public void New(string db, string table) { Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); int indice = 1; Element key = new Element(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(@"INSERT IGNORE INTO "); query.Append(table); query.Append(" SET "); foreach (Element item in content) { if (item.isKey == true) { key = item; } query.Append( + "= "); if (indice < content.Count) { if (item.type.Equals("String") || item.type.Equals("char") || item.type.Equals("varchar") || item.type.Equals("datetime")) { query.Append("'" + item.value + "'" + ", "); } else { query.Append(item.value + ", "); } indice++; } else { if (item.type.Equals("String") || item.type.Equals("char") || item.type.Equals("varchar") || item.type.Equals("datetime")) { query.Append("'" + item.value + "';"); } else { query.Append(item.value + ";"); } } } Debug.WriteLine(query.ToString()); try { SqlMapper.Query(cnn, query.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }
/// <summary> /// Get all rows like collection in Table /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns>ICollection<Row></returns> public ICollection <Row> GetAll(string db, string table) { Element element; Row row; ICollection <Row> collection = new List <Row>(); IDictionary <object, string> d = null; this.GetColumn(db, table); Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); String query = @"Select * from " + table + " LIMIT 5;"; try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query <object>(cnn, query, null, commandType: CommandType.Text); IDictionary <string, object> diccionary; foreach (var item in registro) { diccionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)item; row = new Row(); row.content = new List <Element>(); // Two collection in one foreach //collection 1. diccionary.Keys (nw.item1) //collection 2. diccionary.values (nw.item2) foreach (var nw in diccionary.Keys.Zip(diccionary.Values, Tuple.Create)) { element = new Element(); if (nw.Item1.Equals(column.Peek().name)) { = nw.Item1; element.value = nw.Item2.ToString(); element.type = column.Peek().type; element.isKey = column.Dequeue().isKey; row.content.Add(element); } } column = new Queue <Element>(columnBack); collection.Add(row); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } return(collection); }
/// <summary> /// Get all rows like collection in Table /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns>ICollection<Row></returns> public ICollection<Row> GetAll(string db, string table) { Element element; Row row; ICollection<Row> collection= new List<Row>(); IDictionary<object, string> d = null; this.GetColumn(db,table); Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); String query = @"Select * from " +table+" LIMIT 5;"; try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query<object>(cnn, query, null, commandType: CommandType.Text); IDictionary<string, object> diccionary; foreach (var item in registro) { diccionary = (IDictionary<string, object>)item; row = new Row(); row.content = new List<Element>(); // Two collection in one foreach //collection 1. diccionary.Keys (nw.item1) //collection 2. diccionary.values (nw.item2) foreach (var nw in diccionary.Keys.Zip(diccionary.Values, Tuple.Create)) { element = new Element(); if (nw.Item1.Equals(column.Peek().name)) { = nw.Item1; element.value = nw.Item2.ToString(); element.type = column.Peek().type; element.isKey = column.Dequeue().isKey; row.content.Add(element); } } column = new Queue<Element>(columnBack); collection.Add(row); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } return collection; }
/// <summary> /// Get name_column and data_type /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> private void GetColumn(string db, string table) { Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Open(); try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query <Element>(cnn, "Server_GetColumn", new { db = db, tb = table }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); column = new Queue <Element>(registro); columnBack = (List <Element>)registro; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }
public void Delete(string db, string tb, string key, string value) { //DELETE FROM descriptor WHERE id = _idDominio and tipo = 'DOM'; Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); StringBuilder delete = new StringBuilder(@"DELETE FROM "); delete.Append(tb + " WHERE " + key + " = "); delete.Append(value + ";"); try { SqlMapper.Query(cnn, delete.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }
public void Delete(string db,string tb, string key, string value) { //DELETE FROM descriptor WHERE id = _idDominio and tipo = 'DOM'; Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); StringBuilder delete = new StringBuilder(@"DELETE FROM "); delete.Append(tb+" WHERE "+key+" = "); delete.Append(value + ";"); try { SqlMapper.Query(cnn, delete.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }
public ICollection<Table> GetAll(string db) { ICollection<Table> tbs=null; Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(@"select TABLE_NAME AS name from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = '"); update.Append(db + "';"); try { var registro= SqlMapper.Query<Table>(cnn, update.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); tbs = (List<Table>)registro; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } return tbs; }
public ICollection <Table> GetAll(string db) { ICollection <Table> tbs = null; Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(@"select TABLE_NAME AS name from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = '"); update.Append(db + "';"); try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query <Table>(cnn, update.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); tbs = (List <Table>)registro; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } return(tbs); }
public ICollection<DataBase> List() { Table tb = new Table(); ICollection<DataBase> coleccion= null; Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Open(); try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query<DataBase>(cnn, "Server_GetDatabases", null, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); coleccion = (ICollection<DataBase>)registro; foreach (var item in coleccion) { item.tables = tb.GetAll(; } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } return coleccion; }
/// <summary> /// Get name_column and data_type /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> private void GetColumn(string db, string table) { Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Open(); try { var registro = SqlMapper.Query<Element>(cnn, "Server_GetColumn", new { db = db, tb = table}, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); column = new Queue<Element>(registro); columnBack = (List<Element>)registro; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }
public void Update(string db, string table) { Connection c = new MysqlConecction(); IDbConnection cnn = c.Change(db); int indice = 1; Element key = new Element(); StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(@"UPDATE "); update.Append(table); update.Append(" SET "); foreach (Element item in content) { if(item.isKey==true) key = item; update.Append("= "); if (indice < content.Count) { if(item.type.Equals("String")|| item.type.Equals("char") || item.type.Equals("varchar") || item.type.Equals("datetime")) update.Append("'"+item.value+"'" + ", "); else update.Append(item.value+ ", "); indice++; } else { if (item.type.Equals("String") || item.type.Equals("char") || item.type.Equals("varchar") || item.type.Equals("datetime")) update.Append("'" + item.value + "'"); else update.Append(item.value); update.Append(" WHERE ""= '"+key.value+"';"); } } Debug.WriteLine(update.ToString()); try { SqlMapper.Query(cnn, update.ToString(), null, commandType: CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { c.Close(cnn); } }