Finish WP:" + wicoNavCommands.Count.ToString()+":"+NAVArrivalMode.ToString();
                    // set to desired mode and state
                    current_state = NAVArrivalState;

                    // set up defaults for next run (in case they had been changed)
                    NAVArrivalMode  = MODE_ARRIVEDTARGET;
                    NAVArrivalState = 0;
                    NAVTargetName   = "";
                    bGoOption       = true;

                    //                setMode(MODE_ARRIVEDTARGET);
                    if (NAVEmulateOld)
                        var tList = GetBlocksContains <IMyTerminalBlock>("NAV:");
                        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < tList.Count(); i1++)
                            // don't want to get blocks that have "NAV:" in customdata..
                            if (tList[i1].CustomName.StartsWith("NAV:"))
                                Echo("Found NAV: command:");
                                tList[i1].CustomName = "NAV: C Arrived Target";
                bWantFast = true;